The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, January 29, 1887, Image 4

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JOSIAH J. GRANT, Mvrlght, Blacksmith and General Jobbing, anufacturer of GRANT’S Celebrated Cotton Gimlet for Sampling cotton. Congress St., near Montgomery, ' SAVANNAH, GA. JEWLY FITTED UP. LABORINTMEN’S home testaurant & Lodging, Wu. B. Brown, Proprietor. I 182 Bryan St., SAVANNAH, CA, I Meals at all hours. Choicest brands of iincs, liquors and cigars always on hand. EumOACONTGr STOP AT lis. C. H. Won’s Hotel, Only first-class house in the city for the commodation of colored people. Ta es Supplied with the best the market 'ords. Convenient to business part of l city. Terms reasonable. Mrs. 9. H. THOMPSON, Prop’ss. / ■' Fourth street, Mac.m, Ga. 13 K .N IN liIDTT ’ S (human hair emporium. li Ladies’ and Gents’ wigs made to order. Hao Fronts. Toupees, Waves, Curls, fizzes and Hair Jewelry. We root and ■lake up ladies’ own combings in any Ssirable style. We have character Wigs kd Beards of a’l kinds to rent for Mas Herades and entertainments. Ladies and liildren Hair cutting and shampooning. Ilso, hair dressing at your residence if Iquired. We cut and trim bangs in all r the latest styles. Cash paid for cut ' ir and combings of all kinds. All goods Sillingly exchanged if not satisfactory, b-Kid Gloves Cleaned. R. M. BENNETT, No. 50 Whitaker St. Ga. IrANkEiN F. JONES, P STALL NO. 31, IN THE MARKET, f mounces to his friends and the public ■’it he keeps on hand a fresh supply of |]B best Beef, Veal and Mutton, also all pds of game when in season, and will | glad to wait on bis customers as usual Jth politeness and promptness. His flees are reasonable and satisfaction is ’f aranteed. Goods delivered if desired. )N‘T FORGET, STALL NO. 31. dward B. Campbell, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BLTTCHEB. ( r. Wheaton and East Boundary Street. l'3eef, Mutton, Veal, Pork, Sausages, 1 ultry, Vegetables, etc. (Articles fresh and of the best quality, nets promptly filled and delivered free !*fcny part of the city. GREEN CROCERY. StENRY FIELDS THE OLD RELIABLE ERE EN G-ROCEM 1.0 inform his friends and the 1 ptftific he still holds the fort .lis old stand corner South Broad and jt Boundry streets, where he keeps on 'id constantly, a full supply es fresti •S's, Veal, Mutton. Pork, Fish, Poultry, Game and all kinds of Vegetables. Ibices reasonable —to suit the times, fids delivered if desired. ' If' F ... - t ” THE DROUTH SUFFERERS. iropriatinu for Relief Recommended by a Legielntive Committee. Tie special committee appointed to estigate as to sufferitg from the drouth valent over a large section of Texas submitted to its report to the ( dslature. The committe state that 're is a large section of the state west 1 north of the Brazos river, and ex- I ding far down the river edge to Ham •n, which has been visited by one of 5 most destructive drouths ever know !’Texas. The reports state that in 11' ion there are at least 30,000 pers are, or soon will be, absolutely I ite, and who can not possibly subsist > hout immediate assistance. The coin ‘ tee recommends an appropriation of h (0,000 for the relief of the suffer ( under such provisons as may Ik* ,pied best, until the crops can lie wn. The action on the report will be 5 en to-morrow. 118-lIAD two wives. • £ Ayers alias J. 11. Moore, a young ■ man who was formerly a brakesman •he Louisville and Nashville railroad, arrested at Birmingham, Ala., Thurs- J for forgery. He hud succeeded in ing two checks, one lor $375 and one •f 275 cashed at the Berney National t k, He was identified as the man who ■ presented a forged check for $250 t 18 First National bank Monday, and ped out while the cashier was exam ‘ g the signature. During the search yers the police found that he has two ' s living in the city, neither of them g aware of the existence of the other. A NEW AND NOVEL REMEDY. flow the President