The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, April 09, 1887, Image 3

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iis mum THistsf. SA 1 t ii l > \V, \PiilL 9 1-^7 I-. ir‘ », Glorious Easter Day. Do the masons ever expect to get to work on the new hall ? The cry is L. Fried is the place for Shirts Col lars and Caffs. M r * and Mrs. M, Hall of this city will celebrate their 15th wedding day, tID Tues lay next. Mrs. 1 laudia and Olive Russell of hawtnnville, S. C., were in the city a few days this week. Syrup of Nitre cures Toughs, Colds tte. For sale by all druggists. The new railroad to Tybee is ex pected to be in running operation by the 20th next month. The Electric Light Company is placing some new stands in the Southern portion of the city. Try the Elephant Overhalls at L. Fried. We regret to hear of the extreme ill ness ot Mis. Frank Oastellow, and hope she may soon he restored to pcriect health. The city council seemed to have ‘hacked down’from their contempla ted plan of selling those city lots to a syndicate. Tue Independent Sisters of Bryan will 'jive a grand festival on Monday night next at Odd Fellows hall, Harris street. Tickets 25 cents. The Young Chathams, Squad No. 2, will rally at an Easter Ball at Empire hall, Monday night next. Admission 25 cents. For underwear, L. Fried's the place. Why not our colored base ball clubs arrange for a few games. They have many friends who are interested in their success. We regret to hear of the severe indisposition of Mrs. Sami. F - Spaulding and hope to chronicle her early recovery to good health. Norih*m and Tennessee Beef, Mut ton ;ind Veal ot the h- st quality always on hat dat H Logan’s stalls 67 arid 68. City Market. # The officers of the colored military of Savannah are requested to meet at Chatham Light Infantry armory on Thursday night next at 8 o’clock. The Annual Easter Festival of St. Stephen’s Sunday school will take place Sunday evening at 7 o’clock. A most interesting programme has been ar ranged. Go to L. Fried for your Pleated White and Fancy shirts. When you want tine beef, poultry, eggs, vegetables, and family sup plies be sure to go toj. E. Ilamlet. corner Habersham and Charlton streets. To-morrow is Easter. The churches will be well attended and the voices of the happy little one’s will resound in their several festival’s in praise of the Risen One;- Several of the business firms of this city for not advertising their wares, have yielded to the inevita ble, and the assignee’s notice now adorn their doors. For the latest styles of shirts, Collars and Cuffs, L Fried’s the place. A festival bv Nassau Lodge of the Lone Star in The Valley, will lake place on Monday night, 18 instant at Sturtevant's hall. Ad mission 15 cents. The Ladies Parish Aid will give one of their famous Easter hops on Thurs day niirht. next, the 14, at Odd Fellows hail, Han is street. Music and refresh ments. Ticket* 25 cents A small colored hoy named V m. Brown, was severely cut in tne breast and shoulders, on yesterday morning near this office. The cut ting was said to have been done by AlfHolmes,a comrade of Brown’s. Go to L. Fried for your Collars and Cuffs The Forest City Light Infantry pa raded iu honor of their anniversary on Monday last under command of Lieut. W. H. Art-on The company wa- es corted by the Union Cornet Band and made a fine display. An election for Captain will he ordered for April 20 Judge Adams has assigned the following cases for trial. Thomas Fogarty, assault with intent to murder, April 22: Jas. A. Sykes, libel, Aprd 20: E. D. Dillard, forg ery, April 20; James Wyatt, bigamy April 21. The Grand Master of Masons for this State, is making his semi-annual visits to the lodges under his juris diction. Those lodges already visit- j eu are reported to be in excellent j condition. Boston and Baltimore Corned at D. Logan g stalls, 67 and 68. c a! -i'vise our tr ends and the i ni ),;c to 1 o the nnimmath millin -01 •' 10 :se t Krouskoffi for their ."P'' ,u - r "■ ! liinerv. It i" the place to get goods at reason able prices. fne Salvation armv paraded last night 14 members rank and file 4 of the number being females. Four of the army carried tambourines upon which they beat lustily while all sung \ ociterouslv. I hey