The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, January 17, 1789, Image 3

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An Evening School Will be opened the istb in/1* at the Acaaemy , by S. Chandler, A. M. FOR the purpose of teaching the French language, aud some of the most ufetul of the faeritific branches, viz. Arithmetic, book keeping, geography, the ule of the globes, menfuratiun, algebra, trigo nometry, heights and diltances, a flronomy, navigation, surveying, gauging, &c. with pra&ical uses of the mftruraents appropriated to each branch. As S. C. has been engaged in the inftru&ion of youth above eight years in different Seminaries, where he has made himfelf acquainted with the latest improvements in the ma thematics, and the molt expeditious methods of teaching the branches he profeffes, he flatters himielf that he shall give his pupils the fuilelt i'atis fadion. Please to apply at the Academy., Augujla, Jan. 17, 1789. Five Dollars Reward. Loft on the evening of the icth of Nov. in Broad street, Au gusta, a pair of red leather saddle , with an old bkek leather po cket b#ok, containing a variety of papers, arrorg which was a bond from Col. Robert Middleton to ire for 6401. a bond from Col. James Stallings to James Gray for 351. ; >nd afligned to me; a bond from The s. Glafcock, Ffq. for 60]. to comply with certain conditions, a nore of hand given by James Ingram to William Candier, and aflioned to me, lor 300 bulhe's of corn, and a number of other lmali notes of hand, memorandums and oilier papers, of no use to any person but the fub the fame and will deliver them to Andrew in ilugufta, or to the lubferiber lhail receive the above reward, 'Thomas Carr . STOLEN FRom the upper trading ford, on Ogeclne river, on the night of the 20th of December krt, A Bay {Ware, 5 feet. 2 inches high, wit;: fold, paces, trots and canters, much marked with the fiddle, her ; o ff hj p is lower than ihe other, branded on I the near fide of the reck with the letter C. Whoever stall deliver said A'are to me in Wilkes countv, at the place above mentioned, or give loch intelligence that I may get her, mail be entitled to one thousand weight of tobacco, bv Moses Going. A LIKELY NEGRO BOY To be fold lor Tobacco. [ Inquire of the Printer, J Ran-away from the Subfcriler A Negro Wench Named Na. ey, about 3 + years of age, of a icw ltature, has her coun try marks on each cheek, Ipeaks to lerable plain, ftc has been burnt on the back of one of her hands, which is cifcernablc. Any person lecuring or delivering the above Negro to me Hull receive a reward of Thice Pounds specie. James Martin . Burke County. Jan. 7, 1789. 4 GEORGIA, aßy Lewis Gardner, (L. S.) Esq RegifterofPro- LEWIS GARDNER., r Lats for the Cuumy j of Richmond. WHE REAS Henry Candler has ap plied to me for letters of adminirtia tion on the goods and chattels of William Efpie, deceased : Thefeate therefore to cite and admonish all and lingular the kindiedand creditors of the said deceased, to be and ap pear before me at my Ofp.ce, on the loth day of February next, to Shew cause, if any they have, why letters of sdminiftiatiou Should not be granted. Given under my band and seal, at my Office, the 10th day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, and iu the 13th year of the Independence of the Uuitcd States of America. HOUSE of ASSEMBLY, Fria y, ‘January 18, 17 88. MR. jofeph Habcrlham from the Commit tee on Finance brought in a report, I which being amended, was agreed to by the House, and is as follows: Your Committee recommend as a check on the Treasurer that the Aims of money and refpedive denominations of claims agaiuit the Hate received in the Treasury fjnee the firft instant, be made up to this day, and the a mouut thereof carried to his debt in the Au ditor’s books ; that in future the Treasurer be required to give a certificate to any person making a payment, which fliah be in the fol lowing word* : 4 ‘ Thele are to certify that “ has paid into the Treasury the sum of I • C r reipt.” Which said receipt Shall be valid again A the state, and the Clerk of the Executiue fliall file the Certificate of the Treasurer in his of fice, and make a fair entry in a book to be kept for that purpose, and Shall also exhibit a monthly return of the fame to the Auditor, who is required to debit the Treasurer with the amount thereof. ExiraSi from the Minutes , JAMES M. SIMMONS, C. G. A. ALL perfonsholding Certificates given by the Trealurer iq pursuance of the above re cited Report, are required to deposit the fame in my office without delay, in order that the intention of the Legislature may be earned fully into effect. J. MERIWETHER, S. E. C. To be Let , the House and Lot Lately occupied byMr. Philip Clay ron. for the term of one year; prf f flion will be given the 17th of next month. /lfo the Hotfe rnd Lot (formerly Mr. John WadeV) rb< ve JV«r. Lc ngftreei’s ; pcfh flier will he given ti e 15th of January, at which pei ltd it fh&ll he in complete itpair. bor conditions ap» !y to 7 hem as Glcficck, j Continental Loan- Cffx\ > ba'vann&b-t 6tb j .. . 759 .* THE holders c.-f Certificates of 1 iquiuatea Dtbis of the Ui.itcd States «re dtfned to call u>-cr» the fubfcribci without dtlay tm payment ot the intercft due on laid Certificates to the qift day ot mber 17*7. RICHARD W YLLY, Loan Officer. Notice. t? ALL those indebted to the con cern of Medians Andrew Pickens and Co. by bond, note, or book account, aie requeued to make immediate payment to the lublcriber, at Liberty iriili, opposite nugufta, who is empowered to let Je the fame, jihd dilcharge such cebts as may be due by said concern. JOHN M'DCWALL. 7 Liberty Hilt , Lee- 15, 1788. Notice. I A LI. p.rfons indebted to the estate of "James Scotty late ot Burke county, planter, defeat ed, are desired to make in.mediate payment to the fubferiber; and thole that have any demands a gainst said estate are requested to make them known before the firft day of March, otherwise they w ill not be allowed, to Thomas B . Scott, in Wilkes county, Reuben Cole mutt , in August-i, or to Jerries Stubbs , in Burke county, I, 1789. For Sale , % 7 ? A Q.U AUTI TY OF $ Indigo Seed, l On the lowc/l Terms. Apply to Mr. Robert Dick, Mer chant, in Augusta, or to the fub fenber oo Green Brier. Join Dxfnrt. Wanted to Purchase, Two Negroes Between the age of 15 and 25; for which a generous price in ipecie will be given. Apply to Solomon JBl lis, at Mr. Charles Simmons’s, xAugufta. Richmond \ pFRSnNALI.Y appeared Da- County. 5 I vid Felps, of Vt ilkes countv, who bring duly sworn faith, he received yeflerday a tobacco note from Meflrs An thony and Harris, Tobacco a' Au goßa, No. VV 1870-1 148--i'B**2Bo which said Note this depopent ha* cither n iilaid oc 1011, and at present cannot be Fund. DAVID FELPS. Sworn to the acth day of) December, i-KR, before) DAL2IEL HUNTER. Writing Paper b'jf bate <u the Piimif>£>Ca<te.