The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, April 04, 1789, Image 2

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> Ex/raSvf a letter from Edinburgh, Dee, I. « Yesterday being St. Andrew’s Day* the tutelar Saint of Scotland, the Matter* and Wardens of the different Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons of the city and neighbour hood, with proxies from others fitpated in more distant parts, ract'this day at tVo o’clock in the New Church aide, for the purpose of cleft mg officers of the Grand Lodge for the year cnfuing, when the following were cho sen: v, Right Hon. Lord Napier, Grand Matter. Right Hon. Lord Binning, Deputy Grand -- Matter. Thomas Hay, Esq. Sub Grand Matter. John Stuart, jun. of Allanbank, Esq. Senior Grand Warden. James Wolfe Murray, Esq. Junior Grand Warden. John Hay, Esq. Grand Treasurer. Mr. William Mason, Grand Secretary.’ Rev. Mr. John Touch, Grand Chaplain. Mr. Robert Meicle, Grandderfe. « After the eleftion the Brethren dispersed, there being no proceflion or entertainment as vfua! on the occasion, on account of hi 9 Ma jesty’s inciifpofuion.” . ,ji PETERSBURG, Pel. 19. A farmer who reficJefr near the river StfT qnchanna, has lately made two barrels offweet oil (equal to the present olive oil) out of hickory nuts, by Ample expreflion. One half of the smallest fpccies of thefc nuts, viz, flie thell bark yielded by an experiment 30 drops 6f oil. The oil obtained from tbefe delicious liuts has been used in diet, and, from the want of oil of an inferior quality, has-been burnt m bmps. Every day’s experience serves to convince us of the resources of our country for wealth and happiness. The hiflorians of future ages, in recording the events of the American revolution, willprobably write as follows: : —“ The United States published a ' declaration of their independence upon Great- Britain on the 4th July, 1776, but this was only a nominal aft.—They returned in the >ear 1783 to their aucient habits of affec tion and dependence upou Great-Biitain : iheir clothing, furniture, carnages, and many o-thet articles of their provisions, were all of Drill ft* tnanufaftory. In vain did the Bri tilh miuifiry negleft and insult their returning attachment —it was not till the year 1788“ that the Americans awaked'from their deep on the Jap of their ftep-motber, and proclaimed, by their induflryaud economy, that they were a/* independent people.-’ CHARLESTON, March T (*• Yeflerday the Hottfe of Rep relent at ives V agreed to a proportion for layiig a \ dollar per head on negroes fo tj the term of \ten )• irs, the firft payment be made in Vvlarch 1791, to be appropriate solely to the Vyment of the foreign creditp of this state, \addition to several balancepue upou fun \ fpecialtics cS individuals! Vwas hated, iii a short deotc on the above the credit of U congreffioual fo* e YiVlefot was so good at jifent in Europe, owiu\t\ the inter est beins/regularly paid, that- tiil Vincia*l was gei>e/lly at about 95 per cc it. \ * / An/Kon\rable Memb e *p reffe dan un- tvagtee with t/ proportion, be caufetbe House did not pJefs any power to eftabiith permanent laws,? fucceediug Le giflaturescould repeal anyvhicb were in ex ittcuce ; but this doftri of was* contradiftetl by a ftlhfequent Ipeaker, f ho* urged, thar, if once the propolitioa pas into a law, it be came a com pa ft, wbieh/ 1 ® new Conftitutioa cxprcisly guarded fro/ alteration in that .datJie where it was ttafl that uo ttate Ihou Id pals any Jaw to iiipaionc obligation of con trails. -•- -1 • 7 There i* not egpitcr nuisance than the number of dogs *hir arc kept in this city; 'he eoiHcquenccs <f yiich are some times fa tal, the following .$ Recent inttance s—About three months linqr }r. Trefco*, a s usual, feht l»is fun to school, )U tlcr the care of a negroc boy about 15 yeagdd t the negfo on his re turn home paflintffe house of a Mrs. Shut ter ling, was at raid by two dogs, fee on him as the boy jfitively affeited, by two youug men who U>d door, he was bn in the back nl lege, and when carried home the woundre citanfed end dretVed, end bm# Ample fngaiives given hinu he IwiiweA well end bund*/ 1011, whin he complaiued of being very sick; on Monday lie was seized with the hydrophobia, and on ' Wednesday night expired. According to the following relation from a perfonjuft returned from the Labrador coast, the imitative faculty in monkeys fcems to ex ceed every thing rtiort of human.—A sailor having a number of red woolen caps, ice. todifpofeof among the natives, went on ' ftiore for that purpofc ; hi 9 way to a fettle nient lying through a wood’verjicopibufly in habited by the species above mentioned, and it being mid-day, put a cap on his bead, and laying the othef3 by his fide, he determined upon a little repose under the ftiado of a plan tane tree! To his utter artonirtiment, when lie awoke, from the fpeciinen he had given his imitative observers of the ufeof his caps, he beheld a number of them upon the heads of the monkeys in the trees, round abotit him, while the wearerswete chattering in an unusual manner. Finding every attempt to regain them fruitlefs, he at length, iifa fit of rage and disappointment, aud under the sup position the one he retained was no: Worth r takiug away, ice. pulled the fame froni his head, and throwing it Upon the ground, ex claimed, “ hero d—n you, take it .amongst ye,” which he had uo fooncr done, than, to his great fiirprife, the obfervaut monkeys did the fame-,* by which means he regained the great est part of his property. * ■ , AVGUSTA. April 4. On Monday last the Honorable the Exe cutive were pleased to appoint the Honorable Edward Telfair, Esq. a Commiflioucr of In dian Affairs, in the room of General Mathews, eletted a Representative to Cong refs : but who declined serving on account of his state of health.