The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, November 08, 1788, Image 2

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V I E N N A, June 11. The ci.uCUc.ha.cuts at Scmlin (jook lapid ly; ia the mean time all circuniftances seem to demomlrate that tbe Turks will never ven ture a general action, or attack our entrench ed army, but will continually endeavour to « harrafb our troops by final! Ikirmlilies, £rc. in which they have hitherto, to our coll, suc ceeded but too well. We have just received a report, that tbe Turks have retaken Schabatz from our troops, which again opens a free communication be tween Belgrade and tbe Tui kith army. LONDON, July 4. The French, in compliment to their allies, the States of America, have just launched at Jreft, a new 74gun-lhip called the America. xttacl of a letter from Enniskillen , June 17. “ A difcOvery has been made here which as of thegreateft importance to the nautical world. Mr. James Maguire, a writing mas ter in this town, has difeovttred a method of finding the longitude with the greatest exatt nefs, and so that it is plain to the meanest ca pacity *, the longitude 11127, by this, be dif covercd as well on lea as oii lind. He set oft from this place yesterday, in order to lay his difeovery before the Lords of the Admiral ty.” Letters from Germany declare, tint ihe Emperor has iftiied an order for pressing the Jews into the military A matrimonial negotiation between the Courts London and Berlin is now on the tapik. The alliance will, as report goes, be ft double one : the P$ nice Royal of Pruflia marries one of the PiinceflSs; the Duke of York marries a Princds of Pruflia*. Letters from Vienna, dated the 14th ult. bring an accouut, that a strong report prevails there of a Congress beifcg appointed to meet at Scmlin the firft week in July, to treat of a peace, and that a cellar ion of hostilities it> ex petted to be proclaimed very thortly. 7. The expenres of the grand army in Hungary, and that under Prince Cobourg, are eftiinated at 500,000 florins per diem, allowing two florins for etch man, one with fttrothcr, infantry, cavalry, and artilicry, re cruiting, &c. included. A sum equal 10 30,0cc1. a day. 8. They write from Constantinople that the Pone has received a declaration from. Spain, -intimating that they will not oppose the psflage of the Ruffian fleet in the Straits hi Gibraltar, if they have no Kngliih sailors or transports; and that the Emperor of Mo rocco has informed the Divan, that he will take part with the Pbrte in the prefeut war again ft any power whatever, Extra SI cj a Utter from I'lenita, c• - e 14. “ We learn fiom the head-quaiters at Semliu, that Addi Pacha, Governor of Bel grade, though very refpettable for his person al qualities, has been deposed by the Grand Siguior for not deilroytng the dyke made by the Austrians—and because his son futTcied the fort of Schabatz to be taken. He is said to be succeeded by the Pacha of Romelia, who, we are allured is preparing to make a vigorous sally.” eucrs Ilom Sweden, via Paris, fay, that hofti 1 hies have already commenced between their tFOops and those of Raffia, ou the hol ders of Finland. j 12. The Einprefs of Kuffia, we learn, by tailing admiral Greig to the rank of a count, has occalioned, by Ins iufiueace, tfee agree ment lately entered into by the Biuiil) offi cers to be much weakened, as many of them have returned to their own ihips—foine of them however, still hoW out, aud have lately presented a refpettful memorial to the Ein prefs, which ihe received without lhewing any marks of displeasure. 