The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, October 04, 1788, Image 4

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$ 6 E f R Y. . » ■. V * *4 ' • .• SbfcsbidCJfoK J , , I. . 'i . i --i •« ' I F&R S E s Made at Sea in a Heavy Gak. «*4 T TAPPY thd matrwhd, fafc on (bore, Jfc Jt Now trims at home bis evening fire f Unmov’d, he bears the tempests roar, > That.on the tufted groves expire; Alas! on us they doubly fall, Oar feeble bark; must bear them all,. Now to their haunts the birds retreat, , .The squirrel fceks his hollow tree; Wolves in their (haded caverns meet, AH, all are bled but wretched we-** for, doom’d a stranger to repose, No red the 1 unsettled ocean knows. While o’er the dark abyss we roam, Perhaps what e’er the pilots fay, We saw the fun’s defeeuding gloom, No more td fee his riftng ray, Put bury’d low; by far too deep* On coral beds unpitied sleep ! 2fat whit a drange uhcoaded' drand Is that where Death permits no day,* No, .charts we have to mark that land, No compass to dirett that way. What pilot ihall explore that real m, . What new Columbus take the helin !' While death and dsdknefs both fur round,* And tempests rage with lawless pow’r, Os .Frieudthip’s voice I heir no found, No comfort ih this dreadful hour— What friendlhip can in tempests be ? Wfiif comforts on this angry sea * 6tfk, adbuftortv’d to obey, No nibre till trembling pilots guide, Alonb die gr6j>ei hVr tricklefs way, moitaVains bum on every fide; TKuk (kill and lb fence both must fall, And rbin is the lot of all, *fr i 6 d o r e. IHp H & constitution of Pennsylvania A. makes a yearns refideuce in the ffate, ab'd payment of taxes, the foie re quisites Vo qualify A man for an elector. At an ele&ion, when parties were vio lent, each Wirmly canvaffmg for fuffrages, a captain ofk (hip, then lying, at the wharf, took his seamen to a magrftrate, paid a tax. for each, and procured ;a certificate of the payment; then putting ftich tickets or votes in their hands as he pleased, led them to. the State-houfej where they all lodged their votes. Qn the return of the (hip, tine next voyage, just before flip arrived in Dela warccßay, (he wasp for rounded with avail multitude of porpoises, pmfuing a wefter lf cotrrfe with thedirp. ** See here (fays one of the sailors to bis (hip-mate) what a merry company ' u Yes, damn them, (replies Jack) they are driving to Philadelphia, 1 believe, to pay taxes and vote for Assemblymen.” The captain, who Was Aen Walking oh(he detki RealSlilhd fAcaftic WagiXnd finlicd, but fad not a word.* To be had at the Printing-Office. ♦ Notice. THE Copartner (hip of Alexander Shearer and David Sc Andrew M‘ Credlo, uuder the firm of A. Shearer & Co. is this day drliblved, on account of the death of the former. All thole who have claims agaiuft said Alexander Shear er & Co. are desired to render their ac counts to-John M'Dowall and Janies M‘ Queen, in order that they may be adiufted and* paid : Also thofs that hand indebted | ©o said concern, eirherby bond, note, or book debts, ate earnettiy reqnelled to make payment as soon as poflible; The business in future will be carried-on by John M'Doweil, in- Augusta, and by James M‘Qtieen, at Liberty Hill, as ex jenlively as formerly, having full powers ; to act in our names. AN DU E W M*CREBtE Sc Coi Auguji 25, 1788. ; 1 To be let, jT H E ] Dzvelling-houfe ! Next to Mrs. Lauder’s, lately ; occupied by Colonel Call. i WILLIAM WALLACE, Aufguftay Sept. 17, 1788. ! ' —*—■— - . . . ■ . , ,1 II »■■■■■ , A Lift of Defaulters in Capt. Caller's di ftritt, Wilkes county. | £*TEPHEN Brooks, Walter Mathews, O David Jones, Samuel Rutherford, Frederick Aflifieid, John White, Joseph Beloow, James Armstrong,, Duncan M‘ Queen. * ANDREW BURNES, Rec. A’ Lift of Defaulters in Captain Cletaent Wilkin's diftricl, Wilkes county. WILLIAM Lowryj James Lowry, Peter Carrol, Augustine Davis, : (non-ielident) 