The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, January 29, 1887, Image 3

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■=• iMHU mm. BbAV.ANNAH, G Ja-nar 29 18*7 ■‘Mount Ba.' « ’ w*f we- patr-iiz d | this w- ek. Go to L. Fried or your Co It- and I Cutis. Kev. A S Griffin, -d Jesup " d Mi-8 Janie PoW 1 , wer*' m-nied at St J >m< 8 church, on Thuisd-y evening last by the Kev, J II Adams Syrup of N i e cures • oughs, C<dds Ac. bur ran i ai druggist K,>wi,iud Willi; ms who w i.« seuh need C<> i e St.ite pre n tor ihr.eyaia for assaulting str et c-r conductor Co*> man, hss h en granted a new trial by Judge Adams. Ih ‘‘marital” epidemic has struck our city, and there have been many y..ung -o i 8 u> de h'ppythe past few weeks The Tribune wishes each and e »e y couple, pr> sperity and God's speed in their new sphere. h yo.i wmt *0 -un-ke an imported ciga> dr»p i P B. 11-ids, Abercon sin! J ne« 8 Foster Brothers, wheelwrights, black smiths and horseshoers, is an ent rpris ing firm oi young mt n on Walker street, mar Lumb r. They are manufacturers and r< piiiers of carriages, carts, drays etc. They promise by strict attention t > busine s to merit such patr mage as the public may bestow upon them, Dr. F. C. Lambert of New York, ac em panied by Dr T J. Davis, favored the Iribune wth a call duiing the w ek. Dr, Lambert has domiciled in our city and will at once'commence the practice of his profession of dentistry. Cannot our friends pay little more attention to keeping their cemetery lots dean and in order. It is a disgrace to our people to have the last resting place of their relatives and friends in su h a □eg ected state. Are they “soon forgot ten when they are gone?” A full line of saloon palmers elegant extracts kept at P. B. Reids, Abercorn and Jones streets Some months ago a move was made by our mas >nic bn thren t - build a fine hall. Now we bear nothing of the pro ji’Ct. Has it failed? We hope not. Stir up brothers, the ladirs have an eye on y<>ur works and c mmend to y u consideration the Cardinal s advice to bis faithful friend that the r was no such word as “fail.” Mrs. Ophelia Mclntosh, will soon open a day school at her residence on Bolton street, near Coast Line railroad junction. Spelling, rending, arithmetic, etc., will be taught. Mr. John Mcln tosh, Jr., will give less ns in vocal mu sic and upon the organ at the the same place or at his patrons’ residence. He will also teach night school th-ee nigh s in the week. Why not some of our societi s, club or lodges, invite some of our pr •minent young men (or ladies), to deliver a se tics of lectures. There is plenty of such competent material around, and the re suhs would be wonderful to all, both pecuniarily and intellectually. The Mutual Benevolent Society started some time ago, but for some cause or the other they have “taken water ’ in the matter. The citizens in the southwestern per il n of the city, thinks k ndly of Alder nau Th mas, for street crossings which were needed by them for some time, and now they ask whose duty it is to fill up the gap at such er ssings, between the street railroad tracks. It is impos sible for Idles when using the crossings, to pass over the track in wet weather, without wading ankle deep. A C<>nc< r. will be given by the pupi's of Mrs. B- napan’s vocil cbm at Ford’s Opera House, on St. Julian, between Whitaker and Barnard -erects, on Wednesday night next, February 2nd An excellent programme, c nsisting of songs, recital ions &c., has been arranged aid an evening of real enj yment is anticipated. Tickets 25 cents, children •under 12 years <*f age 15 cents. Dos open at 7 o’clock, performance com uit nces at 8 aharp. Just rec< ived a large lot of tooth brushes, American ai d English at P B Reids, A er corn and Jones streets The Tribune is p eased at all times m chronicle any ev nt that, tends to show the progre-s that our people are xaking in the race ot hie. N"W noth ing can add t > our improvement mor d y and socially am mg ourselves more than associations, socieiics, etc. There s re we say we are pleased to see the tffotts that are b-ing daily made by our y-uog people t'» s- organiz i hemselves. It make.