The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, October 11, 1788, Image 4

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P o B T R Y. WOCKXSOK The Deliberation. Imitated from the Soliloquy of Hamlet. MY anxious mind is torn with doubt* ful ftrife, > hopes and fears alternate vex toy life: Whether 'twere bed to ad the ftoic*s part,, And bar fond love all entrance to the heart'; Or with some fair, in wedlock's sacred bands, Our hearts united, join our willing hands; Happy a while, the. pleasing feene may seem, But will not time evince *tis but a dream ? The dread of what succeeds, suspends our fate;. Led venturing rashly we repent too late. Who would a date of celibacy chufe, And the sweet joys of intercourse refufe ? Sudain the unnumber'd jeers and tauntsef wit. Or to a fad unsocial life submit ? When he himfelf might calm each throb* bing pain, And charm all ills, with Hymen's golden chain-: Who would in (ingle iheets groan out the night, Stranger alike to red and foft delight ? But that the mind some future ills deplore, And makes us fear to tread the adveut rous diore, Where solemn death alone can give re kafe,- from troubles free us, and redore our peace. This makes us rather bear the plagues we Ynow, Than raftily venture on new feenes of woe. Aedeftion thus makes cowards of us all, And dread of cares unseen, our minds ap pal. Changes and difeord, jealousy and drife, ills which all centre in the name of wife : These to avoid, a tingle life we choose, By prudence urg'd- to (hun the marriage-, noofc* Stolen or Strayed Off Augufia Common , on Sunday night the 2 if, or Monday morning the ltd inf. A Bright Bay Horse, about fourteen and a half hands high, four years old lad spring, has two white feet behind; and a blaze down his face, not broke into any paces, very clean limbs, t and likely made, (hod before; was pur chased a dud from the eftat&of Dr. Todd,, but has been lately out. A Reward of FIVE GUINEAS will be paid imme diately on delivery of said Horse to the Subscriber in Augusta, or if dolen, TEN; GUINEAS on convjftion of the thief; GEORGE HUNT. Augufia, Sept. iyBB. A Lid of Defaulters (non-residents) in j Capt. Wymes's Didrift, Burke County. A LEXANDER Headrick, 250 acres pf land of tht flecbrtd quality; Na than Cherry, -Y6O teres of kind, second quality John Bafthotemey, 100 acres of land, fecoud quality. InCOUNCIL, Stptemler 5, 1788* A Letter dated 14th June from the Se cretary of Cong refs, with an enclosure, was read, That the enclosure be pub lished in the State Gazette. Ertra& Jr am the Minutes, J. MERIWETHER, S. E. 0. By the UNITED STATES in CON GRESS Assembled K June lb, 1788. On the report of a committee confid ing of Mr. Dane, Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Brown, to whom was referred a petition of John Buchanan and other invalids, and who were ordered to take into coniidera tion the Invalid Eftablilhment: Rejolwd, That each State llitll have' credit in its general account with the United States for such sums as became due to the Invalids before the firft day of January, 178a, and which have been or diall be paid to them b f the (late; and for such sums as became due to Invalids from the fa id firft day of January, 1782, inclusive, to the firft day of January 1783, aud - which have* been or lhall be paid to them by any fiate, the state fliall have credit in thcexifting specie requisitions of Cgngrefs ; and for sums that may so be come due after January, 1788, and be paid by any state, the state thall have cre dit in the specie requisitions of Congress which may hereafter be made. Refolded , That no person fliall be erst . titled 10 a penfiomas an invalid who has not or fliall not before the expiration of fix months from this time make applica tion therefor, and produce the requifiie Certificates and Evidence to entitle him thereto. CHARLES THOMSON, Sec’y. Notice. TH E Copartnership of Alexander Shearer and David & Andrew M‘ Credie, under the firm of A. Shearer & Co. is this day dissolved, on account of the death of the former. All thole who have claims again# said Alexander Shear er & Co. are dcfired to reuder their ac counts to John M'Dowall and James Queen, in order that, they may beadjufted and paid: Also those that stand indebted to said concern, either by bond, note, or book debts, are earnestly requested to make payment as- soon as pofilble. The business in future will be carried on by John M‘Dowell, in Augusta, and by James M'Qiieen, at Liberty Hill, as ex tensively as formerly, having full powers to aft in our name 3. ANDREW M*CREDIE Sc Co. Augujia, Auguji 25, 17:88. A Lift of Defaulters in Capt. Caller’s di ftrift, Wilkes county. STEPHEN Brooks, Walter Mathews, David Jones, Samuel Rutherford, Frederick Aihfield, John White, Joseph Beloow, James Armtlrong, Duncan M< Queen. ANDREW BUKNES, Rec. A Lift of Defaulters in Capt. TufielPs Diftrift, Burke County. JOHN Corker, John Canada, Richard Strandcr, William Pearson, Francis Jones, Abfblertt VVclls, on the Bill of Attainder. WILLIAM WEEL, Rec. RUN away from tfte'Satftt&fr t in the last spring, as he rtJ v . had done before, a Negro felldw JEMMY, about five feet or J J nches high, will at times change hii as he will his mafler’s name, f pea L ? Enghih, and might be taken for an aim new negro, but is very plau/Tblc a , artful, has his country (Ebo) raar!u 111 n; his face thus 111 111, or thus and is well known about Spirit (>* having been twice taken at the p! ant ‘'; of Mr. William Boflick, and was va hitely taken np by Capt. M'Gee „ Like wife run away from the Si;bfcUe in the month of July 1785, and fun>ofr to be some where in the hack couotrr new negro of th« fame nation, known**, the name of JOE, about tweaty-two vea: of age, very bllck- and short, not r, 1Uc ‘ above five feet- high, well made, .•>„<! , a pleasant countenance, speaks little 0 no Englifb, but upon being quefiiocedc , 1,18 ptelent or laie owner, (Mr. Franc- Courvoilie) or his comrade Hetlor, wil in all probability* be easily difeovered j ki name may be now changed. Whocve will deliver the said negroes in Savannah or to the Hon. Coi. Fiihbonrn inAuguih fhaJl receive a Reward of EIGHT DOL EARS for each, and the sum of FIVI POUNDS will be given on informatioi and conviction of their or each of fh'ei * being harboured. The fubferiber will dispose of Jemmj or. joe. 1 ernvs to be known by applica tion to CohFilhbourn, or to* j ' JAMES JACKSON. ; Notice* : T DO forewarn all persons whatfoevr X from bargaining in any manner wit j my wife, Elizabeth Goodwin, for aij] part of my real or peifonal eflate what ever j and fnch debts as my sons, Thomas Harwood and Matthew, may contrast, ' do hereby inform (he public that I will no pay the fame, nor a Stilling to any of diet on account of marriage. And as I fu( pest that some or all of my negroes maj he moved off from my plantation, in or der to be disposed o£ in a claudeftinenm - uer, duiing my abfcnce in Virginia, Id< heieby offer a-reward of Five Poundsfo each negrue that may be apprehended as ter such to be paid upon the con • vision of the offender to removing them HARWOOD GOODWIN. IVtikes Counif r Sept- 25, 1788. THE Subferibfci- Dot having it in hi power to find the holders of a Noti of hand he gave to Stephen and Satnue Meers, the 28th April, 1787, for 55c bushels of corn, payable the ill of No* vemGer lafly gives this public notice, tha 011 Wednesday the 22d of Oftofcer next he shall, at his plantation near Augtrfb measure off the corn clue upon the lai< Note, before witnenes, for the holder 01 holders of the fame, at whole risk it wil afterwards remain. N. n. BUGG. Sept . 2?, 17SS. a A Lilt of Defaulter s 111 Captain Ciemea Wilkin’s diltrift, Wilkes county. WILLIAM Lowry, James Lowrv Peter Carrol, Augufiine Davis (non-rendent) 200 acres land, third qua hty, Loiter, (non- redden!) 20! acres land, second quality. BARNABAS PACE, Fee.