The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, March 07, 1789, Image 4

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GEO R G I A. By His Honor GEORGE WAL TON, E[quire, Captain Gene ral Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Jaid State . A Proclamation. WHEREAS on the twenty fi*tb day of February inftaik, the Honoiable the Executive proceeded to open and examine the returns ofeledions for Representatives of thi3 slate in the Congress of the United States, when, after counting the votes from the coun ties of Richmond', Wilkes, Effingham, Cha tham, Liberty, Burke, Washington, (the counties of Glyn, Camden, Greene and Frank lin not having made any,) it appeared that the Honorable George Mathews, Esq. was duly elected and returned as a Keptel'entative for the Upper or WeHem Diftrid, the Honor able Abraham Baldwin, Esq. was duly--elected and returned as a Representative for the Mid dle or Center Diltrid, and Brigadier-General James Jaekfon, was duly elected and re turned as a Representative for the Eafiern or Lower Piftrid. In obedience, therefore, to the Ad “ For appointing the time, manner, and places for holding dedions for Represen tatives Congress” and by and with the ad vice of the Honorable the Executive Council, I have thought fit to ifiue tins my Proclama tion, hereby notifying to, and informing the said George Mathews, Abraham Baldwin, and James Jaekfon, of such their tied.on as Re presentatives to the Cougrefs of the United .States ; and farther, requiring that they fig nify their acceptance or refuial us the laid appointment, according^to law. Given under my Handy and the Great Seal of the jaid State, in the Council Chamber , at Augujia , this tnvt my-je <venth day of February , in theyeur tj our Lord, one thoujand, jeveu hundred and eighty-nine ; and of our Sovereign y and Independence the thirteenth. GEORGE WALTCN. Jjy his Hover t Command, JOHN MILTON, Secretary. GOD SAVE THE STATE. * Richmond County, March Term, 17 88. William Wallace, vs. vA'tachmcnt. Tim: thy Rickitfon \ Ordered , TH AT the defendant do appear and plead within a year and a day, otherwiia judgment by default. Ext rad from the Minutes, D. ELAM, A. C. C. March 28, 1789. Richmond County, Manh Term, 1788. Beverly Lowe, > vs * x Attachment. John Tavern, j Ordered, ? HPHAT the defendant do appear and X plead within a year and a day, other wise judgment by default. ExtraQ from the Minutes , D. ELAM, A. C. C. March 28, 1788. Continental Loan-Office . Savannah , 6th Jan . 1789. THF. holders of Certificates of Liquidated Debts of the United States are desired to call upon the fubferiber without delay for payment ot *he interelt due on laid Certificates to the 31st day of Deermbe 17H7 RICHARD WYLLY, Loon OJfieer, & blank Deeds of Convey, snee to Lie naU ot the Printer, Five Guineas Reward. On the n r g k t oh the 27th inst. the subscriber’s (hop was broke open, and the following watches taken : One Gold French watch, maker’s name, Greg fun, a Paris One silver do. Wm. Rumfey, London, No. unknown. One diuo, Webster, London, No. 2554. One ditto, Wm. M r Fell, London, No. 6039. One ditto, Ths. Garner, London, No. in known. One ditto, name and number unknown. One Pinchbeck, J. Wood, London, No. 2823 One Pinchbeck Case. The above Reward will be given to any person or persons that will apprehend the thief or thieves, so-that he or they may be brought to punilhuieut, and the watches recovered. THOMAS BRAY. Feb. 28, 1789, 7 'o all. concerned. TH E following plates and persons are appointed fur the ret eptiou ut Uic Ipe taxes lur tne year i/bo. Mr. John Garrett, in Augusta ; Mr. W,n. Gardner, at Lewis Gardner's, £f<j. Ki< kt; Mi. juiiii Maniiaii, at his milt, near biowul bm'etijJi; Mr. Thomas White, at