The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, April 02, 1887, Image 4

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Betrayed by his Horse. f The Chicago Herald tells this 9t. |uouis story.—“A horse has played an ian portant part in Frank Bowman’s do IPttostic drama,” said a man from St. ItouiK at the Grand Pacific last night. :/*Mr. Bowman once owned a horse which Sris first wife was very fond of driving. K>ne day Mrs Bowman rattled down a iquiet street in her coupe. The old Siorse trotted along at a good gait until ’lie came in sight of a little brown cot stage sitting well back from the street, twlien he suddenly swerved out of the proadway without any guidance from the Ireins, and came to a dead stop before the Igate Mrs. Bowman thought this rather i |atrange, and, whipping up the old horse, started home. f “Three or four days later she was; driving along the same quiet street when > the lorse again swerved out of the road- I "way and stopped before the little cot tagc- Iler curiosity became thoroughly aroused. Mrs. Bowman alighted from her coupe, walked up the pathway to j the house and rapped at the door. A ’very pretty woman responded to the knocking. | “‘Will you be so kind as to tell me ■who lives here?’ asked Mrs Bowman, surveying the pretty cottager from head to foot. K “ ‘Oh, certainly,’ replied the woman. ■ * .Mrs. Bowman lives here.’ “ ' Oh, is that so I ’ said the first Mrs. Bowman, turning to leave. ‘Pardon my ■ intrusion. | “A few months later the Mis. Bow ! man who rode in the coupe got a divorce from her husband and now the Mrs. Bowman who lived in the cottage has • been making things torrid for the St. Louis lawyer.’’ Govern be:, 1880, Thomas Torney, S ot De pot, Putnam Co., W. Va., wrote: “In bed with ; sciatica, am using St. Jacobs Oil.” Oct. 25th, 1188*1, he writes: “Three rubbings with it got ma out and cuted me. No return.” ' Employer—" You never complained of y<> n wages before, in fact, you never had anv cause for complaint. 1 have always p.t.d v->n enough to support your finally re-ped ivy ■and lay up some beside.” Worknun “Very : true; but you forgot my lodge expens.-.’' “We have used lied Star Cough Cure,” ' write the S stersof the N'otre, Dame. Govans town, M<l , lor the euro of coughs, oppression of the chest uni >tre thioat.” Price twenty five cents a b ttle. "There’s a great deal of talk," observe Mr. Jeami-s Yellowplu*h, in his unpublished jour nal, “about the ‘oil masters.’ Now, why, in the name of goodness, and commo:, eonse, don’t somebody tell us about the old ser vants. Ths Weaker Sex Are immensely >-trengthei.e I by the us a of Dr. R. V. Pierca’s “Favorite Prescription,’’ wh ch cares all f m de derangements, and gives t me to the system. Sold by druggists. Nothing will dissipate true love more quick ly than the smell of boiling cabbage. A' \T,. IWEBWIh r *r’„-T^w^ ; 'WSR jj & "wl-SS > hr y #SW $L^-Whwl w« ®raT'te : .« \ w KooSBO® /no gibOk ~=3fe? > ■k' <s< H '■wJisk<*J "is < '\i I i WBk* tVAaaWkL sn v ‘ Hi, b \ \ !tiv'6U . \ ■fiUuwfflißFfß^^*'JP® ft * ooli * \n» Bf\A 'mg • I v 'w RV Iwi «0 4 a uo jm m \\ \\\w3gwßw y IV r, ~ The Oft Told Story Os the peculiar medicinal merits o* Hoo.1'» Sarsa parilla is fully confirmed by the voluntary testi mony of tttousan Is who have tried It. Peculiar in the combination, prop rtlou and preparation of its tngr -clients, peculiar in the extreme care with which it is put up, Hood’s Sarsaparilla accotn pllshes cures where other preparations entirely fall. Peculiar in the unequaled good name It has made at home, which Is a “tower of strength abroad,” ; acullar in the phenomenal sales It has at talue I, the most popular and successful spring med icine and blood purifier before the public to-day is Hood’s Sarsaparilla •‘I have had running? sores on my limbs for five years, so bad at time# th it I could not walk i b >ut the house When 1 coiuin.