The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, December 25, 1886, Image 4

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f Savannah Intelligence Office, 148 LIBERTY STREET, Third door from Whitaker. | Apply to the above for Butlers, Cham | bermaids. House Girls, Cooks, Waiters, Jfurses, Hostlers, etc. We guarantee first-class servants. P. B. BRACEWELL & THOMAS. | ' JOSIAH J. GRANT, , Wheelwright, Blacksmith and | General Jobbing, | Manufacturer of GRANT’S Celebrated Cotton Gimlet for Sampling cotton. J9f) Congress St,., near Montgomery, SAVANNAH, GA. NEWLY FITTED TJP. I LABORING MEN’S HOME Restaurant & Lodging, Wm. B. Brown, Proprietor. 182 Bryan St., SA VASSAR, CA. Meals at all hours. Choicest, brands of «: wines, liquors and cigars a! wavs on hand. I WHEN VISITING MACON, GA. j STOP AT B-BC.II. Ttapi’s Hotel, Ii Only first-class house in thecity for the accommodation of colored people. Ta bles supplied with the best the market affords. Convenient to business part of the city. Terms reasonable. Mbs. C. IL THOMPSON, Prop’ss. Fourth street, Mac >n, Ga. JAMES J. JEFFERSON, | The Boss Barber and Hairdresser Corner West Broad and Congress Sts. Respectfully informs the public that he is now prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, at the cheapest, rates. Chil -4 dren's and Ladies’ haircutting a special ity. Call and give him a trial before go ing elsewhere. Open Sundays from 6to 11 o’clock, a. in. ■ B. D. iViiddelton, 11 THE BAHBEII. Formerly with James Carey and James ‘B. Alston, desires to inform his many friends that he has opened a FIRST-CLASS BARBER SHOP, , A At N<>. ISO Bryan street, near Jefferson, *• wnerc he will be pleased to accommodate , all who may call on him. Open on Sun days from 6 to 11 o’clock, a. in. 13KIN IN ETT’.S • HUMAN HAIR EMPORIUM, I i Ladies’ and Gents’ wigs made to order. Also Fronts. Toupees, Waves, Curls, Frizzes and Hair Jewelry. We root and jnake up ladies' own combings in any desirable style. We have character Wi .s * jmd Beards of all kinds to rent for Mas- queradesand entertainments. Ladies and ,j children Hair cutting and shampooning, fAlso, hair dressing at your residence if required. We cut and trim bangs in all qf the latest styles. Cash paid for cut « 4 Imir and combings of all kinds. All goods wittingly exchanged if not satisfactory. Kid, Gloves Cleaned. * R. M. BENNETT, |j No. 56 Whitaker Stv Savannah, Ga. 'FRANKLIN F. JONES, j AT STALL NO. 31, IN THE MARKET, | Announces to his friends and the public I that he keeps on hand a fresh supply of the best Beef, Veal and Mutton, also all kinds of game when in season, and will be glad to wait on his customers as usual with politeness and promptness. His prices are reasonable and satisfaction is ; guaranteed. Goods delivered if desired. DON'T FORGET. STALL NO. 31. Edward EL Campbei?, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHEK, Cor. Wheaton and East Boundary Street. Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pori., Sausages, Poultry, Vegetables, etc. ■) Articles fresh and of the best quality. Orders promptly tilled ami delivered tree to any part of the city. CREEN GROCERY. , HEN'IIY El EU's TICE OLD RELIABLE GI? KUING- R< > E1 ? ”>l/ OULD inform his friends and the Y V public that he still holds the fort t his old stand corner South Broad and g East Boundry streets, where he keeps on H hand constantly, r. full supply < f fresh ■ t j Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Fish, Poultry, K Eggs, Game and all kinds of Vegetables. ■ Prices reasonable—to suit the times. K® JOoods delivered if desired. gt?OE EVKKY DEbCIkIPIION f AT TO OFFICE OF THIS PAPER First Aid to the Injured. 