The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, May 14, 1887, Image 3

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m sinnu wins, "SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1887. If you don't get the Tribunk aftei this issue you will und'-rsttmtl it is be cause you have not paid for it. Go to t. Fried for yonr Collars and Cuffs Slight shocks of earthquake acc-un pained by the rumbling sounds wire flt at Summerville, and Charleston on TnU'sduy niitht. Shocks were also felt m California and Mexico. South Carolina white Episcopalians, are a tough set of Christ tans. A large minority withdrew from the Convention on Thursday last because colored cler gymen were admitted as delegates. S one missionary work ought to be done among these alleged Christians before the devil claims them as his own. Go to L. Fried for your Pleated White and Fancy shirts. We regret very much to learn of the serious illness of our old friend K. S. Thomas, and hope to chroni cle his early recovery. For the latest styles of shirts, Collarsand Cuffs, L Fried’s the place. We respectfully acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to attend the twelfth annual commencement ex ercises of tire State Normal and In dustrial school at Huntsville, Ala., on the 29th instant. The State convention of Georgia Baptists will be held at Bruswick, Ga., on next Wednesday. Rev. W I White, Chairman.of the State Cen tennial Committee, has called his committee to meet in that city on Tuesday, on business of importance and requests the chairwan of each associational committee in the State to meet with them at the same time. Boston and Baltimore Corned beef at H Logan’s stalls 67 and 68 At a meeting of the Savannah Light infantry held on Tuesday May 3. 1887. the following named gentlemen were dieted honorary members of said com pany: Cd J II Deveaux; Lieut A K iLsve-mey; Jas II C Burke; G 8 Wil liams; Jas Williams; Win Howard; J P Green; H 11 Lee; Lieut L A Wash ing'on; Thom >s E Ferrebee; G W Wil liams; Pr>i James Middleton; Oliver Foster; K Wright; Jacob Bowens; II R Rahn; Wm L >gan; RN Rutledue; bergt C M Roberts; Da»’l B Gadson SJenrosS: Jas Dorsey; Prince Houston; Middleton Anderson; George Bacon; J. E Hamilton. Syrup of Nitre cures Coughs, Colds Ac. For sale by all druggists. Services at St. Philip’s A. M. E. church, to-morrow will be as fol lows: Prayer meeting at 5 a. m.; preaching 10:30 a. m. by Rev. J. M. Chav is. of Charleston, S. C.; Sunday school at 1:30 p, m., which will be addressed by Dr. J. W. Troy, of Va.; preaching at 3 p. m. by the pastor and at 7:40 p. m. by Rev. J. M. Chav is. For underwear, L. Fried's the place. Try L. Fried for your Red Flannel Shirts and Drawers, Yellowstone Kit continues his en tertainments corner Liberty and Price streets to audiences of from sto 7 thousand people nightly. Kit has made some very remarkable ci; es in the citv and there is a uni versal demand for his medicines. His pad is especially spoken of in the highest terms by all who have used it, and many are the remark able cures which it has performed— Yellowstone Kit by his many acts of charity and his straight-forward manner of doing business has estab lished himself in the confidence of the people at-large—and will no doubt make a grand success of his advertising in this city. The cry is L. Fried is the place for Shirts Col ars and Caffs. Try the Elephant Overhalls at L Fried. ,g, Head Quarters A Ist Battalion, Georgia Vol- I unteers. Colored. j Savnnah, Ga.. May 13. 1887. J The battalion will parade on Thursday, May 19, next, the anni versary of the 15th amendment to the constitution. The line will be formed on South Broad street right resting on Habersham street at 10 o’clock a. in. The colors will be escorted to the place of assembling, by the Lone Star Cadets. Company commanders are enjoin ed to have their commands on the ground promptly at the hour desig, Rated. By'order John IL Deveaux. ; f Lt. Col. Corn’d'g. A. K. Desverney, Ist Lt. and Adjutant. hi great variety arid eheap at 1.. . r fled. Rev. Abraham Murehis m formerly a • deacon of the First Bryan Bap ist Church of -his city, but since 1861 . a resident of Mitchellville, Hihon Head, b- (’ t) d itC j 011 |. lSt gaiurdiiy '' evening at his home in Sou h Carolina. he deceased wis in many respect* a remarsabie man Ater leaving his na tive city he was ordained a minister of the gospel, and through his effons, e main y, the Baptist Church <d bis adopt -1 ed State, was organized and owes its t present state of high profieeucy t-i his indomit Me zeal and courage. Hr b>d extraordinary will-power and always h exert- d it for the be-t interest of his 1 people During the w u he was often 1 called on by the commandant of the post of Hilton Head to advis- his peo pie,in the right direction which was always saiisfactory to all parties coo -1 cerued, C'>ns< queoi ly he became to he known as the " Black Prince of Mitchell -1 villp." He was once mayer.