The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, March 14, 1789, Image 4

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GEORGIA. By His Honor GEORGE W AL TON, EJquire , Captain Gene ral. Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the {aid State. A Proclamation. WHEREAS a most flagiti ous burglary and robbery was committed, by some perlon or persons unknown,on the even ing of Sunday the eight instant, in the store or (hop of Jeremiah Andrews, Jeweller, in the town of Augusta; by breaking open the laid (lore or (hop and taking and carrying from thence the fol lowing articles, viz. Thirty-fix pair paste (hoe buckles, eight pair ot them edged with gold, they are strong made, and coarse cheaps; (even paste hat buckles, and (even girdle ditto, gold edged and (harp pointed at each end; Fifteen pair gold edged knee buckles,large stones, strong made; Five pair do. (mall ftones,covered on top, with silver cheaps and gold prongs to fallen them ; five pair do. small stones, silver cheaps and gold prongs, one pair having childrens cheaps in ; a lady’s gold Watch chain, broken up; twenty fix paste flock buckles; a heavy doubleloon and guinea, neither cut, and twelve dollars; fourteen pair paste knee buckles; three pair silver spurs, one of them jointed in the neck ; eight pair silver (hoe buckles, three pair of them large pierced and plain, makers name J. A. ten pair silver knee buckles; eight silver flock do. twelve pair plated flioe and knee do* and tight flock do. of different patterns; a parcel of gilt and composition teals, watch chains .and keys, silver sleeve buttons and claips engraved; fait spoons, and breais for Ladies hair; fix pair of (lock ings, two of them clouded silk, and the rest worded and thread— marked J, A. thirty-two pair iron lpurs, and many other articles not afeertained ;—as appears by public notoriety, and the affidavit of the (aid Andrews, filed in the office of the Secretary of the Exe cutive. To the end, therefore, that iuch attrocity may be diico vered, punilhed, and made an ex ample of, and reparation, if pos sible, procured for the fuffering individual, 1 have thought fit, upon the application of the (aid Andrews, and by and with the advice of the honorable the Exe cutive Council, to iffuc this my Proclamation, offering a Reward of f iffy Pounds for apprehending the pcrlon or pcr;ou* concerned on the fcid burglary and robbery so that he, (he or they be con victed thereof: And it is com manded to all Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs and Constables, to be aiding and aflifting in the pre mises. Given under my Handy and the Great Seal of the jaid Statty in the Council Chamber , at Augujlay this jevemeentb day of February , in the year oj our Lordy one thoujand, seven hundred and eighty-nine ; and of our Sovereignly and Independence the thirteenth. GEORGE WALTON. By his Honor*s Command, JOHN MILTON, Secretary . GOD SAVE THE STATE. A Reward of Twenty Guineas will be given to any perlon or perk ns that will deliver unto Mr. Aniafa Jackson, at Augtiftaj to Mr. Michael Germain, Gold-fmith at Savannah ; or unto Mr. T. B. Bowen, Printer at Charleston., the articles deferibed in the foregoing Proclamation; or, thirty Guineas Reward for the thief or thieves on conviction, by the (aid gentlemen or the fubferiber, at Philadelphia Jeremiah Andrews. Aug of a, Ftb . 10, 1789. COnrad Liverman informs me of a [\egro Fellow, named Peter, being brought to him a by one Martin Dyer, of Burke county, who upon enquiry found that he has been abtent from his matter everfince the BritUh left this country ; the fellow speaks good Englilb, and fays he belongs to a Caprain Kaill, near Savannah. The owner may receive him from Mr. Liverman by proving the property before Daiziel Hunter, J. P . Augusta, Feb. 20, 1789. N, B. C. Liverman will not be anfvvcrable for this Negro fellow’s running away, or any other accident that may happen to him. Nathaniel cocke toils before me a black HORSE, uoout 14 hands high, and about 10 years old, has a small star in his forehead, and some saddle fpors. The owner mult prove his property before me within the time preferibed by Jaw. William Freeman , J. P. Augusta, Feb. 9, 1789. To all concerned TH E following plates and persons are appointed for the reception of the fpe cific taxes for the year 1788. Mr. John Garrett, in Augusta j Mr. Win. Gardner, at Lewis Gardner’s, Esq. Kioka , Mr. John Marftiall, at his mill, near Brownf boreugh; Mr. Thomas White, at Wrights borough j Mr. James Simpson, at John Wat* fon*» mill, on Sweet Water *, Mr. John Hat cher, at his mil! on Joe’s creek, near Ogechee. The above ftoic-houles will b« open as lonv as the law will admit, and immediately there after executions will iftue agaiuft every dc luiquent. jOEL BARNETT, C. T. N. B, Those in tricars in their catli tax or the shove mentioned yetr, may expert 10 1 u« dUUtUxd immediately, Five Guineas Reward. On the nght of the 27th inst. the fubferiber’s (hop was broke open, and the following watches taken: One Gold French watch, maker’s name,Grfcg fon, a Paris One silver do. Win. Rumfey, London, No. unknown. One ditto, Webster, London, No. 2554. One ditto, Wm. M‘Fell, London', No. 6039. One ditto, Ths. Garner, London, No. un known . One ditto, name and number unknown. One Pinchbeck, J. Wood, Loudon, No. 2823 One Pinchbeck Case. The above Reward will be given to any perlon or persons that will apprehend the thief or thieves, so that he or they may be brought to puniftimeut, and the watches recovered. THOMAS BRAY. Feb. 28, 1789. For Sale, That Valuable Plantation G . Jntaining 300 acres of land, on the Great Kiokia creek, equal V not superior to any land in the county, there is about 140 acres of cleared land on it and; under go >d fencing, with an overlee’s house, •egro houles, and two Letts of indi go watts thereon. Tobacco, * e gn es, ca(h, or merchandize will be taken in payment For particulars inquire of the foblcriber. C. Dxfart . February 1789. r j II U* Hallinger informs me X that he has at present in his puttie (lion two Negroes, a man and woman, who appear to be each of them about 30 years of age, and he thinks are this country born, their names are Prince and Sarah, they came to him lome days ago wanting work, and finding they varied in tho relation rhey gave of themfeives de tained them 5 and as there is no goal or work-house in this town whereby Negroes might be secured to their owners, bv this public notice they may get intelligence, and rece ; ve them by a proof of the property be fore me Ilalziel Hunter , J P. dhgujlo, Feb. 6, 1789. N. B, T. H. will not be culpable in case they should run away—they fay they had a pass from a Mr. Joha Richardson, in Charleston. To be Let, The House and Acre Lot n Broad street, at present occupitd by John Y Noel, Esq. Attorney at Law. Also, the House and Lot wherein Mr. George Hunt now Jives, in Ellis street, opposite the above * entioned Lot. PoflVflion will be T ,iven the ift of March For terms x Pply to the fubferi »er or Mr t *. Jpfeph 4 atts, at the ttores of Andrew Wlean, Esq. deceased, near the VugtdU Warchoufe. William Clark ♦ duguJU I, February 4, 1789,