The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, April 16, 1887, Image 4

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— The Peabody Trustees. - The Peabody Trustees bid fair to be- ■ r ->me the great landlords of the working I jesses of London. At the end of last M«ar they housed 20,228 persons, and Bopring the year opened five blocks of U|ew buildings at Old Pye street, West j'Jiinster, containing 262 rooms. They ’"Save 18 groups of buildings, comprising I ’<ol4 separate dwellings, of which 74 Mave four rooms, 1,782 liave three rooms, sftOoO have two rooms, while the one- ’4»om dwellings are only 808. These are i .dit at low rents, which nevertheless, Haith economical administration, yield a hifrofit. The twenty-second annual re □lort, issued yesterday, shows that the | Vet gain of the year 1886 from rents and ! Witerest was £29,656. This revenue, in of going into the pockets of private i people, is spent in new buildings or ‘ Otherwise added to tho capital of the Ljfrust. Mr. Peabody’s gift and legacies on the whole to £500,000, of the last £150,000 came in 1873. the process of adding net revenue to jSSapital this half million had grown at jwshe end of 1886 to £910,668, and the wger the capital sum becomes the is tlie addition made to it each Ulhsar- This cumulative growth of a j public fund opens up a remarkable a >rospe<.’t of public usefulness. The In flustrial Dwelling Companies have share folders who take a fair and modest per- Mentago on tho money they have invest ed, and have the double satisfaction of nberforming a great public service and of profiting by it. But the Peabody trust Mas no shareholders. Nobody profits by but the public, ami the expenses of HLuiageinent are less than £2,000 a year. Jfll'he only drawback is that many of its l|&>uildings—for example, the discreditable HStrui-ture in Drury Lane--are too much £-t ike barracks or workhouses, and too Bgittlo like dwellings. Why do the Trus tees Persist in adding to the ugliness of IjLondoTi I If hey can well afford to give Bhe dwellings better window's, and to jifoend something, if not in ornament, at IJeast in getting designs which should llnake their buildings pleasant to the Bflye as well as good for health and com- Rflort. — London .Ncics. £1 The kingfisher can reproduce most Accurately tlie cackling of hens, the bark- I |»g of dogs, the quacking of ducks, ami Bwie bleating of sheep. fl “March 1882," wrote C. C. Shayne, 103 Prince ; Street, N. Y.. “Crippled with lumbago; 1 tried Kit. Jacobs Oil; it lelioved; (lie 1 again, it cured November I, 1880, lie writes: “Confirm ■niy statement; was completely cured." Price jyfty cents- M A Franklin county fellow lias won a bet by ■bating sixteen pies in twenty minutes. There iSre some men that find glory in a perform Mince in which every little pig is their equal jm every re- p »ct and every big hog is their Superior.— Pittsburg I Juliet in. K Mrs. M. Pollock, 95 Aisqnith St., Baltimore, ■Md., says: “Rod Star Cough Cure for colds, Hcoughs and giro throat lias no equal.” Price TS.wenty-I'.ve cents a bottle. ■ In the dining room of respectable society Mt is not considered correct to put your fingers Snto the p'ate before you. But at,church. into Jfcbe plate that is set before you, all good Chris- Klan B (?) are expected, with due honor to eti anuette, to putt noir alms.—Punch, I “Tbe Slough of Despondency'* Kin which you are wallowing, on account ot ■ those diseases peculiar to you, madam, and ■ wni< h have robbed you ot the rosy hue ot ■ heal h, and made lite a burden to you, you '■can easily get cut of. Dr. Pierce's “Favorite ■ Prescription,” will free you from all such • troubles, and soon recall the rose-tint ol p health t > your cheek, and the ehv-ticity to y our IStep. It is-a most, peifect specific for all the 1 weaknesses and irregularities peculiar to j our 1 Bex. it cures ulceration, displacements, “m --4 ternal fever,” bearing-down .ensations, re 's moves the tendency to cancerous affections I and corrects all unnatural discharges. By J druggists. 1 If a man wants to be sura ot getting what |he wants, lie should want the earth. 