The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, January 10, 1789, Image 4

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POETRY. Extract from the TASK —a Poem by William Confer# Esq. GOD never meant that man should scale the heav’ns By strides of human wisdom. In his works, Though wond’rous he commands us in a word To seek him rather, where his mercy ihines, The mind indeed enlighten’d from above, Views him in all. Ascribes to the grand cause The grand effect. Acknowledges with joy His manner and with rapture tafles his ltile. But never yet did philosophic tube That brings the planets home into the eye Os observation, and difeovers, else Hot vitible, his tamily of worlds, Discover him that rules them ; l'uch a veil Hung over mortal eyes, blind from the birth, And dark in things divine. Full often too Os nature, overlooks her author more, From intlrurncntal causes, proud to draw Conclusions retrogade, and mad miftakc. But if his word once teach us, thooi a ray Through all the heart’s dark chambers, and reveal Truths undifeern’d, bur by that holy light, Then all is plain. Philosophy baptiz’d In the pure fountain of eternal love, Has eyes indeed ; and viewing all die fees As meant to indicate a God to man, Gives him his praise and forfeits not her own, Learning has borne luch fruit in other days On all her branches. Piety has found Friends in the friends of Icicnce, and true pray’r Has flow’d from lips wet wilhCafialian dew, Such was the wisdom, Newton, childlike sage! Sagacious reader of the works of God. Aud in his words sagacious. Such too thine, Milton, whose genius had angelic wiugs, And fed on manna. And such thine, in whom Our Bririll] theme is glory’d with such cause, Immortal Hale ! for deep difeernment prais’d And found integrity not more, than fam’d For fantticy of manners undciil’d. —— The following charafleriflic Epitaph on Cap tain Ciarlu' of the Pvefolution, was made by one o i his Officers, on board at his . death. THO* in the Styx the brave Charles Clarke was hurl’d, He put a girdle three times round the world ; But as he try’d the fourth, and proudly fail’d, Death back’d his top-fails; and thus rudely • hail’d, The Resolution ho !—diaries turn’d his ears, Aud said, Death hails, lets give old bones three cheers; I Messmates, farewell! complete the voyage; I’m ready ; Charon, pufli off; fleer final!; Heady, boys; Heady. XXQ9QQeaQBOEQeQ9QeoeQsQgm Notice. A I L those indebted to the con cern of Mefiieurs Andrew Pickens and Co. by bond, note, or book account, are requeued to make immediate payment to the fublcriher, at liberty Hill, opposite who is empowered to let le the fame, and dilcharge luch ccbts as may be due by laid concern. JOHN M‘iy WALL. liberty Hill , Dec. 15, 1788. A LIKELY negro boy 1 0 be fold tor T ohacco. Inquire oi the Printer* Cumming & M‘Credies Have imported in the lad vejfe/s from London and other parts of Great-Bntain , A complete and general Aflbrtment G O 6 D S, Which they are now felling on mo derate terms at their Stores in Au gufla, Campleton , and at Liberty hill , near Pickens' Ware-house, viz . WHITE, blue, green, and drab coloured plains Fearnoughts, ftrou-js, rose and duf fil blankets Superfine and second broad cloths of molt colours Green, buf7, white and red flannels Caffimers, iagathirs, duioys Womens icariet, blue and crimson cardinals Durants, fhajoons, calamancoes, last ings, bombazeen ?rifh linens ot every quality White and brown iheetings, dowlas, Ruffla sheetings and drubs, bed ticking and bunts Oznaburgs A variety of printed linens,callicoes, and chi tzes An aflbrtment of check and linen handkerchiefs Cam'oricks, la ans, lawn aprons and handkerchiefs Plain and figured mullins Black and coloured Barcelona hand kerch-fs Plain andftriped (hags forwaiftcoats A great variety of waiftcoai pat (r s Corduroys, plain and figured veiVcts Jeans and iutUans Biown H'>ll and, linen and cotton ch cks and (Iripes Black florei tin**, modes, Persians and odier silks Mens and womens worded, cotton, thread and silk ftocki gs Mactrafles Mens and womens saddles, bridles, girths, surcingles, lacdle bags, port manteaus, holsters, laddie cloths, &c. A complete aflbrtment of mens Ihoes and boots Ladies calamanco, lading and Mo rocco thoes Childrens ditto A large aflbrtment of mens coarse and fine hats Ladies black and white riding hats White and coloured threads, libbons Writing paper of every kind, Bible-, Teftamenrs, Prayer books, Watt's Hymns, Spelling books, flutes, haling wax, ink powder Buttons, buckles, lpurs,dirrup irons, bridle bitts An aflbrtment of locks, bolts, hinges, drawing knives, reap hooks,knives and forks, cutteaux, pen knives, razors, scissors, augers, gouges, thilfels, fliovels and tongs, fire clogs, brais fencers, smoothing irons, grid irons, desk furniture 4d. 6d. bd. tod. I2d. sod. and 2^d. nails and flooring bra s Weeding anu grubbing hoes, felling and broad ax « Trace chains s Mill, crois cut, and hand saws, with files An aflortment of planes and plane irons Smiths anvils, vices, fledges, and hammers Frying pans Ear iron, shear moulds, German and blillereu iteel Iron pots and Dutch ovens Steelyards, hand vices, awl blades, shoe and fiddle tac&s Guaging rods Cutting knives, scythes, gun locks Large and fmali grindstones Bral's wire and hair sieves Lot king gLfTes, furvejors inßru ments Weavers flays and fliuttles An afibitment of tin ware An alfortment of crockery ware Pewter diflies, bafons, plates, &c. An afTortment of glass ware Copper itills, with worms, &c. com plete Copper tea kett’es Bar Lad, (hot, and gun powder A variety of medicines Pins, needles, fifhmg hooks, sewing fiik, twist, &c. They have also for Safe Allum and fine -alt; Jamaica, Weft India, and Northward rum; white and brown l'ugars, molai fes, coffee, chocolate, teas; a 1 pice, pepper, brimstone, ginger; cop peras, allum, nutmegs, mustard; c >tton and woodwards; leading liies, bed cords, and twine; with a variety of other articles too tedious toenumerate P Augujiay Dec. i, 1788. Just puhlijkedy and may be bad at the Printing-Office, a Jew Co pies of a Funeral Sermon On the Death of Daniel Kellogg, late of the State of Conne&icut; who died at IVaJhington , the 20th of August 1788. Preached at the Reqneft of the WASHING TON LODGE, ‘ No. 5. of ANCIENT YORK MASONS. By the Rev. Brother JOHN HURT. Alio may be had at the Print ing-Office, A jew Copies of the LAWS Os the General AfTembly of the State of Georgia, palled last Seflion. ALSO THE JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION OF THF STATE of GEORGIA , On the Federal Constitution. (jfy The Federal Con Hi tut ion is contained in the above-mentioned Publication .