were es corted by a big policeman. Try L. Fried for your Kod Fl«nr<»i «h<rt« a>id Drawers, Attention is called to the business notice ot Messrs. O Connor and Ray successors to the late Dan O Connor. If energy and pluck avail they are bound to suceed. The house is an old established one and can be relied upon for doing horse shoeing and blacksmithing in the best manner at low prices. The Lone Star Cadets will cele brate its 12 th anniversary on Wednesday April 13 by a parade in the afternoon, and at night will give an entertainment at Odd Fel lows’ Temple on Duffy street. Ad mission lady and gentlemen 75 cents, Single tickets 50 cents. The Georgia Infirmary Relief As sociation organized a few days ago with the following officers: W. H. Royal, president, L. A. Washing ton, Vice-president, T. E. Ferrebee, secretary; C. M. Roberts, assistant secretary; T. T. Saunders, treas urer. They will give an entertain ment on the ISth instant at Odd- Fellows Temple, Duffy street, for the benefit of the Infirmary. Tickets 25 cents. Thu Ladies S leet Rising Branch cell brated their filth anniversary m Tu s lay la-t at Odd-Fellows’ hall. Duffy ,-treet. The officers w re installed by Mr. E Wicks, assisted by Mr G. B Lewis. The organization is composed "f children with adult officers, Mrs. Re becca Harrison being the president and Mrs. Anna Fa;ter, secretary. Alter the installation a very fine supper wag s rved, and a verv enjoyable time had by ib,. young f Iks, the voung men showing them every attention. The Tribune tendeis thauks lor un invita tion to e present A COLORED COMEDY COMPANY The Acme Fojored Amateur Comedy Company will give a grand exhibition at the ' heitre on Monday night April 18, when an opportunity of real enjoy ment will be "ffered the public, An excellent programme has been arranged and we b-speak for the Company a crowded house. Messrs. Le nard and Andrews two populaivyoung guitlenn-n. the managers, are making every effort to make the exhibition a success. Ticke s to any part of house 25 cents, res rved seats 50 cents, and are now on sale; Death of a Well known Citizen. Mr. Clemon Sabattie an old citi zen of Savannah, but of Late years a resident of Darien, died in this city at the residence of Mrs. E. Mirault, his mother-in-law, on the Ist inst., after an illness of several weeks. His funeral took place on Sunday last, a large number of sorrowing friends attending as a mark of re spect to the deceased. Mr. Sajfattie leaves a wife, and nine children all boys. The bereaved family has our sincere sympathy in their affliction. Troubles of the Salvation Ar my. On Sunday last seven of the Sal vation Army were arrested for play ing a brass band in their hall, and locked up in the Police station. In the night a crowd of white roughs attended the meeting evidently bent on mischief. A row was started by them and one of the most disgrace ful scenes ever witnessed in the city occurred. Pistols, knives, and blud geons were freely displayed to the great terror of the large number of females present, the turmoil lasting some fifteen minutes before an officer arrived, when the hall was cleared, several of the participants receiving broken noses and other bruises. It is thought that the arrest of the Salvationists in the dav em boldened the roughs to act as they did. At the police court on Monday the army was honorably discharged the mayor declaring that their arrest was unwarrantable. Every one is interested in know ing that Dr. S. C. Parsons is dailvj examining all persons rich or poor free of charge, for all diseases! whether medical or surgical and thorough in every case. Thousands who have consulted him in the past two years at his drug store and office corner of Liberty and Montgo- j men s'reets, can testify to his cures, as his vast experience obtained in different countries, hospitals an d private practice enables him to de tect disease were it would he over looked bv others. He also examines and treats the eve for all diseases and keeps a full line ot spectacles, e\e glasses, etc. It is the headquarters of Dr. S. C. Parsons medicines, electric support ers, electric belts, electric lung pro tectors, electric hosier', belts, truss es, splints, crutches, ladies doilv or or toilet belts, suspensores. Shoulder