* them men and women in the *t'6 gest acceptati nos the te m Yes, po'ent factors m b Hiding up theii future ind withal le >d rsof theirown thoughts ;tl a I things an! n t like cattle with ©’her minds to think f r you. The poet —ongfc 1 W g;,y. • In th** world’s broad field of battle, In the bivouac of life. .J 1 '* 1 like dumb driven cattle. Be hero in the strife. Suit for Libel. The case of Mr. Peter D-*nega|l, a letter carrier of Savannah vs. Mr. Alex ander McHardy was up. in the Superi »r Court o'i Thursday and Friday. Mr Denegall wao tß 810,000 damages f 0 an alleged libelous article said to have b< en published in the Savaumh Phrenix h'Bt April. The jury rendered a seale 1 verdict Friday afternoon which will be opened this morning, under the direc tions of the Court. ToOurFrie. d*and Patrons. Witt the ast. -i* u the’ Irjbune couipb te l us first «|Uart> r, and the suh sciipti ns ol a laige number of friends w''O su l sc il ed for three months are now due. We appe iat* the supj or a encouragement given tl-ep>per and will end-at or to merit the <ontinued patron age < f the public by m 'king it a wel come messenger to all. As our ex penses are very heavy and it takes c ah to tun a newspaper, we ask our sub sor ber- wi o». me h-e expind t> riew a i it, nd a1 uh ate indebted to us -o be re dv to p y wh< n our col lector . alls. The Infirmary Entertainment The en ertai'iinent for <he ben fit ol the <>•-. rJa Infirmary <>iven on Thins da eve- i- g la-t received a fair atten dance. The oc<‘a>ion was enlivened by the Savanmh Volunteer Guard s band, which vo untoered its aervii-s The ladi s managing the affair displayed gr-at zeal and • uergy in their eff rts to make everyone welcome and it is regret ted th >t a larger crowd was not in ait* nd ance, to contribute to its success, as the main object was to rai-e m ney to pur chase some needed articles for the In firmary. W'e have not heard of the amount realiz ’d, but it probably will n t be up to the figure d. sired by the managers. Wreck of the Outing- The yacht “Outing,” > apt Cloud man, wb eh sailed from Savannah early in December, for a trip around th. world, has come to an untimely emi, having been wrecked off the coast o’ Fl rida tn the early part of the week during a severe gale, tl e Capta n and his man Friday birely escaping with their lives. The Caotain might well content himself with what has happened and where it happened, as very few people h d any idea that any very seri Ous effort would be made to maze circuit of the world The Capta n and his crew of one will probably live long er by the wreck of ihe ‘ Outing” eve though the magazine f>r wh 8-« tc-efi the expedition was gotten up may .-uffei financially. An Unjust Charge Rev. C P Johnson, a prominent min ister of the A M E church, 1 tely in charge of Bethel church in this city, had purchased a h rse fiom Mr J J McMahon, the under-tanding bein. that Rev. Johnson w<s to pay the sun of $lO a monih for the animal until tn. whole amount, £BO. should be paid The conference recently he'd at Quit ii an transferred Rev Johnson to Darien Ga., which coming t- Mr McMahon * ears, he c iu-ed the -arrest of the Rever end on a charge of cheati >g and swind ling, ahh-ugh be hid paid his instal mentp regular y, the sum of 850 h ivii g been paid on account. Magistrate Molina before w om the wnrant was sworn out, promptly dismissed th. charge -ifter investigation i f the ma'ter Rev. Johnson who is very indignant lias retained AH McDonell, E-<p, ami will sue Mr. McMahon for 85.000 damages. A Species of s?owd I>m that Must be Stopped We have bet n iulormed by reliab’e partes that within the last few weeks 8 itne of the c-lored church, s of our city have been visited by a class of wh o rowdies who seem to have no other ob ject in view th m to i t- rrupt th-- s r vices and annoy the wi-r-h pets. They have on several occasions gone s • far ns to use prof-ne, vulgar and indecent lan-1 guage and when remonstrated with for -uch behaviour have left the chu ch and; as embled .