to Said to be Get Ing fils Flesh Reduced. (From the Omaha Herald.) Since he came to the White House the President has been rapidly gaining flesh, until he now weighs fifty pounds more than he did when elected. He does not take any exercise. He drives out for an airing every pleasant after noon in a comfortable carriage, but the ride doesn’t give him any more exercise than if he spent so much tim • in a reel ing chair. He is getting to be so fat as to be uncomfortable as well as ungainly, and has been in consultation with a doctor of the Swedish massage school. This doctor does not prescribe any drugs, nor does he use the Banting sys tem', of dieting. 113 simply recom mends the movement cure, and his treat ment of the President is very funny. If his excellency would only admit spec tators he might make a large fortune by charging an admission fee. It would not be a very dignh.ud performance, but people would go a long distance to see the President of the whole United States go through the motions. First the doc tor makes him lie flat on his back on the floor, stiffen himself out with his arms down at his side, and then raise his feet in the air with his heels together, until his legs are at an angle of forty-five de grees. This is repeated several times, and until one has tried it he cannot re alize how difficult and exhausting it is, for none of the joints in the body can be moved except those at the hips. The j next movement is to raise the feet in I the same position, and move them around in the air, so that the heels will describe a circle. This is more difficult still, and none but accustomed gym nasts can do it at the first attempt. The third movement is to stretch out on the floor, with the face down, and then ■ raise the body on the hands and toes. After this has been tried, the patient is to stand on the tips of his toes and fin gers, and make motions as if he were swimming. By going through this pro cess three times a day, at nrst only a few minutes, and then'-'kmger, as the muscles of the stomach will permit, it is c aimed that a fat man can reduce his flesh with remarkable rapidity. An Unprofitable Business. “Elegant town! Quite a milling in dustry here. I counted nearly a dozen factories along the river.” “Yes, there are are an even ten of them.” “Must make a very profitable enter prise?” “No—it requires all the factories com bined to secure a penny of revenue.” “Oow is that?” “Why, it takes ten mills to make a cent, don’t it?” The most severe crush can at once be re moved by Red Star Cough Cure. "Give it to your children by all means,” says Professor Williams, ex-State Chemist of Delaware, who found it wonderfully efficacious. Price, only twenty-five cents for a bottle. A young woman at Banksville, Pa, went in a trance and visited heaven. Her father thinks her experiences in the celestial king dom are too holy for a daily paper, and he proposes to have the story written out for the Pittsburg Christian Advocate. $10,003 were spent tn eighteen years by Prof- C. A, Donaldson, of Louisville, Ky, in trying to get rid of his rheumatism, but he found n > re’i f until at last tie usnd t-t- Jacobs Oil, wh eh speedily cured him. Miss Ida Porter, a "Vassar Girl,” a neice of Jay Gould, who has successfully managed a school in Camden, N. J., so interested her un cle that he has presented her with a school edifice, which was dedicated by President Kendrick, of Vassar. If Sufferers from Consumption, Scrofula, Brom hitis and General Debility will : try Scott’s Emclhonoi’ Co i Liver Oil with Hypi phosphites, they will find immediate re lief and permanent benefit. The Medical Pro fession universally declare it a remedy of the I greatest value and very palatable. Read: “I have used Scott’s Emulsion In several cases of ; Screfula and Debility in children. Results most gratifying. My lit.lo patients take it with pleasure.”