-f his town by appointment and be it said to his 1 credit that notwithstanding ihepieju -1 dice then rife in the army against col - oixd men, he. succeeded in giving satis faction. After the war he t<> k. an ac j five part in politics so far as they rela ted to education and civil rights of h s j people, His remains was buried from 21 his mother church in this city on last Monday afternoon, and thus closed the . care r of one of the most extraordinary meu f his time. ——» Hl— Northern and Tennessee Beef, Mut- * ton and V eil ot the best quality always ’ ou hai dat II Logan’s stalls 67 and 68, City Maiket. # —ir- - - —» Festivals, Excursions Etc. Sunday May 15 Excursion to 1 Bluffton, by Ihe Loving Daughters ot : Bryan ou B.earner "Pope Catlin” from . foot of Drayton street. Tickets 75 . cents, children 50 cents. Munday May 16 —Excursion by the Georgia Cadets to Beaufort, on steamer St. Ni hulas at 7 o’clock a. ui. Tickets 50 cents. Mondax May 16 —Excursion and pic-nic to Isle Hope by Armenia Lodge No. 1930 G. U. O. of O. F. Trains leave 9 a. m., and 2 p. m. Tickets 35 cents and 20 cents Monday May 16—Grand Supper at Odd Fellows’ hal', Dufly street by the Ladies Social Club. Refreshments free. Tickets 25 cents - and 15 cents. Doers open 7 0 clock p. in, Monday May 16 —Ball at Empire Hall by the Guiding Stars Base Bill club Doors opeu at 8 p in Admission 25 cents. Monday May 16—Grand entertain merit at Sturtevant hall ou Liberty Street near West Broad by the John son Enterprising club. Doors open at 730 p. m. Tickets 25 cents. Thursday Evening May 19 —Com- bination Military Hop by the Savannah Light Infantry, and Lone Star Cadets at Odd Fellows Brick Temple, Dutiy street. Tickets 25 cents. Thursday May 19—Military ILp by the Chatham L ght Infantry at their hal! Gwinnet and Montgomery streets - Doors open at 8 p m. Tickets 25 cents. Every one is interested in know ing that Dr. S. C. Parsons is daily examining all persons rich or poor free of charge, for all diseases whether medical or surgical and thorough in every case. Thousands who have consulted him in the past two years at his drug store and office corner of Liberty and Montgo mery streets, can testify to his curt?s, as his vast experience obt a i n ed in different countries, hospitals and private practice enables him to de tect disease were it would be over looked by others. lie also examines and treats the eye for all diseases and keeps a full line of spectacles, eye glasses, etc. It is the headquarters of Dr. S. C. Parsons medicines, electric support ers, electric belts, electric lung pro tectors, electric hosiery, belts, truss es, splints, crutches, ladies doily or or toilet belts, suspensores. Shoulder braces, pile trusses, pile pipes, arti ficial limbs, and all surgical appli ances for deformities made to order, a full line of spectacles, eye glasses, a complete stock of drugs, chemic als. herbs, roots and barks. Contractor, Builder Ac. The under-igned is prep in d to con tract for budding and all kinds of car penter work generally, and re-p'etfully solicits patronage from the publie. William Alston, 44 Gwinnett street. Blacksmith Ac. John Powell, Thunderbolt road» 'near Toll Gate is doing all kind- of black-mithing, Jior>eshoeing, wheel wrighting Ac., 'at reasonable prices j Satisfaction is guanteed in every case SPECIAL NOTICES. The b st place to buy furniture and stoves < n the instalment plan is at Free man and Oliver, 192 Broughton street. John IL Deveaux Commercial Nota ry fSpeeial attenti n given to drawing Deed*. Bills of sale etc. ny bu.-ine-s intrusted to me will receive prompt at tention. 158 St. Julian sireet, Tribune office. . R. J. ARTSON, Practical Carpenter and jobber, will re ceive orders left at 41 Whitaker street. Prompt attention given and all work guaranteed. Cyrus Campfleld, Practical Jeweler, (late of S. P. Hamil ton) has opened at No. 41 Whitaker street, where he will be phased to see all ot his old friend- and natrons. Prompt atiention given to all work intrusted to him and satisfaction guar anteed. Harrison Crane The Well-known Watch maker and Jeweler citi be found at his old stand e.ouer President and Drayton streets, where he gives special attention to the repairing ot Clocks, Watches and Jew elry. He assures good work and prompt attention, thereby soliciting the patronage of a generous public. 