braces, pile trusses, pile pipes, arti ficial limbs, and all surgical appli ances for deformities made to order, a full line of spectacles, eve glasses, a complete stock of drugs, chemic als, herbs, roots and harks. COUNCIL OF THE MU ’ UAL ELEE MOSYNARY ASSOCIATION OFFICE OF THE SeCBETAHY I Savannah, Ga., March 15, 1887 ) At a meeting <>f the Mutual Eleemo syn >rv association, held on the 28th of F‘biu.iry, the operation #4 article Bth in relation to exp,-Med members was suspended for three months. Any person who has been expelled for non-payment ol dues may he re stored to m< mbeship up n application and the p 'yment of §1 Members who have In en suspended lor a 1 miter period than three months must haw a physician's certificate ac companying thei application Bv ord r of the Council. Attest; C. 11. Ebbs, Sec’y. SPECIAL NOTICES. 'I he best place to buy furniture and stoves on the instalment plan is at Free man and Oliver. J 92 Br ughton street. Cyrus Ccmpfleld, Practical Jeweler, (lat of 8 P. Hamil ton) has opened at No. 41 Whitaker j-treet, where he will he phased 10 see all ol his old friends and Datrons. Prompt attention given to all work intrusted to him and satisfaction guar atiteed. BAKER WANTED. A First-class colored bread baker can get steady employment at good wages in Augusta, Ga., provided he is properly recommended. Further particulars given upon application at this office. Harrison Crane The Well-known Watch maker and Jeweler can he found at bis old stand corner President and Drayton streets, where he gives special attention to the repairing ol Clocks, Watches and Jew elry. lie assures good work and prompt attention, thereby soliciting the patronage of a “onerous public. TTTANTED, everybody to know TT Wilson’s is headquarters for Fine Cabinet Photographs; family groups and life-size heads direct from the negatives. Cabinet Pho tos price three dollars and fifty cents a dozen. J. N. Wilson, 21 Bull street. YYT ANTED, everybody to know that IT Bishop, the Photographer is back in Savannah acain and is making those fine enameled Photographs at $2 50 per dozen and those large sized Feireotypes at the usual price 2 lor a quarter or 4 for 50 cents, and is located for a few days only on Wast Broad and Gaston -treets. Savannah, Ga. DR. F. C LAMBERT, DENTIST, The insertion of Crowns on Roofs obviating the wearing of a plate, [a specialty] done iu the most petfi ct man ner. Teeth extracted without pain. Consultation free. Patronage solicited. Cor. Houston and South Broad streets, Savannah, Ga. Horse-shoeing, Blacksmith* ing, Etc. The nnders : gned will continue the busi ness of the late Daniel OConnor at the shops on Brvan, Olive and We-t Broad streets- In addition to blacksmithing, wheelwrightiug painting and trimming, HOR ESHOEING will be made a branch of the business to be conducted at said shops, Mr. A- K. Wilson is hereby authorized to collect our bills Our intention is to have first class work done at reasonable prices. We re-pectfully solicit the pat ronageof the public* P J. O’CONNOR, W. H. RAY. Try Cae his ui is fomi A Great Cloud of Witnesses. Read what those say who have used P. P. P. J. T. Thompson, a well-known salesman for I B. Seeley, ol Phila delphia. writes: l)r. Whitehead. Please send me six hot'les (large tizu) P P. P. to Columbia, S. G. I want to another h"ttle myself, and want t • give the others to a poor devil who li iS the Syphilis and who has spent all the money he had for blot d medicines, and is now in a terrible condition. Please write him out a special direction to go by while taking your remedy. 1 forgot now what you charged me for the bottle l got. but do lecoilect that it km eked flic malaria out of 111 c and gave me a huge appetite. Yours, ’ J. T. Thompson, TRIBUNE^ I have a great many broken sets and odd lots of Crockery and Glass Ware, which I am selling veiy low to dispose of them. Now is the time to gel goods cheap. Icecream Churns cheaper than ever before. Water Cooleisatid everything else needed in a house at GEO. W. ALLEN’S 165 and 1*55 1-2 Broughton St, Finn Bros Family Un. DEALERS IN Liquors, Tobacco ui Cigars. Huntingdon & West Broad Sts. nm mdi miritt Cures all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood Cures Scrofula, Tumors