1. Broken Arm—Apply a bandage be tween the humerus and funny-bone. This is no laughing matter. 2. Blind Staggers—if a blind man staggers, take him home and put him to bed. He will sleep it off. 3. Black-Eye—Call “Time” and offer to shake hands. This is precautionary rather than curative. 4. Malaria Give the patient complete rest, change of scene, and, if possible, foreign travel, until the arrival of com petent medical aid. 5. Poisons- Place the sufferer in an easy position- the position of register is about as easy a one as you can find- then send for a lawyer for the purpose of drawing up his will. i>. Mumps Inform the sick man that he is too cheeky. This puts him in that cheerful frame of mind that i.s always in dispensable to recovery. 7. Bite of a Mad Dog —Shoot, him (the dog). The smaller the dog and the big ger the gun, the more radical the cure. Hard on the Dog. “If my dog doan’ bi e anything,” ex plained a Grati-.t avenue saloonist, • ‘eaterypody say he vhas no good If he bites sompo ty, den eaferypody says he must be killed. Seems to me dot dog doan’ get some fair show.”— Pree Press. ■*«»<•> .Men anil Women in Life’s Prime Who rise unrefreshed, feel lan'uiil through the day, have little appitite, and whose faces exhibit a sallow tint, are on the short route to the grave. Unless they can effect a radical change in their condition they will not reach old age. Invigoration is the only means of I heir physical salvation, Upon Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters they can rely to furnish them with tho stamina, which is a prerequisite of health, and to remove that prime cause of continued debility, indigestion and non-as sirnilation of the food. We class these causes as one, since they are joint functions of one organ, the stomach, chiefly. Built up and rehabilitated with this superb restorative of vigor, the system may bid defiance to malaria, rhumatism. bladder ami kidney diseases, and other maladies prone to attack the enfeebled. The Bitters not only afford a safeguard against diseases of a virulent type, but effects a prompt reform in tho condition of a drowsy or disordered liver and irregular bowels. Said a very old man, “Some folks are always complaining about the weather, but 1 am thankful when I wake up in the morning and find any weather at all.” “Consumption Can be Cured.” Ur. J. S. CoMttS, Owensville, Ohio, says: “1 have given Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Li ,er 0:1 wi h Hypophosphites to four patients wi h better results than seemed possible with any remedy. Alive e hereditary cases of Lung disease, aid alvancjd to that sta e when <Jou;hs, pain in the chest, frequent breathing, frequent pulse, fee- a d Emaciation. Ail these cases have increased in weight from 16to 2H bt., and are not now needing ary medicine.” “How many women marry a good, sensible man ?” asks Kate Field, Only one, if the man can help it. Flow to Save 3Jo!M*y» i l nour < L7v^l t '< a,SOS r 5 .' ri,ne and P ;lin "'ell. generaJh' T housekeepers and ladies w /»t *r eit , necessity exUting al- ‘ , fin- A' 1 a ,' p, ‘ r ‘ l r, ly safe remedy convert lout to. the renet and prompt cure of theai 1 - nents po -i.ltar •to w.rnnv. funetio al irregu- UH Ihe symptoms < ndant upon uterine disorders- induces us I? ’ C 1 and unqualifiedly I >r. > •’ayorile Prescription”— -woman’s bvbtinond. It will save money. The man (tarried awav with enthusiasm is frequently brought back with disgust. A Guilty Sacrifice should ne?