The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, August 16, 1788, Image 1

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SATt/RDAt, Jhiguft 1 6,’ 178#. GEORGIA STATE GAZETTE OR *■ v ' . J • r • *. , ’ ,*• INDEPENDENT REGISTER. ' ■» * * m S' ' ,v ' t t . - * '-H* v ■» ' _ ■ ■ -'W^****-**—^-v-l—l - - ■ - > fIEEDOH<f the PRESS, »d T R I A L by J EJ R Y, t« ibxioUu Rrtver. .( C „„, 4 . AUGUSTA: Print'd JO II N .E. SMITH, Printer to tic Stott-, Effayt, Artic/ci of Intelligence, Advertifimcnts, (Ac. Kill he gratefully received, and every kind of Printing fer/imed. GRAND Federal Prbceflion. Philadelphia , July 9. V“VN Friday the 4th instant, the citizens of Philadelphia celebrated the declaration of INDEPENDENCE made by the Thirteen United States of America on the 4th of July 1776, and the eftablhhment of THE CON STITUTION or Frame of Government pro posed by the late General Convention, alid "now fo!emnly adopted and ratified by TCn of thole matw. The riling Sun was fainted with a full peal from Christ Church fleeple, and a difcharge' df cannon from the thip Rifng Sun , com laaiided by Captain Philip Brown, anchored #ff Market-street, and superbly decorated With the flags of various nations —Ten vcf- Cels, in honor of the Ten States of the Union, were dressed and arrayed through the whole length of the harbour, each bearing a broad white flag at' the mast head, inferibed with : the names of the states refpeflivcly in broad gold letters—in the following order — New- Hatnpjhire oppofitc. to the Northern Liberties ; Ma/facbujetts to-Vine-ftrett; Connefiieut to Rac(s-ftreet; Newrjtrfey to Arch-flrcet j Pert/ylvania to Market-street ; Delaware 10 Chelxmt-flreet ; MaryUtid to Wafeut flreet; Virginia to Spriice-ftrtet; South'Ca rdin a to Pipe-dreet j and Georgia to Sotitb ftreet. The (hips at the wharfs were also dressed on the oepafion, and as a brilk Couth* wind prevailed through the whole day, the Rags and pendants weie kept in full display, and exhibited a molt pleasing, a fid animating •yrofpeft. According'*© ordere issued the day before, the several parts which were .to-compose the Grand Procession began to affembje at o’clock in the morning at the intcrfeCtion of South and 'fhird-ffreebs. Nine Gentlemen, diflinguiflied by white plumes in’thdir hats, andfiirnifhed with fpeafc*- ing trumpets, were fupsfrifltendants, of the TrocefiioUj viz. General Mifflin, GeneraJ SleivatJ, Colontl ProSlor , Colonel Guvney, Colonel WiU\ Colonel Marjh, Major ' Moore, Major Lenox , and Mr. Peter Punun. The different Companies of Military, Trad nd Profeflions had prefviou/ly met at differed tes in the city of thetrowu ap pointnu 'letc they werefeparately form- J ed by 'officer* and conductors, and marched i- rtder with their refpeftive flags, devices ip ’jachines, to the place of general rendezvon As these companies arrived inf focceffioii,\ c fuperintendant* disposed of tßera in neighbouring streets in such a manner as tint they might ealilr fall into.ihe flations they werer to occupy in forming the General Procession, as they fliould befuccef- Svely called upon. By thiVraean* the meft jprfed order and regularity was effcflually prefer ved. . After a fttift review of the llreets of toe city, it had been determined that the line of march lhould be as follows—To commence the interfeaion of South and tlience along Third-ftreec to \ thence upCallow-b»‘l-flreet to Fonrth flrett; rheuce along Fonrth'-flreet to Market (tract i end thence to UNION GREEN, to front of Bath-Hill— VilUam Humthn, tfq. ht«|,g kindly offeied tit* fpcctow In»n be? ~ " -■ -——■ ■ - ■—*— -■ ■-- ■ - „yy - 1 fore his house at Bulb-Hill sos the pdrpofes oi the day. The Street Commiflioners had the evening before gone through the line of march, di , retied the pavements to be swept, the trees to be lopt, and all obfiacle* to be^einovcd. About half after nine o’clock, The GRAND PROCESSION* began to move, of wb.’ch the following is as corretf a detail as can be pro cured. I. Twelve Ate Men, dreiVed in white frocks, with black girdles-round their waitts, aud ornamented caps,' headed by Major Phuty Pancake.' K a." If * - Tfte fir A City Troop of Light Dragoons, com - ' mauded by Colond M/*/. . 