The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, July 12, 1788, Image 4

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V : <f E■ T 'r' Y. lo r W> »»*?«• \ - ■ *, ■ ]: f a:.. ; v>i »j 10 ti t , , 1 »7 >ji < j » SUCCESSFUL FISHER: OR f All are Fijh t\> as lame to flet» j| ONCE Man’s and* Heavens eternal - fpe For profit would a fi thing go* Furni/h’d wit-h means adapt and sure, To. circumvent, furprize, alltfrfe; Satan to this our world drew near, And hlTi’d within its. atmaipkere-;. -.- Good people! ail attend—l’ll tell *fhe fortune lof the Prince of Hell. He caught, the meanest of condition With hope—the greatest with ambition si* The wit With mirth~with lust of rule *' ' He caught the Womfen and the fool; , With avarice he caught the priest, The pimp and, glutton with a teaft ; With lucre he the statesmen caught, The scholar with the depth of thought ; The curious with a foreign wonder, " The soldier with the lull of plunder; ' With tyranny and love of gain, T’amphibious hero of the main; . He caught the piiddle-ag’d and old With greediness of place and gqld ; The youth and maid, with breach of vows, The trader, with his fickle spouse; With vanity ~and"lice, and feather, He caught .the beaux and belles together; Academifts, with mites and hies, And all the world with fredous lies. ft • JBW , . « v.V * \.l j: , BON ftf O T of GEO RG E 111. WHEN Dr. Robertson, the Historian, • firft went to London, after the publi cation of his Hiftory, of Scotland, amongst other matkß of diftinffion which were paid trv h T *h h; 0 Majesty, who honored him with a pnvate in terview, and a long converfatipn. His Ma jesty did not fa,il to enquire into the Hate of the IJaiverOty .of Edinburgh, of the Doftor, who is the principal of it, and in particular concerning .the Medical Profe/Tors of it, all of whom his Majesty knew extremely welt by name aud character. The Doftor being taken on his own ground, expatiated at large with great gravity and decorum, now and then Urokiug his band, upon the merits of the E dinburgh college; mentioned the various brauches of learning which were taught in it; the number of ftudents’ that thronged*to it from every quarter of the world; and in re ply to his Majesty’s particular enquiry con cerning it as a school of physic, he observed, that no college could boast of conferring the degrees of physic on so many graduates as that of Edinburgh, for it annually sent out no kfs than 30 or 40 physicians, besides num bers of thofe* who exercited the lower func tions of the faculty, as Surgeons and Apothe caries.— *** Heaven (exclaimed his Majesty, interrupting the Doftor) have mercy upon my foot jubjt&s!" ■ wnE jrsß arfic ans so? jos an* arw so? nma ma Robert walton, Esq. tolls an old white Mare, has had the fiftula, and has a dull brand on the near buttock Kke El • a two year old white and black heiffer, branded on the rump thus £» marked in one ear with across and flit, and an tinder bit taken out, in;the other ear swallow fork and under bit* likewise a red yearling heister, neither maiked nor branded. The owner or owners must prove their property before D. Hunter , J. P. Augusta, June 7, 1788.; In COUNCIL, july I, 1788. A Letter from the Secretary of Congref* ‘oQ ftt? litli of May, with an inclofure, was *i*ead; . - Ordered, J . ' * - i- • That the f inclofure be publiihetfia the State Gazette. - * Extrailftem the Minutes, ‘ J. MERIWETHER, b. E. C. ■'By the UNftED STATES in CONt.KESS Aftembied,, ON a report of the Board of Treasury, to whom was referred a motion of Mr. Car rington, Rejoined, That Congress proceed to the . e!e§ion of two* Commissioners, for fettling the accounts of the five great departments, to continue hi office one year. Ordered , That the Commissioners of Ac counts for the Quarter-Mailer’s, Commitfa lj\ Hospital, ,Marine and Cloathingdepart ments, with the approbation of the Board of Treasury, commence suits in behalf*of the United States, aga 11ft all persons in any of the said departments, who (land chargeable with public monies, and accounts shall not be lodged with the proper within four months,‘computed from the pre sent date and that this order be publilhed _ the leveral dates for the period above mentioned, Rejoined, That the said Commissioners be directed to continue their unremitted atten tion to the final adjustment of all accounts which have ar.ifen in the said departments, and to thje recovery of all sums for which fyits may be commenced; and that at the termination of thtir commifficu, they depo sit with the