The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, November 15, 1788, Image 3

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COMPTROLLER’S OFFICE, Pert cf Savannah. R E T U R N of Exports and Tonnage for tho Month of Oftober, 1788. Date 'of I I i „ rl 7 i .No. of Amount of Value "of clearance. Vessels Names. | Mailers Names. | Where bound. | Tunnage , Cargo. October I- Schooner Indultry IF. Campbell Jamaica 74 51* c 80 o 0 3 Thomas \J. Williams Charleston 27 206 15 o 0 4 Brig Lydia J. Bowen Cape Francois 70 5 5 o 129 10 0 Schooner Betsey A. Hathaway Weft-ludics 60 4 10 0 *79 10 0 Betfcy F. Wadlington Baltimore 32 2 8 o 428 o 0 11 Nancy J. Phillips New-Providence 22 1 13 o 83 10 8 Savannah Packet f. Dickinson Charleston Jfo 3*s° 800 16 Sloop Planter’s Welfare S. Burchall Demarara 74 5 11 0 80 o O j 8 Schooner Experiment y. Smith Baltimore 45 37 6 B Brig Catherine C. Hay Kingston 196 14 14 © 395 IO O Sloop Wathington H. Fisher. Charleston 30 2 5 o 47 10 o 20 Friendship J. Burnham New-York 45 3 7 *5 981 o 6 21 Schooner Carolina P. Lochon ‘Charlefton 25 1 17 6 20 O O Thomas J. Williams Ditto 27 2 o 6 109 14 o Bee G. Martin Baltimore 37 2 15 6 150 o o 22 Sloop Tamer E. Swain New-Providence 20 I io c i 58 1(5 o 24 Schooner New Hope f. Mitchell Jamaica 89 6 7 ‘C 145 00 29 Brig Eliza J. Bruce Cape Francois 104 7 16 o 120 5 o 30 Schooner Hope D. Carfwell Kingftonn 45 3 7 6 30 o o 31 Sloop Difpatqh A. Carman Charleston 40 300 30 o o • Total Exports/* 83 2 013191, 5 o Certified by GEORGE BLISS, fro Comptroller. Savannah, November 1, 1788. » R E T U R N of Exports and Tonnage received in the CO L LET OR*. OF FIC E, for the . Month of Qftober, 1788. Veire ' 3 Names - | Name,. | Whecebound. f“° r “'’ ,0f Uct. 1. Schooner lnduftty iPeier Cainptil I Jamaica 'BO o o 74 5 n o 3 > Thomas James Williams Charleston 1500 27 20 6 4 Brig Lydia Thomas Bowen Cape Francois 129 o c 70 5 5 o Schooner .Betsey Abraham Hathway Weft-Indies 279 10 o 60 4 10 o 11 Betsey Francis Wat ling ton Baltimore 328 00 32 2 8 o J°hn Phillips New-Providence 83 10 8 22 113 o 1 5 Sloop Planter’s Wellfare Samuel Purebel Demarara 115 14 0 61 4 11 6 Schooner Savannah Packet Jeremiah Dickinson Charleston 8 00 50 3 15 o 18 Br ig Catherine Charles Hay Jamaica j 39- 100 196 14 14 o Schooner Experiment fofeph Smith Baltimore B 45 3 7 6 Sloop Waftiington 'iendrick Either Charleston 47 10 > 30 2 5 o 20 biiendfhip [ofeph Burnham New-York 981 O 45 3 7 6 21 Schooner Thomas fames Williams Charleston 109 14 27 2 0 6 ® ee _ George Martin Baltimore 150 o' 37 215 6 Carolina Peter Lochon Charleston 20 o 25 1 17 (5 22 sloop Tamer Eliilia Swain New-Providence 58 16 20 1 10 o 24 Schooner New Hope Tames Mitchell Jamaica 1450 85 6 7 6 29 Btig Ehza Thomas Bruce Cape Francois 120 5 104 716 o 30 Schooner Hope David Carfwell Jamaica 3© O - 45 3 7 6 3 1 Sloop DifpatcU Andrew Carman Charleston 30 o 40 3 o o 1 ■ .11. ■ i«lO ■■ mmmmm /. 3126 9 1095 82 2 6 Errors excepted. R. WILKINS N, Colleaor. Savannah, Nov. 6, 1788. Mr. Smith, IN consequence of a rifpute which arcfe between Mr. John Daviion, of Cambleton, and myfeif, h« has said ibnie things of me through the heat of pafiion, which he now is iorry for, and to convince the world of the faifity and error that this man was in respecting his alperfing my character, be pleased to insert the following in your next Gazette. ME D M UNO HICKS. r. Edmund Bugg Hicks has lived with me a lew months pair, during which time he behaved f in a very careful, honrit and becoming manner. Given under my hand this filth day of November 1788. VT »OHN DAVISON. Nathaniel Hrr— AV G V S TA y Nov . t A In COUNCIL , November 