—W. A. Hulbert, M. D, Salis bury, 111. The tender passion—The antipathy against tough beef. “It Knocks the Spots,” and everything in the nature of eruptions, b otches.’pimples, ulcers, scrofulous humors, and incipient 'consumption, which is nothing nine nor less than si rofu'a of the lungs, com pletely out of the system. It stimulates and invigorates the iiver, tones up the t-t-nnach. regulates the bowels, purines the blood and builds up the weak places of the b 'dy- It is a purely vegetable compound, and will domore ; than is claimed tor it. We refer to Dr. Pierce » i “Golden Medical Discoi'tt'u." A wise night key One that knows its own keyhole. The best cough medicine is Piso’s Cure for Consumption. Sold everywhere. 25c. —— He Made Tracks. “No. I don’t like Arizona,” said a man at the tireplace. “1 was a candy maker, and hey said 1 was stuck up, and I made racks.” “Ah! I also made tracks in the West.” interrupted a second!” “Indeed!” “Yes, I was section boss when they ! built the Union Pacific*.” “I've done something at making tracks, too," remarked number three. “How was that?” “I am a home missir-nary.” - ■ Kasy Enough. “Well, beanie, I hear you and Tom - are out.” “Yes; I gave him his quietus last even- | ing. He really thought I would have I hint, when I was only flirting.” “How did he take his rejection?” “Oh, easily enough. Y’ou know he is ; used to taking negatives. He’s a photog rapher. ” SHAMEFUL ABUSE Heaped upon a Noted Englishman for Hie Open Honesty. Wm. Ed. Robson, M. D., L. R. C. 8.1., M. K. Q. C. P. 1., lato of the Royal Navy, of England, has got into professional troublt for writing the following onen letter to the editor of the London Family Doctor: “I believe it to be the duty of every physi- ; cian to make known any means or remedy 1 whereby siokness can be prevented, and it is for this purpose 1 write to give my expe- i rience both here and abroad. I ask the pub- j lication of th •. statement that people may be warned before it is too late, to say to them that there is at hand a means by which they may be restored to perfect health. It is well known to the medical world, and indeed, to the laity, that a certain disease is making a terrible havoc; that next to consumption it is the most fatal, and that when fully devel oped there is nothing to be done for the suf- ; serer.” “Physicians and scientists have long been trying to throw light upon the cause, and if possible, find in nature a medicine for this fatal malady. They have shown, absolutely, that the blood-purifying organs of vital im portance are the kidneys, and that when they once fail, the poison which they should takeout of the blood is carried by the blood into every part of the body, developing disease.” . “In my hospital practice in England, In dia and South America, and also while a surgeon in the Royal Navy of Great Britain, 1 gave a great. <lt al of attention to the study of diseases of the kidneysand urinary organs, and found that not only was the cure of chronic Bright's Di-ease hopeless, but that kidney disease was remarkably prevalent, j much more so than generally known,and was the cause of the majority of cases of sickness, and further, that the medical profession has no remedy which exerts any absolute control over these organs in disease.” “Some timeagowhen 1 had a case which re sisted all regular treatment, —which is very limited, —complnated with the passing of stones from the kidneys, much against my will I ] emitted my patient to use Warner’s safe cure, of which I had heard marvelous re sults. In his case the result was simply mar velous, as the attack was a severe one, and - development very grave, for an analysis showed per cent, of albumen and granular I tube casts. ” “The action of the medicine was singular : and incomprehensible to me. I had never seen anything like it. The patient recovered | promptly, and is to-day a well and healthy I man. This stimulated my inquiry into the I merits of the remedy, and after analysis I ; found it to be of purely vegetable character, harmless to take under all circumstances.” | “Casting aside all professional prejudice, I ' gave it a thorough trial, as I was anxious that my patients should be restored to health, I no matter by what medicine. I prescribed | it in a great variety of cases, Acute, Chronic', Bright’s Disease, Congestion of the Kidneys, j Catarrh of the Bladder, and in every in stance did it speedily effect a cure.’’ “For this reason I deem it my duty to give to the world this statement regarding the value of Warner’s safe cure. I make this statement on facts I am prepared to produce and substantiate 1 appeal to physicians of large practice who know how common and i deceptive diseases of the kidneys are, to lay aside professional prejudice, give their patients Warners safe cure, restore them to perfect health, earn their gratitude, and thus be true physicians.’’ “I am satisfied that more than one-half of the deaths which occur in England are caused, primarily, by impaired action of the kidneys, and the consequent retention in the blood of the poisonous uric and kidney acid. Warner’s safe cure causes the kidneys to ex pel this poison, checks theeseapeof albumen, relieves the inflammation and prevents ill ness from impaired and impoverished blood. Having had more than seventeen years’ ex perience in iny profession, I conscientiously nnd emphatically state that I have been able to give more relief and effect more cures by by the use of Warner's safe cure than by all the other medicines ascertainable to the pro fession, the majority of which, I am sorry to say, are very uncertain in their action.” “Isn’t that a straightforward, manly let ter!” “Indeed it is.” “Well, but do you know the author has been dreadfully persecuted for writing it?” ‘‘How so? What has he done to merit it!” “Done! He has spoken the truth ‘out of school,’ and his fellow physicians, who want the public to think they have a monopoly in curing diseases, are terribly angry with him for admitting professional inability to reach certain disorders. “That letter created a wonderful sensation among the titled classes and the public. This jarred the doctors terribly. The College of Surgeons and Queen’s College, from which institution he was graduated, asked for an I explanation of his unprofessional conduct, and notified him that unless he made a le i traction they would discipline him. "The doctor replied that he allowed his pa tients to make use of Warner’s safe cure only after all the regular methods had failed, and when he was satisfied that there was no 1 possible hope for them. U pon their recovery, after having used Warner’s safe cure, he was ' so mu h surprised that he wrote the above letter to the Family Doctor. He regretted that the faculties found fault with his action in the matter, but he could not conscien tiously retra ‘t the facts as written to the Family Doctor. “The faculties of both colleges replied that unless ho retracted they should cut him off, woich would naturally debar him from again practicing his profession, and also prevent his securing another appointment iu the Royal Navy!” The illustrious doctor’s dilemma is certain ly an unpleasant one, emphasizing, as it does, both his own honesty and the contemptible prejudice and bigotry of English medical ! men. The masses, however, having nosym j pathy with their nonsense, keep on using the 1 remedy ho so highly recommends and get I well, while the rich and able depend upou the prejudiced doctors and die! Diplomacy: Gentleman of Honor— “Barkeep’, gi’ me a glass of awful whis key; I want my girl to break oil our en gagement, and I’m just going to call on her.” Diphtheria m- patient recoven strength slowly. .