117 ANTED, everybody to know VV Wilson’s is headquarters for Fine Cabinet Photographs;, family groups and life-size heads direct from the negatives. Cabinet Pho tos price three dollars a dozen. J. N. Wilson, 21 Bull street. F. C- LAMBERT. I)ENT I S T , The insertion of Crowns on Roots obviating the wearing of a plate, [a specialty] done in the most perf'Ct man ner. Teeth extracted without pain. Consultation f'r< e. Patr mage solicited. Cor. Houston and South Broad streets, Savannah, Ga. Go to L. Fried for your Fancy Percal shirts THE INTER OCEAN OF* CHICAGO * In Circulation and Political Influence Is tha Leading Republican Newspaper IN THE NORTHWEST. THE INTER OCEAN has from the begrlnnlnir been the defender of home institutions and ideas. It is the advocate of equal rij/hte for all be fore the law, of protection to American labor, and of the Idea that America i» for Americans- not nec essarily Americans by birth, but true citizens of the Republic. It believes in the West and Western men, holds to the idea that the future neat of em pire will be in the Mississippi Valley, and is bold and aggressive in its opposition to the unholy alli ance between the money-changers of New York City and the States lately in rebellion THE INTER OCEAN is earnestly in favor of the Republican party because it believes the principles of that party are correct, and that, honestly car ried out, they will beat protect the rights and ad vance the interests of the whole people It is not, however, h 'Hind follower, but is always denounce Republican wrong-doing, either in high or low olaces THE INTER OCEAN has always maintained that the Nation is under an obligation to the soldiers of the late war, who jeopardized their lives to protect it from armed treason, which it can never and, consequently, has advocated the establish ment of Soldiers’ Homes and the enactment of such pension laws as would leave no disabled vet eran in want. As a Newspaper THE INTER OCEAN is not ex celled in the United States. Aside from the service of the Associated Press, in which it holds a mem bersh.p, it keeps a large body of Special Corre spondents, both in this country and in the Old World, and has SPECIAL LEASE!; TELEGRAPHIC WIRES connecting Its Chicago office with WASH INGTON and NEW YORK, tn both of which cities it has SPECIAL NEWS BUREAUS and maintains Branch Offices. The Daily Inter Qcean Is publisbed every day tn the year Price, exclusive oi Sunday, - - $ 8.00 per Ten “ Sunday'included,' - - - 10.00 “ “ The Is published ou MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and contains the News condensed from the Daily Among other features, T.TE SEMI-WEIIgKLY prints the Sermons of Prof. Swing and othsr lead ing Ministers ot Chicago,. #*.<2.£»O per Year. The Ir>ter Qoean Has the LARGEST CIRCULATION of any weekly paper West of New York. In 1884. before the reduction of postage, it paid for POSTAGE ON CIRCULATION alons over 126,000. I*rice, 8 1 .<><> per Year. Every effort Is used to make THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN a MODEL FAMILY NEWSPAPER, one that can he taken Into any family with profit to each of its members The Stories and other liter ary’ features are from the pens of the ablest and most approved writers Among them are MRS BURNETT, MISS PHELPS, MJBB JEWETT, and MESSRS STOCKTON. TROWBRIDGE. LATHROP. BOYEBEN, SIDNEY LUSKA. and E P. ROE All the leading features of the paper which have made it SO POPULAR IN THE HOME CIRCLE will be continued and Improved, and nothing wl»l be left undone to keep it in the front rank as A SO JNtl. WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER. ★ SPECIAL OFFERS. ★ There is » greet demand frqai all parte of the country tor a correct but cheap History of the Upltod States Most of eufch books are so targe and expensive as to be out of the reach ot moat tamilies Yet every boy and girl ought to be Ikmil. lar with the history of their country It can hard ly fail to make them better cltlxena THE INTER OCEAN has made special arrangements by which Brown’s History of the United States Can be offered with THK WEBKLY INTER OCEAN one year, at the very low rate of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS For both the history and paper BROWN’S HISTORY is a well-written story of our country, from the earliest settlement to the present day It ie well printed In clear type, on good white paper apd bound ib cloth. It contains more than BUCTY ILLUSTRATIONS and over SIX HUNDRED PAGES REItKHBER. O.\ K HOLLAR Alfb pay far «/« puper one Yin und MS In St M»l ixxtupf puW. _ _. THESE PRICES. Smoked Shoulder, 4,5, 6,7, .and S cents. Smoked Hams, 5,6, 7, and 8 cents. Sugars, 5, SA, C> and (H cents. Flour, bld. 