1- In General Debility, Emaciation, Con. • sumption, mid Wasting in Children, Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with I Hypopho phites, is a most valuable food and { medicine. It creates an appetite for food, I strengthens tho nervous system and builds up ? the body. Please read: “I tried Scott’s Emul | aion on a young man whom Physicians at j times gave up hope. Since he began using the I Emulsion his Cough has ceased, gaired flesh j and strength, and from all appearances his life • will be prolonged many years." John Sui.i.i --1 VAN, Hospital Steward, Morganza, Pa. 1 It is inconsistent to expect a stationary en ■’ gine to run. ) Young or middle-aged men suffering from nervous debility, loss of menu ry premature i old age, as the result of bad habits, should se <1 10 cent in stamps tor illustrated book offei ing 1 sure means of cure. Address World's Dispen sary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. •b When nn ant-eater runs it should be called * an antelope. Farmers, Send 10 cents to th* PaiCKLT Ash Bittbus Co., St. Louis, Mo., and get, a copy of ‘‘Ths Hoksb Trainer.” A complete system, teach ing how to break and train horses in a mild and gentle way, requiring no elaborate appar -1 Lt us, nothing more than can be found in any •table in the country—a rope and a strap. Every one handling horses should have a eopy. R.EAD<l|e adv’t headed “Agents Wanted.’ , The farmers, in their swamps, we're sure, Could find the roots and plants that cure; If by their knowledgethey only knew For just the disease each one grew. t Take courage now and “Swamp-Root” try ’s, (I° r Sidney, I.ver and bladder complaints), • ’ .As on this remedy you can rely. Daughters. Wives and Mothers. |*. Bend for Pamphlet on Female Diseases, free, aecurily sealed. Dr. J. B. Marohisi. Utica. N.Y 4 Envied by Her Nex, J Is the fa'e of every la iy with a bright, srlow countenance, which invariably follows Use of Dr. Harter's ir ,n Tonic. Hfl Don’t Rend This you have a sufficiencv of this world's goods, ~~ but if you have n write to Halle*t & Co., K Portland, Maine, and receive, free, sud partic > U ular.s about work that you can do. and ive at ® home, wherever you are !o . t > I, at a profit of •f from $5 to *25 per dly and up cards. All suc ceed; bothsexee; ullages, AH is new. Capi tal not required. Hailett<fc t’o. will start yon. S Don’t delay: investigate at once, and grand 8 success will attend you. ■*l wi,h use Dr. Isaac Thornp- I son s Eye-water. Druggists sell at 2.5 c per bottle No Opium in Piso’s Cure for Consumption Cures where other remedies fail. 25c. Girls in Boys’ Clothes. A singular and romantic story comes by telegraph from Windom, Minn., a j small town in the southwestern part of the State. Two young children wander ed into the town Saturday evening. Their ages were about fourteen and six teen. They gave their names as Charlie and Bertie Byers, of Rochester, N. Y. i It was soon discovered that they were | girls in boys’ clothing, and then they admitted their names were Katie and Lilly Byers. Their story was that when very small they lived at Lindsay, Ont. They removed to Rochester after their J parent’s death, being taken there by a , brother, W. A. Byers, now a resident of Calgary, Northwest Territory. Being i badly treated at Rochester, they started without money to join their brother at Calgary. In order to get away they dressed in male attire. Their trip from Rochester to Windom was made on foot and in box cars as tramps. They are j cared for at Windom. W. A. Byers, at Calgary, has been communicated with. “What is a good test of a diamond? asks a correspondent. About as good a test as any is to ask the jeweler you but it of what he will take it back for. If he will offer half as much as it costs it is apt to be a genuine stone. —W. K Graphic. Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy cures when every other so-called remedy fails. Since Sullivan broke his arm he has reform- | ed. He is an expounder now. I »W | I ■ I nil vr I <; Soobw COMPOUND EXTRACT w I I At this season nearly every one needs a good medi cine to purify, vitalize and enrich the blood, and I Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the lest for this purpose. It Is peculiar in that it strengthens and builds up the I system and creates an appetite, while it eradicates ' disease. He sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Do not take any other. Hood’s Sarsaparilla sold by druggists. st; six for $5. Prepared by C. I. HOOD CO.. Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar Finest Poultry (Eggs). C. XV. Parkeb, Bremen. Ga ELY’S CATARRH CREAM when applied into t h<> gSw f* nostrils, will bo absorbed S&tf At CURfC vv-Tj S effectually cleansing the ti,. " I head of catarrhal virus, WSs; causing healthy seore- Bff °ZO tions. It allays maam ■|i. v rri/rr>Oui mat ion, protects the F ilAi-| tn membrane of tlie Ly passages from additional cold**, completely heah the .sores and restores y I sense of taste and buiell. .. • Not a Liquid or Snuff. A Quick ReliefuLaj & Positive Cure. HAY-FEVER A particle is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. I Price&U cents at Druggists; by mail, registered, tin ets. I Circulars free ELY BROS.. Druggists, Owego, N.Y. i AKk your retailor for the James Means’ S 3 Shea. Ciiutiou ! Some dealers recommend inferior ! goods in order to make a larger profit. This is the i original $3 Shoe. Beware of imitations which ac- I knowledge their own inferiority by attempting to ' build upon the reputat ion of the original. None Genuine unletuf bearing thin Stamp, JAMES MEANS’ Qcntlemea, S 3 SHOE. Kr - 1 "’ Made in Button, Congress and « f®*" Al l '**’«’- rtest Calfskin, tmex B li ‘•®eelled in Durabilitu, Comfort A K: VoF 3a Appearance. A postal card K’ V- sent to us will bringyouin- ® formation how to get this Shoe tn any State or ; Jk v- cf J. Moans & Co H LincolnSt, > ■w, '■ - Buston,Mass. Our celebrated factory produces a larger quantity ot Shoes of this grade than anv or her factory in the world. Thousands who wear them will tell you the reason If you ask them. .IAMF.S MEANS’ K'J SHOE for Boysis unupproactied in Durability. WEBSTER’S UnaHriteed Dictionary. A DICTIONARY, 118,000 Words, 3000 Engravings, a GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD, I of 25,000 Titles, and a -n BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, Krhuoi ad<i uear jy i(),ooo Noted Persous, Firetide. ALL Hi ONE BOOK. Contains 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Illustrations than any other American Dictionary. G. A C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub’rs, Springfield, Mass. tn St "Jones! What arc vou —about?” What .i every body talks about. >c £ Theysaythatforßrights’ *" J's! IV > tt Disease,Kidney, Livcror -> o Bladder complaints, this 3 BgVylffHßk if remedy has no equal.” X m fl Kov, right to the Spot. • J W _I <T I'reparea ut Dr. Rimer's ■“- PisvKxs*nv.Binghamton.N Y. Q Lf> la'ttersofinquirv answered et*** Guide to Health (Sent Free). '■■■■■■VBCH&'aHuaHaaßßßaßKaaßßßmeaicnßaßxM ft A I I? ■ ■ »nd WlltSKb!' HABITS IILS R I I i llr^ 1 nt tl,,ai “. Wl >hout Min. I!r Ell nra Bnok ot particulars sent EREE U I I U IVI B M. Woolley. M. D„ (■■■nMßHimatmHßN Atlanta, Ga. office Co’* Whitehall Street. Mention this pap»r. BUSINESS schools in the <. iimtrv. Send for Circulars, r"jv*yJTfTTPfTTffTJ |, *", , '.‘ri»i<d b oo 'u I lit ’J All I ]' iM’ld I'**'’'!.*' S ,:K - A.ldress 11 iPr^ 3 ’. ”• HO < K. P.O. IMblalll JfIJJ But Atlanta, <; n , fl* i E rt rt I,| * t V’P f, °- 7 <:,M>k S ‘ OT » for SIO.OO I 21- v Vwith fixtures. Send lor catalogue. A.P ■W a st.-., ut A Co. .tih Whitaballßt., Atlanta.Ua. MEXICAN Wlßt. GLDII ls "ohms. >»n«vnn »• I‘etision.s now fur you ah. Ad drois K. 11. (arlwioii .V < Washington, II C. C 3 * Photograph Outfit. Send stamp for ‘f’W’JV cirvuar. UUiU., SM-«A»a. t N.Y. The best and surest Remedy for Cure of all diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation, Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to the beneficent influence of PiilfiMf It la pleasant to tho taste, tones up the system, restores and preserves health. It is purely Vegetable, and cannot fail to prove beneficial, both to old and young, s a Blood Purifier it is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at SI.OO a bottle. Sntil you the new prove- bX IL fc/w PROFITS. IW“3END FOR catalogued J. P. Stevens & Bm A7 At anta.Ga OQOCOLUMBUS ■■ U w MANURE SPREADERS J&&. FARM f^jryWL .yjSSTba clieapcßt Spreader out and the | ■ I’'- O“ly kind that can be at * taohed to old wogona. All are warranted. It) ' / Erlcea mailed free. Nswwk jfackine Co. Columba*, Ohio. Eaatern Branch Uotuw, Hugeratown, Maryland. Mt-kiOiAhlC* Officers’ pay, bounty pro- SlFravllllaX cured ; deserter* relieved, ■w LI.VIUiIW, 21 years’ practice. Success o’ I po fee. Write for circulars and new laws. * A. W. McCormick A Son, Washington,D.