The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, March 26, 1887, Image 3

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usmum mini MARCH 26. Ikß7 'JThTI. Fried tor your fancy I'ercal Shirts. p».,. e B ill at Thunderbolt. P*'k e ery pm d y »* 3 " cl ck p ui . between local clubs. R eV . C. P. Johnson, passed through our city yesterday on his wav to Louisville. Syrup of Nitre cures Coughs. Colds £ c . For sal by all drugg st>. All coloied uieu wh-i were in the pniou army • mvy «'uruu tt e late vi r arc mvited »o »tte d a meeting at (he Union Linco n Guard- hail en *),iUi'day nigh the 31st instant at 8 o clock. Over-halls in great variety and cheap it L Fi ied s. Capt .L. L. Goodwin the courte ous and efficient city marshal has been elected city sheriff, and vvil enter upon the duties of his new ft:ee on the first proximo. North on and Ten- ess e Beef. Mut ton mid Ved ot the b st quality always oi In da’ H Logan’s stadf 07 and (58 C’.ty M irk t. # The Alaska remedies must be wonderful in their effects to judge from those who have them. The agent constantly receives testimoni als from parties who have been ben efitted by them. Sold by all drug gists. Read their advertisement in our columns. Goto L. Fried or your Collars ant Cuffs The Union Cornet band will cel ebrate its Sth anniversary on Mon day night next by giving a grant ball at Odd-Fellows’ hall, Harris street. The mayor and aldermen and other distinguished gentlemen have been invited. Goto L. Fried for your Pleated White »nd Fancy Snirts A petition has been presented to the city council to prevent the hawking of vegetable, etc., in the morning during market hours. The petition was referred to the market committee. This proposition to take away the means of making an honest living from hundreds of our poorer people is viewed with indig nation by a majority of the people. It the petition should be acted on favorably it will not only entail suffering on hundreds of people, hut would he a source of great inconveni ence to hundreds of f amilies who are unable to employ servants to send to the market. The committee will no doubt report againt the ,e --tition; atleast we hope so. For the atest stvhs<>f bbts, Collar.- *nd Cuffs L. Fiied’s the } laee. B «t»u and Balttm Cor .da' H Lo i • ■ tails, 67 and —>#> beach institute concert- The grand concert took place at Beach Institute last night. The program consisted of choruses, solos, drills etc., by the scholars, of she Institute, which were effectively rendered. A large and apprecia tive audience was present to enjoy the evening’s entertainmeut. For Underwear L. Fried’s the place. Iry L. Fried for your Red Flannel Fhirts and Drawers BISHOP A W WAYMAN. Bi'hnp Waynian one <> ibn disting uished heads of the A. M. K. church arrived in onr city on Wednesday Ls amJ preached at St. Phillips’ church a nijilit. A Free congreuadou w»' present to hear the eminent divine *ho pieachcd an interestiag and in itructive serumn taking his tex iroui he Ist chap, of Isaiah* The Bi.-ho • on he next day, in company wnh Eva. R' bcrtson,Taylor and Wilson, paid the Iribunk a brief visit, and ieit for Baltimore b\ way ot t'li u leston. Outrages ut the Cemetery. Many complaints are made of the obbery of decorations, placed on raves of d parted ones by loving rel itives and friends, lo some iu-tances *' e diieves have taken flowers and co-t --y r " s e bushes which cannot be re i'ai-eff Another serious complaint is le bring ot guns in the iuunediiie tctiijty of the cemetery to the pOMiive '' £' r of human life, and the terror of visitiug the graves of lov> d ones. ‘ call ihe attention of the authori ies 1 the matter and hope a stop will be ut to the nuisances, and that an effut 1 , e ® a( le to apprehend the thieves b r >ug them t<> ire rited punishment cry is L. Fried is the place for lr,8 i Collars aud Cuffs. rid lbC Kle P haal Over-halls at L. Sad nd of a Young MAN. James C. Monroe a voting man a native ot this cifv diedat the Insane Asylum, Milledgeville a few da vs