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00. Tobacco, ll> IS, 20,25, 27| and 30 cents. All other goods in proportion. Now is the time for cash cus tomers. M. J. DOYLE, market square. K. J. Crane, Practical Watchmaker AND JEWELER. Cor. Wheaton A Reynolds Streets? Cash Paid For Old (iold and Silver. SAVANNAH, GA.. lllgl mil ClliriEl Cures all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood Cures Scrofula, Tumors, Disfiguring Humors of the skin ami scalp Liver and Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Billiotisness, Female Weakness and all de bilitating and wasting diseases. Gentlemen .’ —I lake pleasure in recom mending your valuable medicines I have great faith in the Alaska they have afforded me great relief. Alaska Blood Purifier will I uild up the shattered constitution and make one feel like a new being, adding energy strength and vigor to one’s system. Alaska Catarrh Compound is simply wonderfull in its effects, it will cure Cold in the head and Head che almost in stantly, and I cheerfully commend them to all. Yours respectfully, KEV. U L. HOUSTON, Savadnah Ga. Alaska cleanses the blood, strengthens the Ikmlv and builds up the enfeebled and broken down constitution. LADIES, use Alaska Blood Purifier it is specially adapted to your complaints. "IL.ISkI I'IBIIIIII (IIIMI’OLW The indisputable sure Catarrh cure. Alas ka has cured hundreds of cases in Savannah when ail other remedies utterly failed. Alas ka neverfails, it is infallible. What greater evidence can a people ask of a medicine’s true merit, than the testimony furnished you by Alaska Compound Co., from among your own citizens friends and neighbors. Testi mony of Police Officer H. W. Boughn. Alaska Compound Co., Lynn, Mass. Gentlenit >•'— I have suffered of ulcerative Catarrh for ove.' four years, I have tried most all ad. vertise medicines for the cure of this disease have also been under regular medical treat merit hut-all tire time the disease was getting worse I could get no reli- f' until 1 tried i Alaska Blood Purifier and Ala-ka Catarrh Compound, which I am happy to say give ] me instant relief speedily followed by a per fect cure. I now feel like am w man. and I cheerfully recommend it’s use by all suf fefers Yours Respt. H. W, Boughn, ALASKA OIL. The Great Pain Destroyer is of marvell. ous efficacy in the treatment and cure ”of deafness, toothache sore throat, headache, pains in the chest side, and back, rhenma tism, neuralgia, sprain-, bruises, burns, cuts, chilblains, or lameness in any part in the body, for corns, warts, and bunions. Alaska I Medicines sold by druggists or I •sent to any address by company’s agent ■ on receipt of price Alaska Blocs! Purifier] $1 per liottle, G for Alaska Oil or Catarrh Compound 50 cents a bottle, 6 for, $2.50.' . M Special inducements to agents where our medicines are not sold. Address J. A. Cal lahan. general agent. Alaska Cornp'd Co. 178 Broughton Street Savannah- The Place to Buy The Best GOODS For the LEAST MONEY! •••■• . « • *• t ■ ■ - ■ —IS? ;AT— TEEPLE & CO.’S. J .92 and 193 Broughton Street. .. ’ ” [gf* CALI. AT OCR STOKE I . If you want Furniture, MattlngH, Window Rhade., Hefrlgeratorn, Bed HpHng.; If»itn*M"(, Cooking Htoves, or anything in the Houaegeeping Line, It yowtacail <>u ua before buying elsewhere. AVer G ootls Con st a fitly Arriring. . .. •<’ j mPLEkUJ.i H»3 and I#s Broughton Street, Between Jeffer • " •••, |ou >n( j yjvntgomery. i ABRAM L MONGIfi dealer in groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, ConfectionarieSjoEtc. h CORNER DUFF i and BURROUCHH STREETS. A fresh supply of articles always 0| hand at reasonable prices. The pntrotl age of the public is respectfully solicit! ed. I * isl 20 CENTS j Will buy a Pound of A No. 3 Ron steel Coffee, 50 CENTS V 5 ill buy a Pound of A No, 1 Tea, 60 CENTS For a Peek of Whole Rie« HAUS. AM) WHITE H E AII 4- At Very Low Prices -f 1 For Fine Grades of Flour thal will please vou, Buv our BRAND “SUPBEME”' tODA WATER, bODA WATER, SODA WATER Our Fountain is now runing in full blast and f<>r a Cool 1 Refreshirg Drink pay us a vii 4 it. Don’t fail to visit us when! in need of Groceries, V e car| save vou money, STRAUSS BROS, Formerly “Red Grcceryl Store,’ near Solomon’s Drug Store, F. W. GERBER. Watchmakers Jeweler . DKAhHR IN- 1 ‘l ' E I E >< N E G P R OJMiMuI A A I V R N N G >. -■ G Solid Gold and Silver WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, and SPECTACLES. —FINE SILVERWARE,— KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, ETC., Repairing. I have the finest facilities in the city, to do repairing of Fine and com plicated Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. ALL WORK WaRI'ANTED. F W &EE.BEB.. i I 4 Broughton St, Savannah, Ga. “TRIBUNE ’ I have a great many broken seta anti odd lots of Crockery and Gla'-s Ware, which I am selling very low to dispose of them. Now is the time to gel goods cheap. Icecream Churns cheaper than evgr before. Water Cooleis and everything else needed in h house at GEO. W. ALLEN’S , 165 and 165 1-2 Bruhgliton St.