The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, February 26, 1887, Image 4

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JOSIAH J. GRANT, >i IhetlwrlgM, Blacksmith and I General Jobbing, I Manufacturer of GRANT’S Celebrated I Cotton Gimlet for Sampling cotton. | 10f) Congress St.. near Montgomery, SAVANNAH, GA. i NEWLY FITTED UP. | LABORING MEN'S HOME Restaurant & Lodging, Wm. B. Brown, Proprietor, K i lA2 Bryan St., SAVANNAH, GA. Meals at all hours. Choicest brands of trines, liquors and cigars always on hand. L | STOP AT s Mis. G. H. Woa’s Hotel, i Only first-class house in the city for the accommodation of colored people. 1 a I bles supplied with the best the market affords. Convenient to business part of the citv. Terms reasonable. Mrs. C. 11. THOMPSON, Prop's”. ' Foui th street, Mac >n, Ga. HUMAN HAIR EMPORIUM. Ladies’ and Gents’ wigs made to ord r . £Jso Fronts, Toupees, Waves, Curls. Frizzes and flair Jewelry. We root and make up ladies’ own combings in any (desirable style. Wehave character \A i and Beards of all kinds to rent for Mas- ' ([ueradcs and entertainments. Ladies nxt children Hair cutting and shampoonii.;. Also, hair dressing nt your residence if required. We cut and trim bangs in ail of the latest styles. Cash paid for cut hair and combings of all kinds. All goods , willingly exchanged if not satisfactory. , Kid Gloves Cleaned. R. M. BENNETT, No. 56 Whitaker St. Savannah, Ga. ( FRANK LIN F. J<) N IBS, AT STALL NO. 31, IN THE MARKET, Announces to his friends and the public that he keeps on hard a fresh supply of the best Beef, Veal and Mutton, also all kinds of game when iu season, and will be glad to wait on his customers as usual with politeness and promptness. I!is prices are reasonable and satisfaction is guaranteed. Goods delivered if desired. DON’T FORGET, STALL NO. 31. Edward B. Campbell, WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL ZBTTTOZEZEIS,. Cor. Wheaton and East Boundary Street. Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork, Sausages, Poultry, Vegetables, etc. Articles fresh and of the best quality. Orders promptly tilled and delivered !', to any part of th" city. ~GREEN GROCERY.' HKN U V FT ICl.! > . THE OLD RELIABLE . GI? Tri tri IN T< O<J Sri 12 nrYTOIJLD inform his friends and the VV public that he still holds the for: t his old stand corner South Broad and East Boundry streets, where he keep-; on hand constantly, a full supply < f fresh Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Fish, Poultry, Eggs,* Game and all kinds of Vegetables. Trices reasonable—to suit the times. Goods delivered if desired. i A ROMANTIC MARRIAGE. A Matrimonial Sensation Reported from Cluittnnoogn, Tenn. A decidedly romantic marriage occurr ed at Chattanooga, a few nights since, which has just leaked out. Miss Minnie George is the pretty daughter of Captain J. F. George, and she has for a longtime • been engaged to John L. Jones, a well known youth of that city. They wished to get married, but being afraid to ask consent, concluded to elope. They secur ed a carriage at a late hour at night, and a friend having procured a license the\ started out to be married. They saw Pastor Wambald as he was leaving his church, and he was called to perform the ceremony. The pastor took his seat in front of the couple and driving to a neighboring lamp post in order that he might see to read the license, he made them man and wife. AN OLD MAN’S DISGRACE. The Treasurer of Texas Grand Ixtdge of Odd Fellows in Trouble. Judge Thomas M. Joseph, for several years treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of Texas, is short in his accounts §23,L85, being the entire fund of the Grand Lodge. Joseph was de feated for re-eection hist week. IL* says he lost the money nearly four years ago in mining. He \y^ s mayor of Galveston from 1858 to 1862, and .stood high in the community. He is nearly 70 years old, und has a large family of grandchildren. He is utterly prostrate t by his fall. Grand Master Gibbs dec’ares he will prosecute the defaulting officer until the doors of the penitentiary are closed upon him. Joseph is