The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, December 04, 1886, Image 3

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Jh raiy wmi GA.. 4. 1886 it* Rev. J. J. Andrew honored the Tribune office with » dpU during the || week, Underwear L. Fried’s the p’ace. |»e reg'flt to.learn of the death Mrs.dE. R beits and tender the family ourkcondolence. H. Th- 1 City Council has refused to grant g Dr. Waring permission t<> er< ct a f"tin- H tain nil llabwsbaui and New Hou-ton ® streets. K Import'd T< Gth, Nail d4d if air Brush I es, pries t" suit, at P. B Reid's. Mr. Pauldo darks nt, a done 11 of the I First B-yan B p i-t Church and < ne of I the "Idest nreti/b ts of the coloied 1 dig- I shoremen di d December 2nd For the latest stylis'd . hirts, Collars I and Cuffs L. Fried's the place. Don’t* f >rget the oys’er supper to t e I given by the Chatham Light Infmtiy, ! at their hall on Monday tight. Adutis | gi.m only 25 cents. Oy«ters tree Mrs. Mi ch ell, wife of Theodore and I mither of Sergt Mitchell of the Dour | lass Light Infantry of Augusta, dud November 30, 1886 after a lingering I ill tie-8. The finest quality • f Bath Sponges. T"i et .Waters and Extracts, for the Handketchief in bulk, at P. B. lletd’s A large number of our freinds have fiiled to pay for their subscription for the Tribune. They will oblige us by doing so without further delay. l ost master Laiiiat Iras appointed Mr Ge >. A. Loid as "ne of the new carriers' for the extrenie southern part of the c ty. We congratulate Mr, Loid on rrs appointment. He will undoubtedly serve the .go/erfira'ant and the public well. ; i ‘ Try L. FiSe t for your Red Flannel Shirts and Drawers. We take pleasure in calling the pub lic’s attention to tjje a.dvei tisement ol Mrs. Rower which, appears in the Trib UNE.Ladies will find it u?t hvir adv Hit age to v.isit this millinery establishment. An exceptionally fine stock’of goods is always k< pt .on . hand from which io make your-select on. : ! f A fin; occurred yesterday morning about 10 o'clock at the coiner of Minis and Montgomery streets. The site ori ginated in McCormick’s stables which .Mjiis U-stroy d. Thr 3e one story tone' tuejit owned by Mis. Mary Betjtman, •litre also destroyed, upon ? whi<di it i rttd.4here was no insurance Two other houses belonging to the Minis estate B were burned to the ground. ? ThtJ tol/d f loss is over 86,000. < ■'> 4 Try the “Pocket Edition” Extract for the Handkerchief at P. B. Re d's.’ Rev. J. 11. Adams is certainly a very energetic minister and has done a good Work for St. James Tabernacle. At the recent, rally in that church in Novem ber he raised the sum of 8311.70; "The , ladies obtaining prizes f>r raising umney were MrS. T. S. Brown, stiver waftfh; Mrs. C. S. Lumpkins,?goldi breast p* t; Mrs, Anthony Martin, ghld!" -.wateh; chain. Rev. Adams his made great im provements in his church'.financially as well as spiritually, and the A \M E Conference wiii undoubtedly n turn him to this charge -to complete his impor tant work. An Important Duty that Should not be Neglected/ Ent a blitiif tune now remains before the tax books will be closed. But very few citizens have paid their poll taxes. I f y<>ti fail, |p ‘p <y the *tax before the books are closed a penalty of fifty cents is »idd,or-f' thereto. Every citizen should re member that the poll tax goesvio support bur pub ic schools and lie, should go to the Court’House at' once ati(| pay it. , Uhiess this