The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, September 13, 1788, Image 5

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■Supplement to the Georgia State Gazette, No.CIL « zi * MINGS TON, (Jamaica) June 14. S') Y a gentleman from St. Domingo we learn, that, about three weeks ago, fina l Spaaiih Hoop was l)ing under , Altavalla, near the Friar’s Rocks? ort Biecoafl of Hilpanioia, an Englifli built ISrigantine, crowded with men, mount ||jg t en carriage guns and a number of Itivels, beat up under her stern a little llefore sunset; but getting into shoal wa |Mr flie suddenly hove to, and lent a boat IBvith armed men to board the (loop, the jMaptain of which observing that his in- IKeiided vilitors were in a (late of hostile Kreparation, inftant’y dipped his cable, Enade fail, and ran into shallow water; Kpoo which several llmts were fired at Kim from the brig; but night coming on, Khe Spanish Captain effefted his escape, Kis velTel being a fall sailer, and himfelf ‘ ■well acquainted with the navigation of . ■the coast. Before the Hoop was out ■of fight the boat’s crew belonging ■to the brig boarded a small Spanilh ■schooner, and carried her off. Our in ■formant adds, that the brig carried a blue ■ flag at her ensign ftaff, bespangled with ■ Oars, and to all appearance was an Ame- I rican pirate. I Captaine Ingham, on Thursday morn- I jng, off East End, picked up, in a boat, I Mr. Jaine 6 Foster, nephew to Captain I Toiler, of the Duckenfielcl Hall. He had f Been drogging in his uncle’s lhallop, and 1 was coming from Plantain Garden River, with 15 hoglheads of sugar and* 4 pun cheons of rum, for the Ihips lying at Port Moraut; when the four white men he had with him mutinied, turned him Into ibe hold, and threatened him with imme diate death; but on further consideration, and at his earnest entreaties to spare his life, they thought proper to fend him adrift in the boat. The villains have proceeded with the fliallop round the Nonrh Side, but will not probably fleer for any port in ibis iflaud. SALEM, July 22. On the 13th inst. a tremendous storm cf thunder, rain and hail, fell at Canter bury, Connecticut, many of the hailltones as big as musket balls, and fell in such quantities as to lie three feet deep on the ground, and to be a foot deep in some places five days after the florm. NEW LONDON, July 22. In our last was publifiied an account of a number of people being drowned near Fiftier’s Island ; we since learn that the ■whole number drowned was ten, whose bodies were all found and buried, that of Capt. Chapman was found on Tburfday in only eight feet water, thofame day brought to town, and on Friday interred. Four of the people who were in the water, and - whole strength was nearly exhaufled, were saved by the extraordinary exertions of one of their countrymen from the (bore; moved by their diftrefied situation, he swam 10 them four different times, and each time brought one on lliore; but on landing the fourth, his strength was so much exhaufled that he swooned. RICHMOND, July 30. Extra# cf a letter from Norfolk, dated July 25, 1788. «.0n the 2id"inft. camejon here a most tioleut gale of wind at N. £• which con- ficued till three o’clock yeflerday morn ing. Our house shook and worked like a ‘ fbip at sea. Most of the crafts and other ! vessels were driven from their moorings, some of them into the very streets in Portfmomh. A brig belonging to a Frenchman was driven between rhe head of two wharfs, with her bowsprit into a - warehouse. A craft with 34 puncheons of rum, and a parcel of Madeira wine and sugars, (belonging to Mr. M 4 Dougal) for Richmond, was driven high and dry into Portsmouth, but without ary injury. One craft is funk with tobacco, and num bers of them in the bulh, and a great many funk in the river. The damage done in Norfolk and Portsmouth is pretty consi derable, especially in lumber, corn, felt, and tobacco very wet. Hampton road presented a very dismal profpett; the fliip Favorite ]ohn parted her cables, and drove on (bore and bilged, with her fore and mizen malls cut away; also a brig bound to Rotterdam, and three other vessels, A schooner from Barbadoes, cutting away her malls, an La brig cf Mr. Taylor’s, loaded with corn for Antigua, With her top-gallant yards athwart, rode it out, the only two vessels which were left in the road. The evening before it came on there was