The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, September 06, 1788, Image 3

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f ' Sifty it i t is with grief we approach your ijefty in the line of our duty, which cannot wirhftand. » Confideriug the present very alarm ftate of public affairs, the discontents t prevail among people of every rank the tumults that have already occur and the accouuts that are arriving y of freth infurreflions of the most ming kind, and the causes to which v are attributed, '« As Princes, pledged in the name of whole Nobility, for the preservation he laws j as born Peer, for the fecu of the throne ; and as citizens bound the public welfare ; we cannot, con .nt with our loyalty to your Majesty, duty to ourselves, the nation, and erity, let the present period pass un iced. « , , 1 Whatever may be our furrow on.the a/ion, duty prefles us forward, iuTlice uires, and zeal for the constitutional of the land, impells us torcmonftrate rour throne. ‘ From these motives, it is our duty to test against the diffblu’tions of our na ial Parliaments; the edicls of the 26th fcpril, refpefting the Cour Pleniere, all succeeding editfs that have pafled onfeqaence ; and every other aft con y to thele laws, founded on justice, lorn and moderation. - •. » '■» f * ■ ‘ •> 1 With the most loyal fen t intents''we e these before the King, hoping that may incline our fovcreign to recon rhismeafure, and permit, in future, gs to go on in that channel to which have for ages been heretofore accus ed, and an alteration of which cannot entail ruin, and the consequences of h are too easy to be forefeen, on the ;reign and the People,” Signed by 47 Peers and Bifliops, for themselves and the nation, n the evening after the King had re ed the above, a Council was held, and res de Cachet were absolutely iflued ind signed agairift the persons who had :ribcd. At midnight one of the King’s hers went to the King, and prevailed ive the fetters recalled. This fiep of eration has perhaps preserved us from dditioii to the piefent calamities. L O N r DO' Ny June 10. y the latest advices fiom Conftantino we learn', that & Pack full of ears, cut Froha the heads cf the Auflrian pri rs, which had been sent to the Grand iior, were eapofed- at tbe gates of the Bli °* • .. .report is in circulation that the King ranee was (hot at from the ruins of a' aftery, about nine in the evening of 18th ult. as he was riding towards St. main’s, attended by two noblemen fix servants. f aßof a letter from Vienna , April s<s+ The following are tbe particulars of Tally made by the Turks from Bel e: On the 22d inst. in the morning, the ifon of Belgrade made a third Tally, e furious and better conducted than ormer ones. The Turks, tbe better ivert the attention of their enemies, mabout five o’clock a smart connonade w Belgrade, as if something impor was on there, after which D > or according to some 2coo, of them arked with great celerity on board a tar of boats, when they attempted iciUnv the dyke, which they attacked in the month of March, and landed, not withstanding they were opposed by 400' who guarded it, many of whom return ing back to the posts in the neighbourhood were killed > but some fuccours arriving, the Turks were obliged to By, leaving 500 of their men dead on the spot. The Imperialifls had eight officers, amongst whom were two captains, and 280 sol diers killed, and General Bechard was wounded ratherdangerouily. They fpeak‘ greatly in praise of a body of Ulahns, who arrived last, and would entirely have destroyed the Turks, if they had not jump ed .precipitately into their boats. The enemy, it Teems, intended to destroy the dyke, and burn all tbe boats they found on the river, having prepared things for that purpose, but being repuli'ed they could not eff'eft it.” By intelligence which we have just re ceived from a very refpeftable authority we learn, that the famous Paul Jones has arrived at Peterfburgh, and was appoint - ed Rear Admiral of tbe Ruffian fleet, . which consists of (hips of the line. The Britifh' officers in the Ruffian ser vice have presented a memorial to the Empress, on tbe appointment of Paul in which they Hate their determi < nation riot to serve under him; at the ’ head of this memorial (lands tbe name of . Admiral Greig. This information was ; brought by a vefi'el that was 