-need taking H-nxl’s Sar saparilla I was In pain so severe that I cannot de scribe it. I could not walk ior sleep nights. I had Ho appetite and fell away. But H >od’s Sarsaparilla did me a wonderful amount o t good. I am well now to what 1 was when Ib. an to use It. I have a good appetite, have g lined u flesh, and can sleep well. My Mres are almost all heal d. and can do a good day's work, uni not ir.-ak down.’’—Mas- C. F. Lorao, Dover, N. II N. B.—Be sure to get th- Peculiar Medicine, Hood’s Sarsaparilla ■eld by all druggists, Bl: six for SV Prepare I only by <XJ. MOOD ■ 00., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mam. „ JOO Doses One Dollar .. J That Was Business. Omaha sinner—How do you like your new minister? Omaha saint—Don’t like him at all. . He is not cut out for a preacher; he ; ought to have been a business man. •‘That's a fault, is it?” ’ “Yes, sir; he has entirely too much business ability. Last Sunday he preached a roaring sermon on hypocrites, and at the close invited all hypocrites in the congiegalion to stand up. Or course no one arose.” “1 suppose not, but what of that? “Why, then he followed his advantage by passing the contribution box. j World. . ■ - “Certainly,” she replied, and she left ; the case in the hands of her bulldog, who ran the tramp half a mile and decided that a lockout was inevitable. —Ex. ■» • ♦ Extra Liability to Malarial Infection. Persons whose blood Is thin, digestion weak, and liver sluggish, are extra-liable to the at tacks of malarial disease- The most trifling exposure may, under such conditions, infect a system which, if healthy, would re istthe mi a-matic ta’nt. The only way to secure immu nity from malaria in localities where it is prevalent, is t> tone and regulate the system by imp oving weakened digestion, enriching the blood, and giving a wholesome impetus to i biliary secretion. These res dts are accom [dished by nothing so effectively as Hostetter s I Stomach Bitters, which Itn; exierience lias ; proved to be the most reliable safeguard igainstfever and ague and kindred disorders, i hs well as the best remedy f< r them, rhe Bit t-Ts ar.*, moreover, a i excellent invigorant ot I ilm organs of urination, and an active depur .‘iit.eliminat ng from the blood those acrid ’ mipurit ei winch originate rheumatic ai.- •iienis. An Interstate telegraph bill is the next thing promiord by congros.-. Lord, how much this world is governed! Chronic Coughs and Colds, And all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, can be cured by the use of S 'ott’B Emulsion, as it contains the healing virtues of Co l Liver Oil and Hypophosphib s ! th dr fullestform. Isa beautiful creamy l.r Mon, palatable as milk, i asily digested, aa : an be taken by the most delicate. Please read: "I consider Scott’s Emulsion the remedy par excellence in Tu berculous and Strumous Affections, to say nothingof ordinary colds and throat troubles.” -AV. R. 8. Connell, M. D., Manchester. O. The best weather for haymaking- When 1' rains pitchforks. When everything else fails. Dr. Sage’s Ca tarrh Remedy cures. Remember your honor, which raises you , above fortune and above kings. Ifyou havenumbneesin arms and limbs.hean. skips beats, tb-iinns or flutters, or you are nervous and irritable in danger of shock — Dr. Kilmer s Ocean-Weed regulates, relieves, corrects and cures. Those in want of paying employment, , shouid read the advert isment headed "Agents wanted" in another column. If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp son’s Eye-waler. Druggists sell at 25c per bottle The best cough medicine is Piso’s Cure for : Consumption. Sold everywhere. 