The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, November 27, 1886, Image 3

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ns mum num. SAVANNAH, GA.. For Underwear L. Fried’s the place. Go to the Court House n.pd pay your poll tax. i Imported Tooth, Nail and Hair Brush «i, prices to suit, at I*. B. Reid s. jbWhat a worthless fellow I am not to my poll tax which goes for educa a|iSll purposes, and which gives me a ||g|ht to vote on election day. The Chatham Light Infantry, will ive an Oyster supper at their Hall on lontnomery and Gwinnett streets on londay night December 6. Admission 15 cents, Oysters Free. Savannah street car conductors are he best in the would. They stand on he rear platform and never look to the ight nor to the left, but look right head in the middle of the road. For the latest styles of bhirts, Collars and Cuffs L. Fried’s the place. Mr. E. R. Spaulding formerly of Savann-ih made a speech in Owego, New Yor c recently, before a literary society on the subject: la the organiza tion of the Knights of Labor beneficial or not? Prof. Rogers is conducing quit# a prosperote day and evening echonl on the corner of Bolton end Habersham st reef s. The Professor seems to take a lively interest in educational matters, and will no doubt do much good. The finest quality of Bath Sponges, Toilet Waters and Extracts for the Handkerchief in bulk, at P. B. Reid’s Two additional letter carriers will be appointed for Savannah on the first of December. It is understood that they will have a route south of Anderson street and will embrace a section of the city that has not hitherto had the bene fit, of this service. One of the best acts we have heard of on Thanksgiving day was that of the East Broad Street Public School, through their committee Misses Hardee. Deveaux and Houston. The childien of the school contributed a fund with which fruit and other dainties were purchased for the poor suffering patients at the Georgia Infirmary. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Russell of Hampton county South Carolina spent few days in the city during the w< ek, they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W, White. Mr, Russell and his father, William, are among the most successful farmers in their state, and we are always glad to welcome them among us. Try L. Fried for your Red Flannel Shirts and Drawers. The Youth’s Historical Society com posed of white young men. debated the subject on Wednesday evening last: “Is Prohibition beneficial to the country?” Two young statesmen discussed the matter pro and con. It was decided prohibition does not benefit the country. It is probable these young gentlemen know as much about the matter as the average Atlanta citizen. Messrs, James Hart and Bro., whose advertisement appears in this issue of the Tribune are well known to the people of Savannah as enterprising gentlemen, successful merchants. They keep on hand a well selected stock of Groceries, Liquors &c., and we cheer ful! commend them to thtf public who will find it to their interest, to give them a call, at the corner of Jefferson and St. Julian streets. Try the “Pocket Edition” Extract for the Handkerchief at P. B„ Heid’s. D. A. ALTICK’S SONS. We would call attention to th? adver tisement of D. A. Altick’s Sous on the fin-t page. Our friends heie and throughout the state, this section in particular, will do well to call or to write to them before dealing elsewhere, They have revolutionized prices for Buggies, Waggons, &c. Prices are upside down a good conveyance being obtained most reasonable. In fact any description of vehicle can be bought from this enterprising firm at bottom prices. You are sure to be satisfied in dealing with this firm. Buy The Tribune. Estill’s news depot, Bull street under Scriven House. The Tribune can be found for sale at the following places : J. J. Jefferson, West Broad near Congress street. Jas. B. Alston, 43 Whitaker street. J. 11. Johnson, East Broad