The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, August 02, 1788, Image 2

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t thelfffV otbefsj rode to'the Governor's hodfe, receiving as he pafled the compliments and of hi* ./elW*citiz«ni. Thfc,J>|l!s / in the chtyfchee rang dußpg of th£ day, every countenance tne exp re (lions of joy, and every one tefli ficd that approbation of the eminent services his Excellency has rendered Bis countrymen, in a manner becoming freemen,federalifls, and men alive fO'Jha fenfafcioj** of gratitude. Mr. Adams resides at ths hoi/fe of his Ex-J celleney tlffe' GflVehioT, wfifcre he yesterday received the congratulations of his Honor the Liejrtthant Governor, the-Honorable Council,-* and the heads of the feveraT departments of government, on his fafe arrival in - his native country, ... Betides his Excellency Mr. Adams, and laty, the Rev. John Murray/ John Steuart, Esq. Colleftor of Customs for the iflnad of Bermuda, and Mr. Vfottiam Boyd of Ports mouth came paflengers With Capt. Callahan. 13. Verferday noon Mr. Sarapfoi* Reed arrived in town from Concord in the (late of N§#-Hampi(hire, and brdught the following letter from the Hon. John Bi*llivan, Esq. Pre fidint of the Convention, to his Excellency this Governor, dated Concord,- Jtnfe ijd9j 8 1 R, I HAVE* the honor to inform yoUr Excel lency, by favor of Mr. Reed, who is oblig ing enough to forward this letter, that the Convention of this (late have this moment adopted file new Conffitfltron - Yeas 57, Nays 4 6; The amendments recommended nearly the fame as in your (late. With every sentiment of refpeftfifl attach ment, I have the honor to be,' Yotfr Excel lency’s mofl obedient fervant,- JOHN StJLLIVAfc. We are informed that, on Saturday lad, about two o'clock, the new Co’nftitution was adopted by the Convention of New-Hamp fhite, at Concord, in that (late; and that the minority declared (feeing they were fairly obt-voted) that they would use their exerti ons that their condiments flhould live easy un der it. SANANNAH, ijuly id. The fjth year of American Independence having commenced on Friday lad, the fame was observed here in a very joyous manner. "“Early in the nforning Capt. Lloyd's company of artillery udiercd in the day with 13 dif chargee from a field piece. In the forenoon the Hon. William Pierce, Esq. delivered an oration suited to the occasion to a numerous audience at Ohrid Church. The artillery company fired a salute of 39 guns in hbhor of the Cincinnati on their coming out of churcfi. The Cincinnati dined and fptnt the remain der of the day together at Major Brrce's, and the artillery company at the Courthouse. On Monday the 7th indant, at an ele&ion Held for two Members to represent the coun ty of Chatham in the Legillature of this date, in the room of James Haberlham and James Jackson, Efqrs. <(who had declined ferving)' Jacob Waldburger and William Gibbons fen. Efqrs. were declared duly defied by a large majority. Yedcrday fe’nnight failed from Tybee, for ’ London, the brig Richard, Capt. Ritchie, in which went paflengers, Capt. John Sullivan and Mr. and Mrs. Collier.