The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, September 13, 1788, Image 4

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GEORG LA. By tHt HUmorable ‘o EOR G E H A NT* 1* E-Y* Esquire, Cap Chief iW and'over tic feid Stflte. * AProclamation. • w • * I • »•• ' » ’ • and Com- Vs missioners appointed ta.treat with the Southern Tribes of Inrfiaha have received offi cial-accounts from the-Creek Indians, mani fefting a desire and wiHingnefs to come to a treaty hoideoinSeptember next, and in consequence thereof have ordered all ho ft 1 li tres to cease tin their. paw agajuft the State of Geprgia aforefaid.——+L HAVE THERE FORE thought fit, by, and with the advice 4nd. coidcat of tlie honorable the. Executive Council, to iflue this my Proclamation, com manding, that all hofti litres on the part of the said date, do cease again# the said Indians, hereby forbidding all perfon# of the said ftatp to interrupt *or othei wile injure the said In dians, on their,way to, attending on, and re timing fronrthe said Treaty.——AND I DO HEREBY order and command all Ofa ceia Civil and Military to apprehend and se cure any person or persons who shall be found trefpafling again# this Proclamation, in order that they may be brought to condign frunifh ment. • GIVEN under my band and the Great . ' Skat' efthe' said State at Augusta, this thirty'fir ft day of July, in the Tear of our LORD One Thou fund * Seven Hundred and Eighty-eight , and’of our Sovereignty and Indepen dence the Thirteenth. GEORGE HANDLEY. , .ExhhMomf s Command f , J. MILTON, Sec'ry. GOD SAVE THE STATE! ~ \ . i.• *» i . '. . ■ THIS is to give, notice, that being about to purebafe a lot from John Kroofe, in Broad?ftreet, Augusta, known hy tlie(No. 30, we therefore think proper to make known the fame, in cafe.any per son ihould have a mortgage of said lot, dt ftiould there be any incumbrance on the fame. SEBASTIEN BLACHE. JEAN LARY. Augusta, Sept. 5, 1788. Lilt of Defaulters in Capt. VVaUon’s com- ; pany, Burke county. CHAPEL Taylor, james Jones, Tho mas Frederick, Jacob. Rcadick, Lewis Stinfon, Christopher Rutledge, jPetfr JReadick, James Chambers, John Beate, Jofepb Wealch. WILLJAM JRYALL, Rec. ..v 7 ’• » J v • • - ■■' • '■ t JfcAHE Subferiber will dis- JL poie of that large and airy House on Broad-street, in Augusta, next door to the Printing-Office, on very rea jfonable terms, to which indis putable titles will be made. The terms may be known on application to Capt. Watts, near . K H. GRAVES. [HOUSE of ASSEMBLY, I If' eatiefday, January 30. iyBB. ’' A motion was made by Mr. William ‘ Few, that the House do come to the fol , 4cwmg tefolutions: Rejblvedy That this House will proceed to name three fit and discreet persons from . each county, to be convened at Augufl a, by the Executive, as soon as may be after official information is received that nine Bates have adopted the Federal Constitu tion; and a majority of them fliall pro ceed to take under thpir ccnfideiation the alterations, and amendments that are ne cessary to be made in the Conffitution of this State, and to arrange, digest, and al ter the fame in fuel* manner, as in their . judgment will be most conti/tent with the irttereft and fafety, and bed fecire the rights and liberties of the citizens thereof. . Andthefaid resolution being again read, an amendment vfaspropofed by Mr. Clay thereunto. Refolded , That when the Confiituttonls altered and amended in the manner afore, said, five hundred copies thereof ihall be printed, and sent by the Executive to the ! different counties, and didributed among the Jutfices and field officers of the mili tia, to be communicated to the people for their confidcration. Refolded, That it be recommended to every county, on the firft Tuefday in De cember thereafter to choose three Mem bers each, tomeet at Auguda on the fourth day of January after, veded with fuil power, and for the folepurpofe of adopt ing and ratifying, or rejecting the fame. The said refoluiionsbeingfeveraliy read, were agreed to by the House. Refolded, That to-morrow be the or dex of the day for the House to proceed to name three persons from each county, for the purpose intended by the resolutions of this day, that relate to the alteration of the Constitution