since, and the remains were brought home on Thursday for interment, lhe funeral took place from the 2nd i lia P tlst v-iuu ch. Rev. A. Ellis offici-! atmg. Mr. Monroe was at one! one ot our brightest young men, and gave promise of being of gieat service to his people, hut the teartul malady insanity brought his caieei to an untimely end. 11 is many friends will learn of his death with great regret. — 18. » Savanuaii’b wt<!riry The ministers in charge of our colored churches held an important meeting this week at Mt. Zion Bap tist church, to consider what could be done to ameliorate the condition of the inmates of the Georgia In firmary. A permanent organiza tion was effected, Rev. A. Harris, president, Rev. M. R. Wilson, sec retary, Rev. S. 11. Robertson, treas urer. The organization will meet on the last I uesdav in every month. It was resolved that the churches will give each such a proportion as will justify the employment of a night nurse for the Intirmaiy at $lO per month, the amount to be turned over to the proper authority for disbursement. A committee was appointed to see what money should be raised shall be expended so as to reach the wish of the meeting, and to report the state of affairs and condition of the inmates in the In firmary monthly. This is truly an effort in the right direction to help the suffering poor of our race. The secretary was directed to furnish an abstract of the proceed ings to the Tribune for publication. l*l On A CARD OF ThA*K*. I return my sincere thanks to my many friends who purchased tickets for the hop on January 3d 1887. I have become the winner of the sil ver cup, which had been offered for the most vigilant committee who sold the largest number of tickets. Yours truly, Clarence M. Roberts, Ist Sergt. Lone Star Cadets, Savannah, Ga., March 19, 18S7. Every one is mt rented in km.wing’ tfiar Dr. S C. I'arsons is daily <x mi ining all rn-tso s * i«Ti or po >r fre-- id charge, for ail d se*-<-H whether m-di-al **r surgical and th 'rough in - v ry ease, j Thousuids who have con-u ted him in the pist two years at his drug .'tore and ffit-e coiner of L her y and M *ntec-*m- j cry streets, can testify t• his cures, as his vast ixpenenOtt obtained in differ ent coun ries. ho-pitds and private practice enables h m t • detect *1 Lease win r. it w<*uld he overlooked by others. He also exam nes ari l treats th * eye for all dis ages and keeps a full iin • ot spectacles eye gi ss s, e ••, It is the head quarters ot Dr. S. C. Parsons timd cines Electric Suoponers, El-ctric Belts, Ehcrric Lang Pr •u-etots, Ehi'tic Hosery. Belts, 'lt usee', Spin's. Crut h> s, L idies’ Doily or T ilet B its Suspension--. Bhould> r Rrac*s Pde ‘I ru'ses, Pile Pipes, Arifieial L mbs. and all Surgical appliances for Deform dies made to ord. 1, a full due of Spec tacles, Eye Glasses, a i-nu ph-te st ck ! of l)ru„8 t nem cals Herbs Ro is and Bark-. mi 11 n— l m——n—ran : Tty Ons hill and is Convinced. A Great Cloud of Witnesses. Read what those say who have t usfd r. i\ i\ Schi.atterville. Ga.. Feb. 25 ’>-6. • I i• h<l Bin nuißtipm lust tall iu my , lees und ( eet > b-idlv tint I u ul<) j scarcely walk, aid tonld do no 1 work at rib. Ms father heard of 1 P. P. P. l avinir cmed a neighlmi ot outs (Mr Henry WaldmliJ of a • hud mie of r!n*:, aii>tn, and bought rue hot'h- to \ it in my case. The on<* Imtile cured tut* completely unil I lihvh not lnd a pain since, and my legs are as useful as ever they \v» re before I liad the then- | matistn. If \ou want to publish! this vott can do po. ;>s the tacts are well known. Respectfully. JOHNNIK •‘THICKLAND. J.E. HAMLET DEALER IN Beef, Veal and Mutton, Miry, Eggs, TeptiUn ui, Mis i( ill Mis ta 1 Also, Full Line of GROCERIES and family supplies, i Cor. Habersham & Charlton Sts 1 COUNCIL OF THF MUTUAL ELEE MOSYNARY ASSOCIATION- Office of the Secretary 1 Savannah, Gi.. Mar.h 15, 1887 ) At a meeting of the Mutual Eleetuo svnirv assoeiaiion, held on Hie 28th of, the •»!».