The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, February 21, 1789, Image 4

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POET R y. —@©s©©©©©@— THE YEAR. JANUARY. LO! My fair, the morning lazy, Peeps abroad from yonder hiU; Phoebus rises red and hazy, Frost has Hop’d the village mill. FEBRUARY. AH round her looks fad and dreary; East the flaky snow descends : Yet the red breads chirr up cheery, While the nittend lass attends. MARCH. Rife the winds, and rock the cottage, Thaws the roof and wets the path; Dorca cooks the savory pottage Smoakcs the cake upon the hearth. APRIL. Sunfliine intermits with ardor, bhadcs fly fwiftly o’er the fields; Showers revive the drooping verture, Sweets the funny upland yields. M' A Y. Pearly beams the eye of morning: Child ! Forbear the deed unblefs’d ! Hawthorn eveiy hedge adorning, Pluck the flower—but spare the nest i JUNE. 'School-boys in the brooks disporting, Spend ,the sultry hour of play ; While the nymphs and Twain are courting, 1 Seated on the new-made hay. JULY. Maids with each a guardian lover, While the vivid lightning flies 5 Haflenmg to the nearest cover, t Clasp their hand before their eyes. AUGUST. See the reapers, gleaners, dining, Seated on the shady grass; O’er the gate the squire reclining, Wanton eyes each ruddy lass. SEPTEMBER. Hark ! A found like distant thunder, Murderer, may thy malice fail! Torn from all thy love asunder, Widow’d birds around us wail. OCTOBER. Now Pomona pours her treasure, Leaves autumnal drew the ground, Plenty crowns the market measure, While the mill runs briskly round. NOVEMBER. Now the giddy rites of Comus, Crown the hunter’s dear delight. Ah! the year is flitting from us, Bleak the d3y, and drear the night. DECEMBER. Bring more wood, and set the glafles, join, my friends, our Christmas cheer : Come, a catch!—and kiss the lasses Chnflmas comes but once a year. ANECDOTE. WHEN Dr. Miebbeare was adjurgtcl to Hard m the pi. ory, t n »c<ou t t f h,s fix h lu tei to the people of brglaid, to wards thr clt fe cftxrcmint his ftn tcnce it began to rain, ar d ts e Doc tor being partitularly well crelied, lone ot his friends feu up an Infh chaiiman with an umbrella to hold over him. Next day Paddy appe areti at the Dt dor's lodgings, hoping his honor was Very w< 11. and th t he got no cold the day before.” €t Pray, my friend,” fays the Do&or, have you not been paid for your fer vic. s yefterdav i” O yes, your ho nour, I got a guinea.” ‘ m And don’t you think that lufficient for a quarter of an hour’s (landing ?” u Why to be sure in regard to work , I can’t fay but it is—but G —Z —ns, your ho nour, conjider the dtfgrace .” The Dodtor, so far from being difp eased with the reply, gave him a crown more, for which Paddy was so thankful that he left him his ad* dress if ever he (hould have occasion for his services again, HOUSE of ASSEMBLY, Wtdnejday , the 4 tb of Feb. 1789. WHEREAS pursuant to Resolutions of the General AlTembly, pafled the 30th and 31st days, of January 1788, a number of citizens were nominated and did convene at Augusta on the 4th day of November last, for the purpose of reviling and amending the Constitution of this Hate, and did then and there proceed and agree to such alterations and amendments thereof as they concluded would be mod expedient; which revision of the said conllitmion or plan of government of - Hate was transmitted to the different counties for the perusal and conlideration of the citizens thereof, who were then recom mended to choose three citizens of each coun ty, to meet at Augusta on the fourth day of January last, for the foie purpose of adopting or rejefting the said proposed constitution or plan of government. That in pursuance thereof the freemen of this state did on the firft Tuefday in Decem ber last eletf three citizens of each county for the purpose aforefaid, who did in consequence thereof cenveue at Augusta on the fourth day of January last, and after taking up the said proposed constitution or plan of government, and having the fame under their conlideration, did neither adopt nor reject the fame, but have agreed to such alterations and amend ments thereto, as they conceived would be conducive to the interest and fafery of the state. Refolded therefore , That it be earnestly re commended to the freemen and voters of each county, on the firlt Monday in April next to convene at the usual place for hold ing ele&ions, and choose three fit and difereet persons for each county, to meet at Augusta on the firft Monday in May next, to be veiled with full power onlyjto take under their ferioua consideration the aforefaid proposed constitu tion or plan of government, together with the provisos or proposed amendments there to, and to fully ratify and adopt the said pro posed constitution, with such parts of said proposed amendments as they may think moll proper; without any farther alteration or at tempt of amendments thereto ; which ihall be received and considered as the Constitution and plan of government of the people of this state. Rejoined, That if approved of by the people the said convention be authorifed to insert a clause in the said constitution, “ That no mo nies be drawn out of the Treasury or from the public funds of this state, except by ap propriations made by law. Rejoiced, That his Honor the Governor in Council have power and authority to draw upon the treasury for the pay of the members of the Convention, in like manner as the pay of the members of the General Afiembly, as well as the necessary charges attending the fame. Rejoined, That a majority of the conven tion be authorifed to proceed to business. Ordered, That the foregoing Refoiutions be pubiilhed. Extra ft from the Minutes , jAMES M. SIMMONS, C. G. A. Writing Paper I Far Sale at the frimiug-onice, TITUS Hallinger informs me that he has at present in his pofleflion two Negroes, a man and woman, v. ho appear to be each of them about 30 years of age, and he thinks are this country born, their names are Prince and Sarah, they came to him Tome days ago wanting work, ancf finding they varied in the relation they gave of themselves de tained them; and as there is no goal or work houle in this town whereby Negroes might be secured to their owners, by this public notice they may get intelligence, and receive them by-a proof of the property be fore me Dalziel Hunter , J. P. Augufta y Feb . 6 , 1789. N. B. T. H. will not be culpable in case they should run away—they fay they had a pass from a Mr. John Richardson, in Charleston. BROUGHT to mefome time in March last, a Negro man nam ed Peter, fays he is of the Co: go country, speaks very bad tngliih, about 30 years of age, 5 feet 6or 7 inches high, and is very remarkable by having his country marks on tach i f his bicaft bones, and others down along his bellv below his navel, and his his lert thumb crooked, which, as he lays, was done by a gun burst ing in his hand when in his own country. Any perion or perlons claiming the laid Negro, by proving his or her property, and applying to me in Burke county, may have him on paying charges. James Lewis , S. B. C. , May 15, 1788. GEORGIA. “I By Lewis Gardner , (k* S.) I Esq RegifterofPro- LEWIS GARDNER. | bats for the County J of Richmond. H E R E A S Daniel Wallicon has applied to me for letters of administration on the estate and effefts of Isaac Wood, late of Richmond county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonifti all and lin gular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at my Office, on the 9th day of March next, to Ihew caul'e, if any they have, why letters of administration Ihould not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, at my Office, the 9th day of February* in the year of our Lord T 789, and in the 13th year of the Independence of the United States of America. G E O R G I A. ABy Lewis Gardner , (L. S.) ( Esq ResifterofPro- LEWIS GARDNER, f hats for the County ) of Richmond. HE REAS John Hartsfield and Anns V V Bwwers have applied to me for letters of administration on the estate and effefts of George Hartsfield deceased : These are there fore to cite and admonifti all and lingular the kindied and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at my Office, on the 12th day of March next, to Ihew cause, if any they have, why lexers of administra tion Ihould not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, at my Office, the nth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thoufaud seven bundled and eighty*nine, and in the 13th year of the Independcucf of the United fetaiei of America,