practically under arrest now. “DON’T YOU_WORRf.” How Shrewd BuHinee" Men Have Solved " a Great Problem. “Is there a fatality among our prominent men*” is a question that we often ask. It h a question that perplexes our leading medical men, and they are at a loss to know how to answer it. ... We s imetimes think that if the physicians would give part of the energy to the con sideration of this question that they give -e combatting other schools of practice, u might be satisfactorily answered. The lights of “isms” remind us often or t the quarrel-’, of old Indian trills, that were onlv happy when they were aumhuating each other. , , , if Allopathy makes a discovery that promises good to the race. J'oin - opiit.i’. de rich sit and breaks down its influence. i: llomo opathy makes a discovery that prom ises to be a boon to the race, Allopathy at tacksit. , , , „ It is absurd that tlie-e s bools should .ancy that all of good is in th if methods and none in anv other. . . Fortunately for the people, the merit which these “isms” will not recognize, is recognized by the public,and this public recog nition, taking the form of a demand upon I the medical profession, eventually compels it to recognize it. is it possible that the question ha- been answered by shrewd business men? A promi nent man once said to au inquirer, who asked him how ho got rich: “I got rich be cause 1 did tilings while other people were thinking about doing them. ’ It seems to us that the public have recognized what this fatality is, and how it can bo met, while the medical profession has been wrangling about it. By a careful examination of insurance re ports we find that there has been a sharp re- • form with reference to examinations, (and i that no man can now get any amount of in surance who has the least development of kidney disorder,) liecause they find that sixty out of every hundred in this country do, either directly or indite tly, suffer from kid neydisease. Hence, no reliable company will in urea man except altera rigid uri nary examination. This reminds us of a little instance which occurred a sh ri time ago. A fellow editor was an apple n it fora respectable amount of insurance. He was rejected on examination, ' because, unknown to himself, his kidneys I were diseased. The shrewd agent, however, did not give up the case. He had an eye to busi ness and to his commission, and said: “Don’t you worry; you get a half dozen bottles of Warner's safe cure, take it according to directions and in about a month come around, and we wiil have another examina tion. I know yon will find yourself al! right and will get your policy.” The editor expressed surprise at the agent’s faith, but the latter replied: “This point is j a \ aluable one. Very many insurance agents I all over the country, when they find a cus- ' tomer rejected for this cause, give similar advice, ami eventually lie gets - the insur ance,” What are we to infer from such circum stam es? Hate shrewd insurance men, as well as other shrewd business men. found the secret answer to the inquiry ? Is it possible that our columns, have be-n proclaiming, in the form of advertisements, what has proved a blessing in disguise to millions, and yet by many ignored as an advertisement! In our tiles wo find thousands of strong testimonials for Warner’s safe cure, no two alike, which could not exist except upon a basis of truth; indeed, they are published under a guarantee of DOO to any one who will disprove their correct ii'ss, and this offer has been standing, we are told, for more than four years. Undoubtedly this article, which is simply dealing out justice, will be considered as an advertisement and be rejected by many as such. We have not spac? n r time to discuss the proposition that a poor thing could not su i e?d to the extent that this great remedy has succeeded,could not become so popular with out merit even if pushed by a Vanderbilt or an Astor. Hence we’take th - liberty of telling our friends that it is a duty that they owe to themselves to investigate ttya, matter and re flect carefully, for the statements published are subject to