<« the syste-n is weak and debilitated, and the blood poisoned by the ravages of the disease. What Is needed w a good reliable tonle and blood purifier like Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which has Just the elements of strength for the body, and vitality and richness for the blood which soon bring back robust health. After ccarlet fever or pneumonia it is also of great benefit “After from i prolonged sickness with diphtheria, and needing something to build me up, 1 took two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I felt good results from the first dose. It seemed to go from the top of my head to th ■ ends of my toes, i know Hood’s Sarsaparilla is a good thing."—G. H. Stratton. Druggist. We.-tfi.q i. Jiasx “Upon our little girl, who had been sick with scar let fever, the uso of Hooi’s Sir-aparilla was most marvelous, entirely removing the poison from her blood and r.'Storlnf her to g<»d health.. Hood’s Savsaparcln deserves i ur highest prate I .”—E. <i bnui .ok, oaau.pscoti. Mass. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Bold by al’, druggists. $1; six tor $5. Prepared bj C. I. HOOD A Co.. Apothecaries. LoweU, Mask 100 Doses One Dollar H»w to Mve Money. * Wherever you live, you should write to Hal lett <fc Co., Portland. Maine, and learn about work that you can do while living at your own home ata profit of at least from $5 to $25 and upwards daily. Seme havs made over SSO tn a day. All is new. Either gex All agea Hallett & Co. will start you. Capital not needed. All particulars free. Send along your address at once and all of the above wiK be proved to you. Nothing like it ever known to working man. ONE DOLLAR axd Fifty Cents will pay for a $3 Family Story Paper Sample copies free. Address The Chicago Ledger. Chicago. 111. The wind is notevidentlv tempered the shorn Wall street lamb. For weak lungs, spitting °f bl°cri,®hortnesß of breath, consumption. n lingering coughs. Dr - I lerce 8 Golden Medi cal Discovery’’ is a sovereign remedy. Supe rior to cod liver oil. By druggists. If every man was as big as he feels there couldn’t be standing room in this country, “As Good as New,” are the words used by a lady, who was at one time given up by the most eminent physicians, ami left- to die. Reduced to a mere skeleton, nale and haggard, not able to leave her bed, trom all those distressing diseases peculiar to suffering females, such as displacement, leu corrha-a, inflammation, etc., etc. bhe began taking Dr. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescription, and also using the local treatments recom mended by him, and is now, she says, as good as new.” Price reduced to one dollar. By druggists. Aft era man has painted things red, he is very apt to be blue himself. No lady should live in perpetual fear, and suffer from the more serious troubles that so often appear, when Dr. Kilmer’s Complete Female Remedy is certain to prevent and cure Tumor and Cancer there. Daughters, Wives and Mothers. Send for Pamphlet on Female Diseases, free, securely sealed. Dr. J. B. Marchisi, Utica, N.Y OH! MY BACK Every strain or eold afflicts that weak back uni! nearly prostrates you. _ - ifoH| y BEST TONIC ? Strengthens the Muscles, Steadies the Nerves, Enriches the Blood, Gives New Vigor. Mrs. Salxje Dupttk, Jonesboro, G*.. says: “I have suffered for nearly three years with Weak Back and Laver and Kidney troubles. Four bottles of Brown’s Iron Bitters Lave cured me. 1 cordially rec ommend it.” Mr. T. Lessing, 47 Engheim St., New Orleans, La., says: " I tried everything for W’eakness of the : Back—plasters of all kinds, liniments, etc., bnt noth ing afforded me relief until I used Brown's Iron Bit ters. In a short time the trouble entirely disap peared.” Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by Rown chemical co.. Baltimore; mi>. Ask your retailer for the James Means’ S 3 Shoe. Caution! Some dealers recommend - Inferior goods in order to make a larger profit. This is the original $3 Shoe. Beware of imitations which ac knowledge their own inferiority by attempting to build upon the reputation of the original. None Genuine unless bearing this Stamp, JAMES MEANS’ Q 3 SHOE. WsU - Made in Button, Congress and Kt fter" ®»Laee. Best Calf Skin. Unex W ; V '- ISleelled in Durability, Coni/bricfe IK Ver Appearance. A postalcartl wa sent to us will bring you in W V-‘- of formation how to get this w; \.’, oK Shoa in any State or Gp' V’ ''Wk 'l’ttnltory. W-ites&Co ® ’ Lincoln St. wl Boston,Mass. QHKL sunn iT%Ehi ; Our celebrated factory produces a largerquantltv Os Shoes of this grade than any other factory iu the world. Thousands who w<-:o- them will tell you the reason if you ask them, .f tyiEAA?*' SpA KHOF for <ts nnrnbilitv. DROPSY W treated free. ■ DTi. H. H. G-RH’KN’ & SONS, Specialists for Thirteen Years Pa«t, Have treated Dropsy and its complications with the most wonderful success; use vegetable remedies, en tirely harmless. liemove all symptoms of Dropsy m sight to twenty days. Cure patients pronounced hopeless by the best ol physicians. From the first dose the symptoms rapidly disappear, and in ten days at least two-thirds of all symptoms are removed. . Some may cry humbug without knowing anything about it. Remember, it does not cost you anything to realize the merits of our treatment for yourself. In ten days the difficulty of breathing is relieved, the pulse regular, the urinary organs made to discharge thou full duty, sleep is restored, the swelling all or nearly gone, the strength increased and appetite made good. We are constantly curing cases of longstanding, cases that have been tapped a number of times, and the pa tient declared unable to live a week. Give full history of case. Name sex. How long afflicted, how badly swollen and where, are bowels costive, have legs burn ed and dripped water? Send f» r free pamphlet, con taining testimonials, questions, etc. Ten days’ treatment furnished free by mail. If you order trial send lOef s in stamps to pay postage Epilepsy (Fit«) Positively Cured. H. 11. GREEN Ar SONS M. De., lu DOC - BUYERS’ GUIDE., 0 if«c— Col<,red plates, 100 engi-nviiigs j! BBi of different breeds, prices they are I worth, and where to buy them J] I Mailed for 15 Cents. L. ' ASJ ASSOCIATED FANCIERS, i S. Eighth St Philadelphia, Pa. jij WE WANT YOUI profitable employment to represent us in every county. Salary jrs per month and expenses, or a large commission on sales if preferred. Goods staple. Bvery one buys. Outfit and particulars Free. _ STANDARD SILVERWARE Co., BOsION, MASS. BUSIK ESS i Education a specialty at 3I(H>RF.’S IM SI NESS I NIVERSITY, Atlanta. Gr. Ona of the beat I icbools in the Country. Send for Circulars, tBORSTOrSHfTGOTB POWDER Keeping Teeth i’erfec. and Guma Healthy. GAROEN SEEDS ® a,al «“ as —ua-tataa-..- uas. Free. ' Pr-.ncte Drill. Uy-- r <tk_vp. LongJst ou., Nv ; ? lor * J . 11 ’ ue Dubit cured in 10 illT ity ssh l -‘-‘ r Wv ■ ■ w ois In a i ; .Ati.. utu 11 y.MluiL O A TFW TC ouiahr (1. Send atampTu? i R ‘Rveator.V Guide. U • Uaji, ruieut Lawyer, Washington, D. C. THE GREATEST BLOOD and invigorator Os the Age. The Giant oi the iioes Botanic Blood Balm. IT POSITIVELY CURES All Chronic Diseases. Ji9 r °r , i’a» IKidney, Btndder and Blood Taint, Liver Complaints, »ypliilitic Complaint, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Eczema, Glandular Diseases, Scalp Disease, Ulcers, Female Diseases, Chronic Rheumatism Affections of the Erysipelas, Lungs and Throat. It purifies the blood, restoring health and vigor, and removes all debility. IT IS A SPLENDID TONIC. Malaria in its various forms gives wa y under its influence. Os the Thousands Cured we Give the Testi mony of a Few Grateful Patients. Miss Minnie Wallace, of Atlanta, lost her hearing, her sight and sense of taste. Sores covered her body and limbs. She is now a well woman. Write to her. For four years I have been afflicted with a severe case of Blood Poison, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. I have used five bottles of B. B. B. and 1 have gained 60 pounds of flash, and am now as sound as any