< ■ MB" togSa day. Samples worth $1.5) FREE Sk BM Lines not under the horse’s feet. Addresi WV Brewster’s SarKTT Rein Holder. Holly. Mich i - 3-J . ’• r N The following words, in praise of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription as a remedy for those delicate diseases and weak nesses peculiar to women, must lie of interest to every sufferer from such maladies. They are fair samples of the spontaneous expressions with which thousands give utterance to their sense of gratitude for the inestimable boon of health which has been restored to them by the use of this world-famed medicine. SIOO Thrown Am cians during the three years they had been practicing upon her.” The Greatest Earthly Booh, The ‘ Favorite Prescription ’ is the greatest earthly boon to us | poor suffering women.” Many times women call on their family physicians, suffering, as they imagine, one from dyspepsia, another from heart disease, another from liver or kidney disease, another from nervous exhaustion or prostration, another with pain here or there, and in this wav they all present alike to themselves and their easy-going and indifferent, or over-busy doctor, separate and distinct diseases, for which he prescribes his pills and potions, assuming them to be such, when, in reality, they are all only symptowis caused by some womb disorder. The physician, ignorant of the cause of suffering, encourages his practice until large bills arc made. The suffering patient gets no better, bu’t probably worse by reason of the delay, wrong treatment and consequent complications. A proper medicine, like Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, directed to the cause would have entirely removed the disease, thereby dispelling all those distressing symptoms, and instituting comfort instead of prolonged misery. |3 Physicians j | Failed. | alone.' I began taking Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and using the local treatment recommended in his ‘Common Sense Medical Adviser.’ I commenced to improve at once. In three months I was perfectly cured, and have had no trouble since. I wrote a letter to my family paper, briefly mentioning how my health had been restored, and offering to se'nd the full particulars to any one writing me for them, and enclosing a stamped-en velope for reply. I have received over four hundred letters. In reply, I have described my case and the treatment used, and have earnestly advised them to ‘do likewise.’ From a great many I have received second letters of thanks, stating that they had commenced the use of ‘Favorite Prescription,’ had sent the $ 1.50 required for the ‘ Medical Adviser,’ ana had applied the local treatment so fully and plainly laid down therein, and were much better already." THE OUTGROWTH OF A VAST EXPERIENCE. The treatment of many thousands of cases of those chronic weaknesses and distressing ailments peculiar to females, at the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y„ has afforded a vast experience in nicely adapting and thoroughly testing remedies for the cure of woman's peculiar maladies. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable vnerienee. Thousands of testimonials, received from patients and from physicians who have tested it in the more aggravated and obstinate cases which had baffled their skill, prove it to be tho most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of suffering women. It is not reeoatmended as a “ cure-all,” but as a most perfect Specific for woman's peculiar ailments. As a powerful, invigorating to"i'’, it imparts strength to tne whole sysJem, and to the uterus, or womb and its a[>- pendages, in particular. For overworked, “worn-out," run-down." debilitated teach ers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, “shop-girls," housekeepers, nursing moth ers. and ftvble women generally, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the great est earthly boon, being unequalled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. It promotes digestion uud assimilation of food, I Address, WOHLDE DISPENSAJR ¥ MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, N< John E. Segar, of Millenbech, Va., writes: “ My wife had been suffering for two or three years with female weakness, and had paid out one hundred dollars to physicians wit h out relief. She took Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and it did her more good than all the medicine given to her by the physi- Mrs. George Hehger, of Westfield, N. F., writes: “ I was a great sufferer from leucor rhea, bearing-down pains, and pain