poll tax is paid yon cannot register as to vote at either the county or city election in January next. From Woodville. ’ The Georgia Congregational Associa tion met November the 11th in Pilgrim Congregational'Church. Delegates from all parts of the State, and representa tives, from South Gatoiin t, and N. w York were pres nt Rev, J. L. Grice, of Orangeburgh. S. C . was cho-en Mod erator and Rev. G. C. R"we of .Chirrles ton, was elected Rec rdiftg Secretary. The Open ng se m n was preached by Rev. S E. L 'thrope. <4 Macon. Ga , and on Friday .night Dr. B ard, (it* New York, dehveted an : ddtess Sunday November the llth, the Sunday school was addressed at Ila m., by 'mmtets o* the association; at 3 p. mi, R v. W B. James, "f Byron, Ga. preached the . Comdmni n serin n, after which Rev* S. E. Lathrope, and Dana Sherrill, of Savannah, administered the I. rd s Supper, A* 5 p. m. the body of Mr. Floyd Whitfield, a faithful member of the, i c'•iv h, and als ■ the Sengstacke Randi o. Hope, wm brought t • the church: the past. rbeimi ill, Rev. Mr. Latlir p fun raliz d th ■ b >dv. At 8 p m. Rev, W. Callen, ofCyp-e-s Slash, Ga , op, n< d th ■ meeting and Rev. Mr. G'iee preached the. c'ostng scrim"'; after which Rev. Mr. Luh.ope cl sei wth the B nediction ; her a biief add res-, etc Many citizens of Savannah, both white and C"1 red vi- ted ihe meetings. Bev. James Wharton an Evang list from England. is eo du t i >g Revival meetings in Pilgrim < hurch 1 he sermons hiv- 1 been v ry impr s>ive, and the r- suit i-fifiet tr have decided I r f<r Christ The m etings wil close next Sued -y timniing *i..e Public Schools, What a Correspondent Says. Editor Tribune : In traveling abdiit f lirougti the < i«y my nth n liOh lias bo'-u frequmitlv etiled t<> Hie large number ol c ilmed ciild- I'eU ol school age lltat are ||Ol JU on iug school.. 1 have jnade direful inquiry into the in dter and ti d that there is not sufficient a< com modation for them in our public schools. lam also reliably inform ed that at Ihe begiumg of the pies ent school year tween five an I six, hundred applicants Imo to Im turned n’way tor the waiit oh iooiu; and that many of the ro"u s are* now in such a ciowded condition as <o render them Unhealthy and that ii is impossible tor the teavlmrs to oriiig iheir pupils up t » the stand ard expected of th 'm by the lioni d ol Education Now Mr. Editor, it all Or even a p rt of this is true, Would it not be Well that I lie matter -houid lie placed brfo e the Board of Education, and a United « ffoi t be made b\’ the press and people to .have ii remedied ? In my o, inion 'here is Hot a shadow of • xciise for such a state of things. ]t is true hat there w< ul I not be time to erect new to meet the present emergency, but there is no d.iubt that the Board could procure a merjArtomfmd snm two suit ably halls : in'" the? sou heastern and si u hwestem part of the city' that Wou'd answer lor the - resent. This is ave y impoi tani question 'ai'd'uo good, .ctjizen should remain silent w kih i.t ,exis[s. (Ju.r wducaiional Board i- composed of some of the-Airiasi liberal minded gentlemen ,in .Ifie city , .and from -theii past record.,tlier.; is no doiihi bin that they wiif do eve-yilrng in pyvver to.relieve the present mr-qessity, sti 1 I think it my duty to call the public attention Jo the matter in order that the proper steps may be taken to have ample 'school‘facilities lor our • hdd en. ’ OBSERVER. * * The Cthner