“r be made, but ambition and en t'i prise dese ve reward. Wherever you are located you should write to Hallett & C’„ Port ia d. Maine,and learn about work that jou can do and live at home, earning thereby from s■’ to $25 a, ’d upward} daily. Some have earned over s.>o in uday. Alt particulars free. Bo: h sexes. Ail ages Capital not. needed; You arc started tree. Ail is now. Those who start at once cannot help making snug l.ttla fortunes. A red-beaded girl does not seem to car-rot-li how much fun is made her. Daughters, Wives and Mothers. Send for Pamphlet on Female Diseases, free, securely sealed. Dr. J. B. Marehisi, Utica. N.Y 1 f afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. laaac Thomp son's Eye-water. Druggists sell at 25c per bot tle Not early marriages—Those contracted it: the afternoon. Many imitators, bat no equal, has ix. Jage’s Catarrh Remedy. If it were not, for the weakness of the ma jor •ity the success of the few woud be a myth. Cleanses the scaly and leaves the hair sort and beautiful. Hall’s Hair Renewer. If you have any form of throat or lung dis ease, take Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. |B|I i Prpfl |I(M Mil s lijtlhh! Iffl = 1 H E&--THE ? BEST WIL f This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cure* IlyapePHi t. Indigestion. \V>"ikness, Impure Hlood, .Hul.n ia,< liillsund ievers. :tnd Neuralgia. It is an uatttttinc rented}’ for Diseases of the Kidney* anil Liver. It is invuJii.-Utle for Disease* peculiar to Women, an*l all who lead serie t*Uiry lives. It<loe« not injure the teeth,* ause headache.or 1 reduce consupstfOM— v't.< r f nwrtie ... Itenrietie* and purifies the blood, s'ltnulatt s the apfwtite. aids th< assimilation of io<-* lieves Heartburn nnd Hflt hiug. and ctier.gtli ens the inn.-u l, ■ and nerves. r’.*r Intermittent Fevers. Ijtsstude, l ack t*' lergy, A-e.. it has iioe*iti.'.l *#w“ The genuine hossNa, trade mark sir*! crossed red lima on wrapix-r. Tr.k, <*tr.* . tert, milvltv HnoMN ( U. <O. Hl!Tlttfitf K Str pEHSIONS,”B- I no tep Write fur cireir;.r*. ( < F «t ; ;)W . A. W. 31cC ar Buck lV SoK.WaiitfngtAr! T »r- % His Father Wasn’t Working. Little Boy Beggar —Please gimme a penny, sir! Philanthropist—Little boy, haven't ! you a father/ Little Boy Beggar —Yes sir, but he ain’t working this week. Philanthropist—Oh! thrown out of work, eh? This industrial depression is very bad. Here’s a quarter, little boy; now, take it home to your father. Little Boy Beggar—Can’t, sir. Philanthropist—Can t take it to your father' Little Boy Beggar —No, sir; pa’s in* 1 " penitentiary hosp.tal.