14. The twelve new deputies frfltm Bri* tany have presented two memorials to tbe Trench King against the new laws ; the fitft of which ends with these words, “ We are ever ready to unite to light the enemies of France, who are less dangerous to your Ma jesty than your guilty ministers.” And the lecond ends tbus-« We claim, Sire, only your justice, and do not implore your rlemeu* ry, that may be preserved entire for your ' culpable minifters,’' it it remarkable that the military forces in Jaiicpc, at this time, exceed one million aud \ 1 haft in number of men. » i* j 3 ,l,e *w*#*ion of government, ' 41 ,l,€ p *il»*»tueut dull meet again early m November next, for the purpose of recom mencing the trial of Mr. Flattings, and dif patekiug other public buftoefs of importance. A letter from Havre tie Giace, or the la ft mai’, fays, “ Vv'eaie ali at present in tJ.e utmost confulicn here. Two regiments this morning lau) down their arms, when the ma gi ft rates it urleicd, and a great fcudie cn fued, by which ti e chief maviftrate and i'e ven men v.cie kilied on the fpo:. Wheie ; this will end ufrbotly knows. At Bretagne they aie equally riotous, iafomuch, that ma ny of :lie inhabitants have left the town.” The French King has fnnxmoned the flrft and second Pieftdents of ali his Pailiaments to meet him, at Ycrfailies* on the 4th of Au- There is no news worth noticing from the Imperial army, which was still upon the de fensive when the iaft accouj.s calic away, dated the jpth of June. Notwithstanding all that has been laid in many of the papers* about the deftrufiton of the cones at Cherbourg, and the design be ing given op, neither of thelc have happened as dated. VVeaiQ warranted to lay, that the <icb s » is Hill 10 i/e proiectited ; Woikmen aie ftiil employed iu tepniring the damage they receive —and which da diage, from the natuie of the plan, was n<>t unexpected. &v;idd these occahojial injuries from the ivea t!ic-r prove iliii greater, the plan is to be pur sued till the whole may be completed, the hreaJi engineers being dill convinced of the feasibility of tlie fc'ieme. If Ibe nwrngcrs of Mr. Ilaftiags-s trial do not rclr.nblc the Gietks in eloquence, they seem refoived to equal them in prrfeverame ; tot it is supposed the former will besiege the late Govermi’r-Geneial of Bengal as long as . the latter.befttged Troy, only with this dif feience, that at the end ol that period thev w.ll neither be able to> let him on £rc, nor to plunder his treafuies. .The troubles in France, inftfcad &4 coming to a bloody rebellion, will evaporate in re fiionhiances, and fclid in ati opera, a dance, or a long. It is a proof of sense to be fond of News papers. They make me acquainted, lays a coridpondent, with human nature, and with what is continually pasting in the vvoild ; and as Milton otferves, • to know That which bes 're us Iks in daily life Is the prime wisdom. i-xtrad of a letter from Berlin , June 7. “ The Kufiian Ambaflador, Count Roman zovv, at this Court, received a melienger the day before yesterday ft om Teterfburg; the contents of the dispatches mult have been of a very peculiar natuie, beeaufe the Count has dehveied a memorial to our ministry, de firiug—‘ That our monarch would prevent • t f ie °f Sweden from pursuing his war like preparation? against Rufiia, and eaufe him to receive pacific proportions. or to incline him lo to do ; <stberw:l'e, her Imperial Nfa jefty would-look upon the tneafu-rcs ta-ken by Sweden, as nurtured and cfifed by FrmTia, ' winch her Imperial Majefly jbould knw bow to rejent , Seed This very haughty language has given much unvbrage ; however, the Ruf fian minifer is packing up his ail, and him fdt is gone a fmali dillauce from the metro polis, and will not return thither, but go without firft taking leave. “ Ihe only answer given to this very ex traordinary memorial ran thus—« That bis MajeHv, the King of Pruilia, had no control or command over his Majesty of Sweden as a Sovereign: As to his own part, he had al ready and repeatedly declared, that he was relieved and fully determined to remain ncu tei in the pre»eut troubles i:i Europe, dec.* The Kufuaa minillcr, nut facLftcd with this answer, remondrated by a fbort 11 »te, threatening that he would leave the kingdom, to which his Majesty gave no ans wer. ** The following advertifament fc copied from a Limerick paper of the <>th uir. 44 A BAD WIFE. 44 Whereas Ann MolJoy, alias Hinton, my wife, has ablcouded lrom nty taw ul />,»/ 1 Ink M'Namru, a Lundy *e^gedtuti%ratit iian%*ny t niufter , whole only fewert arc con fined 10 the Irijh jiv or Riuka -1 cau tion the public agandt giving luti fxfieter v:sr.h 011 my account, as IM never pay tt, on account of ii»» it;uj u,, and my poorcbildten tv,// * out cause , as the neighbourt can tel/ t whp knew me, fines I was the height of a band turf, to he hontjiy and a MAN.