The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, March 07, 1789, Image 3

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iaid Receivers to belong to any person or persons residing out of the limits of this ft ate, and who have no attorney or attornies, trufteeor truft’ees legally conftU tuied in this state, or which have not been returned to any Receiver appointed for the county where such lands are, then and in such case the Receivers (hai) be, and they are hereby authorifed and required to charge the laid lands for the payment of the tax im posed thereon, and aifo tor all taxes due thereon by any former tax adt; and forthwith lor thtee successive weeks a publilh and give notice of such charge or af* feffment in the Gazette, and in cafeof non-payrnent of iucht axes* the lands ihall rhereafL r be liable so • a double tax, and to be proceeded ag unft by a tachtnenr in a luminary way in the manner of distress and sale, and to make tides to the person or persons the fame, and to pay the money (lawful charges only to be dedudeu) into the Trca fury. And be it farther enabled by the au thority oforelaid , Thai the following peifons be, *;nd they a e hereby ap pointed Collectors of taxes under this Ad: Fur the countv of v hat ham, Peter Samuel Lass tre ; for the county oi fcifingham,(Vi‘KeenGreen; for the county of fiurk-, J .hn Jones* for the county of Richmond, Joel Barnett; for the ecu ty of Wilkes, Benajah Smith ; :or the couniy oi Liberty, Lachlan iVWntufli junior j for the courrty of Glynn, Wihi,.m Steven; for the county of Camden, Henry Wright; for the county of Walhington, Diotlyfian Davis; for the county of Franklin, Jer miah Cleveland; and for the county o i Greene, David Dixon. And be it exacted, That all per sons wnoloever are poiT fled of any lands or slaves in this (late, i i his own right or in tfle right of ethers, or any wife liable to pay tax by vir tue of this or any other tax aid, Ihall pay in their taxes to the ieveral per sons herein nominated and appoint ed to receive the lame, on or be fore the fifteenth day of November next ensuing, in lawful money of this state; and the refpedive Col ledlors receipts Ihall be held and taken as fatisfadory, sad if at the expiration of the fifteenth day of November aforelaid, any person or persons (hall be in default, the Col lector of the county where such de faulter (hall happen, (hall imm di ately proceed against fuqh defaulter or defaulters, by distress and (ale of the goods and chattels, if any be found, otherwise on the lands of such defaulter or defaulters, or lo much thereof as will pay the amount of taxes due with costs, and in all such cases, to make titles to the pur chasers of the property (old as afore faidr And the said Collectors re fpe&ively (hall, on or before the sis- teenth day of January, m the year one thouiand leven hundred and ninety, elofe their accounts, and de liver the fame to the I reafurer for the time being, and after deducing two and an half per centum on ail such taxes as he shall receive, pay the remainder to the said I r< afurer. And be it aljo enabled by the autho rity afore! id, I hat any per fun or pcrions negitdmgor refufing to give in his, her or their account of lancis, Haves, ( r other taxable property as afore said, dial I be taxed in double tiie sum hnein alreauy pointed ut ; and everv Receiver a aforetaid (hail be entitled to receive ot the Collcc u r t > whom he aa o*l ont h it\.f the douole t x hereby so irr.poled on the property oi uei<su ters r eciull, returned by Inch Rrccive.s. ‘ And belt fan hr en Zed, 'I ha? whenever any of the said Receives of r turns, or c oliectors of axts, fhJi or may dis over that ai,y lauds, Haves, or other taxable property, have not been ittur. >.i as in me ad pui ted out, he or they I],ail fum •non thrte freeholders, r-fidents os tne diftr cl where fudi lands lit, or oi her property be, to alceit .in the value of said lands o. other pio perty; and dtuoie the :ax t .etcon, f>r which amount rite Coil dor is hereby crop'wt rtd at d required tt» levy, fell, an co vey in m li ner iurein already mei ticn d. And be it en. Cted, Ina: aii proper ty fubjed to the pay ii ent ol ux un der this ad, and ihat dial] not be given in by the ovner thereof, or by htS, h« r or thar attorney, trustee, executor or adminilfrator, at the tane required by this ad, (hall be coijfiderca «»s lurfeLed; the one ninety to any per ion. who will give information thereof, and pay the tax oi the lame, and the o. her moiety to' and for the u;e of the acadttny of the county. Provided, 1 hut fix > d y$ notice be previouily giv. n n. ti.e pu iic Gazette, in wj ch the p ri pen ty shall be particu ar y d.fc ibe , together with the owner or owners name, where such owner or own rs ai*. kn wn, ar d no luch p oper y shall be forfeited if the owner, < r