The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, October 25, 1788, Image 2

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u’A/ tn *3^l 7 #V» * *Ai HAV % , '"By * letter jaff received by an eminent ..french house in the city, from their cor- in fan*, we ape infoftaed'of' -jtgg following : That,on of the twelve'DeputiefTiom Britany, the Marquis de la Fayette in stantly set off for the last mentioned place, and put himfelf at the head of a body of that populace, confiding of fix thousand men, and .when this octrount came jway numbers were hourly flocking to his Standard. By Saturday’s mails from Holland and Flanders we learn, that an express was * sent by Prince Potemkin Tawrickzewfky .. to the emperor at Vienna, dated on tfee 19th of June, containing the following • account of a decifivc engagement between the Ruffian and Turkish fleets 1 That on the preceding day the fleet of the Empress gained a complete viftory over tbfe fleet commanded by the Captain Pacha, the whole of which was either burnt, taken or Red; the Admiral, Vice-Admiral, and four others of the line, were burnt. Two of the line were taken, together with the Pacha*s flag, and between 4 and 5000pri fsners. That this great victory had been preceded by another which happeued on - the 10th, when most of the gunboats and small craft of the Turks were disabled. The Prince informs the Emperor that he intended going immediately agaiuft Oc astkow.” The King of Sweden arrived on the 2d *• of July at Helfingfors in Finlaud, with all Bis land and sea forces. The firft amounts to 30,000 effettive men. After the troops were landed twelve ships of the line were ordered to anchor off the Heights of Hcl fiogfors, fix others are Rationed near the island d’Oefel. On the 4th the King marched at the head of all his forces to wards the Ruffian frontiers, where hosti lities commenced fix days before, and Which was published at Helfingfors under date the sth of July. The Empress has given the Count de Pfelken, Stvedilh Ambassador, liberty cither to retire from Petetfburgh by sea or land. Count Mouikin Poulkiu, Vice Pre sident of the Ruffian College of War, hav ing under him the Count d’Anhalt, is ap pointed to command the army against Sweden, now at Revel, which is to be made up 30,000 men. Another corps is ordered to be #Temb!cd in Finland of 22,000 men, under the command of Ge neral Michclfun. Extraß of a letter from Mr- Fenwick, bis 1 Brrtannick Majejly's CorJ'ul, dated Elf-' near, July 6, 1788. f..'.; 5‘ The Centurion, Capt. Paud, arrived here this day from Cronfiadt. He iaijed from thence the *dth June; with four Ruf . ifjan fliips of the line (three of 100 guns) and four frigates, which suddenly tacked on the 22d between Dago and Gothland ; a quarter of an hour after he saw 15 or 16- Swedish men of war in chafe of them; and . about two hours after heard a fltong can "TSoiTade for near.two hqprs, when he was at a great distance, the wind being fair.. 6ome ships from- Dantzig and Pillau con firm tbe report of a cannonade. -• ■ ’ « l doubt not this will prove to have been an engagement, elpeciaily as it,' is; _ very certain thfit his Swedish Majesty has ordered the Ruffian Minister to quit Stuck-' 1 - holin in eight dys.’’ .. In corroboration qf the above, there are . letters in town from Holjapd which men-! don the report of an engagement having! taken place, without .-entering into any CHARLESTON, 03. 9. Yetterday the House of Reprcfentatives me?* « •• ♦ jo. On j Committee of Houfe of * Reprefentatfaes-lieirtfe naified ycft£Vday to eoufider the Resolve of Congrefa relative to the elcdioii of Members for the new government, Dr. Ramsay obfervcd, that, as this was, the only the House bad met to jmcompWfh, the Committee might fit inurtfcdiatdy,' bring op a report - , which, if the House agreed to, theu they might, all go home. AUGUSTS, 08. 25. Tkt Public have the folio-wing information from T. I*. Carnes, and G. Walker, £fqrs. who arrived at this face iujl */burjday ni«ht from hranniin county. On Wednesday evening, the 15th inst. there was an Indian camp difeovered aLout half a mile fiom Maodiion’s ftatiou, on the Carolina fide of Tugoh liver, by a Mr. Clark : He, conjethiriug that the ludians had not long decamped, and that, in all probability, they were laying in wait thereabouts, returned to the station, kept drift watch that night, and the next morning early rode over to Col. Cleve land’s with the intelligence. As loon as the information arrived, Capt. John Cleve land, and others to the amount of ten, well equipped, mounted iheir liorfes, and rode over to the camp : When they came there they found there had been two large fires, fevcral fowls, some eggs, and a pig cooked j from the number of forks that were set up to hang their kettles on, it was supposed their number was fifteen or twenty. Captain Cicveland and his company ranged about the