th? refutation of the entire world. None have refuted them: on the con trary hundreds of thousand? have believe 1 them aud proved them true, and in believing have found the highest measure of satisfac tion, that which money cannot buy. and money cannot take away. Jenny Lind is said to be very intoler ant toward young singers. A New Way to Pity Ohl Debts. Shakespeare tells how this can be accom plished in oneoi his im nortal plays; but.debts to i aturen.usi b- paid on demand unlcssdays of grace he obtained through ihe use of Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Discovery,” It i not a “cure-all.” but in\aluable lorsore throat bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, consumption .and all disea-es of this pulmonary and otiur or gans. caused by scro 'ula or ‘ba I In o i.” ulcer-, sve.llngs and tumors are cured by its wonderful alterative action. By druggists. Seven women lin’d the position of count,i Superintendi nt of Schools m Illinois. Dr. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescrip: Ion" s » most powerful restorative tonic, and combiner the most valuable nervin > properties; espe cial y adapted to the wa its of debili a cd la dies sutfei in;; from weak back, inward fever co.igestb i inflammation, or ulceration, <« from nervousness or neuralgic pains. li> druggists. ‘ The worn ,n who neglects her husband's shirt front is no longer the wife of his bosom Prickly Ash Hitthks warms up and invig orates ti e stomach, improves and strengthens the digestive organs, opens the pores, pro motes perspirat on. and equalizes the circula tion. As a corrector of a disordered system there is nothing to e jual it. If you have a Cold, dough, (dry-hacking’ Croup. Cankered-thmat, Catarrh Dropping causing cough’-Dr.Kilmer’s I ndian Cough Cur." ((lonsmiiplioin Off) will rel eve instantly heal and cures. Price 25c., WX - . and sl. The rai roul stove, danecrou? as it is, has nt tt.irur for the legislator who rides on a pass. Prepare for Spring It is none to early to be getting ready for spring r.nd the first thing which fhonld receive atten Hon is your own system. It y u have not been well during the winter, have been troubled with scrofula, salt rheum, or other humors of the blood, you should purity the blood by takl.r; iioo !’s s.iraparLln. You will then escape that indcs ribable tirod foellng which 1- o prostre. ting an t often sounaecounuible In the sprlu; months. Do not p off taking are liable medicin •, but take Hood's Sorsaparitla befen It Is too late. “ I take Hood's Sarsaparilla for a spring medicine, and I ilnd ft just the thing. It tones up my system and makes me feel like a different man. 3ly wife lak-sit lor dyspepsia and sb - derives great benefit from it. She says It Ls the bes' niodleino she ever took." I'e.AMi;-C. Tlr.m.u, Hook i Ladder No. 1. I'ri< nd Street. Eoeton. Mas?. 5 i-. C. \V., Lowell, Na-s., wascomj lelely cured of sick hea-laehe, which.she bad had 16 years, by 11, od's Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Fold by an druggists. si ; six for Prepared C .L HOOD & (X)., Apothecaries, Lowell, Uasa, _JOO Doses One Dollar Principal Cities’ Pseudonyms. Alexander —Delta City. zVtlanta—Gate City. Baltimore—Monumental City- Boston—Modern Athens. Brooklyn—City of Churches. Buffalo Queen City of the Lakes. Chicago—Garden City. Cincinnati—Queen City of the West. Cleveland —Forest City. Detroit —City of the Straits. Hannibal—Bluff City. Indianapolis—Railroad City. Keokuk, lowa—Gate City. Louisville—Falls City. Lowell—City of Spindles. Maysville, Ky.—Seven-Acre City. Milwaukee —Cream City. Nashville —City of Rocks. New llavon—City of Elms. New Orleans—Crescent City. New York—Gotham. Philadelphia—Quaker City. Pittsburgh—lron City. Quincy—Model City. Savannah—Forest City, Springfield, Ill.