The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, October 25, 1788, Image 1

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. ' *V # • SATURDAY, OMer 25, 1788* GEORGIA STATE GAZETTE V. OR *+u ,-... . r«r■ •• t v -• ‘ * ;•** \ <**i zvt 7 - INDEPENDENT REGISTER. FREEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, to remain inviolate forever. Cemjtamtina •/ n trrgro» AVGUSTA: Printed by JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State ; Pfays, Articles ?f .l lntelligence , Advert ifements, &€. will be gratefully received, and every kind of Printing performed. mibi ret in medullis & <vi/lerib* s ’ Cic. Mr. SMITH, (Concludedfrom our luft.f THE condition of a soldier Hands i<> the fame honor there as it did in the mod glorious times of Rome; the 11:0ft refpeftabie citizen is as proud in the rank, as thefirft raagiflrate of the rq>ublic is in the fcveteign council. The honor ac quired by excelling in the ikillof military manoeuvres, is the cause of au emulation* in every citizen for the ferviteof his coun try, and the uobleft - means of mcritiug the praises and applanfes of his friends and relations'; an emulation- which was never found yet in any troops entitled by chance. This emulation is encouraged by respec table nwgiltrates ; they prefidc themselves in their camps, and there partake'of their military enjoyments: they, infpefl the troops of the republic ; diflrrbute premi ums to some, praises to otbers, and en courage jthe new raised corps; it is but rarely they have room to find fault with any. But until we have attained to this degree of perfeftion ; in the mean time that we wait the iuftrutiione of a confederated power, which we durst not, perhaps,an ticipate; let us endeavour to find out a means of defending the (late ; let us fee whether we are able to insure the fafety of • our frontiers, by flopping the depredation* which are committed there, and prevent migration which is the fatal coufcqpeuces of them. I would wish that tfie frontier counties ihould furnith a fourth part of their mili tia to do a continual duty on foot, only in their refpe&ive counties ; that one divi sion of the rest keep themselves always ready, as a corps of reserve, to go out at a moment’s warning on any urgent oc casion. , I would have all the other counties fur * nilh the fame proportion of tlieir’s to do duty on the line which Congress has de termined between us and the Creeks. The quotas of the latter to form a feparate body, though commanded by thfi fame general officer. Each county’s quota to form a company, which ihould have two divisions; each divilion have a field piece, and every man mounted on a good horse; armed with a sword and two piflols, and provided with a leather box, containing a cartridge for the field piece belonging to his divilion. If these troops were com pefed only of citizens and men es un> THE questionable charafter, so much the bet ter. It is unnecellary to give a derail of the extraordinary and signal Cervices that* fuchttoops would be able to perform; every military man will ieadily perceive them. Let it be determined by drawing lota which part of the militia ihall have the fir ft honor to gr> and plant the American flin.l ards on the different nations determined upon: Let each of tbofe citizens, before they let out, swear to be faithful to bis colours, Sc thus lhew hiiufeif worthy of the confidence which his country has re plied in h:m : let the commander of eat 5 company on their flart add refs them near ly in the following manner. Brother citizens and Joldiert! The Bate (lauds in need of our Cervices; son* of us are igooraut of its actual fi xation. Au enemy more daring than formidable, more cruel than courageous, (till lay waifi our frontiers. Encouraged by the little resistance they have hitherto met with, they are growu bold, and soon a great part of our-country will become desolate : Soon the savage, who may ruin and dertroy us one by one, will laugh at our pufillauinhsy, and boast ofhaving dri* ven before him the vauquilher* of Albion. Let u« prefetvc the remaining blood and and property of our brothers, which a savage enemy dill third after; let us sup port our uatiouai honor, which a fugitive lias dared to quefliou. If there is a man among ns ungrateful enough to-refufe his services to bis couutry, let him turn out of the ranks and tetire, and thus (hew us-the enemy which our couutry is uourifliing at her bread. If there beany who feel a want of courage, i let them now declare thcmfelves, and lay down their arms; in order that we may 1 range them among the utensils of the v kitchens of our old women, or give them as toys to our children, and that they may, one day, laugh at the name of their, owners. > Let tbofe friends to their country, who are willing to flep forth in iu defence, be as well difciplincd as time and circura* [ dances will admit of, and deliver them that military code which they merit. At our return home, either by a relielf or in. confluence of a treaty, let every citizen keep faimfelf always ready, as if he was to start the next, morning on another expe- this continual-date of pi eparation is the only guarantee to an evcrlafting peace; the only means of keeping the fatht between ne and tit Cretie ahuajs open, . bright and clear* |Tou ra. If I am afced whether lamio a public line, to write on politic#, 1 anfwcr, no— and for that veiy rcafua Ido it. If I was . a memLe of any of the branches of go vcrnmci.t, I bad hod io ufc my influence iu tr»iQ.; to have had put into practice that w hith I could not cmphiy my time to write upon. Bcfides, born in a free country, and now citizen of a free country, what ever little influence my voice may have in public. s :irs, the right ofeitizenihip isfof uoent i<< mike it a duty in me to inftrnd »u) felf therein Whenever I meditatejoa ; governments, I frcl a fecrct (ausfaftioa io finding always new reasons to admire thar mod under which we arc going to have the happiness to live ; and perceive that the of u will rest folcly on (lie will of the citizens. If I have been so unfortunate an to be guilty of any indecent tranfpurt in pafiionate effufion cf my heart, I ympt such aa I may have involuntarily offended, to pardon the tender affections of a true .. patriot, and the ardent am} rcafonablc zeal of a man who feels so greater plcafbre, than that of feeing ail bu fellow *“???- . . NEOCOMI. THE Commificcers of the town of Auguita will dk the' loth day of December text attend at the Academy tv receive sealed propofala*from any person or persons for building a Wharf opposite •he Augufla Ware-fcoufc, to be one bun died and fifty feet iu front, and to attend . as far as what tnzy be tcimed low water mark, to be framed with good fmara pine ranging timber u by ix, piled and filled wp with flone ahd sand ; to be ctui pleated on or before the firft day of jftao By Order ts tie Board, Wm. GLASCOCK, FrtAdat. Angufta, OQ. jj, ,788. - -a. Notice IS hereby given to all persons whom it may concern, that there baa* been twenty-two pounds eight (hillings/ with cofls of suit, taken out of my band by Ao bert Walton, Gibson Woldrage, nod George Douglafa, ofr debt doe to Will ham Dooly, on z Vote -of hand an order of Cour/tbe 23d day <jf ASS *7BB* j -t if jF coft^ tMSAHAM