The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, February 21, 1789, Image 3

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GEORGIA. By His Honor GEORGF WA L TON, Esquire, Captain Gene ral. Governor and Commander in Cbiej in and over the Jaid State . A Proclamation. WHEREAS a rood flag ti ous burglary and robbery was committed, by lome per fen or persons unknown,on the even ing of Sunday the eight instant, in the store or (hop of Jeremiah Andrews, Jeweller, in the town of Augusta; by breaking open the laid store or (hop and taking and carrying from thence the fol lowing articles, viz. Thirty.fix pair paste (hoe buckles, eight pair of them edged with gol% they are strong made, and coaife cheaps; leven paste hat buckles, and leven girdle ditto, gold edged and (harp pointed at each end; Fifteen pair gold edged knee buckles, large (tones, strong made; Five pair do. (mall (tones,covered on top, with silver cheaps and gold prongs to fatten them ; five pair co. small (tones,fiber theaps and gold p:ongs, one pair having children* cheaps in ; a lady’s g* Id watch chain, broken up; twenty fix paste ft. ck buckles; a heavy doubleloon and guinea neither cut, and twelve dollars; fourteen pair paste knee buc kies; three p, lr silver fpuis, cne of them jointed in the neck ; right pair silver (line buckles, three pair of them large pierced and plain, makers name J. A ten pair silver knee buckles; eight silver stock do. twelve pair plated (hoe and knee do. and eight stock do. of different patterns; a parcel of gilt and, composition seals, watch chains and keys, silver sleeve buttons and clalps engraved; fait spoons, and breals for Ladies hair; fix pair of (lock ings, two of them clouded silk, and the rest worsted and thread— marked J. A. thirty-two pair iron spurs, and n any other articles not afeertained ;—as appears by public notoriety, ard the affidavit of the (aid Andrews, filed in the offic e of the >tc\ erary cl the Exe cutive. To the end, therefore, that luch attroaty may be diico vered, purilhed, and made an ex ample ot, and reparation, if pof fibie, procured for the iuffering individual, l have thought fit, upon the application of the (aid Andrews and by and with the advice of the honorable the Exe cutive Council, to ifiue this my Proclamation, editing a Reward ot Fifty Pounds for apprehending the perion or perlous concerned in the said burglary and jobbery, so that he, (he or they be con victed thereof: And it is com manded to all Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs and Constables, to be aiding and aflifting in thepre mifes. Given under my Handy and the Great Seal of the Jaid State, in the Council Chamber, at Augujia, this jeventeentb day of January, in the Tear of our Lord, one tboujand, seven hundred and eighty-nine ; and of our Sovereignty and Independence the thirteenth. GEORGE WALTON. By his Honor's Command, JOHN MILTON, Secretary. GOD SATE THE STATE. % A R e ward of Twenty Guineas will be given to any perlon or perlbns that will deliver unto Mr /.imafa Jackson , at Augusta ; to Mr. Michael Germain ,Gold-smith at Savannah ; or unto Mr. T. B. Bowen , Printer at Charleston, the articles delcribed in theforegoi g Proclamation; or, 7 hirty Guinea* Reward for the goods and thief or thieves on convidion, by the (aid gentlemen or the fublcriber, at Philadelphia. 7 eremiah Andrews. Augusta , Feb. 20, 1789. To be Let, The House and A CIC Lot in Broad street, at present occupird by John Y. Noel, Esq. Attorney at Law. Also, the House and lot wherein Mr. George Hunt now lives, in Eli is street, oppefite the above mentioned Lot. PcfTcflion will be given the id of March. For apply to the fubferiber or Mr. Jofejh Warts, at the (lores of Andrew M‘Lean, Esq. deceased, near the Augusta Warehouse. William Clark . Augujia. February 4, 1789. Notice. WHEREAS the business rela tive to the estate of Andrew M‘Lean, Esq. dectafed, is no longer tranfadfed by Captain Thomas Cole, these are therefore to requtft all per fms who have any claim against said estate to call on the fubferiber, and those indebted to make payment,who aione can give fuffident ililch rges. William Clark , Executor . Augufa, Feb. 2, 1785. For Sale, A QUANTITY OF Indigo Seed, On the lowefi Terms . Apply to Mr. Robert Dick, Mer chant, in Augusta, or to the iub fenber on Green Brier. John Dyfart . Strayed or stolen trom about tour Wvfks ago, A Small grey MARE, about i* hands hivh, paces and canteuj and about three weeks ago, two HORSES, o«e a flout dark bay, about 15 and a halt hand* hi«h, with a handsome head and neck, tiots and canters j the other a chunky made bay, about 14 and a half hands high, with a blaze face and mealy nose, trots and paces, if either of them have brands they are not recollected, they were both rather low in flelh, and had some hair rubbed off each of their breads, by a chair haruefs. A Reward of Three Dollars for the Mare, and Six Dollars in Specie for each of the Hor les, will he paid on delivery to the fubfenber in Augusta. * THOMAS CUMMINC. Feb. 20, 1759. V " " " ' - ■ ' ' - ■ -T. To be Leafed, Ft\r the term ot two years, On 1 UES D A Y y the i jth inti. T'HE Ferry from Augusta to the slate of South Carolina ; the terns of he lease arc to be—That the payments tor the lame be made quarterly by the leftee in the pnpei me dium of this Hate ; and on f.ihire of the pay ment at the end of any one quarter, or with in three days thereafter, if lhall he at the option of the Board of Ttuftecs for the Rich mond Academy, to dilloMe the fnid lease. The lessee is to find a good and fuflkient flat or flats. Bv Order of lie Board, n JAMES M. SIMMONS, C. B. C. ‘ Feb. 7, 1789. *1 l' " i For Sale, J Tint Valuable Plantation Containing 300 aertsof lam*, on the l?rta. Kiokia cmk, equal ii not luperior to any lard it. the county, there is about i*o aerts of cleared land on it, and i.nd.r i o >d fencing, with an overlee’s hcule, Negro boufes, and two tetts of indi go watis thereon. Tobacco. Ne groes, cafli, or merchandize wii be taken in payment. For particulars inquire 01 thfc fablcriber. C. Dxfart* • February 5, 1789. For Sale , 40,000 Acres 0/ Hamilton's great Survey, in Ninety-Six Datrict , near to the Court-houje; THL v L lands are extremely valuable, their situation being healthy, and loil veiy fer tile, —peruliarly adapted to the culture of flax, hemp, cottrn. and tobacco—particularly the latter. Purchasers may be accommo dated as to quantity quality, price and times 01 pavment, i v apply ing to C olonel James Mrfn % at Saludv, near to the premiles. November 6, 1788. & Blank D»*f ds of Convey* ante to be had of the Printer.