woman. Belle Dunnaway, Atlanta, Ga. For over two years I have been a sufferer from Rheu matism, affecting both shoulders. The use of several bottles of B. B. B. effected an entire cure. 1 refer to Rev. W. W. Wadsworth,Newnan,Ga. Jacob Sponcler. I would not take one thousand dollars for the benefit received. I had previously tried various so-called blood remedies, bnt B. B. B. is the best, the quickest and the cheapest blood purifier I ever used. 1 refer to sny merchant in Griffin, Ga. J. H. Barnes, Griffin, Ga. The B. B. B. medicine has done more for my kidney affection than any I ever used. Its action is speedy, and »t is a tine tonic. T. O. Callahan, Charlotte, N. C. I have been confined to my bed for two months with what was called Nervous Rheumatism, or .Sciatica. Four bottles of B. B. B. enabled me to discard the use of my crutches. J. P. Davis, Atlanta, Ga. WORTH MILLIONS! Send to us for our book of wonders. Free. It contains information that is worth millions to you. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM CO, ATLANTA, GA. « ATLANTA < SAW WORKS. Manufacturers of and Dealers in Saws and Saw-Mill Supplies. Repairinc a Specialty. Arents for L. Powxn A Coia>ASX’« M and Workinc .Machinery. - vrairaalwßk* Large and complete stock. Wnte for catalogue. Atlanta, Ga. J.P.STEVENS&BRO. JEWELERS. Atlanta, Ga. Hand for Catalogtie. SOUTHERN SEED for SOUTHERN SOIL Being- desirous of having some of our seed plant ed in every garden in the South, and knowing, as we do, there are no purer or better stocks of fered in the United States than ours, if you will send us SI.OO we will send to any address thirty papers of our regular size packets of Garden Seed (your own selection) and a quarter pound of Pride of Georgia Melon Seed. Southern Seed Com pany, Seed Growers, Macon, Ga. Send for our price list of all varieties of field and garden seed. •-'-.<5 l<adies! Those dull looks and feelings :V speak volumes! This Remedy corrects all con xy' ditions, restores vigor ' o an( l vitality and brings <5 back youthful bloom z beauty. Drw<;ol.sts. rs- Prepared at Dr. KilmersDlS- X <X’ naJSAR’T. Binghamton,N. Y. Olis. tetters of inquiry answered. X * Guide to Health (Sent Free). One Agent (Merchant only) wanted in every town for _ The -Tansni’s Punch” sc. cigars are hnnmtnw Never sold so in my in so short a rime. Will trv uwi give you another order this month. ' “ * y m ,»rm.iT A n K Millard, Ellisburg, N. Y. Your T.inshl s PuaeU ’ „c. cigar Is a good seiier. ... w. D. Craig, Draggtst, Aledo, lit. Address R. \y. TA NS ILL & Cil „ I PULVERIZING harrow, O C, 9 d . prusher and Leveler, w IS J -tool in the wond for preparing a g corn, cotton and other ground. D. H. NASH. Sole Manut’r, -di West Main St., Loulsvile, Ky. PENSION ?. ,, L-» e . s f-Wv, T WEN’rY-TWO YEARS’ EX i r. Correspondence Solicited. MILO B. STEVENS & CO. MM Qlolv’i* Oilla Great English Goutani Dldii 5 I isiSa Rheumatic Remedy. Oval Box »1.0(11 round, SO cts. I y Can get the most Practical Business Eda- atGo|(| H |||iih’M School o!’Bus- 1 Bread St.Atlanta,Ga. Send | fV fur Circulars A Specimen ot Penmanship. nPIUM ;w# I'ATN or self-denial Pay when cured. Handsome ' tMX| B fl^e - Do. C. J. Weatherby, Kansas City, Mo. RiA FOR ALIj. S3O a week and expenses WS £8 M K P 4 * ll • Outfit worth $5 and partjeulars ■ W WHlUrte P. O. VICKEBY, Augusta, Maine. (ME Aft Flat top No. 7 Cook Stove for SIO.OO 8 Wwith fixtures. Send for catalogue. A .P. vjPu WI Stewart A Co..(W Whitehall St., Atlanta,Ga. E? — to Soldiers * Heirs. Bendstatn» for Circulaw. COL. L. BIN*- « Vrl vS tiEStal HAM. Atl’y, Washington, D. C. ff: F“ to $3 a day. Sample, worth SLJS FRZB Line, not under the horse's feot. AddraM BatCWSTKR*’'SaritTY K i - tiot.VEK. Hol 1y . aliaH flD|| jU Cured.TrcatncntsentontriaL Vi IUIH Hi mam. :it.'..r.i,> <’<)., Lyette,lnd. CURES WHERE .W. US- [allCsST Best though Syrup, fa. i.- g.-mi. Use B in time. Soi l ■ . dnagists, |B| A?N. T™” .7.