The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, January 17, 1789, Image 4

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POET R Y. XX3 An Elegy on the death of Do&or Samuel Crefwell, who died in W aldington, in the evening of the 15th December 1788. WHAT can secure from dire disease, Or flay the fleeting breath ? We all must yield, when Heav'n decrees To fleknefs and to death. Then let us cease to sigh or grieve, Though we have lofl a friend; Since he (hall endless bliss receive, And all his troubles end. Our loss, with patience let us bear, And at bis gain rejoice;— And hark !—what music strikes the ear 1— It is an Angel’s voice ! u Forever blefled are the dead “ Whom no foul deeds condemn; u From all their cares and labors freed : “ Their works do follow them.f" Could goodness, charirr, and truth, From dilfolution save ; Our friend had liv'd in endless youth, Secure against the grave. Did he anjafs a fortune ?—-ncu Too generous to be rich; For all his large acquaintance know How much he gave to each. Ye widows, and ye orphans, come, Yc wretched, and j:c poor ; With grateful tears bedew his tomb— Your patron is no more! APOSTROPHE. Although thy bones, lamented (hade 1 T<* m«ul<Ur, in the earth a i’C !«•«*, Without a stone to tell thy name, Yet thou (halt (well the trump of fame! Let wealth and oflentation raise Their monuments, in purchas’d praise; Let polic'd marble, flattering fliiuej Few monuments (hall equal thine. In time, e’n marble (hall decay, And all its flattery away. But while a free and generous* nim>., That loves a friend—-to good inclin'd, Is honor'd, prais’d, efteem'd, approv'd, Thy name (hall e'er be mourn'd and lovM. While friendship can remembrance give, Thy name lhall in our memories live. When, in our Lodge, we raile a shrine To model! virtue, when we join To fix the pillars of the fame ; Upon them all, we'll write thy name. See Wisdom , friendthip, charity, The Strength of each community; And also Beauty* s brightest gem ; By following thee, we'll follow them# f Revelation xiv, 13, Four Pounds Reward. WA S stolen lart V’ednefday • night, out of a pen near my house, (and another horse left in his place) a fliong made bright bay work gelding, trots heavy, is a little (way back'd, about 15 hards high, 9 or 10 years old, and has no brand or marks that I know of. The hoife left is a sorrel, about 14 and a half hands high, 9 or 10 years old, a large blaze in his face, hind feet and legs white, a few (addle spots, has been used to the geers, and if left by any hut his right owner he is delired to prove his property, pay the charges ami take him away ; and whoever secures the thief in goal and fends home the liorfe with information to the fubferiber, (hall receive the above Reward or Forty Shillings fur either of them, paid by JOHN HALL. Richmond County, Dec. 8,17 b«. Cumming & M c Credies Have imported in the la/t vejjels from London and other parts of Great-Britain, A complete and general Afiortment GOODS, Which they are now felling on mo derate terms at their Stores in Au gusta, Campleton , and at Liberty Htll, near Pickens 9 Ware-hcufe, viz. WHITE, blue, green, and drab coloured plains Fearnoughts, ftrouds, rose and duf fil blankets Superfine and second broad cloths of most colours Green, buff, white and red flannels Caflimers, fagathies, duroys Womens scarlet, blue and crimson cardinals Durants, fhaloons, calamancoes,lad ings, bombazeen Irifli linens of every quality White and brownfheetings, dowlas, Ruflia sheetings and drabs, bed ticking and bunts Cznaburgs . A variety of printed linens,,callicoes, and chintzes An afiortment of check and linen handkerchiefs Cam bricks, lawns, lawn aprons and handkerchiefs Plain and figured muflina Black and coloured Barcelona hand kerchiefs Plain and striped fliags for waiflcoats A great variety of wailtcoai patterns Corduroys, plain and figured velvets Jeans and fuitians Brown Holland, linen and cotton checks and stripes Black floientine, modes, Persians and other silks Mens and womens worsted, cotton, Mattradef nd fllk stockings Mens and womens saddles, bridles, girths, surcingles, laddie bags, port manteaus, holsters, laddie cloths, &c. A complete afiortment of mens (hoes and boots Ladies calamanco, lasting and Mo rocco (hoes Childrens ditto A large afiortment of mens coarse j and fine hats Ladies black and white riding hats W hite and coloured threads, ribbons Writing paper of every kind, Bibles, Teitaments, Prayer books, Watt’s hymns, Spelling books, dates, staling wax, ink powder Buttons, buckles, lpurs, stirrup irons,- bridle bitts An afiortment of locks, bolts, hinges, drawing knives, reap hocks,knives and forks, cutteaux, pen knives, razors, fcifiors, augers, gouges, thifiels, (hovels and tongs, fire dogs, brais fenders, smoothing irons, grid irons, desk furniture 6d. Bd. lod. i2d. 2cd. and nails and flooring brads Weeding and grubbing hots, felling and broad axis Trace chains Mill, crols cut, and hand saws, with files An afiortment of planes and plane irons Smiths anvils, vices, fledges, and hammers Frying pans Bar iron, (hear moulds, German and blistered steel Iron pots and Dutch ovens Steelyards, hand vices, awl blades* « (hoe and fadole tacks Guaging rods Cutting knives* feythes, gun locks Large and fmali grindstones Brass wire and hair sieves Looking glafles, surveyors instru ments Weavers flays and shuttles An afiortment of tin ware An afTortment of crockery ware Pewter dishes, bafons, plates, &c. An afiortment of glass ware Copper Itills, with worms, &c. com plete Copper tea kettles Bar lead, (hot, and gun powder A variety of medicines Pins, needles, fifhing hooks, sewing fnk, twist, &c., They have also for Sale , A Hum and fine halt; Jamaica, W eft-India,and Northward rum; white and brown sugars, molai ies, coffee, chocolate, teas; alfpice, pepper, brimstone, ginger; cop peras, allum, nutmegs, mustard; cotton and wool cards; leading lines, bed cords, and twine; with a variety of other articles too tedious to enumerate. Augujia , Dec. I, 1788. just publijhei, and may be had at the Printing-Office , a few Co* pies of a 1 0- Qn the Death of Daniel Kellogg , late of the State of Connecticut; who died at Wafkington , the 20th of August 1788. Preached at the Requsft of the WASHING TON LODGE, No. 5. of ANCIENT YORK MASONS. By the Rev . Brother JOHN HURT. Alio may be had at the Print ing-Office, A few Copies of the LAWS Os the General Aflembly of the State of Georgia, palled last Session. ALSO THE JOURNAL .OF THE CONVENTION OF THE STATE of GEORGIA, On the Federal Constitution. The Federal Constitution is contained in the above-mentioned j Publication .