Presents. The -following- c ■mpls es the list of the bridal presents, of the* Woodhouse wedding, which were nnav"id ably crowd, d out of our last issue: Napkins, Mrs L Taylor, GEbs set Miss Maria Myers, Tabled uh Miss K Walton. Napkins,'Mi sC ISurke. Tablecloth, Mrs Patience 1 iaber-h un, Pictures, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Robertson, Napkins, Mrs. Dega nor, Picture. Mr and Mrs. Richardson Ottomans, Mrs. J Boldea. cream plates and cand.e sticks. MwP.Y Giles, Groceries, J F Cuke, Miss N. Ros-, Vases, Mrs F Moore, Plates, Miss V Bulloch, Knife, fork and spoons, Dr T J D vis, Pgkle stand, Mr and Mrs.' Andrew < paii!dihg. Spoons, W E i le.isaiit,’ * Napkin .Kings, Mr. aud v Mrs C C Deveanx Bi'e.ikf.t't castor. '’Misss.tHsudi<i Deveanx, Glass set, MAi S A Sa-sard, B'hemian vises, Augustas fJrown, Etrbgs, W Jack son, Lamp, Dan’l Jones, Bisque ornaments John Johnson, Augusta, Amber glass s t, Miss Ida F Russell, Syrup pitcliel- and glass >et. Mr. and Mis James Atkinson, Perfumery set, E Bonnor. Ca <1 receiver, Jasl Erwin. Dishes, Miss F Holy, Mr. and Mrs H C Holmes P.a’tes, Mps Gardeen. Glass set J b Llovd Vases. Mi<s M <: Sharp; Hqudkerchief, Ii .MiddleMn; Castor, Jlr, ami Mrs. a E Kobiuson; i.omb mad Miss Willis; Knives, Mr. and MXS Is.dfc Dcveaux; ('ouib, biu*b <Ui<i yiase Mi’-a.fiU MrjTE J crane; Cream set. Mi-s (loiton Amh i ream plates, Mr. Mrs a i' It Mnldjetoii;- < ake plau-s* -Mrs H DeLa mottaß.Silver Jjhirpin, MPs Josie Bennett; Tea set, J A Porter; Work box Mr. and Mrs. L A Gardeen; Icecream set; Toilet stand, Mrs Wiutebetd; Ink stand, Mr and Mrs. A G Cochran; Carving knife an • fork in satin case, Rew. A Ellis; cuspidores, Mrs. !•' c .McNeil - ■ hina plates. MiSrf E tXßyrnes; t it-pi<tftre9s .Mr’ .and rs. Glenn; Glass pitcher, !•’ 1. t.'urlev t'uspidores,. .Mr. and .Dines Whitemod; Bro cade satin parasol, • r. han & Dooner; Towels, is.-, Towels. Mrs. E Miller: Table clotji, .sfriurpson; Vpluine Snuksnear s Works, J B Wheeler; ijible Cloth. Upi.T. Mid dleton; Perfumery set, .urs.-Hall; Satin cdkhv ionoiissE zV w igg; Glass set, .ur and .Mrs', stoney, < ake plates, .Me and Mrs. R, H. Har dee; Goblets, Mrs Wayne; Pickle stand, .Mr. and Mis. T A -Morel; Pickle stand. .Mrs E •Mackey; Spoons in plush case, Miss Lulu E Ha dee; Curtains, .Mrs L Moore; Rug. Mr and .Mrs G S Lord * Special Notice. ■ A first.-clu-s grocery and b >r. in a good locality tor sal -. The pies nt proprie tor de ires t> sellout on account* of id ’ health. For further infurmatiou in-, quite at this office. ]• Tha Most Worshipful Grand Lodge for the State of Geor* gia F. A. M. Office of Grand Secretary, ) Savannah, Ga.. N'<v. 29 h, ■ A. L 588», A. I). 1886. \ The regular cominimic Hton of the above immetl lodgt- will be held ill the city of StV.mi ah at the M;i --s mic Hall, corner of Bay nml Lin tolii st reels, on Mnmhiy. December . 27 1886, at 3 o’clock p m. By order A. Harris, Gt anil Master. J. IT. Deveaux, Gr md ■'ecretary. Election Notice. Headquarters First Battalion ) Giokgia Volunteers, (’"l.oked, }■ Savannah, November 26, 1886 J Specia/ Order No 8: It is heteby order d that an election be h Id in the city of Savann >h for Fir t Lieutenant and Second L eut n ent "f the (’luitbant Light LPairtiy, ott Friday, December 10. 