Disfiguring Huiuors of the skin and scalp Liver and Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Female Weakness and all de bilitating and wasting diseases Gentlemen — I lake pleasure in recom mending your valuable medicines I have great faith in the Alaska remedies because they have afforded me great relief. Alaska Blood Purifier will I mid up the shattered constitution and make one feel like a new being, adding energy strength and vigor to one’s system. Ala-ka Catarrh Compound is simply wonderful! in its effects, it will cure Cold in the head and Head-cite almost in stantly, and 1 cheerfully tminuend them to all. Yours respectfully, REV. U L. HOUSTON, Savannah Ga. Alaska cleanses the blood, strengthens the liody and builds up the enfeebled and broken down constitution. LADIES, use Alaska Blood Purifier it is specially adapted to your complaints. •‘ALASKA CATAIIHII mil I’ll l\ll" The indisputable sure Catarrh cure. Alas ka has cured hundreds of cases in (Savannah when all other remedies utterly failed. Alas ka neverfails. it is infallible. What greater evidence can a people ask of a medicine’s true met it. than the testimony furnished you by Alaska Compound Co., from among your own citizens friends and neighbors Testi mony of Police Officer H. W. Boughn, Alaska Compound Co ., Lynn, Mass. ( — I have suffered of ulcerative Catarrh for ove.- four years, I have tried most all ad. vertise medicines for the cure of this disease have also been under regular medical treat ment but ad the time the disease was getting worse. I could get no reli f' until 1 tried Ala-ka Blood Purifier and Alaska Catarrh Compound, which 1 am happy to say give me instant relief speedil y followed by a per fect cure. I now feel like a n w man, and I cheerfully recommend it’s use by all suf ferers Yours Respt. H. W. Bouohn, ALASKA OIL. The Great Pain Destroyer is of marvel). I ous efficacy in the treatment and cure of deaf.jess, toothache sore throat, headache, pains in the chest side, and hack, rhenrna tisin, neuralgia,sprain-, bruises, burns, cuts, chilblains, or lameness in any part ifi the body, for corns, warts, and bunion's, Alaska Medicines sold by druggists everywhere, or sent to any address by company’s agent on receipt of price Alaska Blood Purifier $1 per bottle, 6 for *5 Alaska Oil or Catarrh Compound 50 cents a bottle, 0 for $2.50. Special inducements to agents where our medicines are not sold. Address J. A. Cal lahan, general agent. Alaska Comp’d Co, 178 Broughton bireet Bayannah- The Place to Buy The Best GOODS For the LEAST MONEY! —IS AT— TEEPLE & CO.’S. 102 and 105 Broughton Street , 1 CALL AT OUR STORE ! ’■ If you want Furniture. Mattings, Window Shsdes, Refrigerator*, Bed Springs, Muitresses, Cooking Stoves, or anything in the Housekeeping Line, it will pay you to call on us besore buying elsewhere. GOOfIS COnSt(Ult/fJ Arriving . 1 £ M P ts if ih y Q i . 1W and 195 Broughton Street, Between Jvffsi [ 20 CENTS m Y\ ill buy a Pound of A Ror steel Coffee, SO CENTS \\ ill buy a Pound of A Nell Tea, ’ * 1 60 CENTS For a Peck of Whole RiH UAHS. AM) WHITE 8 E /{I -kAt Very Low Prices!!! For Fine Grades of Flour will please vou, Buv ourM HR AM) “SUP BEM Hi CODA WATER, I SODA WATER, SODA W a’l \>M Our Fountain is now T ui>iU in full blast aml f«»r a Cofw] Re*f: e'sldr g Drink pi%y us a W it. Don’t fail to visit us wh m in need of Groceries. V\ e effi save you money, *|] STRAUSS HUGS, Formerly “Red Groce 11 More,’ near Sedomon’s Dijß Store, ll ~Fw. <;i:rberl Watchmaker & Jewel#! —DKALKR IN— •• 1,-. 1- , | I m 4 A.wr.m In V, ISjt II ' o — m h WATCHES, CLUCKS, JEWELRT * SPKCTACI.KS &c, Repairing done pioutptly and i workmanlike manner. j ALL WORK WARRANTED. F W G-EE.BEE., No 114 Broughton St Savannah, Ga R. B. RKPPARD. M. ALBERTSON YELLOW PINE LUMBER FOR SALE AT Wholesale and Retail t Planed or Rough; REPPARD& Co. East Broad and Taylor streets, in S F & VV Ry. yard. MONUMENTAL Corn Shelter. The Safest, Surest. Quickest and best cure lor Corns, Bunions And Warts. Shells off their further growth; stops all pain; gives no trouble; ensures com fort to the leet; makes walking easy, *■ Don’t suffer any longer from these painful excrescences, but remove them with Corn Sheller. Price Only IS Cents. For Sal# by ail Druggists.