— Tid-BitK . For eight years Col. D. J. Williamson, Quar termaster U. S. A. and cx-U. S- < allao, was crippled with rheumatism. He got no relief until he used St. Jacobs Oil, which cured h m. No remedy on earth equals it for pain. Price, fifty cents a bottle. A Summerville, North Carolina, girl has had her room papered with old love-letters written to her by rejected suitors. Young men wlio propose to pay court to her in future will be more likely to win her favor if they write only on one side of the papers Used Red Star Cough Cure effectually. Dr. C. Fawcett, Union Protestant Infirmary, Bal timore, Md. No depressing effects. The Empress of Japan was recently the recipient, of a valuable set of diamond jewelry from friends in Berlin, consisting of a neck lace, diadem, and bracelets. In the diadem alone 6,J0) brillants sparkle agid scintillate like so many splendid stars. Lush of Flesh mid Strength, with poor appetite, and perhaps slight cough in morning, or on lir-t, lying down at night, should be looked to in time. Persons afHic ed witn consumption are proverbially uncon scious of their real state. Most cases com mence with d sordered liver, leading to bad digestion and impjrfeet assimilation of food— hence the ema ution or wasting of the flesh. It is a form of scrofulous disease, and is cura ble by the use or’ that greatest of all blood clearndnz, anti-bilious and invigorating com pounds, known a-. Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medi cal Discovery.” “I was brought up by hand;” was the boast of the coal-scuttle. If you feel os though water was gathering around tho heart (heart, -dropsy) or have heart rheumatism, palpitation of the heart with suffocation, sympathetic heart trouble —Dr. Kilmer's Ocean-Weed regulates, corrects and cures. 3 months’ treatment for 50c. Prso’s Remedy for Catarrh. Sold by druggists. eiy? CATAItFIH ““ “ Wil For 15 yrars I rcosH kr«« I onnot/ed with catarrh, <A severe pain in u, heail, <l,scharges my throat and \ pleasant breath. k IS sense of smell niMch impaired hare o-oercome troubles with 4 Cream Halm.—T. B UJiA.I I ase, St. Denis t/ote>,- m, s, ***** IMway, S. Y. HAY“FKV£ft A particle is applied into each nostril and is agreeable to use. Priceso cts. by mail or at druggists. Send for circular. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Owego, N.Y. UNRIVALED ORCANS Onthe FAV*Y >’ X V M ENT nystem, from 53.2-5 per tnoutn up, 100 styles, to S9OO. Send for Cai ulogue with full particulars, mailed free. UPRIGHT PIANOS, ■ it Tii»ll«iH~ Constructed ou tiia new metho! of stringing, cn similar terms. s«i?i for descriptive Catainguo. WASON 4 HAMLIN ORGAN ANO PIANO CO. Boston. New Yoik, Chicago. “ waFoßiuiNa - Machinery for Wells of any depth, from 20 to 3,000 for Water, Oil or Gas. Our MouiT Steam Drilling and Portablt- Horae Power MachinesS'-t to work in 20minutes. Guaranteed i > drill faster and ,h less power than a»;y other. Sfiecially ad a pre ! to d HHng W*ells in earth or i oHc ■■‘N t*<> If cet. Farmers, au 1 oth'Ts are making to per <!«v with our i> irlunery and tools. Splendid bii«ine?s for Winter or Summer. XVe are the oldest end L»rtff?t Minnfact .lersin the business. Send 4 ceuw Id >Sc«unps for illustrated Catalogue H. Addksss, Piero© Well Excavator Co.. Xrw York. ~ Jones’" AYS the F R iZ J C H T Jw’Ci. 7*7 ® Ton anon Scales, - ron Lexers. Suel Bearings. Erma Tar* Bwan* and Ream Box for E7«rv size S ale. For free prwe list BEeoiion t-hi* piper aud addreu eV U JORFS OF RINSdAMTSN. v BINGHAMTON. N. Y fS ATLANTA Jk SAW WORKS. Manufacturer* of aud Dealers in Saws and Saw-Mill Supplies. Kepairin< h Specialty. Agent-, for L. Powiß A DOMPANT’A Mood Working .Machinery. Large snd complete stock. Write fur catalogue. Atlanta, Ga. jjpltevehs & bro; JEWELERS. Atlanta, Ga. '*«■:!