and Perry street. J. B. Sheftall, Anderson and Whita ker streets. P. B. Bracewell & Thomas, Masonic Temple, Liberty street. A. H. Gaston, Bryan street rear M. J. Doyle’s Lewis Mizell, at 33 Drayton street. In Matrimonial Bonds. A Brilliant Gathering Witness*’ •• the Ceremony and Con gratulates the Happy Couple. St. Stephens Episcopal Church was filled with a brilliant assemblage on Thursday evening last t» witness the marriage of Miss Mamie E Woidhouse to Mr. James A. L mg. The bridal party entered the church in the follow ing orde* : The bridesmaid Mi-s Fan nie Woodhouse and Mr Robert Wo id house groomsman, the groom and mother of the bride, the bride and her father Colonel Woodhouse. The cere mony was performed by Rev. J. J. Andrew in an impressive manner ami in a few m nutes the young couple were made one according to God s h >ly ordi nance. The bride's dress w iss albatross cashmere, beads trimmings, handsome round train tw > yards in length vm dyke, basque filled up with fine silk lace, lace with cords, the veil four yards in length covering the entire triin. The bridesmaid wore cream colored albatross cloth dress, trimmed with ori ental lace walking length, Fedora front, laced up with coids. After the ceremony a reception was had at the residence of the bride’s parents ou South Broad street where a large number of gw s s repaired t-> tender their congratulations and pir take of the good things prepaired in inimatable style for which Mrs. Wood haase it famous Arm ng the distin guished guests present weie Reverends A Ellis and J J And rew; Mr. and Mrs A K Desveroey; Mr. and Mrs. 0 H Hernandez, Mr. and Mrs. A E Rubin son. Mr. and Mrs. 0 C Deveaux, Mrs. R W White. Mrs. Mackey, < 01. and Mrs. J H Deveaux, Mi-s Ida Russell, Miss M Byrd. Mes-rs. T A Morel. L M Pleasant, Mr. and Mrs. L A Gardecn, Mr. and J/rs. E J Crane, <l/ G Robert son and mmy oth rs .l/essrs. L’esver uey and Hernandez were in charge of the male guests apparently and seemed to be everywhere at the same time. It is needless to say that their task was very satisfactorily performed and that the gentlemen were made exceedingly merry and happy. The presents were numerous, c insist ing <>f useful as well as ornamental articles as will be s en by the following list: Gold Bracelets from the groom, Chamber Set Mr. and Mrs. C H Hernandez, Tin Cham ber Set, Mr. and Mrs .1 II Deveaux; Fruit < .ike, Mr and Mis. A K Desverney; Toilet Set, Basket and Whisk broom, Wm Scott; Door mat and shovel, RS Gibbs; Rocking chair, A S LaFayette; Coal scuttle, Miss Bes sie Dunbar; Set of butter cup mats. Miss Rosa C Deveaux; Fire Set, Mr and Mis. Walker; M>jolic i pit-her, Mr ami Mrs. Gail liard; Fruit cake, Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez; Rocking chair and Tidy, It II Rourke; Glass set., H K Haynes; Cake, Mr.and Mrs. A Jack son; Fruit dishes, Mrs. J C Atkinson; Fruit plates, Miss Ella Mesker; Toilet set. Mr. and Mrs. S F Spaulding Tea spoons, M D Hunt; Toilet set, Mr. and Mrs. W F Reid; Key rack, from Sparta. Georgia: Rocln-sier Beer, Chas. Kolshorn; Cigars, s Gazan; Brandy <fcc R H. Woodhouse; Wine &c., H Walton; Glass set and waiter, Misses M L Brown and Lulu Scott; Fruit plates, Miss L Dtmegall: Lamp, M T Jones ana mother; Fan, Miss \l L Atkin son; Lamp. Mr. and Mrs. s G Middleton; Perfumery bottles, Mr. and Mrs, K W White; Cut Glass set, Mr and Mrs. RA Low; Toilet Pitchers, Mrs. Atkinson; Cakes, L M Pleasant; Vases. Mr. and .Mrs. J Crane; Pictures, Miss Jelineau; Plush mirror Chas. Landiverse; Key rack, MissG B Mitchell. Atlanta; Wall Bracket. Miss P Hines; Wash stand mats, MissM W Beytagh; Towels, Mrs. Crevallier. There were about tne hundred and ten presents but space will not allow the publication of more than the above partial list. Election Notice. Headquarters First Battalion j Georgia Volunteers, Colored, J Savannah, November 26, 1886. J Special Order No. 8: It is hereby ordered that an election be held in the city of Savannah tor First