111. INnEPENDENCI John Ninon, Esq. on horseback, bearing the Staff and Cap of Liberty f under the Capa silk flag With words,’ u FOURTH OP' JULY ijfLf in large gold Letters . IV. Fdur Piecea 0 1 Artillery, With a Detach merit from the Tram, commanded by Captains Martel and Fiber. V. FRENCH ailtance. Thomas Fii&Jimmtns, Elq. on horseback, car rying a flag es While* iilk, having three F! and thirteen Stars in Union over the Words, SIXTH OF FEBRU ARY in gold Letters. The horse be rode belonged formally to Count Ro chambdan. '- f vr. Corps of Light Infantry, commanded' by Captain A G. CJaypoole, with the Stan dard of the iff regiment. VIL DEFINITIVE TREATY 1 of PEACI-. George Clytner, Esq. on horseback, carrying a flaff adorned with Olive and Laurel, The Words - - “ THIRD of SEPTEM- ' BER 1783/’ in gold Letters pendant from the flaflf. vm. Col. John SBee, on Horseback, carryinga flag, blue field, witba laurel and an olive wreath over the words—« WASHINGTON, the Friend of his Country” —in filvcr Letters— the ftaff adorned with olive and laurel. IX. The City Troop of Lijgirt Dragobna, Captain William Bingham, commanded by Major IT. jackjon. X. Richard Pack*, Esq. on horseback, as a Herald, attended by a trumpet, proclaim ing a New ihe words “ New JEt* in gold Letters, pendant from the Herald’s tlzfi, and the following lines : vj • Peace o’er our land her olive wand «xtends, And White rob’d Innocence from Heav’n de-' , feends; The crimes and frauds of Aoaicby ffiali fail, Returning Jufficr lift* again heX'fcaJc. XL CONVENTION OF THE STATES. The Hon .Peter Muhlnltrg , Esq. on horf*'- bark with a blue flag—-the words ** SE VENTEENTH OF SEPTEMBER 1778.” in filvcr Letter!. XII. A Band of Mnfic peifoiming s Grand March, THE * ’i • -... [No. XClk.l compote*} by Mp v AUxandcr Rcir.nglc foe the occat.Oi. XIII. THE CONSTITUTION. The Honorable Chief juflicc M«Kean, The Hon. judge Alice, ' * The H«»u. Judge K»ib, ' ' (in their Role 9 of oflue) In a lofty, ornamented Car, in the form of a large Eagle, diavni by lx hcrjrs, bearing theCONSTI l UTiCN, hunted and five*! cn a i'afl, crowned v/ith the Cap of Liber ty—the words “ TILEPEOPU in gold Letters, cn the fl./T, immediate/ undsc the Coiiftitution. The Cat Was made by George and Willism Hunter; the carriage painted light blue, twenty feet long, him! wheels eight feet, and the front lix feet ami a half in t’; the body, fixed on fpriugs, was thirteen feet high, in the shape of a Bald Eagle; from head to tail thirteen feet long ; the bread emblazoned with thirteen liver Bars, in a sky-blue held, and underneath thirteen ltripes, ahc.naic red and white. The dex ter taiOns embraced an ohve branch, the (miller grqlped thirteen arrows.. XIV. - Corps of Light Infantry, commanded by Captain Ueyiharfi, wyh the Itaudard of the 3d jegiment. XV. Tdri Gentlemen, reprefrntir.g the State* that have rati/ied the Federal ( euftumion* each bearing a flag With the name of the State he repiefents, in gold Letters, and walking arm in arm, emblematical of the Union, viz. I, Duncanlrifcram, Ffq. New-Ham; Adrfr. • a; Jon. Williams, jnn. Ef}, Mafiachuictta. 3. Jartfd Ingerfol, Ffq. Conneftient. : 4, Samuel Stockton, Ffq. New- Jerley. 5. JamctfWilfon,. Ffq. Peimfylvania. 0 Col. Thomas Rob in lon Delaware. 7. Hon. J. E. Howard, Efa. Maryland.* 8. Col. Fcbiger, - Virginia. p. W. Ward Burrows, Esq. South-Carolina* w.Gcvrge Meade, jgfq. Georgia. XVI. Col. William Williams, on horseback in armour, bcaiing on hi? right arm a (hieid, emblazoned with the arm- of the United States, XVII. The Montgomery Troop of Light Korte, commanded byj&me* Morris, Eiq. XVIII. The Cnnf’.ils gnd Rcprefcntative* of foreign States it) adianie with America, in an or namented CV,' drawn by four lories. Capt. Thomas Bell, with »he flag of the United States of America. Bat be de Marbois, Ffq. Vice Consul of France. J. H. C. Hcineken, Em. GcM of the United Ncther’scds. P»rJcs Hefted*, Esq. Conful-Geoeral of Sweden. Charles W. Lecke, Efiq. carrying the flag of Prurfia.. Thomas Barclay, Ffq. carrying the flag of Moiocco. ' XIX The Hon. Francis Hop kin son, Esq. judge of Admiralty, wearing in hi* hat a gold anchor pendant on*a gieen ribband, pee cefucd by the Aigiflw’* clerk, carrying a