The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, July 12, 1788, Image 1

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f* c.. » ' • -• * ? SATURDAY, July 12, 1788. GEORGIA STATE GAZETTE OR ** " V # 1 INDEPENDENT REGISTER. • ! * t „ * ••t r‘ .♦ * y . , *•' i'* , ’; ■/ , « * ■ FREED Os -the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, t 0 ttmtiu i„vi» lat , rouver. Cenjtumk. ,/ C<W yfa. AUGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to tie State ; if ays, Articles of -V *.<#«•*< JL; ■■ \*m + * 4£ *■ * * * ' ' *■ * ' ' “ (' ICI ?>| vs¥ j \ t‘\ 1 4 * '*3/ 1 HOUSE of ASSEMBLY, * * Friday, January 18, 178 S. MR. Joseph Haberfham from the Com mittee on Finance brought in a report, which being amended, was agreed to by the Fioofe, and is as follows : Your Committee recommend as a check on the Treasurer that the funis of money and retfp'eftive denominations of claims against the Rate received in the Treasury fincc the firft instant, be made up to this day, and the a- . mount thereof carried to his debt in the Au ditor’s books j that in future the Treasurer he required to give a certificate to any person making a payment, which dial! be in ti.e fol lowing words : “ These are to certify that has paid into rlie Treasury the sum of ** in for which you are authorifed to give a receipt.” Which said receipt (hall be valid against -the state, and the Clerk of the Executive fliall file the certificate of the Treasurer in his of fice,-and make* a fair entry in a book to bfe YiMn’o Aucfrmr, who is required to debit the Treasurer with ihe amount thereof. 1 Extrait from the Minutes, 1 JAMES M. SIMMONS; C. G. A. : ALL persons holding Certificates given by the Treasurer in pursuance of the above re nted Report, are required to deposit the fame in my Office without delay, in order that the intention of the Legislature may be carried fully into effett. J. MERIWETHER, S. E. C. • In COUNCIL, July 1, 1788. A Letter from the Secretaiy for Foreign Affairs of the 17th of May, with an enclo sure, was read: : Ordered, That the cnclofure be published in the State Gazette. Extract from the Minutes , J. MERIWETHER, S. E. C. Letter from m. Lambert, counfeiior of State and of the Council Royal of Finance and Commerce, Comptroller General of Finance to M. JEFFERSON, Miniflcr Plenipotentiary for the’ United States of America at the Court of Verfaillcs. Verjailles , December 29, 1788. I HAVE the honor, Sir, to fend you a copy of an Arret pafied in Council, for encou raging the commerce of the United States of America in France. I lhall furni/h you with a number of others as soon as they (hall be printed. \ou will therein fee that several consider able favors, not befoie promised to the Ame rican commerce, have been added to those which the King announced to you, in the let ter addrefled to you on the 22d of October cf the last year. If in the mean time any duties have been levied, contrary to the intentions of that let ter, they (ball be repaid on fight of the vouch ers. I have also ordered a verification of the fafts whereon it was represented to you, that the decision of the 24th of May jyS6, relative to j the commerce of tobacco, had not been fully # * 4 \ V * * * * * <* the executed. Be allured that if it lhall appear that engagements have been evaded, which were takeu under the fanftion of the King, effectual provision (hall be made for their scrupulous fulfillment: You will learn also with pleasure that the mealures I have taken to prevent ts e inter ruption of the coinmti ce of tobacco, have had full success. This commodity lhall not be excepted from among those to which the right of entrepot is given. The farmers general fliall have no preference in the purchases, the p.oprietors lhall be perfectly nuflers of their speculations, and tree to export their tobaccoes by fca to foreign countries. Mealures only mull be taken to prevent those frauds to which the entrepots might serve as a pretext; and the Chambers of Com mercc tor the ports (hall be coufulted, in or der that the precautions neceflary for this purpoie, may not be in a form incompatible With that liberty which commerce ought to Cnjoy in its operation. gewm amounts .to about three yeais con lumption, I have engaged that company to continue topurchafe yearly from the fiiftday of January 1788, t 0 the end of their lease iourtecn thousand hoglheads of tobacco, brought duetfly into the ports of France in blench or American bottoms, and to (hew at the end of every four months that their purchases amount to four thousand fix hundred a .d dx.y-iix hogtheads. As to the prices, you have been sensible yourfelf of the neceflity of leaving them ftee ; and this freedom of price was the principal object of the applications of the American and I-tench