The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, October 18, 1788, Image 3

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£ongrefs and the Conroiifilon* I tberc forc would not be decent in !, ' r fl eo t ] c ipate its contents. lam for- upon my return, that some 0 Ak an1 0 /jtiiouß person, far some vile h announced in some of the r °kßoliua payrs, that it was asked, upon :ri fl arrival, whether I came from Geor c?fl or Cai^ na —if from the last, they Cofl.,M accepthetalk—if from the form rJsßhey wouk not rec eive me: To re °?Bve the of which I beg leave a *ißend you thevdofed affidavit, which, ’ffßyou think nevfy ar you may have —I have jj C honor to be, with a ®g rca refped, ’our molt obedient fervant, ' ; 'W GEORGE VHITEFIELD. nijflort Charlotte, July rk 1788. nW/jtj Honor George HancSy, Esq. \ '■> governor of the Stale of Gi*™ ia. \ cfILKS delivered to Ms. White - by the Hollowing King 0 f t h e “W'owetaws, and the Mad Dog of the rn *Tuckabachies. ’fl Worfeter Square , 16th May y jflr'HE Chiefs, Headmen, and War* riors being met, the Hollowing ' of the Cowetas, in behalf of the ;r flole, and in reply to the Comraifliouers ’flitacion, spoke as follows: f mThat, as he told Col. White, when here, ■f never wanted to take hold of bad >flks, or put the white people from them, St to take them by the hand, and hold flm as fathers, brothers, and friends : 'fltbe alio told him it was what his elders Id always told him to do, for the bene ’lof them and their children: That he fluid never have any other intention, but fls sorry to have met with any thing that fliuld interrupt their peace, as he always flhed to hold the three nations, Afntri §s, Englilh, and Spaniards, fad as ’■ends; is sorry for the interruption, but ■glad to fee the time coming when he Hll be able to reuew his ftiendfhip ; had Ha great deal to fay, but, as he said be fle, hopes the beloved men will not fltne them solely for what has happened, Bngonly in defence of their rights : That ■has seen their talks, is proud to fee fly look upon him as they do : That he flays looked on them as brothers,fathers, B friends, from whom, as their duty, U always expected advice, and hopes Ben they meet the talk will be straight Id full: That when he saw Col. White I was glad, received him as a friend, Id to him told his grievance, withed him ■ lay them before Congress, and to get I Ge«rgians removed from the lands, Ithout which there could be 110 peace ; It they did not intend or with a general It; that being once done, every thing fluid return to its old channel: When fly fee this, they will fee our talks are fl fame as to Col. White: Is fowy for flat has happened, it has been the quar ■l of brothers, and hopes all malice will ■ removed at the meeting, as well as iufe of complaint : He told Col. White ■ should be always ready to hear good ■* 8 » the day is now come, and he re vives it with fatisfadion : When they l c this, the beloved men will know it is Be fame talk given to Col. White : This la return, with thanks, for the talk this PT received by their beloved men’s uief l°ger, whom he has received with his part; hopes they will welcome his reply fc the fame manner, and hopes they will P&fider that they have many mad people |ith them, as doubtless there are among r e whites ; but, a* they are matters of tlie gronntJ, they* only contend for their rights t Again hopes this talk will be equally agreeable to the whites as theirs is to him and his people : Repeats again what he said to Col. White, what happened at the firft settlement, that the whites then only poflcfTed the sea-board, but one oc currence or other has led them up the country, and they are now eucroaching as near as pofiibie : As they mean a talk, a little is best spoke from the heart ; he hopes he speaks to his friends, that he has now returned the talk to his fathers in an swer to theirs, which he likes and received with pleasure; and as they will receive this by me, hopes when they meet there wnl be no obstacle, but they will meet and shake hands in a friendly manner, like fathers and sous. TuckabachieSy s\fi May , 1788, BEING all met, they received the talk as a good one, and made choice of the Mad Dodos the Tuckabachies, who re plied as follows : That they and the low er towns were all one people, and what has been done there they agreed to; there has beeu a little difference, but, as a peace talk is come, hopes there will be 110 thoughts of that, that he does not blame the heads of the whites, hopes they to not blame them, as what has been dose he believes to be done by the lower kind of people, and not by the heads, as he fees now from their talk; hopes they have taken it into consideration to preserve life ; and that he is as ready for peace as they are, they with for nothing but peace, if agreeable to both sides, and do not think themselves in fault; as for the dif ference of blood that has been fpilt it can not be helped, they are sorry for it, and would be glad how soon it can be flopped ; it is of no use to a long talk until they meet, when every thing will be dif cutfed fully, and hopes they will meet friends and fettle their business. 