Register of the Treasury all the books and papers of their refpeftive offices, together with a general abftrad of the sums due from individuals, in order that immedi ate measures may be adopted for the reco very of the fame. Congress proceeded to the fcleftion, and the ballots being taken, Mr. Jonathan Bimrall was elected a Commifiioner for fettling the accounts of the Qnarter-Mafter’s and Com t?. I Wmms J..and_. Mr, ‘ Beniamin the accounts of the Hospital, Marine and Cloaihiet’s departments. CHARLES THOMSON, Sec'y. * , ■ i , * .jf. ► ■ Ja V/i r * To be Sold; For Specie or the Paper Medium , The following Houses and Lots, All on Broad Jlreet, in Augusta, ‘viz. TH E large two story HOUSE, together with the LOT, at the upper end of the street J the House is nearly finished—what re mains to be done to it will be compleated in a few days, as Mr. Coleman is now Working upon it. The HOUSE and LOT next but one, ad joining the above, in which Mr. Garret re futes ; —this House and Lot are neatly finished and improved. The HOUSE and LOT which join Mr. Garrett’s, at present occupied by Mr. Dick. The uufinifhed HOUSE on the fame lot with Mr. Dick’s store. The handsome well improved LOT where • on his Honor the Governor resides. The Subftriber will dispose of the whole together, or separate, at a Very low rate, for prompt payment. The title deeds may be seen at the Office of John Noel, Esquire, At torney at Law, in Augusta. THOMAS COLE. Augusta, July 4> 1788. ■■ ■■■■ 11 ■ ■■■ 1 ■ ■ —— —. ■- A lift of Defaulters in Capt . Pool's District. JOHN Ben, John Cook, Henry Baaller, Benjami» Holland, John Whittington, John Baaller, Robert Summerfield, William Smith, Robert Hines, Rofever Humphrfer, Jcde Newton, William Filher, Christian Good man, William Panting, William Bellamy, Peter Campbell, Johu Janes, Edmund Fears, Andrew Hack Wm. FREEMAN, Receiver, Augusta, June *B, 1788. • GEORGIA. By the Honorable GEORGE handler, Eiqufre, Capi tain'General, Governor and Com rrnnier in Chief in and over the laid State.* t> .* *. : - A Proclamation. WHEREAS the Creek Indians have, by the A gent from the Commiflioners, fignified a pacific disposition and defite to treat with the Superinfeitdant for the Southern Department, and. the laid Commis sioners ; in consequence whereof the Executive have appointed a and place for holding the said treaty: AND WHEREAS .sundry Other v eighty and important matters Re quire the immediate attention of the Legislature of the laid Rate J HaVe 1 1 EREFoRE* by and with the advice and content of the honorable the Executive Council, thought fit to issue this my Proclamation, .re quiring the Legislature to convene at Augufla, on Tuefday tb t twenty fecond day of July next, to proceed to the di(patch of public bufinels: GIVEN under my hand-and the Great Seat of the said State at Augufta, the Jetentet nth day of June , »n the Year of pur LORD One 7houjandSeven Hundred and Eighty-eight, arid of our Sovereignty and Inde pendence the Twelfth . GEORGE HANDLEY. j . Jhi-His; Honor's Command , GOD SAFE THE STATE! • •, n • -■»••• v S’t *9 ■ SV*‘# • i*. « • a > i >•" . * - ; In- COUNCIL, June - -14* 1788. Ordered, ' . ... THAT the Commanding Officers of the refpeftive counties, do* cause a return to be made of all depredations committed by the Indians since January 1787 ; notifyirg lumns the number of whites and blacks kil led, and their ages, also the number wound ed, together with alt the different species of property plundered and deftr6yed, the fame to be made on oath before one or more Ma gistrates, and transmitted to this Board with out delay. Ordered, . That the fame be published in the State Gazette. Ex trail from the Minutes, J. MERIWETHER, S. E. C. A Lift of Defaulters in Capt. James Horrid* D'JiriQ, Richmond County . ARCHIBALD Hatcher, John Kratkill, \ Mrs. Sykes, widows Blanford Davis, John Green way, .William Sykes, Williani Scoggins, Johu Evans, Mulatto; Stephen Coleman, Free Negro ; Francis Scott, ditto. Solomon Lawry, John Buck, Thomas Shad wich, Charity Cooke, widow; David Cour fon, Ambrose Gordon, Robert Bell, John Whitton, Whitton, Colwell, Tyner, Littleberry Stone, Robert Wat kins, Colonel George Walton, General John! Twiggs. ZEPHENIAH BEAL, Rcc* ‘ 1 1 11 i" 1 1,1 A L ift of Defaulters in Capt .■'George Heard*s DiftriS, Wilkes County . AN D R E W Arraer,. James Anderson, William Evius, Samuel Mulkcy. GEO. HEARD, ' A Lift of Defaulters in Capt, Hatcher's Dh thitl, Richmond County . RFESE Price, Canaan Lorten. Junes Van, Peter J oll * l j - Wm. TRAVIS, Rec, I * *