25c. “100 Doses Ono Dollar," so often told of this P’" cullar medleine, H <xl‘» Sarsaparilla. Is not a catch line only, t ut is absolutely true o’ and original with this pre; aratlon £an 1 it Is as absolutely true that It 1 can honestly be applied only to Hood’s Sarsaparilla, j which Is the very best spring m dliine and blood purifier. Now, reader, prove It. Take a bottle home and measure Its contents. You will find it to > hold 10D teaspoonfuls. Now read the directions, i and you will find that t e average dose for different • ages is less than a teaspoonful. Thus economy and strength are peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla. Is the Best "1 commenced taking Hood's Sarsaparilla as an ; experiment, as I had no appetite or strength, and ft It tired all the time. I attributed my condition to ; s. rofulous humor. I had tri. d s veral dlffc rent kin Is of medicine, without receiving any benefit ! lutassoonas I had taken half abottle o' Hood’s ■ Sarsaparilla my appetite was rest, red, and my stomach felt better 1 have taken three bott es. and i my stomach never felt bettui.”— Mas. J. F. Dot.- i dxark, Pas oag, R. I. "Wo all like Ho >d's Sarsaparilla, it is so .strength enin Limie 8.U.F01 R, Auburn, R. 1. Do not be induced to take any other. Get Hood’s Sarsaparilla Fold by all dregglsta. gt; sir for $5. Prepared only by a I- HOOD & CO.. Apothecaries, Lowell, Mau. 100 Doses One Dollar _ “Over and Over Again.” Repetition is sometimes the only war to impress a truth upon the mind. Accordingly take notice that Dr. Pierce’s "Pleasant Purga tive Pellets.” (the orig nal Little Liver I ills) continue to be wonderfully effective,in sick and nervous headache, constipation, indiges tion, rush of blood to the head, cold extrern.- . ties, and a 1 ailments arising from obstruction of the bodiiy functions. Their action is thor ough yet gentle, and the ingredients being e )- tirely vegetable, they can be taken with im- ■ punity in o ths most delicate stomach. All i druggists. __ To none is life so sweet as to those who I nave tost all fear to die —Georjte Wilson. Daughters, Wives and Mothers. Send for Pamphleton Female Diseases, tree, ; securely sealed. Dr. J. B. Marchisi. Erica. N.Y I ELY’S CATARRH CREAM BALM / lawusedtwo bot- CUBIC 1 «e.s of Else Cream w Ln- I Balm and covwfil<’r ® myself cured. I suf- sered 20 years from catarrh and catarrh- : al headache amt this |||L OKs t.s the first remedy f/taf afforded lasting relief. T. Higgin- ETjHy U.SA. j son. 145 Lake Street, pri/rFt Chicago, 111. fl AY “rJG» w ifc Jhf A particle it applied into aach nostril and is agreeable to awe Price 5d clw. by mail or at druggists. Send for circular. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Owego, N.Y. pomuMaster Highest Award, of Medal, la Europe and America. The neatest, quickest, safest an I most powerful remedy known for Rheumatism. Pleurisy, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Backache. Wcakm si, cold In the chest and all aches and pains. Endorsed by 5.000 Physi cians and Druggists ot the highest, repute. Benson's Plasters promptly relieve and cure where other plasters and greasy salves. liniments and lotions, are absolutely useless. Beware of imitations under simdar sounding names, such as "Capsicum,” “Cap | ucln.” •‘Capsfclne." as Dr y are utterly worthless : tn<l intended to d-eelve. Ask for Besson's ash take soothit.s. All druggists. S lABURY & .1: OINSON ronrfetor' Now Yer’.- i : ——.—— DR KIIMFR'R Wrte of every five we b mes t . bag g()mo form o£ Heart Disease, and is in con stantdanger of Apoplexy, Shock or Sudden Death! *BThis Remedy regulates, re lieves, corrects and cures. tv Prepared at Dr. Kilmer’s • ’VfrNiPii IMw Disi’iixsAKY, Binghamton, N. Y. Price NsSSKmJf 6 for. Icttrr-. of inquiry answered. a. e.r. Guido to llea.lth(Sent Free). SI.OO $5 _oo Sold by Druggists. HIRES’ mPRDVi’.D HOOT BEER PACK AGE>, Makea 5 gallons of a delicious, sparkling temperance beverage, strengthens and pun i ties the blood. Its purity and delicacy of ilavurcom | mend it to all. >■4tl TJtY IT. n ■ to Soldiers ft Heirs. Bend stamp PftnCßftM© Clrcub-ue. COL. L. BING ■ HAM. Alt’y, Washington, D. C. LIVER, BLOOD AND LUNG DISEASES. «»as®M».»»»war Mrs. Mary A. McClure, Columbus, Kans., I turo ilßraQr writes: “I addressed you in November, 1884, Li 11.0 uluLv.uu j n regard to my health, being afflicted with fiun liver disease, heart trouble, and female weak- ~P U ness. I was advised to use Dr. Pierce’s HCkDT T RflllSl F Golden Medical Discovery, Favorite Pre ligßiii I :IJu scription and Pellets. I used one bottle ()1 - ,j lO .Prescription,’ five of the ‘Discov ery,’ and four of the ‘ Pleasant Purgative Pellets.’ My health be gan to improve under the use of your medicine, and my strength camo back. My difficulties have all disappeared. 1 can work hard all day, orwalk four or five miles a day, and stand it well; andwhen I began using the medicine I could scarcely walk across the room, most of the time, and I did not think I could ever feel well again. I have a little baby girl eight months old. Although she is a little delicate in size and appearance, she is healthy. 1 give your reme dies all the credit for curing me, as I took no other treatment after beginning their use. I am very grateful for your kindness, and thank God and thank you that I am as well as 1 am after years of suffering.” vuMKwwnng Mrs. I. V. Webber, of Yorkshire, Cattaraugus Co., I ilium |A\ F., writes: “ I wish to say a few words in praise LnEn l ot y° ur ‘Golden Medical Discovery ’ and ‘Pleasant g _ 1 Purgative Pellets.’ For five years previous to 8 Staking them 1 was a great sufferer; I had a | Luot-UOL. | gevere })a i n jn my right side continually; was 8m»8o™«iMnoeB« unable to do my own work. I am happy to say I am now well and strong, thanks to your medicines.” Chronic Diarrhea Cured.— D. Lazarre, Esq., 575 and 577 Decatur Street, New Orleans, La., writes: “ I used three bottles of the ‘Golden Medical Discovery,’ and it has cured me of chronic diarrhea. My bowels are now regular.” “THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.” Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which is the fountain of health, by using Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, and bodily health and vigor will be established. Golden Medical Discovery cures all humors, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scrofula, or blood poison. Especially has it proven its efficacy in curing Salt-rheum or Tetter, Fever-sores, Hip-joint Disease, Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, Enlarged Glands, and Eating Ulcers. 1 _ Rev. F. Asbury Howell, Pastor of the M. E. INDIGESTION Church, of Silverton, N. J., says: “1 was as- n UUW M dieted with catarrh and indigestion. Boils and bOILS blotches began to arise on the surface of the vuiluj skin, and I experienced a tired feeling and dullness. I began the use of Dr. Pierce's MLUiuiiLO. Golden Medical Discovery’ as directed by him for such complaints, and in one week’s time I began to feel like a new man, and am now sound and well. The ‘ Pleasant Purgative Pellets ’ are the best remedy’ for bilious or sick headache, or tightness about tlio chest, and bad taste in the mouth, that 1 have ever used. My wife could not walk across the floor when she began to take your ‘Golden Medical Discovery.’ Now she can walk quite a little ways, and do some fight work.” ■■■<■■■■lll >runiinani Strong, of Ainsworth, Ind., writes: I I l ‘My little boy had been troubled with hip-joint ■ iiu wouii a (jj geaso f or two vears. When he commenced the n]bC*f}C | use of your ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ and | L'oJl.U jE.. I ‘ Pellets,’ he was confined to his lied, and could K KM n»HMasa.'MaitKisa no t be moved without suffering great pain. But now, thanks to your ‘ Discovery,' he is able to be up all the time, CONSUMPTION, WEAK LUNGS, SPITTING OF BLOOD. Golden Medical Discovkby cures Consumption (which is Scrofula of the Ldngs), by its wonderful blood-purifvin«- invigora ting and nutritive properties. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis. Severe Coughs Asthma, and kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. While it promptly cures the severest Coughs it strengthens th-’ system and purities the blood. It rapidly builds up the system, and increases the fiesh and weight of those reduced below the usual standard of hea'th by “wasting diseases. * ' Consumption.— Mrs. Edward Newton, of JTbrrouwiith, Ont., writes: “ You will ever be praised by me for the remarka ble cure in my case. 1 was so reduced that my friends had all given me up, and I had also b-en given up by two doctors. I then went to the best doctor in these parts. He told me that, medicine was only a punishment in my case, and would not undertake to I treat me. lie said I might try Cod liver oil if I liked, as that was the only thing that could possi bly have any curative power over consumption so far advanced. I tried the Cod liver oil as a last treatment, but I was so weak I could not keep it on my stomach. My husband, not feeling satisfied to give mo up yet, though he had bought for me everything he saw advertised for my complaint, procured a quan tity of your‘Gohlen Medical Discovery.’ 1 took only four bottles, and. to the surprise of everybody, am to-dav doing mv own work, and a n entirely free from that terrible cough which harrassed ino night and day. I have been afllicb d with rheumatism for a number of years, and now feel so much I letter that I believe, with a eon tiuirition of your‘Gohlen Medical Discovery,’l will be restored to perfect health. I would say to those who are falling a prev to that terrible disease consumption, do not do as I did. take every thing else first; but take the‘Guidon Medical Discovery’ in the early stages of the disease, and thereby save a great deal of suf fering and N’ restor'd to health at once. Anv ]x>rs<ui who is etill in doubt, need but write me. inclosing a stamped, seif ad. iross-'d envelope for reply, when the foregoing statement will be fully substantiated by me.” Fleer Cured.— lsaac E. Downs. Esq., of Swing ThTev, I toe bland Co n N. Y. ( I’. O. Box IB), writes: “The ‘Golden Mcdi- Goldcn Medical Discovery is Sold by Drug-gists. Price SI.OO per Bottle, or Six Bottles for $5,00. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Proprietors, Sjo. 66.3 Main Street, BI FFAI.O, K. V- a ATLANTA < SAW WORKS. M.nofMtaran of and Dealer* i» Saws and Saw-Mill Supplies. W Repatrlna a Specialty. Agents for L. fr.wtu k COMTANT’a i U ood Working Machinery. Large And complete stock. WnU for catalogue- ATLANTA. Ga. ■ APIITA WAIITCn DirtheGliANlf ; ■ WARItU EST BOOK ever > n IJK.O B VOIFEREO to the People - I | “ “Marvelous WondersiheWbole World Being an Account of Thrilling Adventures, Famous ' Sights, Celebrated Voyages and Wonderfal Discover ies in all partn of the globe. The latest and by far the . ; beet and most complete book of wonders ever published. ; i Agents who have sold similar books are doubling their i sales with th-d». No experience or capital needed. Splen- | I did terms and choice of territory to those who will work. } Addr's Hudgins & Talty, 26 S.Broad St., Atlanta,Ga. j WHETHER YOU WANT A - ga’SRWWIWRB!- I i ra■ It will pay you to write to PHILLIPS & CREW, ATIaANTA, GA., : For Catalogue (free) and Prices. Mention this paper. SOLID FACTS! “Seven Springs” Iron-Alum Mw, will give you an appetite, strengthen you np, core Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea and all Headaches, purify the blood, act on the Kid neys, relieve Catarrh and ward off malaria. Price, aOc. I and SI.OO per bottle. Dickey’s Painless Eyewater once. Nt> pay. Askforit. Sold by Druggists orsentbymail postpaid. Price 25c. Illt'KEt A ANDERSON, Manufacturers, Bbistol, Tenn. — • 8?