<! for Catalogue. DAVIES & FOOTE, RUBBER STAMPS Atlanta, Ga. V i I V mB. M. Woe Ik V. M. maawn Atlant--., ».’a. tu WhitchaM- Street. Mention th*. i»aper. Zz?y tl-un-Mt Prvti -*,! Buoarm* h.. - Z nst t.»l<i*.>nl-h'r*eliooi o jp y -, ' in s...*', n *.*:«• s.Ga. Sw-.,t /Ac H fort :reulars A S|„. :Il er,p.muaarh-: promt red or un Fee. Seldv - A ** T** MEhfc. ® I $ • IgfeffialF g<SM®Sas ffeW P **' I 1 id I 3W 3 Aaqf in a. MwalPiaS , iwßaß*. ' v x. . PASCALES AWARDED FIRST PREMIUM AT THE WORLD’S EXPOSITION, New Orleaaa. (Four Cold Medals. All other principal makers competing). Track Seales, Hay Scales, Platform Scalee.etc. Important patented IMPROVEMENTS. BEST VALUE for YOUR MOSEY* full particulars, addres. BUFFALO SCALE COMPAMY,BUFFALO.M.Y. , Ito Ropo to Cut Off Horses' Manes. Celebrated‘ECLlPSE’ HALTEK, JmA and HRIDLE Combined, cannot be slipped by any horse. Sample Halter to any part of U. S. free, on recetptofSl. Sold by all Saddlery, jGitviS Hardware and Harness Dealers. Special dlscoant to the Irada, Vw Bend for Price List. uSfflryF*!. V J. C. LIGHTHOUSE, I Rochester. N. V. * EWS B !,K - WILLIAMS’ PILES ’ Indian Pile Ointment ■ OHI9OWF ■ will cure any case of Itch ing, Bleeding, Ulcerated or Protruding Piles. CURE GUARANTEED. Prepared for Piles only. [Physicians’ jars by express, pre paid, Prieoper box. 50c. and SI. Sold by driigjtsi® or mailed on receipt of price by LAMAR, RANKIN it LAMAR, Agents, Atlanta. Ga. fASTHMACUREmI H German Astbiun Car© never faiU to give ffl Xg XA unmrdiate relief in the worst ciwes, insures com-HL Is for table sleep; effects cure* where all others fail. J conv<nro.s the matt ekeptica.l. Price 50 eta. and M IS GO, of Druggintn or by mail. Sample FREE for KJ flstamp. DR. R. SCI! IFF M Si • Pauk Minn. W FACE, HANDS, FEET, fJaWpTiisA and a!l their imperfections, including Fa- Development. Hair and Scalp, S :per- M fluous Hair. Birth Marks, Moles, Warts, Moth, Freckles, Red Nose, Acne, Black . Heatls, Scars, Pitting arftl their treatment. / ]oc. for book of 50 pmres, 4th edition. Dr.J. Ah Woodbury, 8T N. PeariSL,Albany,N.Y., Est’b'd 1870. G &ROEN SEEDS “’’Kt 3 Francis Brill. Hempstead, Loxa Island. N v Keeping Tenth Prvlrctnud Gums Healthy. PATENTS inventor's Guide. y ham. Patent Uwyer. WaAhingCon. D. C. THIS Giffl MB ~; JiWWOMj fcww &Mwi& ■ fhg®S&"< ’ a*' .WW<- 1 PLAT E o chai bRO Fni’m nfl fl HahCali aV“I ths well-known Literary und Farm Paner, new in its Etb year. JMa!rtsdyov« * '~7* , A . *'” **, A , IG* \noo su;jcr" v-. a-.-lia without question the moat popular farm and Lome paper in the Lnited but.’*, It 1* elegantly pnamd and Ulnar-.!; . . i l?.s paper, ana its contributors are the ablest and best in each Gtfp&rtment that money can procure. It has been our custom each -er. < cCeraoxae great Premium, worth in itself many times more tlwa ?< e <? r^ of the ? ape j ta s ,T aro knowing that . ■ - snb.eribvn thay will never leave vs, and vre propeao to add 100.000 new aub.ecrloers durirp* tese next G cion atouey and enterprise will accomplish it. This year we oiler tha premium illustrated above. It has beaui.fill Gold Plated i. {.graved Hunt!:*" Caaem Is a atem-windicr and ateaat aettcr, with patent ftc.iuMment nud •tem-windln « arrangement with Calendar, and Ulis the days of the month as well as the day. A C c ‘d plait d Chain and W hlatle (harm goo* v. ft h each. It is entirely new, being patented ■• eb. sf, 1S sb, and will not be sold by watcb dealers or Jewelers. V»’e own the patent exclusively and it caa only be secured in con* Ui)\V V |H[ (’ A W (INR PRRF!