-»:»!i..n <1 article Bih in re.anoo to expelled members was suspended Im- three mouths. Any pers. ii who has b a-o expelled for n n-pa\meul ol dues ma\ be re stored to un mbership up u app ictuion a"d the payment of $1 Memb- rs who hive In en suspended Ut a I inter p riol than thru- months must hivea physician's certificate ac c inpanying thei appli -atio • By ord. r of 1 lie Council Atu-s : C. H. Ebbs. S.-e’v. SPECIAL NOTICES. Hu- Inst pace to buy luinilure and ►to\es on the instuliiM tit plan is tit Free j m h and Oliver. ]}>2 Rr ughion s'reit. •I Crane Prac ical Watchmaker and Jeweler. An work guaranteed I• »r one yetr. Highest cash pi ices pud for old G"d and Si ver Watches and I Clocks sold on the Instalment plan. J. CRANES, ’ cor. Bry an and East Brotd streets. Sarannah, Ga. 1 1 Cyrus Campfield, Practical Jeweler, (late of S I*. Hamil ’ ton) has opened at No. 41 Whitaker street, wlu-te he will he phased to s e 1 all oi his old friend* and natrons. Prompt attention giu n to ll work i in'i us'i d to li lin and sitistac ion guar ■ anti ed. 1 > SAKE-* WiNTED. A FIRS -CLAS’"' Colored Bread > Raker can get steady employment at ■ good wages in Augusta, (fa., provided -,h is properly n comm-ml d. Further particulars given upon application at r his office. Harrison Crane The Wei-known Watch maker and •Jeweler can lie lound ai Ins old stand corner President and Dmytou stieets. where he gives special-attention to the repairing ol Clocks, Watches a d Jew elry He assures good work and prompt attention, thereby soli.-iting the patronage of a uenerous public. •'II7ANTED, everybody to know ! n Wilson’s is headquarters for I Fine Cabinet Photographs; family | groups and life-size heads direct •from the negatives. Cabinet Pho tos price three dollars and fifty cents a dozen. J. N. Wilson, 21 Hull street. WANTED, everybody to know that Bishop, the Photographer is back in Savannah a am and t- making those fine en.imeh d Ph't'.graphs it -$2 50 j e r d zen and tlio-e lain,-sized Fe r -otyp s at tlo- usual price 2 lor a qu rt. r or 4 for 50 C'-nts, a"d is loci ied for a 1. w davs only on W ist Broad and Gaston streets. Savannah, Ga OR. F. C LAMBERT I)ENT I S T . The in- rt on of Crowns -n Roots, obviating the wearing of a i.lut--. [a sp cia tyj d nc i t the m -st perf ct man ner. Teeth ex ract'<> with >ut pain. Consultation fne. Patronage solicited. Cor Honst n aud hv.uth Broad streets. Savannah, Ga. Horse shoeing;, Blacksmith ing, Etc. The undersigned will continue the busi ness of the late Daniel ()Connor at the shops on Bryan, Olive ami We-t Broad streets- In addition to blacksinilhing, wheelwrightiut; pain-ing and trimming, H()K K"HOEIN<i will be made a tranih of the business to be conducted at said shops, Mr. A- K. Wilson is hereby authorize! to co'lect our bills Our intention is to have first class work done at reasonable prices. We re pecifully solicit tbe pat ronage of the public P J OVO.WOR. W. H. H*Y. 1 Finn Family Grocers. DEALERS KN Liquor:, Tcuccs d Cigars. Huntingdon & West I?road Sts. John Kuck, DEALER IN Fine Groceries, Sides Liquors k East Brotd and Taylor .Streets, — SAVANNAH. GEORGIA CHMM&BAXMAJI Corner Congress &. Bull Streets (Second Floor.) SAVANNAH, UKOIIUIA. Te’-phooc Cab No. 100, answered da , ortught Ex racting Teeth One Dc.ta each, extiacung Teeth aud A'ttficial T< e'h a specialty. Fin quality of Tooth P wdt-r and Tm*th Bruslus for sale. LF* 1 ERMS CASH. mum 2LOOD P'JRiFIEP. l ures all diseases arising from an ini( ure state of the bl«N)d Cures Scrofula, Tumora I> stiguring Humors of the skin and scalp Liver and Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Billion-mess, Female Weakness and ati ue bi I Haling ami wasting diseases Gknti.kmkn —1 tiike pleasure in recom mending your valuable medi ines 1 have great faith in itie Alaska remedies because they hive afford.d me great relief. Alaska Blood Purifier will 1 111 Id up the shattered constitution ami make one feel like a new being, adding energy strengili and vigor 10 one’s system Ala ka Catarrh Compound is simply wouderf ill in its effects, it will cure Cold in the head and Head die almost Hi st.ntly, and 1 cheerfully ■ oiumeml them to all. Yours respec fuilv, KEV U L. HOUSTON, ‘ Savannah da. Alaska cleanses the blood, strengthens the I>odv and builds up 1 lie enf.elned aud broken down eonsiituii 11 LADIES, ii-e Alaska Blood Purifier it is specially adapted lo your complaints. "ALASkI DA lAllllll I’lllllMl'Ml" The indisputable sure l atarrh cure. Alas ka lias cured hundreds of cases in .