woods for three or four hours with great diligence, *n make out their, trail, but to no effeft. On Thiufday night the fame party had collefted about twenty valuable hories near to tbo'houfe of a Mr.Shen non, about eight miles.lower down the river, who dilcoveied them about two hours before day, and finding the Indians weie about to decamp, and that there was no poiiib.Lty of lecovering the hories but by violent exertion, rulhed on them with no o;her weapon than a bayonet fixed on a ftaff, railed loud ihouts and huzzas, which together with the noise of four or five large dogs, made the hories break loose, and alarmed the Indians iu such a manner that they ran off in great confufion, left their baggage, guns, ammunition, bows and arrows, halters, ropes, camp kettles, &c. together wkh nineteen hories, all which the brave Mr. Shcuuou feciired to the general iatereft and fatisfaftion of his neighbours. ...... Ou Friday they paired over to tht Geor gia fide of the laid river undifeovered,. killed a beef and a hog, Hole about forty pounds of lead, which was in an uninha bited for*, and burnt several houfies, the property of a Mr. Briant Ward. 011 iSafurday evening, about twilight, they fired on two men who were liobbiiug hories >. in the woods near Ward’s station;. the men who were in the block house, tb the number of four or five ouly, ran our to the a Alliance of those who were (hot at, . and a small Ikirmithenfued, i» which one man was dangeroully wounded ; they kil . led one Indian aud wounded another, bu: finding the Indians were too numerous, they were obligcdio repair to the block house. The Indians then retired with Te veral valuable horses j their number is computed to be about thirty, twelve or fifteen Creek*, and the rest Chcrokces. •» ’. . r -. i Next mqrnityj alfthe men that conld be railed from the neighbouring stations puijfued’them; what will be the event we knbw ftot j but certain it is, that the alarm ing situation of our frontiers requires the moll speedy exertions for their security and proteftion. If this is not done, we have every rcafon to fear that a number of va luable and ufeful citizens will leek refuge iu some rtjote fepure (late. We hear byway of Gen. jofeph Mar tin, lately from the Wefiem waters, ihat about the 10th inst. John Sevier, late Go vernor of Franklin, with a party df his adherents rode up to a (lore in that coun try, purebafed and drank rum till they were very much intoxicated. The mer chant making the dil'covery, very prudent ly told them they (liould have no more— This conduct exaiperated Sevier; he im mediately drew his pistol, and advanced towards the merchant, who by this time had prepared hitnfelf for the attack. An unfortunate by-stander, who dreaded the cenfequences of the rencontre, stepped i.i between them, and was (hot through the body by Sevier. He, Sevier, rode off with great precipitation, but was in a few hours purlued and overtaken by Colonel Tipton, who confined and conduced him to Burk goal, in North-Catolina, whci* he is now in irons. On the 23d of Sept, last the inhabitant# cf Liberty county convened at Medway Meeting-house, and resolved that a body of light horse be immediately raised for the defence of that county, 10 consist of forty privates, two ferjeants, two Lieu tenants, and a Captain, and ; are to be un der articles agreeable to the Continental eflablithmcut, and to farve until one month after the treaty, unless fooucr dis charged. Their pay to be as follows ; the Captain ill. the First Lietfttnant 81. the Second Lieutenant 71. a ferjeant 41. and a private 3!. ilerling per month, be fidcs rations and forage. On Satnrday the nth inst. at the Supe rior Court of the county of Chatham, the following fentcuces were pronounced, viz. Budd Bailey, for grand larceny, to be hanged on Friday the 7th ofNuvember next. John anrd Samuel Halloway, for horfe ftealing, to Hand in the pillory two hours ou Monday the 3d of November next, to receive 39 ladies on the bare back on the fame and the two following days, after wards to be branded on the shoulder with the letter R, aud uifeharged. We hear that the Legislature of the state of Vermont intend fending Delegates to Congress, agreeably to a request of that body. They also intend calling a Con vention immediately, for the purpose of considering the new Constitution. Rawlins Lowndes, Esq. is chosen In— tendant of the city of Charleston, in the room of the Hon. John F. Grimke, Eft}, who declined serving. Arrived at Charlejlon. The ftiip Han— f bury, Hill, from London; (hip Thomas* White, from Briflol; (hip Briti(h Queen* Dennifton, from Glafcock; and bng la' Paix, Guicllon, from Cette. MR. WILLIAM EVANS,ofWilke* county, whom I have a.dvertifed a* a defaulter, not knowing the law, gave it# a lift of bis taxable property to George Read, Esq. Receiver of another diftrUtp in the fame county. ' GEORGE HEARD, ftec.