contin ually across my back. Three bottles of your ‘ Favorite Prescription ’ restored me to per fect health. I treated with Dr. , for 1 nine months, without receiving any benefit. I TREATING THE WRONG DISEASE. Mrs. E. F. Morgan, of No. 71 Lexington St., East Boston, Mass., says: “ Five years ago 1 was a dreadful sufferer from uterine troubles. Having exhausted the skill of three phy sicians. I was completely discouraged, and so weak I could with difficulty cross the room "cures Im Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use PSfi ™ in time. Sold by druggists. FOR HORSES. I Uvilla, W. Va., ) Nov. 17, iߣ6. J Recently I bought a 8 young horse. He was i ; taken very ill with Pneu- B monia. I tried to think of something to relieve £ him. Concluded what j| • J was good for man would || be good for the horse. ® So I got a bottle of Piso’s Cure and gave him half f| of it through the nos- this. This helped him, ? and I continued giving same doses night and * i morning until I had used two bottles. The horse has become per- g fectly sound. I can re- fl commend Piso’s Cure for 3 the horse as well as for man. N. S. J. Strider. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. E3T s£s Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use PM SHOW CASES. WALL i “ DESKS, OFFICE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES. Auk for Illustrated Pamphlet. TERRY SHOW CASE CO., Nashville, Tenn AiAM. AAA A a MONTH can be made SIOO ® S3OO O e r M%K S oc« 1 ni h their own horses an 1 give their whole time to the business. Spare moment? may be profitably em I ployed also. A few v» ■ ncies in towns and cities, j B. F. JOHNSON A CO.. 1013 Main St.,Richmond, Va. HIKES' IMPROVED ROOT BEER PACK AGES, !25c. Makes 5 gallons of a delicious I sparkling temperance beverage, strengthens and I purifies the blood. Its purity and delicacy of flavor j commend It to all. Sold everywhere. 'I'K.Y IT. z-n Gan get the most Practical Business Edu- VZw-ryz’ .zzcation at Goldsmith’s School of Bus > > itiess,:W'eS Broad St.Atlanta,Ga. Send I r ior Circulars & Specimen of Penmanship. a m"W Obtained. Send stamp for WjFa I E. SR I inventors’Guide. L. Hisa- C .i. Patent i-awver Washincton. D. C- iRi i Habit Cured. Trenin: ent sent on trial. Wl' ivlfi m-MAXEREMEi>YCo..Larayette,lnd. I cures nausea, weakness of stomach, indi gestion, bloating and eructations of gas. As a soothing and strengthening ; nervine, “ Favorite Prescription” is un equalled and is invaluable in allaying and subduing nervous excitability, irritability, exhaustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the womb. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anx iety and despondency. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful : physician, and adapted to woman's delicate | organization. It is purely vegetable in its ! composition and perfectly harmless in its j effects in any condition of the system. “Favorite Prescription” is a post* live cure for the most complicated and : obstinate cases of leucorrhea, or “whites," i excessive flowing at monthly periods, pain- ' ful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus or falling of the womb, weak ba< k, "female weakness,” anteversion, re troversion, bearing-down sen «tions, chron ic congestion, inflammation and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain a id ten derness in ovaries, accompanied with “in ternal heat.’’ * Mrs. Sophia F. Boswell, White Cottage,O., writes: “ I took eleven bottles of your ‘ Fa vorite Prescription’ and one bottle of your * Pellets.’ 1 Jm doing my work, and have been for some time. I have had to employ help for about sixteen years before I commenced tak ing your medicine. I have had to wear a supporter most of the time; this I have laid Threw Away Her Supporter. aside, and feel as well as I ever did.” j It Works Wonders. Mrs. May Gleason, of Nunica, Ottawa Co. Mich., writes: “Your ‘Favorite Prescription’ has worked wonders in my case. Again she writes: “Having taken several bot tles of tbe ‘ Favorite Prescription ’ I have re gained my health wonderfully, to the astonish- ment of myself and friends. I can now be on my feet all day* attending- to the duties of my household. Jealous Doctors. A Marvelous Cure.