“ ft I DR - WILLIAMS’ PILES ’ sndsan p ’ !e Ointment ■ ■■Haß'W’ B will cure any case of Itch ing, Bleeding, Ulcerated or Protruding Piles. CURE GUARANTEED. Prepared for Plies only. [Physicians’ jars by express, nre nald St’2..'sO.] Price per box. 50e. and 81. Sold by druggists or mailed on receipt of price by J. A 'IA R, P. AN KI NA LAM AR, Ag-nts, Atlanta. Ga. •sinn -«inn preferred who can fur nrh their own horses and give their whole time to i I the business. Spare moments may be profitably em- 1 ployed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities, j B. F. JOHNSON A CO., 1013 Main St.,Richmond, sa. a naff A Mff* ■ © MILD CLIMATE! Good • OM&aS , EASY TERMS! MAPS AND CIWctILARS FREE. ’ TIIO S. ESS KX > ISO I Coni r, I.ittle Rock, Ark. rsx if" ft! ASI C* Officers’ pay. bounty pro- Sal" NXIi IlfiN cured; deserters relieved. yLlt’Ji D'lVi 21 years’ practice. Successo- B no fee. Write for circulars and new laws. " A. VV. McCormick A' Son. Washington Daj BUSINESS I'klucation a specialty at MOORE’S Bi SlNii-.SS UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, <Ja. One of the best schools in the Country. Send tor Circulars. illustrated Book K 8 S' A'lll’l’ lH>il4 sent FREE. Address a H. hoc K, P. o. Box IGG. Atlanta, Ga. I- Can get the most Practical Business Edu- "■ t'/'firrr.-t/l'r/7 cation atGoldsuiit h’s School ol Bus ‘ z iness, Broad St. Atlanta,Ga. Send ** c for Circulars & Specimen ot Penmanship. P Al sß® A A Flat top No. 7 Cook Stove for S1 O.OO' vix S Wsff with fixtures. Send lor catalogue. A.P. WF SWI Stewart Jt Co. ,69 WbitehallSt.. Atlanta, Ga . |i 1. Mrs. p armbt .ia Brundage, of 161 Lock Street I uENER&L Dor/rport, N. Y. writes: “ 1 was troubled with nervous and general debility, with frequent I fit’Ril ITV sore throat, and my mouth was badly cankered, fi UuDILII I. My liver was inactive,and I suffered much from tmssnKssanM* dyspepsia. I am pleased to say that your ‘ Golden Medical Discovery’ and ‘Pellets’ have cured me of all these ailments and 1 cannot say enough in their praise. I must also say a word in reference to your ‘ Favorite Prescription,’ as ii lias proven itself a most excellent medicine for weak females. It has been used in my family with excellent results.” Dyspepsia.— James L. Colby, Esq., of Yucatan, Houston Co.. Minn., writes: “ I was troubled with indigestion, and would eat heartily and grow poor at the same time. I experienced heartburn, sour stomach, and many other disagreeable symptoms common to that disorder. 1 commenced taking your I touinnmi-i-n I ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ and ‘Pellets,’ and 0 IMr GOEATES I la® now entirely free from the dyspepsia, and I _ | am, in fact, healthier than 1 have been for R THE SVQTFIM I five years. I weigh one hundred and seventy g Hit. UiOiLB!. g one , ulc j onc -half pounds, and have done as <«=>« much work the past summer as I have ever done in the same length of time in my life. I never took a medicine that seemed to tone up the muscles and invigorate the whole system equal to your ‘Discovery’ and ‘Pellets.’” Dyspepsia.— Theresa A. Cass, of Springfield-, Mo., writes: “I was troubled one year with liver complaint, dyspepsia, and sleeplessness, but your ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ cured me.” 4 Chills and Fever.— Rev. H. E. Mosley, Montmorenci, S. C., writes: “ Last August I thought I would die with chills and fever. I took your ‘ Discovery ’ and it stopped them in a very short time.” and can walk with the help of crutches. He does not suffer any pain, and can eat and sleep as well as any one. It has only been about three months since he commenced using your medicine. I cannot find words with which to express my gratitude for the benefit he has received through you.” gmauzKaansaMßMMj Skin Disease.