—Flower City. - It Will be Red Next Year. “Did you hear that Tom May was ■ married last week ?” “No! Is that so? He didn’t marry that red-headed widow on Chestnut street, did he?” “That's what; only he doesn’t put it just that way.” “What shade docs he make her out?” “Well, I met Tom to-day, and in quired w hat he had. been up to, and his i answer was that he had been ‘ringing ’ the chestnut belie.’” How to Gain Flesh and Strength. Use after each meal Scott’s Emulsion with Hypophosphites. It is in palatable as milk, and easily digested. Ths rapidity with which delicate people improve with its use is wonder ful. Use it and try yoifr weight. As a remedy lor Consumption, Throat affections and Bron chitis, it is unequal© I, Please read: “I used Scot's Emulsion in a child eight months old with goo 1 results. Ho gained four pounds in a very short time.” Tuo. Prim, M. D,, Ala bama. " Your presents is desired at our Christmas celebration," was a. boy’s letter to his uncle. A Terrible Fire. What a thrill of terror passes over us when we rea l the record of some tearful devasta tion by fire, and yet it is a sac t that, thousands are daily being consumed by the inward tire of fever, caused by consumption of the lungs, which could basubdued by Dr. P.erce’s “Gold en Medic al Discovery.” It, s the etnnty heart, that aches. ' is different. New Orleans Picayune. LIKE A RIVER THE PRAISES OF B. B. B. POUBS IN UPON US. Would That We Had Space to Pub lish a Hundredth Part. ROCKMAHT, Ga., December 2!th, 1886. — G. M. Morgan came to my office in October with an old scrofulous ulcer of many years’ , standing. On examination I informed him, in addition to my local treatment, ho must have a telood purifier Ho preferred your B. B. 8., which acted like a charm, and with ; my treatment and B. B. B. he is now a sound i man. 1 am a regular practicing physician,and this is the first time I ever addressed a patent medicine company, I regard B. B. B. as one of the best patent blond medicines. W. J. ADAIR, M, D. P. S.—G. M. Morgan is now on E. T.,Va. ind (’a. Tl. R., but was formerly supervisog oi' bridges and trestles on the Richmond and ; Danville R. R., and is a gentleman of con i ■durable influence, being identified with the • railroads generally. W. J. ADAIR. NEW TOY, N. C., June 29. 1886.—8100 d Balm Company, Atlanta: Your medicine was used iu the ease of my mother, now about 45 yeiM’s of ago who has been afflicted with rheumatism for the past ten years. After using three bottles, we consider that . an ent ire cure has been effected. I used one | bottle myself for a humor of the blood, ■ which caused a disfiguring breaking out on my face aud all parts of my body. The re- I suit is that my skin is smooth and perfectly ree from pimple or blotch. A perfect c ure has been effected. W. T. MOREHEAD, Newtown, N. C. BALTIMORE, Feb. 5, 1887.—Botanie I Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sirs: j I had suffered with b'.eeding piles for two I years, and take pleasure in stating that I . have been ent re'y cure.! by the use of one i bottle of “Botanic Blood Balm” (B. B. B.) ; 1 cheerfully make this statement for the 1 benefit of the public. CHAS. REINHARDT, No. 2026 Fountain St., Baltimore. McL J 5, ,o ° l!e ’ t Kinds: :toth SB fIA C atalogues free. Sk nft r LS i« I H'S State and 1 Niagara for US I post paid. Bngh ton, Delaware,, Elvira. Lady. Catawba. I siartnn. Moore's Early, Worden. Pocklington, Diamond, Vergennes, Ac., at lowest rates. Raspber ries, Gooseberries. Jess,:- strawberry. Lucretia Dew beny.Jte. CEO. W. CAMPBELL, Uei»w»re, Ohio. ■ TMSTOHSmMm Keeping Teeth Perfect aud Gums HeultUy. wv ’ Habit cured j n :3 1 Uff alia A J c ‘-eterto wtkipatl-ntecored hr a IVkJ IBS., part .; . . umu, . a y.ilien. * so Soldiers A Heirs. Send stamp COI.L. BING. a wdvlvliSw HAM, Aft’y, Washington, D. C. Art No. 7 Cook Stove for 810.00 TOsfa-** Wwith fixtures Send for catalogue. A.P. Wl Stewart A Uo.,t» Wlntatialßit.. Atlanta, Ga. The best and surest Remedy for Cure of all diseases scused by any derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation, Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to the beneficent influence of | It is pleasant to the taste, tones up the system, restores and preserves health. I It is purely Vegetable, and cannot fail to prove beneficial, both to old and young. , s a Blood Purifier it is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at 81.00 a bottle. Highest Awards of Moilals tn Europe and America. Ths neatest, quickest, safest an 1 most powerful rem- known for Rheumatism, Pleurisy. Neuralgia, Lm.ii.iigo, Backache. Weakn- ss, cold In the chest ami ail aches ami pains. Endorsed by 5,(X.K) Physi cians and Druggists ot the highest repute. Benson's Plasters promptly relieve and euro where other plasters and greasy salves. Ilnin -nts and lotions, ar - absolutely useless. Beware o'" imitations under slm far sounding names, such ;:s ' . 