a fliip and a brig beating into the Capes, but have not heeu heard of since. At three o’clock, in the morning, the wind fiiifted to S. E. and then died away. The tide was not so high as in Scptemher 1785.” On wednefday evening last, during that severe and tremendous gal*, the fliip Mer maid, Hunter, of Glasgow, with 367 hoglheads tobacco on board, drove from her moorings in Hampton road, and, af ter looting all her mails, Ihe went on shore at Peg Island, in Nanfemond. All the crew were saved, and it is thought the fliip will be got off without any damage to the cargo. ALEXANDRIA, July 31. On the evening of the 23d inst. we had one of the mod violent florms of wind and rain ever experienced here, which continued with unabating fury till the next day. The wind was at E. N. E. when the storm began, but, changing suddenly to the southward, brought in the highest tide that ever was known in this river, and the damage done to tobacco, fugax, fait, &c. in the warehouses in this town, is computed at Several inhabi tants on the wharfs were obliged to retire to &eir chambers, and some were taken out of their houses in boats. A sloop | was lodged in Captain Conway’s wharf, | which has since been launched without much damage. A schooner was funk at Colonel Ramsay’s wharf, and a flat drove on ftiore near Queen-street. In the ware house at Broad Creek, 300 hoglheads of tobacco have been damaged, and, from the continuance of wet weather, itisfup pofed will be entirely loft. Since the above storm, arrived here un der jurymafls, the ship Favourite, Capt. Silas rones, from Boston to George town, who met with a violent gale of wind off the \ Capes of Virginia, on the 24th inst. which twice overfet his ship, and obliged him to cut away his main and mizen mails. He informs us he received no other da mage. * * t About two o’clock in the afternoon of the fame day, Capt. Jones spoke a (loop of 40 tons, under her’mainfail and jib only* from Rhode-Illand bound into the Capes. The next day Capt. Jones made in for land, and about live leagues east of Cape Henry, saw cabin window lights, boards, &rc. which he supposed belonged to the sloop, and which he fears foundered in the gale. The damage in the country to the wheat, growing tobacco, Indian corn, &c. is be yond defeription ; and many planters aud farmers, who flattered themfelvcs with much greater crops than have been known for many years part, had their hopes blaflsd by the violence of the florin. AUGUST A Sept. 9. We learn that the Executive of thf state of Rhode-Illand will in convene the Legislature thereof for the purpofc of calling a convention for consi dering the proposed constitution. The weight of the federal senate of Rhode- Illand, will be as great as that of the largest state—to preserve the proper bam lance of power in the national government* it will be expedient that Rhode-Illand, as well as Vermont, ihould accede to the new confederation . j The Bahama Gazette, of February 23, has the following ftngular advert i/mt fit. 'Run-away from the fubferiber, about , three weeks ago, an elderly man, about fix feet one inch high, by name Csefar Brown, by trade a preeubtr , and cau work a little at the caipenter’s bufmefs. As he is indented to the fubferiber for three years he forewarns all persons againfl harbour, ing or employing him, as they will be \ prosecuted. One guinea will be paid to any person who will lodge the farfon in I gaol, or deliver him to the fublcriber. NaJJau • “ IV • H. Hamilton? <k k 0 «rT> jLx <q> «H > iCe hX <tX «o* Academic Society. THE following Question will be de* bated on Saturday next, the 13th ioft. “ Is the knowledge of the dead lan “ guages a neceflary part of education “ in this country ?” *** Doois will opened, and the de- f bates commence, at half past 3 o’clock precisely. THIS is to give notice, that being j about to purebafe a lot from John : Kroufe, in Broad-street, Augusta, known { j ty the No. 30, we therefore think proper V to make known the fame, in case any per- [ son Ihould have a mortgage of said lot, 1. or Ihould there be any incumbrance on . the fame. SEBASTIEN BLACHE. < < JEAN LARY. jQugufla> Sept. 5* *7, Lift of Defaulters in Capt. Wat lon’s com pany, Burke county. j, ' CHAPEL Taylor, james Tones, The- I mas Frederick, jaceb Readied * Lewis Stinfon, Cbriftophfer Rutledge «/ Peter Readick, james Chambers, JOI4 f| j Beat*, Rec,, ? j