28 days on 3 her passage from Peterlbufgh to this coun , try,. and is of more recent date than any ; thing which has lately been received from ! that quarter. , The Ruffiah fleet was to leave St. Pe ; terfburgh the iftof June. Pilots are aU , ready gone to Elfineur from this country ; to navigate their fleet to Portsmouth, where it is to visual and refit. . Some dispatches received from Paris on Saturday mention, that there was great reason to apprehend the tumults through the kingdom would be more general, ef pecialiy as so many people of rank leemej to favor the cause of the Parliament and People. The fituatioh of (be present King Os France with his fubjefts, is exaftly the fame with that of Charles the First with the people of this country, when ill ad visers, and a too high sense Os the royal prerogative, precipitated him into dange rous measures, arid finally involved him in a fate, which his mod severe enemies did not firft wilh him to experience. The visit ©f the Duke d’Orleans to this country, at a period'when his own is in so perilous a predicament, does not ap pear like a mere excursion of plesfure. It seems, indeed, as if the wary duke did not concur with the French monarch in the prefen*'meafures of his government, and yet, for fear of consequences, would not take part with the people, and there fore prudently withdrew from the /cent cf ctftion that he might not excite jealousy with one hand, nor offend on the other by frigid neutrality at a time when the dearest rights of the fubjeft are threaten ed with tyrannous invasion. 1 A Prussian officer has invented a gun, which fires off 400 balls one after another, with a view, no doubt, to extirpate the human race more speedily—as his reward, it is hoped the firft fired off in earnest may go through his head. Yesterday Captain H. Mason arrived in town from Gibraltar. He came through Spain, and had letters for government. The dispute with the Morocco king will be accommodated. 1 k AUGUSTA Sept. 6. Extract /rum tit Journal es Cungrtfs , Fri day* July 2s. Refolded, That the Secretary at war di red the detachment of troops marching to the weflward to rendezvous at Eafion in Pennfylvauia, and from thence march into the county of Luzerne, for quelling the dilhirbancesin that county ; provided the Executive Council of Per.nfylvania lhall find the aßißanee of those troops ne cefiary; provided also, that the said troops lhall not be delayed in their march to the ; Ohio more than two weeks. Last Thursday a race of one mile around ourcouifc, on which coufiderahle bets were depending, was won by Capt. Cole’s gelding, Altamont } beating Capt. * Watts’s Flagßaff, Colonel Armflrong’s Bacchus,* Coionel Milton’s Aries, and Major Fontaine's Matchlefs.—Flagflaft’ came in second ; and between him and the winning horse another race of the fame diflance was agreed on, which was also won by Cap ain Cole’s horse. The ReV. Mr. Abraham Marfiali intends preaching a fcTmou in this town, to-morrow'. The fubferiber wants to pur chale a quantity of Cotton Seed, For which he will give a ge nerrus price, and will receive it in small quantities. James Stuart. Augujta , Sept. I, ips3. * Ml - ■ One Guinea Ktward. STRAYED or Bolen from the fubferib—- er, an the 14th jtily, a blight bay horse, about 13 hands high, between 4 and 5 years old, with a small Bar on his forehead, has a black tail and mane, and branded on the mounting Ihotlder Whoever will deliver him to me, at Mr. Harris’s, in this town, lliall receive the above reward. THOMAS BRAY. Augusta, Sept. 6, 1 A Lifi of Defaulters in Capt. Caller’s di llritt, Wilkes county. ££TEPHEN Brocks, Walter Matthews, David Jones, Samuel Rutherford, Frederick Alhfield, John White, Jofepb Beloow, James Armßrong, Duncan M‘ Queen. ANDREW BURNES, Rec. BEING disappointed in a supply of large papejf, I am under the neceffi ly of thus abridging the Gazette until such supply arrives. It is an inconvience which the publication will always be fubjefted to, while there is so little punctuality ob served in the payments by the greater part of my fubferibers; I hope that in future they will put it out of my power to have reason for making this an excuse. 1 will in the mean while remedy the inconveni ence aa far as lies in my power, by giving a Supplement on any particular occasion. Oue may be espefted on Tuefday next. JOHN E. SMITH.