—She has lifted and belied me, which i« nvell known to he a lie, by people who kneio me before Jhtdid. ]'i« have revenge cf her and her galloper, if juilicc is to be got from Judge or Jury. * his DARBY X MOLLOY, mark. Knockamurnesh, June 6, 1755. ,, BOSTON, Augi'jl 20. Britain has in America a military force of 15 battalions—winch is a much greater num.. her than the has either in ihe East- or Weit lndics ; and what is a little extraordinary, a great patt of this force is Rationed within the lert.vbi.trt of iue je-vertign and independent States of America. N E W - Y O R K, September ig. A gentleman who arrived in town yeiter* day from Martinico gives us the following narrative of the effefls of a hurricane which happened at that iila'nd on the 14th of August 1-ft* As he was on the lflaud at the time, and a witness of the effects of the dorm, and by remaining there a week after it, he is enabled to form a judgment of the lodes and damages sustained. At iftne o'clock on the morning of August I4»ii, the wind being north east, the clouds began to chPeef, the atmosphere to darken, the wind to rife, accompanied with heavy rhowers, winch are altnoll lure prelages of a dertructive hurt icane : B«t at twelve the wea ther moderated, ami the sea became much smoother, whic'h eonfiderably relieved the apprehenlions of the inhabitants. This Mat tering appearance lifted not long ; it seemed as it tins ccilation of t?ie elements only served for the purpofo of collecting their powers to one pointy m order to rage the more uncon troled ; for about three o’clock the wind sud denly flnfied to the north, and blew with afto -11 tilling fury, 'i he feene now began to be truly diftieihng. The (hipping in the harbour got under vfray as soon a3 poftible, fomc by flip ping, others by parting their cables, excepc two, which were both cafl away before eight in the evening. Three of the fleet that went out were cast away by ten o'clock in Port Roy al Pay. Two French frigates, which lay in that fafe baton the Carnafli, drove from their anchors with the lassos their rudders. The remaining part of the fleet returned to St. Petrc —they had loft all their cables, anchors, and boats* but those that returned received no material damage, except the loss of a boat, a cable or air anchor. The wind hauled by degree to the west ward, blowing hard all the time. At eight o’clock at night it was N W. and moderate for half an hour, but inftautfly ftlifting to the S. V/. blew heavy again. By nine it hauled to S. S-. W. and came on with redoubled fury- Tire feene before being diftrefling was now terrible in the extreme—the Heavens appear ed to be in one continual glare of lightning —the rain poured down as if from sluices —• the wind ragiu*g as if it had been its last effort —and the earth trembling under its appalled inhabitants from the ftwcltof an earthquake. At twelve o’clock the tempest abated, and the morning preAmted such a feene of devalua tion as was never remembered before. Not a- tingle veflel could be perceived in the har bour of St. Pierre i large quantities of float ing timber covered the whole bay, the worth of which was estimated at 3 or 4000 joes— very little of it was saved, as all the boats were either loft or damaged—vail quantities of it was wathed over the walls from the sea, but was bruise 1 and broken to pieces by the violence t £ the waves. ft ;ic lireets in ♦he town vverealmoft impaf fablc, from tie quantity ot til s, timber, &c. mat was biown troiu the roofs of the hou/<?** The damage done in the country is incre dible. All the north part ot the [ 5 nearly laid wade. The town ot Tn*’ ; ‘-y altuoft level with the ground ; tbatp art si p island from that town, tumid to the N.. N. VV. part, there is fcarccly a boule or {landing, A hotife ftxty fee* ~* r e» *hd one It or y high, was came J otf its foundation to the dilUnce of ico yard*. Two white wo men vveic hurried in the ruin*, and a young lady, tmtcavnutiiitf to make her cfcapc, 011 perceiving ih* hoyie w*i# in motion, w*i car* uy Mj of the wind asainft *