*savaiin.ih when ail oilier n medies interly failed Alas k 1 neverfails it is infallible. What greater evidence can a people ask of a meiticme’s true me it than the te'liim ny furnisl ed you by Alaska Compound Co., from among vour own citizens friends and neighbors lesti mon of Polite Officer H \v. Boughn, A/axku Compound Co., Lynn , Mas*. (ten'/rmin; — I have suffered of ulceraiive Catarrh for ove. - four vear- 1 have tried most all ad. veriise medicines for the cure of ibis disease have also been under tegular nodical treat mem hut a I the time tin* disease was gettmg worse I could gel no reli f' until 1 tried Ala ka Blood Purifier and Ala-ka Catarrh Compound, which 1 am happy 10 sav give me instant relief speedily film wed bv a per fect cure. 1 now feel like a n w man and i cheerfully recommend it’s use by all suf ter era Yours Kespt. 11. IV. Bougiin, ALASKA OIL. The Oreat Pain Destroyer is of marvel . 011 s efficacy in lhe treatment and cure ol deaf ess, toothache, sore tlir at, headache, pains in the chest, siite, and back, rhenma lism, neuralgia, sprain- I rnisns. burns, cuts, chilblains, or lameness iu any part in the body. f. r corns, wails, and burnous. Alas a Medicines sold by Uruggisls everywhere, or sent to any address bv compmv’s agen: on receipt 1 f price Alaska Blood Purifier $1 per bottle, li for *5 Ala-ka Oil or Catarrh Compound 50 cents a boti!e,li for $2.50 •''pecial inducements to agents where our medicines are not sold. Aridre-s J A. Cal lahan, general agent. Alaska Comp’d Co., 178 Broughton, iSavannah •uwMMSWmaHMMHnMMHHi Toby Lloyd, Agt. DEALER IN ■» Ma r bc -mr Os all kinds and GAME in season. Prices as cheap as the cheapest. Call and see lor your self before buying elsewhere. Stall No. Jl, City Market. Snviiimafi, <ii»or«Tia The price of the Tribune is 50 cents tor 3 months, 75 cents for 6 monihti or $1.25 for 12 mouths. The Oldest anil Cheapest TRY GOODS HOUSE Go and look at his stock of Cloaks, Blankets, Shawls, Flannels, Dress Goods. Domestics- Ladies- Cents’, Misses and Children ~mjm ■»■<:■* wjba Below any other advertised prices. Also the public knows that his DOLLS are the Cheapest anti Finest known for years. Only go there and you will find things 0. K. t JACOB COIIE 152 Broughton Street, F. W. GKRBKR. Watchmaker & JewdSdr —DKAI.KII IN IM, ll<u( SPECTACLES Ac, Repairing doin' p ouipily and in woi kuianlike iiiHnn< r ALL WORK WARP ANTED P W G-EE.BER. No. I|4 ID tnjhtoii St Savannah, Ga. - - R. It. KBPPAKI). M. ALBERTSON. YELLOW PINE LUMBER FOR SALE AT Wholesale (nut Retail , Planed or Rough. REPPARD& Co. East Broad and Taylor streets, iu S F fi VV Ry. yard MONUMENTAL ChlTlSlieiitT. The Safest, Suren*. Qu ckest and best cure for Cohns Bunions And Warts, Shells • ff their further growth; stop* all pain; gives t»o trouble; ensures com fort to tlo- bet; makes walking easy. Don’t suffer any longer from these, ptinlul • xcri-scent-es but remove them with Com hln-ller. Pricw Only IS Cents. For Sal* by ail Gritfglats. George Euell, VVlicrlwi Black smith llors«»slioer^ And general repairing prompt ly attended to on the shortest notice and at prices to defy com petition. Wheaton street near liilbo’s canal. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA, THESE “PRICES. Smoked Shoulder, 4,5, 6,7, and 8 cents. Smoked Hams, 5,6, 7, and 8 cents. Sugars, 5, 51, 0 and cents. Flour, bhl. R.OO, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00. Tobacco, tL 18, 20,25, 27£ and 30 cents. All other goods in proportion. Now is the time for cash cus tomers. M. J. DOYLE, MAKKtT BgUAii*.