any other perfbn in his, her or their behalf shall appear, pay the expeme of the advertilement, and a double tax on all his, her of their taxable property * but otnerwiie the t.e aui ter Hi ail f rever be excluded, ai y law or cuflom to the contrary not withftanrii? g. Provided always nevertheless, That all iaor other pioperty veiled in commifli nersor trullees for pub iic uies, shall not come within the : purview or meaning of this ad: And provided a so , That no lale wh ch may be male under this Ad, of the property of orphans having no gurrdian or truftce, (hah have any ctfedt longer than such orphan or orphans shall rot tinue underage, am wh<> (hall be in vetted in the lan>e upon payment of all arrearages of tix on the lame. And whereat it has happened and mar frequently happen, that bctweeu the day of receiving the returns, and the div ap pointed for the payment of the faidrax, many persona have left the diftrids in which the/ resided, and have been by the Collector a re turned as infolveuts, who had no property upon which they could levy and dirtraiu i Be it therefor* enabled by the authority aforefaid. That the Colled ir in every such county (hall be obliged to prove, in a fatisfadory manner, to the Seuior Affiihnt Justice of the county > in which be ads, the indigence or inability of those whom he returns as infoivents hav ing no property. rind be it alio enabled by the authority afore,aid. That the taxes imposed by this Ad Hull be preferred to all securities and iu cu mb ranees whatever; and that in case any peifori or perloiis, coming under the notice if this Ad> (hall die between the time of giving in his, her, or their returns to the Receiver or Receivers iefptdively, and the paying ot Ins, ncr, or their t x, and any goods oi chattels of the decealed. to the va -1 ie of the lum Co t xed, (had come int* the hands of his. her, or their exe'tnois or ad ui'iiiitrators, or cxecut.nsm ihcir own w ong, mih executor or adminiftretor shall pay the lum by the time before limited, prior to ail judgments, mortgages, or debts whutf.ever, or o;hei wife a of execution (hall idnc againlt the pioper goods and chattels of sash e ecutoi oi udmioiilrator; and if any perf m or peifons, between the time of render- • ing the account of lus, her, or their edate to the Receiver afoiefuid, and at the time of his, her, orihen pavaug in the laid tax, fhilit* ah mt to depart the county m which he, ihe or they may have nnmerliareiy then prereed ing iclidcd, the fan! Oolledor and Collectors i,, and a>cs-hereby direded and required forthwith to levy the fame, not withstanding ihe day of-payment may not then become, uneG fnch perf m or persons (hall and will find securities to the liking of the faicl Col lettor or Collectors refpedively, for the pay ment thereof at the day herein appointed. And b* it farther enabled , That all deeds of ; gift, conveyances, mortgages, (ales and af fignmcnts of goods, lauds, tenements and chattels of any kind, of anyperfon or peifune whatsoever, made with an intention to avoid paying the alo efai I tax, are hereby deemed and declared null and void: And in calc , any person who has bon* fide, mortgaged any part of his elta.e, t eal or pcrfonul, fhali re f ife or neg left to pay the tax or the fame, the mortgagee lhall be answerable and liable to pay the fame if iu adual pofleflion of the J premises. 4i,.d be it far her enabl'd by the authority aforejuia , That -he Treasurer for the time b iiigbe. ie is heieby empowered and ’ req ured to grant executions againlt ail for mei Colledors of taxes, who are or maybe defaulters immediately after the paffiug of this Act. Provided always , That nothin/g herein containe i fhali affed the power givea the Executive receding the fufpenfi >u of the collediouof fpecifics of ihe counties of Liberty, Glynn,Camden, Waihington,Greene aud Franklin. And be it enaPed , That the Treasurer for t* e time being be, and he is hereby re q.nied and directed to proceed and prepare d general; letum to be made by the refpec ■ Kegifters of Ptobats and Receivers of. tax returns, to be appr ved of b* the Ex ecu ive, and tranfnmted by the Treasurer, without delay, to the aforctaid officers. nd be if farther tnuchd. I hat where the Coiledor of the county finds any pro* petty, real or pq>fuual. to fat isfy the tax du<) . by virtue of thia or any former Tax Ad, such Coiledor is hereby authorised and ein -1 powered so fell so much of the property of the person negleding to pay as aforefaid, as may be situate in any other county or coun ties, as will fatisfy the (aid tax and arrears of tax aforefaid, and make titles thereto a. Provided , That thirty days notice be pre viously given of the time and place of such fate, by such Coiledor, in the public Ga zette. By Order if the lhufe % JOHN tOWELL, Sftaktr. Feb wry 4, 17 Up.