'apsicum," ’‘Cap u -in.’ ‘ Capeielne,” as they are utterly worthless and Intended to deceive. Ask fob Basson's aso TASK SOOTHERS. All drugrlsts. S’ ABERY & JOHNSON. Proprietors. New York- Ask your retailer for the James Means' S 3 Caution I Some dealers recommend inferior goods in order to make a larger profit. This is the original $3 Shoe. Bewar® oi imitations which ac knowledge their own Inferiority by attempting to build upon the reputation of the original. None Genuine ualems bearing this Stamp, JAMES MEANS’ S 3 SHOE. Ur Mute in Button, Congress and lAiee. Ilest Calf Skin. Utiex w , \n Durability, Comforts K'S V’.-ffie .ii eearance. A postalcard Y'.y sK s atiouswHl bring you in- V. f- t maoion how to get this W \ ? Bho ® * n any State or iW N?-.. > Territory. W X Means&Co eßi -HLlncolnSt, 1 "’• Boston,Mass. ° sHoCy WffllSiSlilßUri Our celebrated factory produces a larger quantity of Shoes of this grade than any other factory in t ha world. Thousands who wear them will tel I'you the reason if you ask them. .5 AMES MEANS’ au.oE fjr Boysls unaDDroaehef’. in Durability. SHOW CASES. WALL CASES. TVMwutSi-VA»— | , | l iyTrT—WILL rv s 'j:' •’' ■ i DESKS. OFFICE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES. A*k l’<»r Illustrated Pamphlet. T£RR¥ SHOW t’ASE CO., Nashville, Tenn- D R. KILMER’S . C °W« and Tickling in the Throat. x55Sk q A. r rest that Catarrh,Bron- chitist or Asthma. 'iNiis Remedy relieves quickly, Cures permanently. St 4 prevent i Decline Night-Sweats a-a mi ! .lea- '.i from Con.uuiptton. •’;? v iL’TJ, t '-dr- •-’■l - I vk. mi-ms's ,■ •'■.•..l'ingfiainton.N.Y. sr 9 r yi i •’< • st>f ihq’.iry answcro<!. N •‘-J’’ Guide to ( Sent Free). S SAVES YOUR LIFE. by Q NmKu-flSia.w'j; razru SOUD FACTS! “Seven Spriners” Ir wiil give you an appeiit ■. strengthen you up, cure Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea j a:ul aB ileedoches, purify the blood, act o.i the Kid , ney.-, reiievn Ghtarrli and ward off muiuria. Price, 50c. and p r bottle. Qickgy’s Eyewater 11 ”; ; onco. No cure,no pay. Ask for it. Sold by Druggists or sent by mail postpaid. Price 2nc. DiC’ikEV dt • iINhEKStDi, Manufacturers, Buistol, Tenn. Ono Agent (Merchant only) wanted in every town for Although I was paying $3J.09 perl,i»o for mv lead . Ing sc. brand my sales are more than twentv-five t.mes as large sin e I put in your “Tansill’s Punch" : sc. cigar. I could not have believed it. Yonre re spectfully, Wm. JI. Dale, Druggist, Chicago. Address K. W. TANSILI. Jt CO.. Cbicauo. WELLIMLUN6 ' Machinery for \\ ells of er.y depth, from 20 to 3 000 fe for Water, Oil or Gas. Our Mounted Btoarn Driflinc muJ Portable Horae Power Machines set to work in2o minutes. Guaranteed to drill faster and with less ixiwer than anv Pi ain I,0 ? ) *J an " ers an<l Others are rnaki ng (■.Sli Jo »4O per day with our machinery and teds. Splendid business for M inter or Summer. We are (he oldest snd largest, Manufacturers in the buslress Send 4 ccnSs in Stamps for illustrated catalogue H. Abobbss, Pleree Weil Excavator Co., New York. ! JONES - » A OO w a«oa Scales, Y Ix ron „ Bearings, Biau Bcao: R*ani Box for * Pt" 1 1 BTe ’’ Scal< ’. f fr»« lid 4 C Wirßl ' E< ” 1 'nur2 1, 2. ,1 2'' f ‘ r ‘ niS -Vldrea. IB? iff iA Aath n» Cure aever /.uh to clreH e • > ’’eht/ iu the v.'or:<t cases, insures coai-ES <a. r V 0,0 sh>ep: e2t?w eurta where all others fail, .1® J o» or by mail Sample FIU F f O "M Hst&mp. I> K , r. fcvjl li> M A jm. Puu!. JMfnn.& HtXiCas’WiF? bUHViVORS If a ” ! '; hß ;. r Yr 7 s - -Yr Pension L>w. Annlvat. JL 8 ' im urn,-'.. ,;X : / Attorney-at-Law. P. O. B,x «3, Waahin” u, D. C . p - r, . e . t: 01 B ”-ines« Eda- . t /T. z . Tty f’ llion |‘t <-oi<!