merchants, when they complained of the contra# of Mr. Morris. The determination then taken to force the purchases of tobacco, though at high prices, mfomuch that the farmers general now find tbemfeives pollefied of three years provision, thews that the interefis of the planters and merchants of the United States of America, have ever been precious to the King. Ihe Arret of Council herein inclofed, and the other regulations which I have the honor of communicating to you, are a further con firmation of a tmth tending so much to flrengthen the bands which unite the two na tions. I have the honor to be with a very sincere and inviolable attachment, Sir, your moll humble and most obedient servant, Signed LAMBERT. An ACT of the King’s Council of State, for the encouragement of the commerce of France with the United States of America. December 29. 1787. Extrail from the Records cf the Council cf State. The King desirous of encouraging the com merce of his fuhjeftf, with the United States of America, and of facilitating between the <wo nations connections reciprocally ufeful: Hn ing heard thereport of the Sieur Lambert, Councillor of State and of the Royal C ouncil of Finance and Commerce, Comptroller Ge neral of Fiuance, Hit M.ijtfy being in Us Council , has ordained and docs ordain as follows : Article I. Whale-oils and fpermaccti, the produce of the fifheries cf the citizens and in habitants of the United States of America, which (hall be brought into France dircblly in French veflels or in thole oi the United States lha!l continue to be lubje6ted to a duty only of fevcn livres ten sols the barrel of five hundred and twenty pounds weight, and whale fins (hall be fubjetl to a duty of only fix iiv> es thirteen sols four deniers the quintal with the ten sols per livre on each of the said duties ;t winch ten sols per livre (hall cease on the last day of December one ihoufand feveuhundred i and ninety; His Majesty referviog to him-* ' felf to grant further favors to the produce of the whale flfheries carried on by the filhermen of the United States of America which (hall be brought into Fiance in French vcfl'cls or ia thole of the United States, if, on the infor mation which His Majelty lhall caufc to be taken thereon, he lhall judge it expedicut foe the interest of the two nations. 11. The other fith-oils and dry or salted i filh, the produce in like manner of ihe filheries of the citizens and inhabitants of the United » States, and brought alio direflly iuto France, in their, or in French vell'cls, (hall not pay i ® ,,u Jivu , those tO which the oils and fifli of the fame kind, the > produce of the filLeries of the Hanfeatic towns, or of other the moll favored nations, ate or lhall be fubjeCl in the fame case. 111. The manufadure of caudles and tapers of ermaceti (hall be permitted in Frauce, as I that of other caudles and tapers. IV. Corn, wheat, rye, rice, peas, beans, lentils, flax-feed, and other feeds, flour, tree* and (hrubs, pot-afli and pearl-alh, Ikius and fur of beaver, raw hides, furs and peltry, and timber brought from the United States direct* ly into Prance, in French veflels or in those of the United Stales, lhall not be fubjed but to a duty of one eighth per cent, on their value. V. \eflels built in the United States and foul in Prance, or purchased by Frenchmen lhall he exempt from all duties on proof that ) they were built in the United States. VI. 'I urpeotine, tar and pitch the produce of the of America, and brought diiedly into France in French veflels or in those of the United States lhall pay only a duty of two and a half per cent on their value, and as well the duties mentioned in this as in the fourth article (hall be exempt from all addition of sous per livre. VII. The exportation of arms of all forts, and of gun powder for the United States of •America, (hall be always permitted in French veflels or in those of the United States, pay ing for the arms a duty of one eight per ecu* on their value : and gunpowder in that case (hall be exempt from ail duty on giving a cautionary Loud. VIII. Papers of all forts, even paper hang ings and coloured papers, pasteboards and books (hall be exempt from all duties on their embarka ion for the United States of Ameri ca, in French veflels or in those of the United States, and (hall be entitled in that ’cafe to a leflitution of the fabrication duties on paper and pafleboard. IX. The Admiralty duties on the veflels of the United States entering into, or going cut of the ports of France, (hall not be levied but eonform?bly with the edid of ihe month oijune last, in the cases therein provided for, and with the Jetters-pateut of the loth of Ja nuary 1770, for the objects for which uopro / Vi lion ftiall have been made by the /aid £did 9 0 s' [No. XCIV.J %