1886, between the hours <>f 8 o’clock p, tn. ahd 10 p tn., under the supervision required by law. By oit+er of Lieut. Col.’JtiiiN H. Deveaux. A. K. Desverney, . First Li-ut and Adjutant. —- -a- r til Buy The Tribune. ’’ The 'I ribiine can, be found for sdo* at riie foji'iw iug jd.ives “: w „ • E-tih’s tn Ws depot, Bull street itlider Serivi n House J. J. Jefferson, Wg-t Broad near Congress street. Jas. B. Alet.on, 43 Whitaker street. J. H. Johnson, East Broad and Perry street, J. B. Sheftall, Anderson and Whita ker streets. ■ , A. H. Gaston, Bryan street rear M. J. Doyle’s L'-wis Mizell, at 33 Drayton street. Over-halls in great variety and cheap at L. Frieds. “Corti Sheller” never fails to cure. Go to L. Frß*d for your fancy Perea] Shirts, Cocoanut Oil Soap at P. B. Reid's. QHURpif DIRECTORY;"' First Bryaff - BwßUsk.Chtjrch/ Bryan street, Rev. (I L. Houston, Pastor’ I’iayer meeting 6t07 a. rii., • preaching 11 o’clock, Sunday 'school 3 p.. in., evening services7• > • Fitst Bi-yarn BaptistVbuf-cb,- West llrornj and Wald burg streets. Rev.' A ‘Hanis, I'a.stor. Prayer meeting 5:80 o’clock’ »r in - . - ,-■prewcldni' ,11,a. m , Sunday -school p. nr., evening serviee7:3o. ‘ • -.. . Second Baptist.ChjindCttH’rtifr-Kquare, Ifev. A. Ellis', ~ Pastor; « Pr.iyeY- miN-trng. 6 am,, preaching ' 1.1 a. ni ,■ 'school &p. in’, evening se'rvicc-7*'<j.- . • ' =•*•••■ Bethlehem Baptist, I ,'hUrch, -Cor (Si.vfrv a'nd New. Houston streets, Rev'.'.l -H Nesiill, pas tor. Pray- T-.-Or-itagAo'gipgk a. m., preacjiii.g' Ila- m., Suut|ay'schoul..Xpl jft.,’ pTeaehing 7:39 o’clock p» m. f ••• ■- . st. Philip's A. .‘Church,. Nevy sth;- t, H. Sultxu-,,: PaspiY./ Prayer meeting j a. 4*1.. preaclrthg <):3i>.*i'ni ‘■Sffnday-school l-jito p. m., nigh.t'serykie.7:4Qo’clock, ' te- st. James A. M E. 1 tJh’ftrcJi. f’l-rry 1 Stf'-ct, near Randolph. R.iv. J. 11. VUiujs.. .Pastor: Morlri*Nf»-pniyer c ip(.-<d ingp:3o o'clock, Sunilay school 9 a. m , preachlnSt by Pa Wor W: 31) anil 2:31), at niglM 7;30 by Pastor. Bethel A. M. E Church, corner "East Broad street aud'Gwlnneit hif*-,- .Rev, C. P. .lohiiijoii, Pastor Prayer meeting sa. nr.; ■ preAdring 10:30 a. in.. Sunday scfaxlkF:3o'p> m.,-night service 7:3(1 o’clock. Wesley M. E. Chlfreh.-Gwinnett street near West Broad, Rev. Richard Bighan*, Pastor. PrayfeY meeting .( o'clock if. m., preaching 11 a. in.. s unday,.sphool 1 p. tn’:, night-service 8 o’cirtck. • ... . Congregational Churpfi, .Whitfield square, Rev. Dana .Sherrill. Pastor. ’Sin-day- school 10 a. m , preaching il a-wn4and 7.:30 p. m. - Pilwriui Congregational Ciiurcn, Woodville, Morning sei’Met-Ul o'clock,“is-aiiday. schiAl 3 p in., evening service 7:15. Prkyer meetings Thursday 8p in. >' Ezra Presbyterian Chuhth, West Bro.-d street. Rev. .1). Gjbbsr, Pastor. Sunday school 9 a m. preaching 11 a.An., -bightservice 8 o’clock . ' St Stephen's Episcopal Church, Harris and Habersham streets; Rev. J. J. Andrew, Rector ’ .Morning service JT o’clock, Sunday scjiool 3:30 p. in., evening-service 7:30. Wednesday ser vices 8-p. m.. . . ' . , ■ ——— • - i ... —. Goto L Fried (tiTyour White and F<iuicy<Shifts* ;—— ■ ' : LODGE DIRECTORY. .... 