— The “Democrat aid News,” ATronmir of Cambridge, Maryland, says: “Mrs. Eliza I tnlslDlt Ann Poole, wife of Leonard Poole, of H’lZ -I__, liamsburg, Dorchester Co., Mil., has been cured flrruDTlnN of a bad case of Eczema by using Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. The disease ap pcared first in her feet, extended to the knees, covering the whole of the lower limbs from feet to knees, then attacked the elbows and became so severe as to prostrate her. After being treated by several physicians for a year or two she commenced the use of the medicine named above. She soon began to mend and is now well and hearty. Mrs. Poole thinks the medicine has saved her life and prolonged her days.” Mr. T. A. Ayres, of East New Market, Dorchester County, Md., vouches for the above facts. cal Discovery’ has cured my daughter of a very bad ulcer located on the thigh. After trying almost everything without success, we procured three bottles of your ‘ Discovery,’ which healed it u» perfectly.” Mr. Downs continues: Consumption and Heart Disease.— “l also wish to thank you for the remarkable cure you have effected in my ease, g— For three years I had suffered from that terri- I U/lOTtn Tn disease, consumption, and heart disease. | ItAoltu IU Before consulting you I had wasted away to S i IL.. a skeleton; could not sleep nor rest, and many ja m uKEIETOn times wished to die to be out of my misery. I P, ' ‘ t' H ' a consulted you, and you told me you had . , , hopes of curing me, but it would take time. I took five months treatment in all. The first two months I was almost iwseouraged; could not perceive any favorable evnirtoms, but Lie third month I began to pick up in fiesh and strength. 1 cannot now recite how, step by step, the signs and realities of returning healta gradually but surely developed themselves. 1 o-day 1 tip the scales at one hundred and sixty, and am well and strong. . Our principal reliance in curing Mr. Downs' terrible disease was the “Golden Medical Discovery.” iDirrniunT • Tose PH F. McFarland, Esq., Athens, IXL. 5 DLttulnS I iriti s: “My wife had frequent bleeding from I * Ith langs before she commenced using your b >RfIM ! 1 ‘Golden Medical Discovery.’ She has not 1 1IIUITI [ had any since its use. For snm.- six rnont-ns *~ r jjeen feeling go well that she has discontinued It.” Syou new ve- ft o zr 4BXD FOR CATALOGUEs J. P. Stevens & Bso 47 'Street J " Atlanta, Ca. BEES and HONEY. Interesting Illustrated Price List of improved HIVES, and everyth ng needed in Profitable Beo Culture, FREE. Nothing: Patented. J. M. JENKINS, VV ET U M I’K A, A LAB AUA. SHOW CASES. WALL CASES. DESKS, OFFICE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES. A»k for Illustrated Pamphlet. TERRY SHOW CASE CO., Nashville, Tenn- OQOCOLUmBUS Z oW „CtaV.nii MANURE SPREADERS -< FARM WAGONS BcHthe£ot7«r -f-’Ss The cheapest Spreader out and the fijjyvyiMmraay-, „ only kind that eanbeat . ■ Avn ' ta °bed to old wagon*. WAakPL.. ■'J.XfiJCKWWK. AB are warranted. £ I i Prices mailed free. *ll f Machine COi ta-—Columham Ohio. Eaitern Branch House, Hageralown, aVfc. 8% 9 3 9 S WHISKEY HABITS ■ 1 Bl B Bl Rm cured at home without pain. ■ I V* | II 0808 Book of particulars sent FREE. U F § U m B. M Woolley, M. D„ . SRaBXKmSHBRBEOfSI Atlanta, Ga. OFFICE 6554 l Whitehall Street. Mention this paper. i E 4nV AGENTS WANTED to sell our Common -11 Hw I sense Bustle and Combination Skirt Bustle Bi and Supporter. Send SI.OO for samples and agency, j Address, with stamp, H. A. French A Co., Atlanta, Ga, rtk r. SS n riav. sampiex worth $1.5) FRBK L?ne. not under the horxe’. feeu Addr.M BRKWSTSr.’S SAFBTt Rais Holdxb, Holl y.MHfc s®> », ■>#» mm a» ««« Obtained. Send stamp for i K«sw • O Inventors’Guide. L. E.xa -2 , ,ji. Patent ..awyer Washington, D. C. I Habit Cured. Treatment sen-ton trial. ; Hb 11181 Humane REJiEDYCo.,lAFayetto,lnd. ; CUBES WHERE All ELSE IAILS. M Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use 3*9 IM in time. Sold by druggists. I A.N.U Thirteen,’B7