-u si le and engaged in th. ow ing s'oncs and other t -ings at the church and i'B inmates. Some of the e parses are known and if they persist in uch ac i-ms will be d alt with to ih ex ent of the law. In th- mean time we trust our efficient Chief of Police will take such steps as will protect thes be pl ess people and their property j against these outrages. Kickers and Clubbers Po iecman Hymes was tried iu the Superior C urt on Tn sday last for b u ally kicking a c dor I woman mmel Annie Pournelle a few w- t-ks since. ! Th.- ev d nee in the case showed very p ain y that the policeman was guilty, j yer t ( e jury, sworn t • bring a v< rdict according to the evidence declar' d him n t • nil y Judge Adams wi« shocked, at tl is tra-esty on justice and gave the jury some very plain talk, which showed ilnt he tlv ught the juryman hud out observed the r oaths. 1 Policeman B cl bhe- and -mploy. dat t • c A 'V ra Iroad yard U Ja u 3< t he rust'd Henry Borne* » -d dnv r. employ ed f'v Mr F M li t' , and in makt g tm rr st h" knocied R irn <v down wth L club B U . s was indicted by t o Grand Jury, t i d i the Superior Court o i Thuisd <y s , but was no r so for tiiua'e i" the . ck> r ILtne*. as the jurv found h'tn gu 'h of a-s -ult ami bit>ery, ihe tender he r d ju>y tec m oending him to the m -rcy ••! >he C- urt. Sen t uce was d- erred bv Judg Adams. This is the fir-t line that a p liceman has ever been co ivic'ed in Savannah for clubbinj a citiz> n. For the latest rtylesot c.hirts, Collars and Cuffs L. Fried’s the place. Try the E ephant Over-halls at L. Fried. Try L. Fried for your Red Flannel Shirts and Drawers Try 0&e Battle aii be Md A Great Cloud of Witnesses. Read what those say who have used P. P. I’. 9 e Waycross, Ga., Match 3, 1886. P. P. P. Mf<j. Co: Hear Sirs—After careful oliger v< i i) of the action of y- ur remedy 1 urn prepared to give it my illi quid fied endorseme. t as an alter native nf very decided merit. I regard il, moreover, aa one of the <st reinedie- for H .spepsia. 1 gov»- it to my wife for Malaria and General Debili;y and t< my surprise she was more ben.di ed than by a- y Other iemedy she bed tried, especi ally her Dyspepsia, which was veiy distressing and of several years duration. She seems to have been entirely relieved ofD- spepsia and has gained flesh rapidly I prescribe it with confidence in Rheumatism and other conditions requiring a tonic and invaribly with the most sati-dactvv results. Respecttullv, J. H. REDDING, M. Ih rOTm » mm For the cure of LIVER and KIDNEY COMPLAINT, SCROFULA. TUMORS, DY.SPE.-IA BILLIOUSNEsS FE MALE WEAKNESS, all dihetwea of the BLOOD, al! disfiguring humor* of the Bkin ami scalp, and for all debilitating ami wasting Utseaces. •‘ALISKI (lAT.llllili (SMI'iIUW ‘-Sure Catarrh Cure,” Cures colds in the head on the first appli cation. Curt’B nervo ih headache, ringing noise in the head Dizziness and Hay Fever An inhaling tube will be found enclosed with each hottie, by which the compound i* inhaled. The compound acting directly upon the nasal inslai.tiv cleanses hem <>f all foul mnctiH V'-cumalatioriH. Il rentnrea the sense of taste, smell and hearing when ass cted, subdue* inflamation when entering the eye. ear or mou h, leaves the head deordeiZed, clear and open, the bread) sweet, the breathing easy and every sense in a greatful and soothed condition A petfect and speedy cure always follows the use of the ALASKA CATARRH CURE. ALASKA OIL. The gr< at pant destr >yer for the cure nf Dea'ue-s, Toothache. Sore Thtoat, Headache, pains in the chest, side or back, Rh umitism Nt-urilgia, Sprains, Bruis 