Wrights-. borough } Mr. James bimpfon, acjohuWat - lon’s mill, on Sweet Water ; Mr. joim Hat- Ciier, at Ins mill on Joe’s cieek, near (Jgeciicc, The above iio,e liooles will open as loug as the law will admit, and immediately there after executions will ilTue again it every tie linijuem.. JOEL BARNETT, C. T. N. B: Thole in arrears in their calli tax for tin .above mentioned year, may to be iminediaielv. # Twenty Dollars Keward. S'l rayed or btolcn, from the In dian Springs, near Augusta, on the 1 oth oi November iaft, two her fes belonging to the fubkriber, liv ing at the head of. ir:lc river, Wiles , courtv, the nr.e is a bay, branded cn thr near {boulder v iih fma'l let eis with lome o'-her on the buttock* has two if not three w,i t c leer, about 7 or 8 years old, and about hands high} faces na tural, and had*a small bell on. Ihe other is a grey, branded as the for iiier- on the near shoulder and but tock, is somewhat inelin d to white, with dark marks on Irs rump, a x>ut the firnc age as the other, and is a. bout 13 and a half hands high, trots and paces, and had a {mailed] on- George Sorrell. 1 To be Leafed , On very reojbnable terms , jor one year or longer , The Houle and Premises Thereunto appertaininp, including two acres of land, wherein Mr. Ro bert Bonner yet reftdes. Apply t 0 ‘Thomas Cole. Augujia y February 6, 1789. For Sale , A QUANTITY OF Indigo Seed, On the lowefl Terms, Apply to Mr. Robert Dick, Mer. chant, in Augusta, or to the I’ub ienber on Green brier. "John Dyfart, To be Let, * The House and Acre Lot in Broad street, at present occupied by John -Y Noel, Esq Attorney at Law. Also, the House and i_ot wherein Mr. George Hunt now lives* in Ellis street, opposite the above mentioned Loti PofiTcffion will be given the ift of March. For terms apply to the iubfcii >cr or Mr. Joseph v\ acts, at the ftcres of Andrew M ; i,ean, Esq. dtceafed, near the Augusta Warehouse. William Clark . Augujla . February 4, 1789. Notice. W'HEREAS the business rela tive to the estate of Andrew M‘Lean, Esq, deceased, is no longer trap sassed by Captain Ihomas Cole, these are therefore to requrft allper -1 ns who have any claim against said estate to call on the subscriber, and thole indebted to make payment,who lone can‘give lufficient dilcharges. William Clark , Ext cut or. ■ A gujla > Feb. z t 17 Up. Strayed or flolen from augufta, about four weeks o a g°» A Small grey MAKE, about 12 hands high, pares and canters; and about three weeks ago, two HORSES, one a stout dark bay, about 15 aud a half hands high, with a handsome head and neck, trots and ca iters ; the other a chunky made bay, about 14 and a half hands high, with a blaze face and mealy nose, trots aud paces, if either of them have brands they are not recoliefter’, they were both rather low in fielh, and had some hair rubbed off each of their breads, by a chair harness # A Reward of Three Dollars for the Mare, and Six Dollars in Specie for each of the Horl fes, will be paid ou delivery, to.the fubferibeu in Augusta. THOMAS CUMMING. Feb. 20, 178^.. —————— For Sale, r . That Valuable Plantation C ontaining 300 acres of land, on the Great Ktokia creek, equal if not superior to any land in the county, there is about i„o acres of cleared land on it, and under go d fencing, with an overfee’s house, Pvegro houses, and two setts of indi go wtitts thereon. 'Tobacco, r* e groes, cash, or merchandize will be taken in payment. For particulars inquire ot the fabicriber. C. Dxfart. k Fehruarv 1789. Notice. THE co-partner(hip of James Brown fc? Co. being this day diflolved by the death of James Kerr y thole indebted to the said concern are requeued to make payment to the fubferibers, who continue the bufinels as formerly. Brown £? Co. Augusta, Fib. MSn,