3 AUGvFTaOZ!. jB. GEORGIA. By the Honorable GEORGE H ANDLEY, tfquire, Cap tain General, Governor, and Commander in Chief, in and over the said State. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the Honorable the Cen grefs of the United States of Ame rica did. on the thirteenth day of Sep tember last, refblve, “ that the firft Wed u nefday in January next be the day for w appointing Eledors in thefeverdl States, “ which before the said day shall hare ra “ tified the said Constitution; that the u firft Wednesday in February ne-xt, be “ the day for the Eledors to alterable in “ their refpedivc States, and vote for a u President; and that the firft Wednef “ day in March next be the time, and the “ present feat of Congress the place for “ commencing proceedings under the said “Constitution:” AND WHEREAS by the fy-ft Sedion of the fecoud Article of the Federal Constitution, it is exprefted, << that each State lhali appoint in such “ manner as the Legislature thereof may “ dired, a number of Eledors, equal to ** the whole number of Senators and.Re “ prefentatives to which the State may * be entitled in the Congress :»* AND WHEREAS it is absolutely neceflary, in order that the said Resolve above recited may be carried into full and ample effed, that the Legiflatufe of the State af©ref*M thould be convened with all poffibli 4if patch, to proceed on that important bnfi* nefs; I HAVE THEREFORE, by and with the advice and consent of the Honor* able the Executive Council, thought At to iflue this mj Proclamation, ftriftly re quiring the attendance of the said Legis lature at Augusta, in the said State, on Tue/day y the Fourth day of November next, to appoint the place and mode of chufing such Electors; as also for the dispatch of Such other public bufmefs as may be laid before them. Given under my Hand and the Great Stal of the Jaid State, at Augusta, this Seventeenth Day of Odo her, ttt the 1 ear of our LORD Out i Thoufand Seven Hundred and Eighty-eighty and of our Sovereign* ty and Independence the Thirteenth* george Handley. By his Honor's Command, J. Milton, Sec*y* GOD SAVE THE STATE. DIED. On Monday morning la A, at Vis plantation near the Kiokies, the Honorable Joel Cravfordy Esq. a Member of the Honorable the Executive Council for Rich* mond county. *4.*. Advertisements omitted for want of room will be inserted in our next. Augusta Ware- House. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giwok that the Infpetf ion is open, and we are now ready to receive and ipfpeSt To bacco at the Warehouse lately erefted, in the lower end of the town of Augusta; the greatest care will be taken, and every attention paid by the Infpcdors, and To bacco looked at with dispatch. R. DIXON, l . , . C. BOSTICK, J ln JP eaon * Augujlay 0&. 13, 1788. Notice. HAVING resigned my appointment as Commiflary of Iftues, give this Public Notice to all persons that haveatt ed under me in said Department, to meet me at Washington, Wilkes county, on the firft Tuefday in November next, in order to make a final fe.demerit with me, that I may be able to fettle and close my public accounts ; those who fail may ex* pest the deficiencies, if any there be, will * be called for in a manner very disagree able to their humble servant, ' PETER STUBBLEFIELD. Od. 14, 1788. Notice. THE Commifiioners of the town o£ Augusta will on the 10th day oft December next attend at the Academy tea receive Sealed proposals from any person or persons for building a Wharf oppofitO the Augusta Ware-house, to be one hun dred and fifty feet in front, and to extend as far as what may be termed low watec mark, to be framed with good Square pine ranging timber ix by is, piled and filled up with stone and sand ; to be com pleated on or before the firft day of June next. By Order of the Board , Wm. GLASCOCK, President, Augusta) Od. 23, 2788.