of this date. THURSDAY, January 31, 1788. The House proceeded to the appoint ment of three fit and discreet persons 'for each county, to be convened at Auguda, by the Executive, as soon as may be, af ter official information is received that nine dates have adopted the Federal Con ditution, to take under their considera tion the alterations and amendments that are neccffary to be made in the Conditu tion of this date j and to arrange, dige#, and alter the fame in such manner, as in , their judgment will be mod confident with the intered and fafety, and bed fccure .the rights and liberties of the dtizens of this date; and the following persons were named and appointed for the different counties; For the County of Chatham: John Houfto’jn, John Haberiham, and General Lachlan M'lntoffi, Efqmrcs. For the County of Burke .* ,v Edward Telfair, George Walton, and qhrf Powell, Esquires. For the County of Effingham : Nathan Brownfon, Jeukin Davis, and Thomas Lane, Esquires. For the County of Richmond: William Few, James M‘Niel, and Charles Crawford, Esquires. For the County of Wilkes : Arthur Fort, Florence Sullivan, and John King, Efquirefc. For the County of Liberty : James Dun woody, Gideon Dowse, and James Powelf, Esquires. , For the County of Glynn : George Handley, John Milton, and Christopher Hillary, Esquires, For the County of Camden • Henry Olborne, James Seagrov- .. John Webb, Esquires. * For the County of fTafiington . jared Irwin, John Watts, and* Tofc Rutherford, Esquires. For the County of Frankly. Larkm Cleveland, Samuel Garden Niel Cleveland, Esquires. t For the County of Greene: Hiarles Abercrombie, William q. and Thonjaa Horton, Esquires. ICtr * Refolded, That the persons attend for the purpose of framing a plan 0 { Conftitutiou for -the state, be entitled * the fame allowance as Members 0 f i!! Legislature e And his Honor the q O , nor in Council is hereby authorial T draw in favor of them individually 0 * the Tieafury.for such allowance, aedfo any other nccelTary expence attwduufc fame. ' 6 s Refolded, That in case any perfonsao. ipmated by the Legislature, to report, draft of a Conflitution for this lht Cj ; decline ading, or if their fens HuU h c . come vacant in any other manner, that tiie Afiiftaut judges of the counties where such vacancies ihall happen, fliail appoiot a day for supplying them, and ihall gj rc twenty days notice of such a day; aa j the'keprefentatives of such county are recommended and dircde.f, to convene at any place that may be appointed by the aforgfaid Judges, and to nominate some person or persons to lupply such vacancy or vacancies, and the perfoq or perfuni chosen. by a majority of the faid.Repre sentatives ihall be coafidered as properly appointed. Extract from the Minutes, JAMES M. SIMMONS, C G L - By the CHIEF JUSTICE. Jt is Ordered^ THAT the Rcfolution of the Honor* able the General Aflcrably of the 24th January last be publilhed : And that the Clerks of the re fpedive counties be and they are hereby required to render an account agreeably to the said Resolu tion on the fit ft dajf of the next term i» each county, on pain of being proceeds! agaiuft for a contempt. HOUSE of ASSEMBLY, Monday , the Z'Ztb January, 1788* Rejolvedy That the Chief Justice be direefei andrequired to call upon the Clerks of the different counties for a clear account of all the judgments that have been obtains! agaiuft public debtors, together with the executions that have been iflued again! them ; and of the monies that have best paid thereon, to whom and at what time such payments were made : And as foot as he ftaall receive aftatement from all the Clerks, he fliail deposit them in the Tiw fury. ExtraS from the Minutes , JAMES M. SIMMONS, C. G.A. And it is further That the R.egifters of Probats oft^ fpedive counties do lay before the u rior Court irr each county on the hr “ • of the ensuing Term, a general re^* taxables and taxable property for , sent year, agreeably to the direfr 03 ’ an Ad, entitled, “ An Ad for Tax for the year 1788.” Andalfoi die Tax Colledors return at the fame 11 ®’ the defaulters in each diftrid in ° nC neral lift for each county. And this' . are by no means to omit on any p ret * n whatever. H. .OSBORN Augujiai Augujl 25, 17S 8 *