The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, October 18, 1788, Image 4

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P 0 E T R y. From flie Poems of ROBERT BURNS, the celebrated Ayrjhire Ploughman* A PRATER, IN THE PROSPECT of DEATH. • . v . i r • t 9. I. OTHOU unknown, Almighty eaufe Os all my hope and fear! whole dread Presence, ’ere an hour Perhaps I mull appear* tl. If I have wander’d in those paths Os fife I ought to fliun; As Something , loudly, in my brcaft, Remonftratcs I have done; HI. Thou know’ft that Thou haft formed me With paflions wild and strong; And lift’ning to their witching voice Has often led me wrong. IV. Where human wuaknefs has come ftiort Or frailty ftept aside, Thou, All-Good! for such Thou art, * In (hades of darkness hide. ♦ . V. Where with intention I have err’d, No other plea I have, But, 9hou art Good ; and goodncfs (till Delighteth to forgive; Stolen or Strayed Off Augusta Common f on Sunday night the 2Jfi, or Monday morning the ltd injl . A Bright Bay Horse, about fourteen and a half hands high, four years old last spring, has two white feet behind, and a blaze down his face, toot broke into any paces, very clean limbs, and likely made, (hod before ; was pur chased a stud from the estate of Dr. Todd, But has been lately cut. A Reward of FIVE GUINEAS will be paid imme diately on delivery of said Horse to the Subscriber in Augusta, or if ftoletf, TEN guineas on conviftion of the thief. | GEORGE HUNT. Augusta, Sept. 23, 1788. Wanted to Exchange, A sensible, compleat Waiting Boy, For a strong, able Field Slave. Apply to the Printer. Augusta, Oft. 9, 1788. A Lift of Defaulters in Capt. TufTell’a Piftrift, Burke County. TOHN Corker, John Canada, Richard' J Strauder, William Pearson, Francis Jones, Abfolem Wells, on the. Bill of Attainder. ' ' * ’ WILLIAM WEEL, Rec. t GEORGIA. ( By the Honorable GEORGE 1 H A N D L bY, Esquire, Cap tain General, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the said State. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS feveraf Resolutions of the Aftembly paffcd the thirtieth and thirty-firft days of January last, wherein the Executive are empowered to convene the Members no minated by the said Resolutions,. at Au gusta, “ as soon as may be, after offi?ial “ information is received that nine ffates “ have adopted the Federal Constitution AND WHEREAS official information is received from the Congress of the Unit ’ ed States, dated th*'thirteenth day of Sep tember last, notifying that the fame is ' adopted, and directed proceedings to ; commence thereon ; I HAVE THERE | FORE, agreeably to tßfcfaid Resolutions, and with the advice and confenf of the Honorable the Executive Council', thought fit to iflue this my Proclamation, requir ing the persons so nominated and appoint ed, to convene i wAugufta owTue/dayrtht Fcurib day of November next; then and there “ to proreed to take under their “ consideration the alterations and atnend “ ments that are necelfary to be made u in the Constitution of- this State.” Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the Jaid Stare> at Augujia , this Sixth Day of October, in ikt Year of our L(J R D One Tbo u /and Seven Hundred and Eighty eigbt, and of our Sovereignty and Independence the Thirteen*h* GEORGE HaWGLEY. . By His Honor's Command, J. Milton, Sec’y. | GOD SAVE THE STATE. In COUNCI L, October i, i;88. Ordered , THAT Tuefday the i ith of Novem ber next, be aftigned for the trial of the following Appeals :> Charles Ward,. > vs. > Daniel M‘Murphy, j John Barnett & P. Crawford, 1 VB. S William Strother & .Sam. Gardner, y Extrafffrom the Minutes , J. MERIW.ETHER, S. E. C. To be let, THE Dwelling-boufe Next to Mrs. Lauder’s, lately occupied by Colonel Call. WILLIAM WALLACE, An gufta., Sept . 17, 1788. ANDREW Whitefield tolls n black Horse about eight years old, thir teen and a half hands high, a natural pacer, branded on the mounting (houlder S H and on the near buttock thus S H and M has a blemish on the right eye. The owner may prove the property before t>. HUNTER, J. P. Augusta, Sept. ZQ) 1788. In COUNCIL, A Letter dated 14th J„„ e f L'S cretary of Congteft, »i,h ao /ck(M« was read, J Ordered, That the enclof/ be I) liflied iu the State Gazette./ Ertradl from tbSinutts, i J. MERIWETHB, S,E.c,l \/ By the UNITED in coßf GRESS Artembled, Jr 11 * On the report of a c/kmittee c.>nsH ing of Mr. Dane, Mr^ am ihonandM Brown, to whom vva'^ e^ erre( i a of John Buchanan 317 °thet invalids, j • who were ordered' 0 ta^e i nto C ' tion the Invalid j/ablilhment: Resolved, IV e3ch State (hall !,,■ eredit in its /Cneral account with United State' for r “ ch fonts as becal doe to- the before the firftdayH January, which have hiall be/ ai ‘l to them b y the state ; a M“ for fuc* frms as became due to InvaEfl from cb e laid firfl- day of January, i, ic ufive, to tbo firffday of January i-M a <d which have been- or flail be paid fl .hem by any date, * the state ftialllj credit in the existing specie requifltionsfl Congreifs ; and for sums that nny io Hr come due after January, i;Bs, and H paid by any state, the state (hail have cr®” dit in the specie requisitions of CougrHfl which may hereafter be made. Hi Rejclved, That no person ftiallbetMn titled to a pension as an invalid who Hr not or lhall not before the expiration Hn flx months from this time make applicHe’ tion therefor, and produce the retjuiiiH, Gertificates and Evidence to entitle hilai • thereto. Ha CHARLES THOMSON, Sec’jlni Hii — RUN away from the Snbfcriber, ear* 1 ! in the last spring, as he repeated® l had done before, a Negro fellow nam<H u jEMMY, about five feet fix or fcv<H f inches high, w'ill at times change his nvH - as he will his master’s name, fpeaksbH Englilli, and might be taken for analmoH new negro, but is very plausible aH artful, has his country (Ebo) ;marksoH 111 5 his face thus 111 111, or thus 5 H and is well known about Spirit CrecH having been twice taken at the platitatioH of Mr. William Boftick, and was vcrH lately taken up by Capt. M‘Gee.—-H Likewise run away from the SubfcribeiH in the month of July 1785, andfuppofeH to be somewhere in the back country, H new negro of the fame nation, knownbfl the name of JOE, about twenty-two yeatH of age, very black and fliort, not muefl above five feet high, well made, and »■ a pleasant counten-anee, speaks little <® no Englifli, but upon being queftioced fl his prelent or late owner, (Mr. Franc® Courvoilie) or his comrade HeHor, wiß in all probability be ealily difeoveredi 4 name may be now changed. wall deliver the said negroes in Savanna® or to the Hon. Col. Filhbourn in lhall receive a Reward of EIGHT DOLj LARS for each, and the luin of * FOUNDS will be given on infornianoi and conviction of tiieir or each of theii being harboured. The iubferiher will difpofeof or joe. Terms to be known by a?p* tion to Col. Filhbourn, or to ♦ t AMES JACKSON^ BLANK W kTt! To be ha.d at the Printing-O^ s '