The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, October 25, 1788, Image 3

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Pa the 19th day of November next, Will be exposed for Sale , At| the Markct-houie in Augusta, A' PART of the NEGROES belonging to the estate of Henry Todd, de ceased ; amongst those for Sale there is a Carpenter and good house wenches. The time of payment will be agreed oa at the day of faie. To be hired out for one year y The remaining part of the Negroes be longing to (aid estate. Bonds and good Security will b$ required by the Adiniui ftrators. APPHIA TODD, EDMUND PYNE, ISAAC WALKER. Oft. 23, 17788. On Monday the (hrt day of December next, will be fold at the premises, on a cre dit of two months, for the paper money of this state, all the personal property ofCapt. James Wood, deceafcd, CONSITSING of a House in Augusta, which the purehafer Will have to move ; a horse, a cbeft of carpenters tools, and a few other articles. The sale will be between the hours of ten and twelve in the forenoon, and approved security will be required. As the sale is intended to provide for the payment of the debts, the Adminiftratoc once more requests those Laving demands to make them known, properly attested ; and hopes those indebt ed will pay their refpeftive dues. JAMES PEARRE, Adm'r. Oft. 16, 1788. Crttne County, December Term. Charles Burk., 7 vs. > Attachment. John Smith. j Ordered, THAT the defendant do appear and plead within a year and a day, Otherwise judgment by default. ExtraS from the Minutes , HENRY GRAYBILL, C. G. C. Oft. THE fubferiber has removed his office to his new houJe in Grecne-ftreet, where the buh nefs of a Notary Public and Jus tice of Peace will be strictly at tended to. D. Hunter. Oft. 24, 1788. •» By Lewis Gard- GEORGIA, 1 w,Efq.Regifter (L. S.) >of Probats for the LEWIS GARDNER. \ County of Rich- J mond. IT*7HEREAS l T*7HEREAS Rhefa Howard and Tho | mas Carr, Efqrs. have applied to me for letters of administration on the estate and effefts of John Jameson, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonifli all and lingular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear be fore me at my Office, on the 25th day of November next, to (hew cause, if any they have, why letters of admiuiftration (hould not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, at my Office, the twenty-fifth day of fr Oftover, in the year of our Lord 1788, and in the 13th year of the Independence of the United States of America. GEORGIA. By the Honorable GEORGE H ANDLEY, Esquire, Cap tain General, Governor, and Commander in Chief, in and over the said State. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the Honorable the Cen grefs of the United State* of Ame rica did, on the thirteenth day of Sep tember lail, resolve, “ that the firft Wed “ nefday in January next be the day for “ appointing Electors m the several States, “ which before the said day (hall havera “ tified the said Constitution; that the “ firft Wednesday in February next, be “ the day for the Electors to assemble in “ their refpeftive States, and vote for a “ Prefidem; and that the firft Wednef “ day in March next be the lime, and the “ present feat of Congrcfs the place for commencing proceedings under the said “ Constitution AND WHEREAS by ' the firft SeCtion of the lecond Article of the Federal Constitution, it is expressed, “ that each State thall appoint in such “ manner as the Legillature thereof may “ direst, a number of Electors, equal to “ the whole number of Senators and Re “ prefentatives to which the State may * be entitled in the Cougrefs AND WHEREAS it is absolutely necessary, in order that the said Resolve above recited may be carried into full and ample effect, that the Legillature of the State aforefaid ihould be convened with all poftible dis patch, to proceed on that important bull nefs; I HAVE THEREFORE, by and with the advice and consent of the Honor able the Executive Council, thought fit to 1 issue this my Proclamation, ftrifily re quiring the attendance of the said Legis lature at Augufia, in the said State, on Tuefday, the Fourth day of November next, to appoint the place and mode of chufing such Electors; as also for the dispatch of such other public business as may be laid before them. Given under my H..nd and the Great Seal of the Jcid State, at Augufia , this Seventeenth Day of October, in the Year of our LORD One " Thoujand Seven Hundred and Eighty-eight, and of our Sovereign ty and Independence the Thirteenth . GEORGE Handley. Bv bis Honor's Commaud, J. Milton, Sec’y. GOD SAYE THE STATE. Notice. HAVING resigned my appointment as CommilTary of Issues, give this Public Notice to all persons that have aCt ed under me in said Department, to meet me at Walhington, Wilkes county, on the firft Tuefday in November next, in order to make a final settlement with me, that I may be able to fettle and close my public accounts ; those who fail may ex peCt the deficiencies, if any there be, will be called for iu a manner very disagree able to their humble servant, PETER STUBBLEFIELD. Oa. 14, 1788- A Lift of Defaulters in Capt. Dell Sapp’s Diftrift, Burke county. MICHAEL Levefton, Luke Sapp,, Levy Sapp, John Permentor; Bel lom Johnston, Luther Hallwell, Jonas Rounder. JOHN BELL, Colltdor, 1 0b- GEORGIA. By the Honorable GEORGS HAND LEY, Esquire, Cap* tain General, Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the said State. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS several Resolutions of the General Assembly palled the thirtieth and thirty-firft day, of January last, wherein the Executive arc empowered to convene the Members no minated by the said Resolutions, at Atf gufta, “ as soon as may be, after official “ information is received that nine Bates ** have adopted the Federal Constitution AND WHEREAS official information is received from the Congreft of the Unit ed States, dated the thirteenth day of Sep tember last, notifying that the fame is adopted, and directed proceedings to commence thereon ; I HAVE THERE FORE, agreeably to the said Resolutions, and with the advice and consent of the Honorable the Executive Council, thought fit to issue this my Proclamation, requir ing the persons so nominated and appoint ed, to convene in Augufia on Tuefday, the Fourth day of November next; then and there “ to proceed to take under their “ consideration the alterations and amend “ ments that are necessary to be made “ in the Constitution of this State.” Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the said State , at Augufia thit Sixth Day of Odobtr, in tbt Year of our LORD One Theu fand Seven Hundred and Eighty eight, and of our Sovereignty and Independence the Thirteenth. GEORGE HANDLEY, By His Honor’s Command, J. Milton, Scc’y. GOD SAVE THE STATE. In COUNCIL, Oaober I, 1788. Ordered, THAT Tuefday the 11th of Novem ber next, be assigned for the trial of the following Appeals ; Charles Ward, T vs. i Daniel M‘Murphy. J John Barnett & P. Cravtford, J vs. > William Strother & Sam. Gardner, j Extraafrom the Minutely J. MERIWETHER, S. E. C. Augusta Ware House. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that the Infpedion is open, and we are now ready to receive and infped To bacco at the Warehouse lately erefted, ia the lower end of the town of Augusta; the greatest care will be taken, and every attention paid by the Infpeflors, and To bacco looked at with dispatch. . R. DIXON, } _ . ■ : C. BOSTICK, J IteJptOtru Augufia , Oa. 13, 1788. Wanted to Exchange^ A sensible, compleac Waiting Boy, For a strong, able /Field Slave- Apply to the Piinter. Augusta, Q 6. «?, i;88. *