« Seed «t.UO in atamn*, bill, money order k»r postal note far potion with our paper. v -1 UL 1 v>Mlj fAnr.« <ino year’s subscription to Farm and Jlouceliold, aud we will send it iu a r.-.-a Cage wdi go Id plated Chain nn’. V/binla Cnarmabe«slute*y fre c and poet-paid *ua THIS OFFER IS FOR NEW SUBSCRIBERS ONLY / WILL NOT BE SOLD SEPARATE. J It hto x *nd SI.OO for cne year s eubscription to Farm aud household, when it will be sent you safelr packed by return maif, tree and Foatw paid as a premium. J£efbreti.n< s : We have been an long before the public aa entorr'rijing pu LI inkers, that we are well known to all ■.. wsnaper publishers, and no doujt to tnos; of their read aw. Any Bank, Viejrchant, PuSiiaher. or Express Arent tn Connecticut can tel' agssg PCBim FAHM AKD HOUSEHOLD, WALUHSFORBs-M. Look Out for the • Youth’s Companion SISOO Prize Serial To begin hn. Ist—ln Eight Chapters—lllustratsd. , “BLIND BROTHER.” A Tala of ths Pennsylvania Mines. Two Millions of People Will Read It. i The Companion is published weekly. Price, $1.75 a Year. I Specimen copies free. Please mention this paper. Address ERRY MASON & CO., 45 Templa Place, Boston, Mass. \ «i / Tho Great Nu PERCHEROr | 200 impoiStreet, Os Ct aar; 1 QgEMml ah a I KraKV’ 1 1 ■ custom*" « AsiUu, -W 300 to 100 UtrPOR'rBB ANNV from France, all recorded with extended pedi> | I’ercheron Stud Books. The Percberon is the i breed of France possessing a stud book thai support and endorsement of the French Gove Send for 120-page Catalogue, illustrations hw Bo,.bear. W. O U M H A M,Y • Wayne, DuPage Co., Ulin THE SETH THOMAS WATCH MKSB3ZI RestWatebinAmeriGa' for iba Price. IIMUIIIMIIIIIIIMJIII—■—II ■■■■ IIIIEIMW—■HiII III* ITllllllimfflrMTTirT BOOK AGENTS WANTED for PLATFORM ECHOED •r LIVING TRUTHS FOR HEAD AND HEART, By John B. Gough. nil lut and ennratag Us e work, brim foil of thrilliag Into*. K, humor and patbo.. Bright, pure, and good, lull of lUghter and tear.." itaette all. To it la add.* the Ufo and Darth of Mr. Gonth, bf Rev. LYMAN AB COTT. 1000 Agents Wanted,—Man and Women. ©lo® *2OO a month made. tlf‘l>Utanct n» hindranct aa we rive Xzira T«m« and Pa-jrrelgMi. Write for circulars to. A. D. WOKTHINOTON dk 00., Hartford. Cena. WE WANT YOU! »«’e«>««etlc man ww s o'wn# a or W omau needing profitable employment to represent us In every county. Salary $75 por month and expenses, or a large commisaion on tw'es if preferred. Goods staple. Every one buys. Outfit and particulars Free STANDARD SILVERWARE CO.. BOSTON. MASS. GSiISa Ureal tngiisn GoutaßG b a Sil«£a Rheumatic Rsmedr. Ovn.l Box 311.00; round, 50 eta. Ct 1 * to Soldiers S Heirs. Sendstauip S-S&WChISW© for Circulars. COL. L. HING- M wUlwSwIdS9 HAM, Att’y, Washington, D. 0. to SSaday. Samples worth $1.53 FREE Lines not uad-r the horse's feet. AddreM WW Bbkwstkb’sSaxkty Rein Holuek, Holly,Mich. W SB] liable Cured. Treatment senton trial. O S S Uta hum axk Remedy Co.. LaFayctte, Ind. Pise's Remedy for Catarrh Is the Rya i■'VJs Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. fAa Also good for Cold In the Head, gaal b&u Headache, Hay Fever, dtc. SO cents. A.?<. ( 7 Fifty-one