200 acres land, third qua lity, . Foster, (non-rclident) 200 acres land, second quality. ! BARNABAS PACE, Rec. ; 1 A Lift of Defaulters in Capt. TuHell’s Diftrid, Burke County. JOHN Corker, John Canada, Richard Straurfer, William Pearson, Francis Jones, Abfolem W-ells, on the Bill of Attainder. WILLIAM WEEL, Rcc. THE Subscriber not having it in his power to find the holders of a Note of hand he gave to Stephen and Samuel Meers, the 28th April, 1787, for 350 ' bulhels of corn, payable the lft of No vember last, gives this public notice, that on Wednesday the 2ad of October next, he lhall, at his plantation near Augusta, ‘ measure off the corn due upon the said Note, before witnefles, for the Holder or holders of the famfc, at whose rifle if will afterwards remain. N. H. BUGG. Sept* 25, 1788. | A Lift of Defaulters tn Captain Pruitt's Diftrifi) Wilkes County. ■rofliua Hill and Thomas Sampler, 1 J LEVI PRUITT, Rcc. la COUNCIL; sefnetol<r k , A L « tter datcd Hth Jwc ftom tbell oretary of Congress, with au endofji was read, Lr « Ordered, That the cnclofure be „ P lifhed iu the State-Gazette. E* trad from the Minutes J. MERIWETHER, S. eV , By the UNITED STATES: i 0 C( ’ I CRESS AiTembfed' June u, i-gg 1 On the report of a committee I ing of Mr. Dane, Mr. Hamilton and M r l Brown, to whom was referred a petitioll of John Buchanan and ottter invalids a !fl who were ordered to take into conCde rj ,l lion the Invalid Eftabliflianent: Resolved, That each State fliall }j a J credit in its general account with the I United Stares for such sums as bca/uel due to the Invalids before the firfl day of I January, 1782, and which have been or I fliall be paid to them by the state; and I fbr such sums as* became doe to Invalids* from the said firft day of January, 1782,! ‘ incluftve; to the firft day- of January iffi I arid which have been or lhall be paid t»l them by any Bate, the state (hall have I credit in the existing ffkcie-requifitions ofl . Congress ; and fbr sums that may so be* | r come due aft*r January, 1788, aud be I paid by any state, the ftajte Ofcill have cre-l dir in the specie requifitiona of Congre/s I which may hereafter be made; j Refolded, Thar no person fliall be e>| titled to a pension as an invalid who hail not or fliall not before the expiration ofl fix months from this time make applica-l tion therefor, aitd produce the require I Certificates and Evidence to entitle him I thereto. CHARLES THOMSON, Sec’y. I ■ Stolen or Strayed I Off Augujiu Common ,- tin Sunday night iht\ ivfif or Monday horning the zid inf A Bright,Bay Rorfe, about! fourteen* atid a Half hands high,! four years old ltfft fpviifgj has two white! ; feet behind, and a bifiie down his face,! ' not broke into any paces, very clean limbs,! ~ and likely mad*, fliodHefore; was pur-! - chafed a stud from-the estate of Dr. Todd,l but has been Tately cut.C A Reward of! . FI V E GUI NE AS- will be paid inline- 1 1 diatcly on delivery of said Horse to the I Subscriber iu Augusta, or if stolen, TEN I G UI NEAS on conviction of the thief.l GEORGE HUNT. I Augujhly 178 s. A Lift of Defaulters (non-residents) ill = Capt. Wymes’e Piftrift, Burke County. I ALEXANDER Headrick, 250 acres! of land of the second quality; Na- 1 than Cherry, 100 aeres of land, second I quality; John Bartholonicy, 100 acres«l land, second quality. ■ "*■ » I BEING disappointed in a fuppty °1 large paper, I am under the ueceffi-1 ty of thus abridging the Gazette until fuckl supply arrives; It is an iticonvience wbickl the publication will always be fubjeae to, while there is so little punctuality oc ferved in the payments by the greater part of my fubferibers ;• 1 hope that iu m* they will put it out of my power to have reason for making this an excuse. I w , in the mean while remedy the inconveat* ence as far as lies lamy power, by g l ';' lo * a Supplement on any particular occa^o* j JOHN E. SMITH*