—And on Wednesday last, the Ho norable Henry Olborne, Ei’q. was appointed in his fteadi who has accepted, and entered on the duties of the appointment. Several /mall parties of Indians have been lately in the counties of Franklin and Greene, stealing horses. The inhabitants in attempt ing to recover their property have unavoid ably had several ikirinilhes with them, aiid some blood has been fpilt on both sides : but our accounts are too vague to venture on par ticulars. It imift, however, be oblerved, that it is a Grange way of pieferving a truce, to fend armed plunderers into- the adverse country,; and when they are attii eked, a great • cry is made again ft the back-pen fie / 111 the New-York Packet of the 23d' of ja ’ nuary a?e pobliftied copies of the account cur rent, and' Other papersdaid before the Artem bly of that Gate, at their present i'ftifioil-; by Gerrard Bancker, Esq. Treasurer. By an abflratt ftom the Tieaforer’s cafti account of receipts front the ill of January to the 31G December, i;S3, rt appears th'at he had received in that year, from the Col lector of the Customs, 70,298 b Bs. 4d v . (that currency) as Muty paid oh imports. This fruitful source of revenue will in future be paid into the Treasury of the United States, from all the states, and form a pillar to sup port the general government in that refpettable situation which the friends of America wifi) for. In CONGRESS, Sept. 13, 1783. On the report of the Committee, ice. to whom was referred the report of the Secre tary for foreign affairs, on a motion of the . Delegates cf Nortb-CaToliua, Rating the un easiness produced by a report—TbatCougrefs are disposed to treat with Spain for the sur render of* their claim to the navigation of the Mifiifippi, and proposing a resolution intended to remove fuel) apprehensions : Rt/olvod, That the said report not being founded on fad, the" Delegates be at liberty to communicate allfuchcircumftances as may be neceflary to contradict the fame, and to remove tnifconceptions. Re/elved , That the free navigation of the river Milfifippi, is a clear and efi'entsal right of the United States, aud that the fame ought to be considered and supported as such. CHARLES THOMSON, &rVy. A Copy* T U G OL6 E, 8, Carolina, Nov, 14, 1788* Mr* Printer, , «! mud rerjnert the favor to give the follow • J iug iiMfiiitfcncc a plic* iu your paper, which 2 have just from }ohn Weatherford, who is immediately from the Creek Nation. He fays that an old gentlewoman, whose name is Brown, with five of her daughters and one son, are now prisoners in the Creek Nation; that lhe was bought by Mr. John Colfin, for four pieces of ftroud, and one hone load of powder and lead, and by whom flie is treated exceedingly kind. He fays, that in course of conversation wih Mrs. Brown, (he informed him that they were going down the TcneiTee, but were decoyed on Ihore, by a Cherokee half breed under a flag; by means of which the greatert part were murdered : her husband jumped over board, and was drowned. The negroes, to gether with some ftilis, were taken off- to wards Detroit, by the French at the Muscle Shoal. She also informed him, tflrat lhe left three of her party prifouertat Chickamawgua, but did not mention who they were; lam told by a'Chrokee fellow that one of them is a lad, and works in silver, his friends may perhaps know him by that. lam now pre paring to fend an eXprefs to Mr. M‘Gillivray, in order to'-obtain Mrs. Brown; ibould I not succeed, (hall request him to give her liberty to write every particular circumstance, which I rtiall take cate to fend where The duetts. I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, JO. MARTIN, Ind. Agent, U. N. S. BROUGHT to me some time in March laft* a Negro man nam ed Jt'eter, lays he is of the Congo ’ country, fpeate very* bad Englilh; about 30 years of age, 5 feet 6or 7 inches high* and is very remarkable by having his country marks on each of his breast borres, and others down along his belly below his navel, and has his left thumb crooked, which* as he jays, was done by a gun burst ing in his hand when in his own country.- Any person or persons claiming the said Negro, by proving . his or her property, and applying to me in Burke county,, may have him on paying charges. * James Lewis', S. B. C. May 15, 1788. THE Copartnerfhip of Watts & JL Cole being diflblved, it is re quested that all those who have any 1 demands may make application, and those indebted to said concern are . defived to make payment to me. EDWARD WATTS. March 12, 1789. mmmwmmmmmmmmi T*HE proprietor of the hills aud plane, j from Bugg’s and Campbell’s lines, on the old trading pa‘ ? \ to Rae’s old line ,on the Indian Sprihg, for the fake of decency iu others, and of justice to himfelf, requcjls y that those persons who have so long been in the prattice of cutting dowi>j and carrying off and consuming, the lumber and fire-wood trees, to desist from such illegal proceedings.—Fie perfectly understands the value of the lands, as an appendage to the growing town of Au gusta, or he would not have taken the early pain 3he did to acquire them. They are bia right: but it is not his desire to perpetuate a monopoly of them ; and will, therefore, dis pose of parcels, upon liberal terms, to gen tlemen for village or fummereftablilhraent. # t* Enquire of the Primer, To be Leafed , On very reafonabte terms , jor one year or longer, The House and Premises Thereunto appertaining, including two acres of land, wherein Mr, Ro* bert Bonner redded. Applv to Tbomat Co/e, ,