The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, September 13, 1788, Image 3

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<*it our appreheuficms for jour fef ctf on ro ur fctting out * , , , a M‘D° naid has keen lately here, and us given me a particular account of the .ffetts of Sevier’s tour through the Chero ce nation —the death of the Cherokee 'bief called the Tassel, and some others ; iat Barbarian is, I’m told, meditating aother expedition for accompli thing the 3tal extirpation of the Cnerokees.—You ive roe a very affetting account of the iftrefi'ed condition Os those unhappy pco |e aud vou fay, representations are made L procure them relief.—Really I do not Luw what to think of a government that I obliged to wink at such outrages; it l u ft n ot have the least vigour or energy; ■ cannot enforce its afts—What may be me efied of the new constitution is to be ftoved;—it is adopted, and, I suppose, ft to fleep;—don’t think I speak too ftrd;—may be that I wilh the matter las otherwise for the general good. I Believe all you fay of the gentlemen Com ■iiliouers; but were they a feledion of ■ f best and wisest on earth, yet it is of ft avail, if they are not authorifed to Bftore to us our just rights;—it is to no ftrpo'fe that we could meet without that is ftne; and as they tell me, that the re lifuion I made to that eifefl is out of leir inftrutlions, the negociation of course Ills here. I« Milford Avail hear your talk, as Avail ■ M‘G , &c. I with you, my good lend, every happiness and may God Beferve you five bundled years. “ Remain with true regard, It Your most obedient servant, ALEX. M‘GILLIVKAY.’ > JVbit-fieldt Efj* me following DiJ/irtation was deliver\d Whefors the Academic Society by Mr. j lole, as Prefdenty on the queftion- —‘‘ Is J it confident with the policy of the l< American republics to eliablifli a l ( navy ? ’ and is publijhed by their - ft rdsr. ■t this day to fay any thing on which a Initivc opinion could be forme J, refpeft iltbe neceflitv of a navy for this coun'try, iftiorethan,lbelieve,willbe attempted by le amongst us whofc sentiments are to ■valued. Though it is, I apprehend, Bry body’s idea, as well a3 mine, that fttriod will occur, when America will Induced to follow the examples of all fl|r great empires, by expending its iftrfluous treasures in a manner which I so effectually encourage and promote ftfts, as that of building ships of war, lit it will be the case, I have no doubt ; alch and thriving country will certainly 'lt this as one eilential step towards ■nence ; but I am persuaded that it ne- Iwill be attempted before our resources ■case, and our finances are better re- Ited. lall we talk of erefting a navy at a I when many of the dates fail in pay- Iheir quota of the expence of thecon ilrated government, which has never fjlbeen (nor can be for some time as« Ihe new fyflem begins its operation) lorted in that fplendour, so necefiary l e dignity of a great empire ? lothing can tend more to aggrandize Jfntry, and creat it refpeft, than its • :7 l n ß a P ower ful navy; nor can any fltry so open to navigation, as this is, e its commercial interests permanent f*l aniple, until its coasts are fccured, ■ trade piotcfUd by a navy. Why flionlcf we precipate an idea as yet so impolitic, or at least until commerce has filled the public coffers ? This would be endangering the great objetfs of government, aud riiking the fafety of a nation, from au unwise and ill judged zeal, to acquire a rank we are not fuificiently matured to preserve. seOsao®C^SM§^Oso^3EOst Notice. TH E Copartnerthip of Alexander Shearer and David Andrew M‘ Credie, under the firm of A. Shearer & i Co. is this day diflblved, on accouut of the death of the former. All thole who have claims again# said Alexander Shear er & Co. are desired to render their ac* counts to John M‘Dowail and James M« Queen, in order that they may he adjusted and paid: Also those that stand indebted to said concern, either by bond, note, or book debts, are earnelily requeued to make payment as soon as poftible. The business in future will be carried on by John M‘Dowell, in Augusta, aud by James M‘Queeu, at Liberty Hill, as ex tenlively as formerly, having full powers to aCI in our names. , ANDREW MCREDIEI'Cq. Augufta> Augvjlz 5, 17 98. On Monday , i §th September next , Will be Sold At the House of Mr. Dixon, in Augusta, Seven young (Virginia born NEGR OES, Cheap for Cash or produce. H. WILSON. Augujl zy, 1753. ("'IAME to my plantation, in Rich _j mond county, near Scott’s Ferry, Little River, a negro man, who fays his name is WALLEY, and his mistress’s name is Mrs. Blake, living inCharlefton : He is of the Guinea country, and is about 30 years of age; his fore teeth out, of a middle size, and speaks broken Englifii. As I shall run no rilk, I wilh a speedy no tice to his f roper owner, or the Sheriff take him to the work house or to prifou. JOHN STEWART. r 1 CAPTAIN Henry Willis, together with his servant, were given in by Colonel Francis Willis, who considered him of his family; though jl observe he is mentioned among other defaulters by Major Robert Forfyth, of Richmond county. HENRY MOUNGER. Wilkes Auguft 10, 1788. A Lift of Defaulters in Captain Savage's diflriS , Richmond country . JOHN Caldwell, William Entrekin, John Garnett, and Demus Boyd. JAMES STALLINGS, Rec. The fubferiber wants to purr chafe a quantity of Cotton Seed, For which he will give a ge nerous price, and will receive it in small quantities. James Stuart. Augusta, Sept. I, 17S8. One Guinea Reward. STRAYED or stolen from the subscrib er, cm 'the 14th July, a bright bay horse, about 13 hand* high, between 4 and 5 years old, with a small star on hia forehead, has a black tail and mane, and branded on the mounting shoulder *)£• Whoever will deliver him to me, at Mr, Harris’s, in this town, (hall receive the above reward. THOMAS BRAY. , Augusta, Se!pt. 6, 1788. In COUNCIL, August 14, 1788# Ordered) THAT the refpedive Colleflors of the Specific Tax, in the several counties throughout the State, be directed, with*, out delay, to iflue warrants of distress against all defaulters, if any there be, that have not paid the said tax for the last year.—And that the Sheriffs of the said refpedive counties, be also direded to {evy upon the property of such defaulters. Extraft from the Minutes, J. MERIWETHER, S.E.C. ' i Richmond County, 1 '■ Clerk’s Ojfict' 5 The following is a Rule of the Superior Court* ** THAT the legal fees (hall be paid to the repedivc officers, at the time of is suing every process, and delivery of the fame to the Sheriff.” Extra ft from the Minutes, DANIEL ELAM, A. C. C. The Clerk and Sheriff of the county of Richmond give notice to all those who have any business to do in the said Office, that notwithstanding the above order of Court, they will give credit for theii put of the fees. A Lift of Defaulters in Capt. Caller't Arid, Wilkes county. STEPHEN Brooks, Walter Matthew* David Jones, Samuel Rutherford, Frederick Alhficlcf, John White, Jofephi Beloow, James Armstrong, Duncan M* Queen. ANDREW BURNES, Rcc. A Lift of Defaulters in Captain Pruitt's Diftrift t Wilkes County . Joshua Hill and Thomas Bampfcr. LEVI PRUITT, Rcc. Spellingbooks, and New-Eng land Primers x To be had at the fria|urg*Qficc> - —-!