The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, February 14, 1789, Image 2

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FRANKFORT, Oa*her 9. The Hite of misery and wretehednefs, in *kich Hungary it plunged, exceeds whatever the present generation baa known.—ls King!, with their Miniflera and Generala, who (hare the emoluments and glory of ware, were to be the fufferera by the difaflers they occasion,/ the greater the calamity and the more (harp and poignant the fufferings, the more ought mankind to exult. Were they beheld writh ing in agonizing tortures, who could extend even a look of pity to the authora of such complicated scenes of wot, as now ovcrfpread that fertile plain, the Bannat of Temefwar. The village# and towns by the banka of the Danube, are Bill in flamesmothers fur lounded by their cbildicn, running for shelter to their fortified cities, are piercing heaven with their cries, and calling down vengeance on the author of their diflrefa. Their criea are heard. Never was a Monarch involved in greater perplexities, than the mighty Jo seph s—hi* troops almost exhaufled with fa tigue and disease, ate every wheie fleeing be fore the victorious Turks. His prodigious army, which, a few months age, was to as sail the walls of Conflantinople, is reduced from 180,000 men, to left than halt that number, whilst the robust and vigorous Ma homitants arc continually receiving reinforce ments ; and f<? yafl ate their refourcea, that they have btoiijtht all the produce of the Ma cedonian harvert, on the backs of camels, for the lublifteoce of tbeir troops. To the dirt refs of the wretched Hungarians, the Wallachians their neighbours, have gieatl/ contributed. Availing ihemfclves of the general panic, they have terrified all the country, by running through the towns with a cry —The Turks are coming—the Turks are coming. On which the terrified inhabitants quirting their houses, ' the villains plundered and set them on fire. On the fatal night of the 2 r ft of September, when the Imperial- army was compelled to retreat, theie Wallachians taking advantage of the exceflive darkness that prevailed, got into the line of the baggage, and giving the alarm that the Turks were upon them, the drivers of the waggons left their charge, and such confufion succeeded as was never witnef- . fed before. The waggons were overturned, the horses many ofthenv killed, the baggage of the generals and* odiceis was plundered, and the whole project of this well’planned re treat was totally difeoucerted, ami thcgieated part of the artillery and (fores weie 1011. What a mortifying.-refledion to 1 * Monarch, who regarded himfelf as one of the firft war* Tiers in Europe, to fee his views iruftiated by a few barbarous VVallachian*. But thus does the Almighty confound the wifdoiu of the wife. Opprefled with chagrin and disease, from which the emperor has not been exempted, any more than bis troops, his countenance betrays the feelings of his heart. His (fate of health it rapidly declining. A few day be fore the last advices came away, he narrowly escaped being taken prifoncr by a body of Turkish horse, who had with great secrecy cotne round a hill iu the neighbourhood of Zakul, on which the Emperor was recon noitring a pott of the enemy. The hussars who attended him, had a mod terrible con flict, and brought bit Majefly fafe to the camp; but Prince de Lichteuflein is said to be taken prisoner. At Temefwar every precaution is adopted to enable the place 10 withstand a fiegc. The fortifications are mounted with 260 cannon, tne pavement in the streets is all taken up, and the women and children are feat out of the town. It was a melancholy fight to be hold the difirefs of these unfortunates, when orders were ifl'ued for their quitting their ha bitations. What curfcs and execrations were poured forth on the Empress of Ruflia, who bad been the cause of this ruinous war Potentates when pofiefling regions more than they can people, yet insatiably [third for the dominions of their neighbours. HAMBURGH, OGcher 9.. ! The commotions in this part of Europe are likely to extend. Pruflia is going to efpoule the cause of Sweden, and it is expeded that an aimy of 20,000 men will invade the Dan ith piovince of Hoifleiu. The defenlive aU liance lately proposed between the King of Poland and the Empress of Ruflia, has alio excited a jealousy in the bread of the Pruflian Monarch, who has dcsbued that ha will an* »9 • ter Poland with 60,00 c men, if that treaty is confirmed. LONDON, November 7. An arret baa been iffucd in France, under date the aßtb of September, which prohibits the importation of * bale or fpermateti oil into that kingdom from foreign parts; in consequence of a representation having been made to the King, that their whale fifhery is encreafing yearly, and is worthy of encou ragement, as the greatest nursery to Supply the royal marine with fcamen. The Helmfley Packet is arrived to-day from Petersburg. She was obliged to put into Got tenburg by firets of weather, which place (he left on the 17th tilt. A gentleman, pnffengcr in that (hip brings advice, that the Danes were lying, near the townthat a truce which had been made for 12 days, was then expired; and ho advances for a renewal of it. And* that on the morrow, after they left the city it was expelled an attack would he made by the Dantfh forces. Every measure was taken to defeud the place. The King of Sweden, and our Mini Her, Mr. Elliott, from Copenhagen* were then m Gotreohurg*. Intelligence is received from a refpedablv quarter, that a courier had arrived