The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, November 29, 1788, Image 4

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To the Honorable Members oj the Legijlature and Citizens oj the State of Georgia . THE time now approaches which calls for your attendance for thedifpatch of pu blic bufmefs; for so and neceiTary a pttrpofe the community slitter themfclves they (hail be more fuccefsful than m August and November, when some of yoii gave fucli glaring proofs of tardiness, and a disinclina tion to comply with the Governor’s Procla mations. Among ft the many important mat tcis which may come under your mature de liberation, I presume the Paper Medium will be one ; in considering the steps necessary to be taken, I hope those will not be gratified in their wishes who appear so desirous to have the Tender taken oif---men who were so ex tremely warm in having this money emitted, urging the amazing advantages that would re sult to this country—men, in-frft, who were fathers of the Bill. But it can easily be seen, it was merely to anfwcr some of their diabo lical purposes. It i 3 really extraordinary that the good people of this country do not make nicer diminutions; I (hou*d luppofc it very easy to fclect, out of such a number, men who possess more flability, upriglitnefs, and Icfs venality. It is very certain, had-there been a Houle in August last, the taking of the Tender would have been infilled on, by some of those very men who are mentioned above. What are the private citizens to trust to when the public faith is thus violated ?' The amaz ing depreciated state this money is now in, is, I conceive, by no means the fault of the peo ple. It is clearly the fault of those who pas . fed the Bill, and who promised in the molt facrcd manner a fund for redeeming this mo ney. If this mode was found impracticable, adopt another; a very easy one indeed--- Dcftroy patt immediately, and call the balance in by taxes. This will dilappoint the I'elnfh and defigtiing, who wish the Tender taken of, and do justice to those who put such confidence in the public, as to dispose of their property for it. Permit me, my Fellow Citizens, to make a few obfcrvatious---the time draw-s near for the new election-—let me entreat you to be more particular than formerly lir.iy. rhufp men who von thinte «.mM v. attentive to the Governor’s Proclamations at so iutcrcfiing a period. A Friend to the Public. Run away from the Jubferiber , the following Negroes, viz. ANcAiRO Wentw ua d Syl via, stout and well made, with her child Amelia about 8 years old, formerly the properly of Mr. Che valier, and is well known in and about Savann di. Likewise, a Negro Fellow named Jemmy, with his wife Comba, both Aim made, about 30 years of age, of the Angola country,' and have their country marks. Four Guineas Reward will be paid on delivery of them to me in Savan nah, with all reasonable charges, or to Mr. Zimmerman in Augulta. Thomas Mitchell. Aogufta, Nov. 24, 17SS. GEORGIA. Grand Lodge, Savann tk, 10th No vember, 5788, THE Grand Quarterly Communication happening on the sixth day of Decem ber next, the Officers of the several Lodges within this (late, or the B**pre!entatives of the laid Lodges, d ly qualified, arc deft red to give their attendance at the Lodge Room of HIRAM, for the purpose of proceeding to the Election of Grand Officers, and other Mafouic Buiincf", for the ruining yerr. J'i Or Jo of Ibe RtsLt It oijhifful tit Grata <!/. //. r, SAMUEL bl'UUt, Grand Secretary, Notice. THE lepairing of the road from Auguffa to Co!. Mead’s mill is poffponed, on ac count of the weather, until Monday the 8:h day of December next, when all persons fub jett to work on the fame are hereby requeued and directed to attend with their Haves, Zee. to work lix days A fine of ten BiiJlings per day is iiwpofed by the Superior Coutt on such as reful'e ox negleft to attend. ROBERT FORSYTH, > JOHN HOWELL, 5 Lcmm n ‘ Augujla, Kov. 28, 1788. ALL petfons liab ; e to work on the Savan nah toad, within the limits of and Rocky creeks, will attend with their Ne groes ftirnifbed with hoes, spades and axes, on Thursday the 4th December next, at Mead’s Mill. Thole who negletl to appear will be dealt with as the law directs. THOMAS GLASCOCK, CcmmiJJioner. To be Let, THE House and Lot Now occupied by Mr. Philip Clay ton, for t lie term of one