14, 1788. A Letter from the Speaker and Members of the Legiflatur* prefcnt was read, and Ordered, lo be published in the State Gazette. Emtradl frsm the Minutes, J. MERIWETHER, S. E. C. ’ AUGUSTA, November 13, 178 S» 5 I R, IT is w th infinite concern that we now find, after an attend ance of lcvcral days, that there is not the feaft Profpeft of forming a Houle of Assembly. Conformable to your Honor’s Proclamation, we attended as Members, because we were con fnous tinlefs there was a ncceffuy for the meeting of the As- ' lembly at this time, that the Evecutive would uot. at so late a penod of the year, call them together. 'As ( ongrefs have fixed on the flrrt Wednesday in January for toe appoint! *g Electors, to vote for the Prcfwlent and Vice Prefi *cnt 0 th , c c ~ne' S,a,es » which is the day immediately after our annual meeting, ,t is abfohttely necessary that the Members of 1 e nett General Ai.cnibly thou Id attend with exart punrtual litv, otherwiic this State will be deprived of its vote in the ap 1*' 1 ,:me,,r . of t,,c and Vice President of the United States. We conceive this circumstance to be highly interelling to the dig nity of tiii s State, and therefore flatter ourfeive?, that the F’ertors will appo nt no peiion as their fleprefentative in the next Ail'cm- Lly who w.d no», previotifly, engage to attend his duty exat]ly on the day appointed for that purpose. Werequc.'f your Honor will rake the earliest opportunity to convey our sentiments, on this important occasion, to the Elec tors of the diffetent counties, in such manner as yon may deem molt proper. We have the honor to be, your Honor’s Mod obed eat humble Servants, N. FROWNS ON, S; eater, Joseph CLy, Jan. John King, Thomas I ewis, William Moore, Jacob Lewis, George Mathew#, James M‘Neil, . Samuil Gardner, James M‘Far!snd, John Harington, Thomas Glafcock, Thomas Heard, Elijah Clarke, Edward Telfair, Florence Sullivan, Nathaniel Pendleton. John Talbot, The Hon. George Handley, F.frj. On Monday lad the Convention appointed to take under their confidcration the alterations and amendments that aie necessary .HW'fi, Prefident,' Z jamcl M. Simmons, Esq. Secretary. VVe hear from Franklin county, that? on Friday the 31st ulf. as some men were hunting, they were fired at by a small party of Indians, who immediately ran off; the white peop'e pursued the Savages and killed one of them. • * t At ,h e Superior Court for the county of Richmond Nicholas G1 cen was tried and found guilty of Burglary. He is>tt be ex* ectued on the id day of December next. ABOUT the loth inff. I propofc to set out to Virginia, and do not expert to return until May next. „ FRANCIS WILLIS. ntikes County, Aov. to, iyf>3. ON Vveclnefday ihe 3d of December next, w,J! be let. to the lowcfl bidder, the railing on brick pillars, and repairing, the Court-house iu the town of Wafliington. One half tie con sideration money w'll be paid at the time of letting, on bend and security being given for the peiformance, and the other half at the completion of the work. JOHN CRAVES, 1 FLORENCE SULLIVAN, i Commiflioner.. 4 JAMES WILLIAMS, J N ATHANIEL COCKE informs meofa borrel HORSE, abcut 13 hands high, a hanging mane and switch tail, no brand per ceivable, has feme faddlefpots, 7 or 8 years old, with a hell cn. The owner must prove his property before me within *}ie time pre-- feribed by law. Wm. Freeman, J . p, Auznfta, Nov. 7, ‘ Notice. \ ALL persons having business in the Quar terly Court of Conscience, held in Au gufa, will attend at the houfc lately ccrupied by Ur, Hall, on Broad-street, the 20th in fant. By Order m the Courts PHILIP CLAY!ON, C.C.C. Nov. 7, ijHH,