recently at St. James’s from the Court of Berlin, with a formal notice, that the Pruflian Monarch was determined to march an army diio&ly in fa vor of the King of Sweden. This being the case, England probably will find”herfelf obliged 1 to take an adive part in the general war— but at any rate, certain it is, that ft nee the arrival of the said courier an extraordinary privy council was fumraoned, to deliberate' upon the business. The plague is said to have got into the French Ambaffador’a palace at Coilfthminople; Mr. Wiliuain, interpreter to his Mod thrift tion Majesty, is dead, together with a servant who touched him, and a sailor; a family of trench artiits eiiablnhed there, is entirely de stroyed, and fomc others at Per*. It seems to a’ffed more firangers this year than the Turks ; its ravages tncreafe at Smyrna, and efpeciallv in the fine island of Chio. Tho French Capuchins and the Catholic Priests, who were more numerous there than at any other places, have been all carried off by it. * - - - NASSAU, Javuary * Letters of a recent date trout- the Continent mention, that there is much anxiety through out the dates relative to the new Government, I which begins its operation m March next, I “ General Waihiugton," fays a correspondent, | “ will have the uuiveifal fuifrages of the peo ple tor the Presidency: rec eding the person who (hall be Vice-PreSdcnt, there is no equal coincidence of opinion ; not many less than fifty candidates have tlieir views that way, among them, quaudam fchooL mailers, book- • I fellers, broken attonwss, and thseelineal de fendants of Fnglifh. and lrilh convifls, the parents of nohiliry of whnfo ancestors are faithfully recorded in the Newgate calendars * of London and Dublin,” I CHARLESTON, - January *4., Officers of State elected by the Legi&iture last week. Charles Pinckney, Esq. Governor. Ale xander Gillon, Esq. Lieutenant-Governor. Pierce Butler, and Ralph Izard, Efqr*. Sena tors of the United States. Francis Kinloch, Gabriel Manigault and Edward Darrell, Ehjrs, Privy Counccllors • and Peter Freneau, Esq. Secretary of this Bate. Sheriffs——For Charleftou dillrid, Isaac Hu ger, senior, Esq. Georgetown, Joseph Blyth, Esq. Cheraw, Lamuel Benton, Esq. Cam den, Joseph Brevard, Esq. Orangeburg, Jo leph Culpeper, Esq. The following is an extra* of an authentic let ter from London received by a gentleman n this city , daud December 2, 1788. “ The King's disorder, which proves to be a mental derangement, which threatens an incurable infinity, has (truck us all with dis may. The Parliament is to meet on the 4th inst. to appoint a Regency. It is generally supposed that the Prince will condescend to nothing left than his being foie Regent r and a change of administration will be the probable consequence.” February 2. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint John NsuffUk, Esq. iun. !us Secretary. A eomp omife took pleat between the up m fV » per end lower country members, viz. tLat the public records, (liquid be removed to Co lumbia on the firft of December 1790, amt that the Lcgifiature meet there in January *791. • « , Provided % That the Comrniffioners do cer tify td' Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being, that the public buildings mentioned in said Ad, are ereded as therein di reded. On Friday lall, the Legislature eleded Tho mas Wkties, Esq. a Judge in the room of the ■ Hon. Henry Pendleton,-Efq. decCafcd. ~ N ’ AUGUSTS, Feb. 14. + -• • . * - \ We are favored with the following returns for Representatives in Congress: * s' L.- * 4 * • * ,5 i • e « . -a *2 rts Jr c eo 2 ** *f» 2 Jq 6’ SB sj o C 3 5 *2 «<As o « « Chatham, 165 170 89 ii 3 6 o o ; Effingham, zx ji n said to be i Burke, 144 13* 95 46 55 20 s Richmond, 172 165 148 18 11 9 \ Wilkes, 321 383 p7 252 104 4V Greene, 100 100 12 6 100 17 o ——* 1 r_ ‘ ~ n m / 9*3 96* 45* 3«3 3°s 4* We are informed from Liberty county, that Gen. Mathews, the Hon. Abraham Baldwin, and Gen. Jackson, had the greatest number of votes. HOUSE of ASSEMBLY, Friday , January 30, 1789. Your Committee recommend that the al lowance of ten per ceut. for wastage and re delivery of corn, be allowed the colledors on a fiual settlement, and the Committee farther recommend, that the Tieafurer be direded to • iflue his execution for the arrears of the fpe cific tax for Ihe years 1787 and 1788, against: the refpedive Colledors, immediately after, the indulgence herein granted (hall expire, ' and that all persons who (hall difeharge the said- fpeoifics due for the years 1787 and 1788 I within three mouths after the publication' ' hereof, fltall be exempted from the penalties ‘ and* (liabilities imposed in and by the Alt for raifiug supplies in fpecifics. Provided nothing I herein contained (hall effed or extend to the I ftipulatious veiled in the Executive in favor of the counties of Liberty, Glynn, Camden* Walhiugton, Franklin, aud Greene. Extra <3 from the Minutes , JAMES M. SIMMONS, C. G. A. For Sale, Two LOTS In SPRINGFIELD; Ca{h, produce or merchandize will be received in payment. For particulars enquire of Amaja Jackfon* Augusta, Dec . H, 1788. I Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of James Scott, late I ot burke county, planter, deceaf- I ed, are desired to make immediate payment to the fuhfcriber? and I thole that have any demands a- I gainft said estate are requested to I make them known before the firft I day of March, otherwise they will not be allowed, to Thomas JL * Scott, in Wilkes county, Reubem Coleman , in Augusta, or to Jamn 4 Stubbs , in Burke county. J Jtntsurj j, *789. | . *