—Mrs. G. F. Sprague, of Crystal, Mich., writes: “I was troubled with female weakness, leucorrhea and falling of ;th» womb for seven years, so I had to keep my bed for a good part of the time. I doctored with an army of different physicians, and spent large sums of money, but received no lasting benefit. At last my husband i persuaded me to try your medicines, which I was loath to do. because I was prejudiced against [them, and the doctors ’said : they would do mo no good. I finally told my husband that if he would get me some of your medicines, 1 would try them against the advice of my physician. He got me six bottles of the ‘Favorite Prescription,’ also six bottles of the ‘Discovery,’ for ten dollars. I took three bottles of ‘ Discovery ’ and four of ‘ Favorite Prescription,' and I have been a sound woman for four years. I then gave the balance of the medicine to my sister, who was troubled in the same way, and she cured herself in a short time. I have not had to take any medicine now for almost four years.” W ONLY TRUB r IRON TONIC Will purify the BLOOD regulate the LIVER and KIDNEYS and P.EBTOKK the HEALTH andVIG OR of YOUTH Dyspepsia,Want . of Appetite, Inriigestion.Lack of k Strength and Tired Feeling ah. solutely cured: Bones, mas. clas and nerves receive new force. Enlivens the mind and supplies Brain Power. Suffering from complaints L. ADI ES r^DR ar HAKTERV IRON TONTC a tafe and spaedy cure. Gives a clear, heal thy complexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeit ing only add to th® popularity of the onjnnal. De not experiment —get the Original and Best, /cure?!onßtipatTm^lver"ComplJnt , and 81oA ■ Headache. Sample Dose and Dream Book! t mailed on receipt of two cents in postage, g THE DR.HARTER MEDICINE COMPANY, St. Louis. Mo. It will pay you to write to PHILLIPS & CREW, ATLANTA, GA., ; For Catalogue (free) and Prices. Mention this paper. * “ “Marvelous WonderStheWiiole World” Being an Account of Thrilling Adventures, Pamous Sights, Celebrated Voyages and Wonderful Discover ; ies in ail parts of the globe. Tlie latest and by far the i best and most complete book of wonders ever published, i Agents who have sold similar books are doubling their i sales with this. No experience or capita', needed. Splen- I did terms and choice ot territory to those who wi.l work. ! Addr’s Hudgins & Talty, 26 S.Broad St., Atlanta,Ga. SES/Stb S DR. WILLIAMS* PI I ri'V Bndian p ‘ !s Ointment ■ 9 will cure any case of Itch- ing, Bleeding, Ulcerated or Protruding Piles. CURE GUARANTEED. Preparod . ter Piles only. (Physicians’ jars by express, ore i paid. $2.50.] Price per box, 50c. and 81. Sold ’ bv druggists or mailed on receipt of price by LAMAR. RANKIN & LAMAR, Agents, Atlanta. Ga. a IK &KX a HILD climate ! Good Landfl! VarietyofPßO ducts: low prices! I EASY TERMS'. MAPS AND CIRCULARS FREE. 1 THUS. ESSEX, an 1 Com'r. Little K.»ek, Ark. i B 111 V AGENT’S WANTED to sell our Common s HU 9 sense Bustle and Combination Skirt Bustle Ba and Supporter. Send sl.oofor samp'es and agency. Address, with stamp, H. A. French A U >., Atlanta. Ga. apa a to Soldier, ft Heirs. Send stamp PAHQBAnC for circular,. COL. L. BING- B dlS6l’wl|g«3 HAM. Att'y, Washington, D. C. i ISI Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use in tinic- Sold by druggists. I A." NL II '7.7.'..... 7Gi • t qty, >B7 I In pregnancy, “ Favorite Prescription n | is a •'mother's cordial,” relieving- nausea, weakness of stomach and other distressing symptoms common to that condition. If its use is kept up in the latter months of gestation, it so prepares the system for de livery as to greatly lessen, and many times almost entirely do away with the sufferings of that trying ordeal. ‘•Favorite Prescription,” when taken in connection with the use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, and small laxa tive doses of Dr. Pierce’s Purgative Pellets (Little Liver Pills), cures Liver. Kidney and Bladder diseases. Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes can cerous and ecroiulous humors from the system. “Favorito Prescription” is the only medicine f< r v < n sold, by druggists, under a positive guarantee, irom the manufacturers, that it will give satisfac tion in every case, or money will be re funded. This gu.o nntee has Deen printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully car ried out for many years. I.arge bottles (inn doses) SIZML or six tottles for $5.00. ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce’s large, illustrated Treatise (Iw pages) on Disea* s of Women. . 603 Main Street, BIFFALO, N. ¥• i