year; pcf ft-llion will be given the 17th of next month. Also the House 2nd Lot . (formerly Mr. John Wade’s) above Mr. Long dree t’s ; pofitffion will be given the of January, at which period it (half be in complete repair. • bor conditions apply to !Thomas G Inf cock N. B. I want to hire two or three waggons for ten or fiflJfen days. Nov. 24, 1788. On Monuay xrre Trrit day of jJectm ber next, Will be Sold, j At the premises, on a credit of two months, for the paper money of this Bate, all the personal property of Capt. James Wood, deceased, G of a House in Augufla, J which the purefefer will have to move • ahorfe, acheff of caipenteis tools, and a few hom articles * Th ;iern the “Proved security will be.iequired. '»>•••> sale is intended to provide for the payioen of the debts, the Adminiflratdr once more requefls tliofe havingrlemands to make them known, properly attefed ; and hopes tbofe in debted will pay their refpettive dues. JAMES PEARRE, Admr. Oft. 16, 1788. Harper &> Maher Have imported in the lad Veflels irom Louden y Liverpool, Brijtol , &c. The following GOODS, And are now opening for Sale, at their Store in Bread jheet , next door to Mr. Andrew Innes, which they will fell cheap for cafn or produce. SUPERFINE 7-4, 8-4, 9-4, aml J °-4 rose blankets London and Briltol duflil ditto 1 Superfine broad cloths of the newefl and mod falhionable colours Yard wide 8-4 and 9-4 fashionable Yorkßiire clot Us and calTimeies Hath coatings light and warm vVhiic, giccu, ami blue plaiui / White and blue twild kerieys Scarlet and white flannels Swanfkin and ltriped linfeys ' Mill drab and rateen j Spotted rugs andcoverlits Corduroy, jeans, jeanets, and fattinets j Printed velverets and hair rtiag 1 Tbickfets, ladings, and fußians Black anddrab coloured velvets Mulliuets and dimities Durants and callimancoes Black mode and fashionable ribbands 3*4> 9-4 and 5-4 Irirti lheetings 1 rinted linens, calhcoes and chintz Bed bunts, Led ticking, checks, dowlas, and brown Holiaud Scots and German oznabrigs Rußia Iheeungs,. brown rowl hellians and ticklenburg. Striped and check lawns Pocket handkerchiefs of all kinds Black, white, and coloured silk handkerchiefs Cambrick, plain lawn and muslin Lawn, Renting, and gauze handkerchiefs Men s and women’s elegant saddles Bridles, surcingles and girths Whips, flirrup leathers and saddle bags Men’s shoes and boots Ladies callimancoes, lafiing and leather Ihoety Children’s Morocco ditto Men s and boys fine and coarse hats Scarlet and cloth coloured cardinals Cotton, thread, and worfled hose J Men s and ladies gloves I Pots, Dutch ovens and tea kettles Pewter plates, spoons, dishes and bafons 2od. 1 ad. Bd. 6d. and 4d. nails, flat points Bioad, weeding, hillmg, and grubbing hoes Whip saws, crola cut and hand saws Stock locks; chefl locks, padlocks, Zee. I Cutteau, pen, flioe?makers, and butchers knives Knives and forks, razors, hammers, and Bir rup irons Snaffle and crub bridle bits j Shoe-makers tools in complete sets Plough and waggon chains faihionable and copimon buttons and buckles I of various kinds Mill, crosscut, whip a *nd hand files I Caruenters r nwri 9 ir»Q. plane irons, chiflels augers, &c. Zee. üb, bioad, and felling axes id irons and frying pans • Saddle tacks and saddle bofles Gun-powder, bar lead, and shot of various kinds Gun locks, drawing knives, fpeftacles, lan cets thimbles, spurs, feiflars, pins, needle*, fifli-hooks, &c. Zee. &c. Cotton and wool cards Sifters, spades and grindflones Bar iron, German and bliflered Bee! Qtieen’s ware, plates aud dißies Leading lines and bed cords Paints, oil and window glass A large afiortment- of Bationary Allum and fine fait Jamaica, Wefl-India and Northward rum Brandy, wine and gin Molasses, loaf and Mufcovado sugars Alfpice, coffee and chocolate Pepper, faltpetre and brimffone , Nutmegs, ginger, allum, copperas, cloves, cinnamon, camphire, fait, Tartar, Tur lington, jallop, ihubarb, and Anderson’s pills. With a variety of other articles too tedious to mention. They have also for Sale, An elegant one horse Chair, and the Columbian Pvlagazine. Burke, October Term, 1788. George Wyche, Ex’r. of BafsT vs . V Attachment. john Todd. j I Ordered, THAT the defendant do appear ana plead within a year and a day> other wise judgment by default. By Ordtr rj the Court, JOHN DAVIES, Cltrk. j Ocloltr 21, 1788.