8. Bum-, Cuts, Chilblains, frost bites or lam m-s in any pan of the body. Alaska Oil is a r m rkable remedy for the cure of Cor s, Warts and Bunions. S-id by all druggists uverywhere, or sent prepaid, by the company on receipt ol pr ce, Alaska Catarrh Compound or Oil 51l cents per bottle, 6 bntd s 82 50; Ala-ka Bmod Pmifier 1.00, 6 botil< s 85.00. Send or pamphlets oi tesumony tree Alaska Compound Company, Lynn, M. &<., Southern Office 178 Brotih ,<»n street. avannah, Ga Send ail com uunicationa to the Savannah office. _ i Restaurant. Meals at ah Hours. Permanent and Transient Hoard ing at Reasonable Prices. J. J. GUERARD, 155 South Broad street, SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA. Noim)N&.Ml¥s Pharmacists. Cor. West Broad & Wnldburg Sts. ; DEALERS IN DiiUGS, MKDICINKS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES BRUSHES ETC. A full line of reliable garden i seeds always on hand. ' * ... CHARLES BACKMAN, .-Lxr.' 77Z Corner Congress A. Bull StreetS- (Sec-ond Flour.) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Tel' phone C d I No. 100, answered da ; ••r night Ex raoting Teeth One each, exti act mg Ti eih and Artificial T<-ei h h Bp< cialiy. Fin- quality of Tooth I* wder and T"' th Brushes for sale. (3T I ERMS CASH. A. B, COLLINS & CO,, (Successor* to Oliver’s) Paint & Oil House, STEAMIIIim HILL SLPI’LIES, SASHES, BLINDS, DOORS, MOULDINGS, ETC. —No 5 Whitaker Street,— SAVA N NAIL G E() RGIA. BUIYOHRSTOVES —AND— IIB! FIB GIB —FROM— FREEMAN & OLIVER. 192 Broughton Street. 1864- 1864 M. J. DOYLE, DEALER IN GROCERIES PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, Hay, Grain, Tobacco Cigars &e. MARKET BQUARE—EAST SIDE. in the City—The Place for Cash Pur chasers. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA WM. SCHEIHING DEALER IN Pise Family Eroceriss Lqws Cor. Liberty mid Drayton Streets. Savannah.. Ga. Pratt’s Astral Oil—Safest and best, PICTURE FRAMES. And all sizes of Frames made to or der, i« at A. HELLER, Maaonic Temple. Whitaker Street kcTlambert, DENTIST. Corner Houston and South Broad streets. Savannah, Georgia. Patronage solicited. Consult ation free. Tlie Oldest and Cheapest DRY GOODS HOUSE MW M.IVAMAAII. Go and look at his stock of Cloaks, Blankets, Shawls, Flannels, Dress Goods. Domestics- Ladies, Gents’, Misses and Children KT »■ ■» Below any other advertised prices. Also the public knows that his DOLLS are the Cheapest and Finest known for s years. Only go there and you will find things O. K.. At JACOB COHEM. J 162 Broughton Street. • F. W. GERBER,” Practical WaUhoikeraniJewelff, -DEALER IN- yy zj WALTHAM & ELGIN WATCHES CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES AND ’ I Florida Curiosities. Rki-aikino of Eink and roM**t.i«ATW W atciikh and Clocks done Promptly sad Um Workmanlike Manner, LoWKST PRICBS. F W OERBESL Ni . 114 Bioughton St Savannah, Ga.- •tWj The Oglethorpe Savings STrust Co No. 120 Bryan Street, SAVANNAH, GA. ' J J DALE Prbhidknt EDW D LOVELL... Vick President JOHN M BRYAN Cakhio Ik ponilH of $1 00 and upward" a daily from 9a, m to 2 p. m and on Satur-'i days from 4 to 8 p in. and inti-reat on came, payable every time montliH. Depoaite fothject to check at eight, and payable between Ha m. and 2 p m. See rulee and regulation.—which can be had on application to the Caehier. (’all and open an account however amaD and add to it every week, and see how aoon it will grow. Everyone treated with polite nezw and prompt attention. ‘ Take care of the dimes, and the dollar , will take care of I hem-el vi'C,” JHIIIMIB, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC s’scoriTs & Confectionaries. Bolton street, between West Broad and Montgomery streets, North side. TTTIT& in ar, dealers in UIOIIIE fANILi liIdMItRIES, " WINES, LQUCRS, TOBACCO, CIGARS ETC. < :»rner Stale and Dray lon Sts, M CHAEL P? H£NNESSY,~~ SALOON, 81 Bay Street. Wines, Liquors and Cigars of the best brands. Lunch from 11 to 1 daily.