Lieutenant and Second Lieuten ent of the Chatham Light Infantry, on Friday, December 10, 1886, between the hours of 8 o’clock p. m. and 10 p. m., under the supervision required by law, By order of Lieut. Col, .John H. Deveaux. A. K. Desverney, First Lieut, and Adjutant. Freedman's Bank Depositors. Checks in payment of dividends de clared by the Commissioner of the Freedman’s Saving and Trust Company, payable to the order of thfe following named persons and societies are held by John H. Deveaux. The parties are notified to call for the same at once; Sandy Small McNish, Bill Auderson, Wm. Harris, Louisa L. DelegaU, Han nah Levy. Elizabeth Brown, Selina Banks, Harriet Brown, Morris Smith, Julia Walker, General Pinckney, Susan Young, Henry Brown. Rose Owens, Benjamin Williams, Eliza Anderson, Maria Hudson, Gospel Messenger Soci ety, Rising Sons of Eastville, Ladies Assistance Society, Rising Star of Beth lehem Light of East Savannah, G<>od Samaritan Society, Ladies Christian Association, Mosts Hull, Sam i John son, June Walker, Laurel Union Soci ety. Diana Bruan. Important, notices are al-o held for the following named parties; Luunon & Dinah Floyd, Smart Shelmin, Bill Cotlee, Appolina Adams, Mana Robin son and Mary Cook. State and County Taxes. <BBB. otfick Collector Stack and County > Taxes, Chatham County, Gkokoia ' Savannah, Oct. 15. ISSiiJ The digest is now opened for the collection of the above Taxes, on all property, real ard personal. the specific, tax on professions; also, the POLL TAX, for EDUCATION AL PUR POSES. On all MALE RESIDENTS of the city and countv, between the ages of twenty one and sixty years. Office at the court House, Hours from 9a. M. tog p. m. J. .1. McG< -WAN. Tax Collector C. C. —-«*— Cocoanut Oil Soap at P. B Reid's. LODGE DIRECTORY. MASONIC. GEORGIA CHAPTER ROY vAr 'L A Ill’ll MAsONS, me*-ts on the second and f urth Friday nights. Rev. A Harris, 11, P. EUREKA LODGE No. 1, r am., first and third Wednesday nights. L. Wade, W M., U H Ebbs, Secretary, HILTON LODGE, No. 2, >• a m.. second and fourth Wedaesday nightA. 1 M Douse, W M., M G Robxrtson, Secret'd ry. PYTHAGORAS LODGE, No. 14, F A M., second and fourth Monday nights. A G McDowell, W M., CII Price, Secretary. MOUNT MORIAH LODGE, No. 16 fam., first and third Friday i ights. R Wright, W M., C Bam, Si cretary. PRINCE HALL LODGE afAa m , meets on the first and third Thurs day nights of each month. Wm. Davis A M.. W 11 D Reynolds, Secretary. ARMENIA LODGE. G(J Oof O F.. m« els second and third Mondays of eseb month. Alex. Thomas, N. G., Miller Gibson, P. S. Mhl POWER HAB REMOVED TO 137 St. Julian Street, UP STAIRS. (Opposite Southern Express office.) And would be pleased to have her customers call and examine her stock of Zephyrs, Yarns, Cottons, Silks, Infants’ Crocheted Goods and Millinery. BRIGSS’ TRANSFER PATTERNS AT REDUCED PRICES. Stamping a Specialty. untry orders promptly filled. Go to L Fried for your Pleated White and Fancy Si.irts, Over-halls in great variety and cheap at L. Fried’s. Go to L. Fried lor your Collars and Cuffs. If Yov Wasi Fiks.t-Ci.ass Work Go To J ames B. Alstons Tlie ZBarloer, No. 43, WHITAKER STREET. Shaving. Hair-cutting, Shampooing and all kinds of work in his line done with neat ness and dispatci), and as cheap as the cheap est. Children llair-cuttingandand the honing of Razors given special attention. Send your prescriptions io I’. B. Rei 1 Go to L. Fried for your fancy Pt real Shirts. “Corn Sheller” never fails to cure. J. W. WARREN, DEALER IN G’OBEriss, teiioii Treits, Etc. Corner West Broad and Sims Street. Savannah, Georgia. The cry is L. Fried is the place for Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. 1864 1864 M. J. DOYLE, DEALER IN GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, Hay, Grain, Tobacco Cigars &«. MARKET square—east bide. only Exclusive Cash House in the City—The Place for Cash Pur chasers. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Try the Elephant Over-halls at L. Fried. COHENS PHMth’S VARIHI STORE Th* place to buy your DRY GOODS, CLOTHItG, BOOTS, Shoes, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Euc., At Wholesale and Retail, Cor. Congress and Jefferson Sts. (Graham* Hubbell’s Old Stand,) 190 Congress St,, 185 St. Julian St. f5Sr-rarti. ular attention paid to Country Orders and Low Prices guaranteed. CHURCH DIRECTORY. First Bryan Baptist Church. Bryan street, Rev. U. L. Houston, pastor. Prayer meeting 6to 7 a. in. Preaching 11 ovlock, Sunday school 3 p. in-, Evening services 7:30 o’clock. First Bryan Baptist Church West Broad and W;dd»’Urg streets, Rev. A. Harris, pastor. Prayer meeting 5:30 o’clock a. n>., preach ing 11 a. rn.. Sunday school 3:30 p. m., evening service 7.30 Second Baptist Church, Greene Square, Rv. A. Ellis, pastor. Prayer meeting 6 a. m., preaching 11 a. in., Sunday school 3 p. m., evening services 7:45 St. Philip’s A M E., Chord) New street, Rev. M. B. Salter, pastor. Prayer meeting 5 o’clock a. m. preaching 10:30 a. in., Sunday school 1:30 p. m., night services 7:30 o’clock St. James A. M. E. Church, Petry street near Randolph Rev. J. El. Adams, pastor. Morning prayer meeting 5:30 o’clock Sunday school 9 a. m., preaching by pastor 10:30 and 2.30 at night preaching 7:30 by Pastor. Bethel A* M. E., Rev. C. P. John son, pastor, corner East Broad and Gwinnett street lane. Prayer meet ing 5 o’clock a. m., preaching 10:30 a. tn., Sunday school 1:30 p. n., night service 7:30 o’clock. Ezra Presbyterian Church, West Broad St. D. A. Gibbs, pastor Sun day school 9 a. m., preaching 11 a in. night service 8 o’clock. Wesley Asbury M. E. Church Gwinnett St. nt ar West Broad, Rev. Richard Bigham, pastor. Prayer meeting 4 o’clock a BL, preaching 11 am., Sunday school 4 p. in., night service 8 o’clock Si. Stephen’s Episcopal church. Harris and Habersham streets. Rev. J. J. Andrew, Rector. Morn ing Service 11 o’clock, Sunday school 3:30 p. tn., Evening service 7:30, Wednesday services 8 p. tn. Congregational Church, Whit field square. Rev. Dana Sherrill, Pastor. Sunday school 10 a. in., preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. tn Bethlehem Baptist Church Cor. Cuvier and New Houston streets. Rev. J. H. Nesbit, Pastor- Prayer meeting 5 o’clock a. nn, preaching 11 a. tn., Sunday school 3 p. rn., preaching 7:30 p. m. 18 DKCIDKD BY Royal Havana Lottery. (A Government Ins'ltution,) DRAWN AT HAVANA, CUBA, NOVEMBER#, ISO. TICKETS IN FIFTHS. WHOLES |5.00 FRACTIONS URO RATA. See that the name GOULD *CO.. Ison the ticket. Subject to no manipulation, not con trolled by the parties interest, it is the fairest tiling in the nature of chance in existence. Eor tickets apply to SIU USEY A t 0.. 1212 Broadway, N. Y. Chy. or .1 NO. B. FERNAN DEZ, Savannah, Georgia, PICTURE FUMES. Ths ChupestMice io got I® PICTURES And all sizes of Frames made to or der, is at A. HELLER, Masonic Temple, Whitaker Street. The Oldest and Cheapest DRY GOODS HOUSE MW SAVAMMAII. Go and look at his stock of Cloaks, Blankets, Shawls, Flannels, Dress Goods. Domestics. Ladies, Gents 9 , Misses and Children YTWIIKItWISJt ><» Below any other advertised prices. Also the public knows that, his DOLLS are the Cheapest and Finest known for years. Only go there and you will find things 0. K. At JACOB COHEN. I 152 Broughton Street. 4 F. W. GERBER. Practical White id Jiwlif, -DEALER IN- M f fpr . t nlw 9 X-Wfo WALTHAM & ELGIN WATCHES CLOCKS, JEWELRY. J SPECTACLES AND Florida Curiosities. Repairing of Fink nml Com’-licatcu Watches ami Cum'khdone I’romptly and ht ia Worknuiullko Manner, LOWF.NT I’kicks. F W BERBER. ] No. 114 Bo ughton St. Savannah, Ga. The price of the Tri bunk is 50 eeat, H for 3 months, 75 cents for 6 months or M • 1.25 for I*2 months. THE BEST OF ' Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, , Soaps, Perfumery, | Toilet Goods, And everything else kept in a Mta Dm Sw, May be hid at POBTER’S 1 Broughton Stc< t. I PHARMACY Cheap for Cash, . Cali and See.