—And, oh Fri day lad failed for New-York, the (loop Jen hy, Capt. Schetmerhorn, in which William Houdon,' Esq. Mrs. Houdon, Miss Bayard, Major Webb, Mr. John Fiflier, and Mr. Richard Randolph, went paflengers. THEATRICAL INTELLIGENCE. On Tuefday evening lad Were exhibited, fit the’ Aflembly’ Room, the* Ltaurt on Hoads , With other entertainments, by Mrs. GARD NER, to a very genteel ami refpefteble au dience. As this lady's profefliohal abilities dand pretty high in the annals of theatrical fame, great expectations were formed on'the Occasion, but it would be doing her the bSgh eft injustice not to fay, that her execution far txceedtd the expectations the public had form ed. She delivered the Leflure With an infini ty of true comic humour; the Como oh the birthday of Sbakefpeare, and the dory of La* winia, (he refeited with drift accuracy and propriety; but the Afoci Heroic Interlude cre ated one entire feene of laughter and applause; aurf wc may fay with truth, that the evening's peiforinanet altogether was by far the bed slut has been repccfented in this part the 4# ** i -- to x> on ->«r two* o'-o |i * L !? f? it* •* 2 s - 3* Ms ~*° «o £ rTyri Vfc ■§ =• > a T r*% ■* ~ -- - <§ r* , • 2 C 000 *» V s * © O OvOOsO'bt'a * LJF I *J I M j< V i ,z V 4 , - * >5 s , S ' , gs- —V. -w-v-g Vo jS rf\ « A * * xn -a IS: 0 K cn »• 8 J Sc i HU 2 2!* ®1 o vl /L A PSI— t- —r: T& 2 00 I S fc | I * * "00 —'S' —f* fc z - g.§ US § s#e J -i :tN -9 i (zj .*5 £ • •'7 •o g « * 2, r <«.£ -sll-'aS'Ssi S«fi|Ss‘i 5 fe E — m „ % aG_£G , %£ £ figg ‘ *o? * : •-» 3 - <2 « *§* -< * . § * , 4 a» -j 4fi ts ® ' ®a fc $) *• £ J s *•''. - u *k, 8 6 s rs .a «. 2 *£« 5 00 4 w “i* ilffil*!! jljijlff - v- <J ** l .5?" O.S ** cf *«_ o 2 t. Br Si z_s ajg >.» Si! .<T ffa *» •s. C J* K £— — >»♦ —»<«■ - ■_' > 5 *:: 2 ~ 4- § g o' . 2 I • ■ §.• '■ ■«S - >•« l fr 11 I frl' Ss> S > t> * i®ss| •= f's . e - j-. ,u = s“> o t>o 5 2* A g fiS-sg j II ** nn r jtjg-g- . 1 2 h*4 S J "JsSiJ I 3 | J i r- V : S c« , «H & £ 1 «8 H o | - f-U ao "3 - oxi *0 *no>oo 0006 •S « A 3W w '°J ~ J J y[ c*j -2 . 0 K *°° « 0~0 V" Cj •2 3 ®® ts bo <0 on>o 6 n * 3 § § Q 4 4 t f> ,2 CsOtt • > V. "* ® D 1 ~^~"' V <, 2 t. CL co ” . ™ j W w j o £ it; .3 to -. „ S > „, 3 J= a C U n „ a H *7*s frT m ® * o , . rj£ ~ M ®d 5o S ® o|a4r Ji f~* QJ a ~r— i) *i -w yiir*4l rs am f l ri iC r" —* C ” * «a w w w w w•« s » > S . ui Hr W 77 J> u. pj rt u *3T vr 'a* *z" -z; V 5 «TZ> 7" ®73 | "j S 3Slß°°°°‘‘°.lgJflll,t ° O 9 - filial!.. Illtfl.ill i >-t “ w « is S 8 fiacaS a 2 w £ ■ S(S > 2i”a:&22 < g£.|®^ CfZ ' g >3 c4.Ho w | o: I 'a HH W «-* aa> ® • 9 - « *•? s J i „ oi rvi C 4 u, A Se«»s2 <T g * . a- O g-5 y£“o ’ go J 5 (»|‘’S CQ w« U - 6* « lias g 3,Bin i* o<d !§- I * I t§- I ttj 33 y «--..■« co. ..»a.w m,cn ,tg g a*c H »o<>*Os<r«'o r^oo"“Voo HH| • « *J H n (f H »* £C» ' W [ t V ■ . **—— l —— -" "• Natties of defaulters in the dirtrift formerly commanded by Capt. jamea Cartledge, in Richmond county. GILBERT Grear, Lewis Watson, Wm. Fe# t Charles Steward. Karnes of pfcrfdhS living out of the Diftrift, who hate in a Lift of their taxable property to me : Capt. James Cartledge, Thomas Hogan, Thomas Adcock, William Evans j and Sa muel Ramlcy of South-Carolina. SAMUEL SCOTT, Ktc. 5 ■'■ ■ »■ *• i ■ it.... i A Lift of Defaulters in Capt. Wynn's Di ftrift, Burke County. EPHRAIM * Peoples, Thomas Poythrefs, Mile* Brice, James Rawls, Julius Wells, William Barron, William Huggins, John Comber, Peter Stokeley, end Ann Thnm)>iou, JACOB LEWIS, * • f "■ A Lift of Defaulters in Capt. Trimble’s Di* J ft rid 1 , Wilkes County. OHN M<Can,- John Morris, William Cor. rethers, James M‘Dowcll, Henry Parks, John Sigmon, Daniel Wale, Minor Math, Alexander Johnston, Richard Ezeley, Nathan Bond, Charter Harper, W. Cleveland. , REUBEN /VIXEN, R,c. A Lift aj LeJ a alters in Capt- k nt'WtlSt ui m ftfici, Richmond County. HA ° StS ?9 j un * Edmuud Difraakc, jVX John Frazer, and Susannah Hail. * JOHN BUSH, Ree. A Lift of Defaulters in Capt . Fowler's Diftri Wilkes Canny• ISAAC Brown, Jeremiah Hrafwell, Thomas Ayres, Hezekiah Kendrick, and John Tabor, jun. ARTHUR FORT, R«.