The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, February 28, 1789, Image 4

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(late, (hall immediately after the patting this Adi, or immediately after their arrival within the fame, produce a certificate of the Col ledlor of Customs, (who is hereby required to furnifh the fame gra tis' of the amount of his or their importation to the Remitter of Probats within the county where such transient person reiides or may arrive, and give bond with lecurity to the Tax Colledor for the time being or his successors in office, for the ti ue and faith ful payment of his; her, or their propot tion of tax as herein im* posed, before the veflel (hall be cleared out by the Golledtor of Cuttoms ; and the said Register of Probats is hereby required to keep an exadt return of the fame, and transmit one immediately to the Tax Colledtor for the time being, and one other to the Treal'urer when he returns the whole tax for his county; and the captain or super-cargoes of any such veflel or veflels fhali have power and authority to re tain any part of such cargo or cargoes, as far as to double the amount of his, her, or their taxes refpedtively; such goods to be de posited in the hands of the Col ledtor, until the taxesare paid and no longer. jindbe it jurther enabled, That the sum of ten (hillings (hall be levied for every hundred pound*, value of all goods, wares, mer chandize, or negroes imported or brought into this flare for iale on all persons in trade, (hop keepers and others, adtual reii dents, to be given in upon oath, and to be computed on the prime cost: and the sum of four pounds on every pradtitioner of law or physic; and the lum of four pounds on all fadlors and brokers; and on all foreign goods, wares, liquors, merchandize and negroes fold, bargained or trafficked for, by all such fadtors and brokers, the lum of fifty (hillings on every hundred pounds by them so fold or disposed of, to be given in upon oath; and on all Vendue- Matters (after qualification) throughout this slate, the sum of four pounds. Provided neverthe/efs, That in all cases of extreme indigence or infirmity, the Superior Court of each countv (hall be, and they are hereby authorifed to remit the poll tax upon such indigent or in firm persons claiming the fame. And be it enabled by the autho rity ajorejaid , That the mode of coiledting the taxes (hall be as follows: Each militia company (hall form one diftridtj the Senior Assistant Justice of the county of Chatham (hall, under the penalty of eight thousand pounds, the Se nior Assistant Jultice of the coun ty of Lffingham (hall, under the penalty of two thouiand pounds, the Senior Assistant Justice of the county of Burke (hall, under the penalty of four thousand pounds, the Senior Assistant Jultice ot the county of Richmond (hall, under the penalty of five thou sand pounds, the Senior Assistant Justice of the county of Wilkes (hall, under the penalty of eJght thousand pounds, the senior As fi'ftant Justice of the county of Liberty (ball, under the penalty “of hvc thousand pounds, the Se nior Assistant Justice of the coun ty of Glynn (hall, under the pe nalty of one thousand pounds, the Senior Affiltant Justice of the county of Camden lhall, under the penalty of two thousand pounds, the Affiftant Ju stice of the county of Wafhing t n (half, under the penalty ot two thousand pounds, the Senior Assistant J iftice of the coun*y of Franklin shall under the penalty of. one .thousand pounds, and the Senior Affiftmt Justice of the County of Greene (hall, under die, penalty of one thouiand pounds* proceed 4 to appoint, any time before the twentieth day ot March, a Magistrate or. some other difercet peion in each.di ftr.dt of the militia of their re lpedtive counties, to receive the returns of taxable property in such diftridt, and cause the Clerks of the relpedive counties, within, twelve days after such appoint ment*. to give not ce to the per ions appointed Receivers, under the penalty cf one. hundred pounds (hould fuch,notice not he given, and the Receiver so ap pointed, after being notified as alore aid, (hall be and he is here by required, under the penalty of one hundred pounds, within twelve days from the time of be ing notified, to fignify his refuial of the laid office, or appear be fore him and take this following . oath: 6 iS 1 A. B. do solemnly promise “ and iwear, that I will truly “ and faithfully perform the du “ ty of Receiver of returns of “ taxable property in the djftridt “ to which l am apjo.nted, as “ required of me by the ad.” And in cate the perion (o ap pointed (hall lignity his refufal to ad, or the Clerk (hall ncglcd to give notice as aforefaid, the said senior Assistant Justice (hall in i like manner, under the like pe nalty, appoint lome other person lor that purpose. And be it aljo enabled , That all and every person or peifons liable to pay tax, (hall give in the lift oi his, her, or their taxable pro perty, as well as a lift of every luch person or persons as he, (he, or they may be attorney or attor nies, executor or executors, ad ministrator c r administrators for, in the county or counties whe»e such attorney, executor or admi nistrator resides, and e\e y such pe. lon or persons giving in tax able property as aforefaid, (hall make a return deferiptive of the lands and other taxable property as the lame may. be in the diffe rent counties of this state; and such. receiver, or Receivers of taxable property fhall.tranfmit to the refpedive Registers of Frobats v\here t such. property may lie, a ccount thereof, to be annex ed to the Colledois general re turn, but not to be considered as lufcjed to the payment of tax out of the. county where it may be firft returned : And the Receiver °r Receivers of such returns shall p.oceed, alter being duly qualifi ed, in giving notice, and making a return of the whole lo received, and also of the taxable property of non-residents and defaulters within his diftridl, and (hall transmit the fame to the Register °t Piobats, together withjhis own taxable property in like manner, and publish the fame within one month thereafter in the Gazette, with the names of all defaulters, under the penalty of fifty pounds; ard the said Receivers shall be en titled to receive for each return made in his diftridt, to be allowed as. aforefaid, the sum of fix-pence, fubjedt to the deduction of a like sum for each person advertised as a defaulter, when it shall ap pear that such person had given in his or her return to some other Receiver. (To be continued.) Found by the Subscriber, AN Audited Certificate, amount £B4 some (hillings and pence, 1 he proprietor or owner may huve it by tfteftually delcribing the fame, and paying for this advilement. ’James M. Simmons. A l 1K E l y NEGRO BOY To be fold for Tobacco* Inquire of the Printer.