9 ■ * • • I - MASONIC. j GFOBGLA CHA-PT ER ROY ! A L' ARV.II MASONS, meets < n 'rVxthe sieenjid -anil.J lyrth Fridty nigliVfC" ' Rf>v-. A* IJaiuus, 11. P. EUR I: K A LOIXIE.7 ii.o. 1, f Am, first and thirds WedtM»sA.iy. niglits. L. WM , 011 Ebbs, I.IILTON LOUGE, No. 2, f a m.. i second •i»nd. fdufth - Wednesday nights. ; I 31 Doilej’.W’3l., M’G Rubeutson, Se< rettny. '* PVT 11 AGORAEJJ) pGE, No. 14.] F a M , second andtourlfi Monday nights. A G MclMttt’lxt, W M., Ull , Pkicf, Secretary.. MOUNT-516RIAH LODGE, No 16 FAM., tiwt f and thiid Friday i igirts. R Wright,-\\ .31., C Bass, S> crejury. . '* PRINCE ‘HALt*. LODGE a f & a m , meets on the first and thiid Thurs day nigtus of each month. W.m. Davis ' W M, W4l D Reynolds, Secretary, ’ ARMEN LA LODG E. GU O <>| O F.’,' tmCts second and third Mondays *f month. ALEX. 1 UOAfAs, N. G., Miller Gibson, P. S. v StTfe and County Taxes, ’BB6. Orrii r t’oi.i.r.croa Si -vtk am» rovNTY . Taxes, Chatham Counit. Gkokgia v Sa vans All, Oct. 15, ISSG,* The digest is i<>« opened tor the collection of the above Taxes, on all property, real nrd personal the speciiic tax on professions; also, the POLI'TAX, for EDUCATIONAL PUR POSES. On all MALE RESIDENTS of the city and countv, between the ages of twenty one and sixty years. (»lli< - e at the I oarl House. Honrs from »A. M. U>2 e. M. J. .1. McGi .WAN. Tax Collector C. C. Go to L. Fried lor your Collars and Cuffs. Fend your prescriptions to P. B. Reid. Mrs. POWER HAS REMOVED TO 137 St. Julian Street, UP ST Alllß. (Opposite Southern Express office.) And would be pleased to have her customers call and examine her stock of Zephyrs* Yarns, Cottons, Silks, Infants’ Crocheted Goods and Millinery. BRIGGS’ TRANSFER PATTERNS AT REDUCED PRICES. Stamping a Specialty. £W untry orders promptly tilled. ISB4 1864 M. J. DOYLE, DEALER IN ’ GROCER! S PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, 1 lay, Grain, Tobacco Cigars &«. MARKET SQUARE—EAST SIDE. "n'y Exclusive (’ash House in the City—The Place for £ush Pur chasers. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA J. W. WARREN, IN— GrocsrieL Coutos M:, M Corner W»st Bhoad and Sims Street. , aSVz mn 11 ah 9 Gco rgi a. wEscheihing DEALER IN Fins Family de., Cor. Liberty wild Diavton Streets; Savannah- Ga. Pratt's .Astkai. Oil. —Sufe-t and best. ——————i" ...I—— , Try the Elephant Over-halls, at L. Fried. 1 ' 11 "■'> C* O W "F* hi ••• I'HVI ill's lAKlEh’lTtlllE .The place to buy your. < . DRY GOTOS, CLOIHI G, BOOTS, Shots, tiehts’ Furnishing Goods’, Eoc., At. Wholesale and Retail, Cor. Congress .and delferson Sts. “ (Graham & Hubbell’s Old.Stand,) 190 ('oiures- St,, 185.5,t, Juli hi fyt. , /MF-1 ’articular attention paid to Coimtry Orders and Low Prices g'ualuiileed. '■ PICTURE FRAMES. Ta tapl Ilin It pl ta ■ »A' d all sizes of Fratiies made' so or der, is at ''” '* • ,• A. HELLER, MaHom'c Tentpie, Whiiakef Street I The Oldest a«dCheapest DRY GOODS HOUSE MW «AVaW-M‘AM»:. : Go and look at his stock of si. n: , r Cloaks, Blankets, Shawls, Flannels, Dress Goods. Domestics. Ladies. Gents’. Misses and Children i: K *«. Btilow any other advertised prices. Also'(he public knows that 'his DOLLS are the Cheapest and Finest known for years. Only go there and you will find things.O. K. At JACOB COHEN. ,152 Broughton Street, I - '. W. GERBER. Practical Watc'cmakcrani Jewels?, -DEALEII IN- W r 1 J T W’fe WALTHAM & SLGIH WATCHES CLOCKS, JEWELRY, 1 SPECTACLES AND, Florida Curiosities. Rki'aikino of Fine and Com 1 licated W atch ks ami Clocks done Promptly and tn Workmanlike Manner, I.OWKST I'KlCes. F W 3ERBER. | No, 1| |Bo ughton St Savannah, G*. |3 The pi ice of t he Tm bunk is f)0 dents tor 3 months, 75 cents for 6 months di -5i.25 tor 12 months. THE BEST OF Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Soaps. Perfumery, Toilet Goods. And every thing else kept in i*’ ‘ * j Sb, W b '’ ln ' t U. c ! StreJ i. PHARMACY Cheap for Cash. Cali and See.