-»u>il tps ... G u f S /■ * d S! “ Atfant 1, g"‘ &!ud - ’■ A Npecnnen u[ Penmanship. 1 t» SS a day. samples worm »LSJ FUSS Lines not under ths horse's fest. Address vwj.o gßKWsvgß’ss.r.rv Kitts iljuusa. Hob y.alien 13 A T iff MT Q Obtained. Send stamp for IE. I\S S(y inventors'uulde. L. Brso -6 iLui, FakrnC ujwyer, Washington, D. C. CNIY IROS IRON QTONIC TOa” _ —3SI Will purify the BLOOD regulate the LIVEP and K’DNEVS and Rwtohf. the HEALTH andVIG- Oil cf "YOUTH. Dyspppsia.Want Arpntite, Inilirestien.Lsck o* Strength and Tired Feeling ab ’SSIBBWtresL Eolntely cured: Bones, mns. ci«s and nerves receive new force. Enlivens the mind 6 .,d supplies Brain Power, , ,i ,■■■■■■■■.—.. l. tiuffering from complaints, fi if\ UT'l*. 3 '■vi 'S'S peculiar totheir rei will find inDB- HAKTES’S IBON TONIC a oafe cad speedy cure. Gives a cieor, heal thy complexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeit ing ouly add to the popularity of the original. De not experiment—get the Original and Best, a Dr. HARTER’S LIVER PILLS h. MCure Constipation. Liver Complaint and Sick® I Headache. Samplo Eoso and Dreatn Book® 1 mailed on receipt of two cents in postage. J the DR.HARTER MEDICINE COMPANY, St. Louis, Mo. A. GURESW HERE ALL ELSE lASLST ns Bost Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use Eg EH in time. Sold by druggists. I Hainesville, N. J., ? October 15, 1886. > E. T. Hazeltine, I Warren, I’a. De ir Sir: ■ . I was taken witboa very W severe cold last Spring, and tried every cure wo m had in the store, and could $i get no help. || 1 had o r village doctor |@ prescribe for me, but kept || getting worse. I saw au- |g other physician from Port fig Jervis, N. Y., and he told S me he used Piso’s Cure for Consumption in his prac- fcg tice. B I bought a bottle, and ® before I had taken all of it n there was a change for the m better. Then 1 got my etn- ra ployer to order a quantity S of the medicine and keep S it in stock. I took one 9 more bottle, and my Cough 9 was cured. Picspectfully, Frank McKelvy. T® CURES WHERE ALL ELSt fAILST ET Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use RS EE in time. Sold by druggists. gl O> 3SL Xjh IST Tlia Croat Nursery of FERCraOK HOSSES. 200 Imported Brood Mares Choicest Families. WRC® NUItEBEK'-i, A " e3 > both Sexes, STOCK. h > ■ < .'W‘ ii il ’ s ■' ■( . : d;>; 1 300 io 400 !?HS’OIRTF.ES ANN V .LAD.' from Fr.’inc". all v ?ordcd ith extended ped!p;r< <s in ' ’ i I’crchur»,n stii'i IV’.-iis. ThePcreh iron Is tbe only drafb bteed of Franeo : -ASFessing a stud bock tli.ifc ba ' the support and endorsement of tlr. French Govcrmnenu Send for 120-pago Catalogue, illustrations hy Kona Bouheur. Q « K A Wayne, DuPage Co., Illinois. ’/jtYaiLta > SAW WORKS. Manufacturer® of and Dealers in Saws and Saw-Mill Supplies. Uepairins a Hpociafly. Agoutsfor L. PowsbA ComtanTl »> 00. l IVorktr-g iHaehirrry. Largo and complete atock. WnH far catalogue. Atlanta. Ga. I.MtEVENSOR.i’ JEWELERS. Atlanta, Ga. I Head for Catalogue. _ B SpO r PULVEHIZING | Clod Crusher and Levelefil The Tool in tae vaji’M I'x.l” prej;aiiaM oflin, cotton rcc *3 nth or prom V D. 11-I 1 -- Sale Ma»A£uV.. \s. etc Malt St,. LouasvikkiM : ■I‘IIJOCBUYERS’c;:hk' I ; : | ■ Colored plates, IGO engr." '• jfl ■?,- Los dufarnnt breeds, price.s to J 'IK ‘fagßlHa]*-yonh, and wli. ri,- to buy ' H - Mailed for 15 Cents. SM ‘ ' \«-j ASSOCIATED FANCI&"':: U fry. ....jJk'rZy? S- iigutti St WE YOU! DroCtab’.o en-ploymar.t to represent ns r county. S»Jary g.C per month «md exv " ' Inrge commission on soles if preferred. Goc-" W 3 Every one bu .Outflt and particulars Free. . ~ JSTanla d pilv ekwabb co.. e tj si isriS s ■ I K-fr.cation a specialty at iIIOOHE’S Bl tai I '•.IVL'i.SITV. Allmitri, «C». On, o« - F® .ebools in the Country. Seud for Uireulart. IS I Blair’s ««1 Oval Box Itl.jOl round, 50 ifj riiiiislSii! Habit Cured. Treatment @| VFtyifil Hvman;; remedy Co., Lal <;■ Piso's Remedy t< :- Catarrh is the M I'aw Beat, Easiest to'Use, aud CheuP'X 4 - jjggMH Mm Also good for Cold in the MH f Htsadache, Hay Fever, ic. 50 ceuto- M i7 57v77^7~. :L7~./.... «<s-- ! ; H