The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, September 13, 1788, Image 6

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m « HOUSE of ASSEMBLY, Wedntfday> January 30. 1788. A motion was made by Mr. William Few, that the House do come to tbr fol lowing refutations: ‘ Re/olvedt That this House Will proceed to name three fit and difereet persons from each county, to be convened at Auguffa, by the Executive, as soon as may be after official information is received that nine Hates have adopted the Federal Confiitu tion; and a majority of them stall pro ceed to take under their consideration the alterations and amendments that are ne cessary to be made in the Constitution of this State, and to arrange, digest, and al-' ter the fame in such maimer , as in their judgment will be mod continent with the rnte'reft and fafety, and bed feeure the rights and liberties of the citizens thereof. Andthefaid resolution being again read, an amendment was proposed by Mr. Clay thereunto. ReJ'ofacd , That when theConditution is altered and amended in the manner afore faid, five hundred copies thereof lhall be printed, and sent by the Executive to the different counties, and diftriboted among the jodices ahd field officers of the mili tia, to be communicated to the people for their consideration. Refolded, That it be recommended to •very county, on the fird Tuefday in De cember thereafter to efcoofe three Mem bers each, tomeet at Auguda on the fourth day of January after, veded with full power* and for the foiepurpofe of adopt ing *id ratifying* or rejecting the feme. The said refolutiofis being severally read/ Were agreed to by the House. Rejolvtdy That to-morrow be the or der of the day for the House to proceed to name three persons from each county, for the purpose intended by the resolutions of this day, that relate to the alteration of tbeConftitution of this Hate, THURSDAY, January sl, 17##. The House proceeded to the appoint ment of three fit and difereet persons for each county, to be convened at Auguda, by the Executive, as soon as may be, af ter official information is received that nine dates have adopted the Federal Con ilitution, to tdkc under their considera tion the alterations and amendments that are neccffary to be made in the Conrtitu tion of this date } and Ho arrange, diged, and alter the fame in such manner, as in their judgment will be mod confident with the intered and fafety, and bed feeure the Tights and liberties of the citizens of this Hate; and the following persons were Siamed and appointed for the different counties: For the County of Chatham : John Houftoun, John Haberihara, and Central Lachlan M‘lntofli, Esquires. For the County of Burke: Edward Telfair, George Walton, and , ohn Powell, Esquires. for the County of Effingham : Nathan Brownfon, Jenkin Davis, sfad Thomas Lane, Esquires. For the County of Richmond: William Few, James M‘NieJ, and Charles Crawford, Esquires. For the County of Wilkes ; Arthur Fort, Florence Sullivan, and john King, Esquires. For the County of Liberty: James Dunwoody, Gideon Dowse, and james Powell, Esquires. For the County of Glynn : I George Handley, John Milton, and j Chridophu Hillary, Esquires, K. % • * * -V v -« For County cf Camden : I Fler.rjr Ofbdme, James l Seagiove, and John Webb, Esquires. For tbt County of Wafhir.glon : ' jared Irwin, John Watts, and John Rutherford, Esquires. For the County of Franklin : Larkin Cleveland, Samuel Gardner, and Niel Cleveland,, Esquires. -For the County of Greene : Charles Abercrombie, William Greer, and Thomas Horton, Esquires. Refolded? That tlie persons attending for the purpose of framing a plan of a Constitution for the* ftatev be entitled to the Came allowance a* Members of the Legillature : And his Honor the Gover nor in Council is hereby amborifed to draw in favor of them individually, on the Treasury for such allowance, and for any other necellary expence attending the fame. Rejolvedy That fn case an}*perfons no minated by the Legislature, to report a draft of a Constitution for this state, shall decline acting, or if their feats (hall be come vacant iff any other manner, that the Afiiftant Judges of the counties where such vacancies (hall happen, shall appoint a day for fuppfying them, and shall give twenty days notice of such a day; and the Reprefenfatives of fochr county are recommended amt directed, to convene at any place that may be appointed by the aforefuid Judges, and to nominate feme perfoa or persons to supply fuchf vacancy or vacancies and the person or persons chosen by a majority of the said Repre sentatives flia.ll be coufi Jered as properly appointed.. Extra ft from the Minutes , JAMES M. SIMMONS, C.G.A. By the CHIEF JUSTICE. It it Ordereds THAT the Refolutfon of the Honor able the General AfTembly of the 24th January last be published : And that the Clerks of the refpeCtivc counties be arid they are hereby required to render an account agreeably to the said Resolu tion on the firft day of the next term in each county, on pain of being proceeded against for a contempt. HOUSE of ASSEMBLY, Monday , the ifttb January t 1788. Rejelnbtd, That the Chief Justice be directed and required to call upon the Clerks of the different counties for a clear account of all the judgments that have been obtajped against public debtors, together with the executions that have been issued against them ; and of the monies that have been paid thereon, to whom and at what time luch payments were made: And as fooii as he shall receive a statement from all the Clerks, he shall deposit them in the Trea* fury. Extraftfrom the Minutes , JAME 9 M. SIMMONS, C. €?. A. ' .. ii-, .... And it is further Ordered , That the Rcgifters of Probats of thp re fpeCtive counties do lay before the Supe rior Court in Ach county on the firft day of the entiling Term, a general return of taxables and taxable property for the pre sent year, agreeably to the directions of an Aft, entitled, “ An Aft for laying a Tax for the year 1788.* Andaljo , That the Tax Collectors return at the fame time fhc defaulters in each diftriCt in one ge ncral Hft for each county-. And thi* thf* I are by no means to omit on any preteo«e l whatever. M H. OSBORNE. I Augusta, An%uft l;, 1788. B RU N away from the Subscriber, a I Negro wench named LUCY, s or ’ m . I er!y the property of Mr. Smith Clarendon* She was carried off by her hufbaud, f e ff e ’ I ry (formerly the property of Major I Walhington, now of Mrs. Murray) We ;j I knowu in and about Augusta, where 1: ■ not improbable they may endeavour to |L conceal A reward of £/^ e W Dollars y and all reasonable charges, w ; ij I , be paid on delivery of the wench to Col. I John Milton, in Augusta, or to Mr. John p Clarke, in Reech-ItTand ; if harboured by f . a white person, a reward of Five Gumtai, f if by a negro, Two Guineas will be paid I bn eorcviftion of the offender. BALTHASER SHAFFEL | TAKEN up by old Mr. Fnrey, and | brought tome to be dealt with as the Taw diretts, a white Mare, about 14 I* hands and one inch high, 7 or 8 years i' old, paces natural* is branded on the K ; mounting shoulder fonvething like thus U I has a larse knocking bell tied on with an I old tanned leather strap. The owner will obtain hrs property, by *1 lawful application to JAMES STALLINGS, J.p. A Lift of Defaulters in Captain Jcfa I Lilfs Com pair; 1 Richmond County. | JOSEPH Franklin, John Mason, Ni cholas jones, Edward Taylor, Tho- I mas Garret, Joftph Brantly, William I Smith, Adam Gels, Thomas Gefs, Samu- I el Cooper, Niel Clark, Peter Leth, Ros ter Heath, Hatton Parham, Peter Parham, Nathan Parham, Thomas Parham, Tho mas Silkes, William johnr, Thoma» I Graftley, Lewis Parham. One hundred acres land, fecund quali ty, formerly the property of James Nor ton, who is out of the limits of this date. One lot in the town of Wrightlborough, No. 91, formerly the property of Sa- I muel Oliver, dcccafed. R. HOWARD, Rec. THEt Subscriber will dis- I pose of that large and airy House on Broad-street, in Augusta, next door to the Printing-Office, on very rea sonable terms, to which indis putable titles will be made. The terms may be known oa application to Capt. Watts, near Augusta. H. GRAVES. Notice. re> THIS is to forewarn all persons from trading for a Note of mine, which I have given to Captain Zachariah Philips* as I have paid the amount thereof fame time ago. ISAAJS DENNIS. Apgxft *3> *" <*•» ? 1 • ' i