The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, May 21, 1887, Image 4

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TORPEDO BOATS. KE DEVELOPMENT OF POWEBFUL VESSELS OF WAR. needy Bonis Armed "With Machine I GtuiN and Torpedoes—Ericsson’s “Destroyer”—A Submarine Gun 1 The most noted torpedo boat builders the world are Mt’sru. Yarrow ami ■OMra. 'i'hornverolt. of London. J’.in h K these great firms employs from I,oo*l b 1,200 workmen, and can turn out at past one completed boat per week. The thief peculiarity of !orpt;do-la>at' i< their Dimot phenomenal «peed. They arc Milt of steel, the different < lasses ranging length from fifty-tivp feet, intended for i Omrbor defence, to vessels of I<>6 feet, i fflKapabic ot in iking an extended cruise at, The Faike, a boat ic< cully built by pfjhe Messrs. Yarrow for the .\n«trodlun- Government, is 135 feet long, foitr- feet wide, draught of water five feet inches, and attained on the trial trip , 7*Hk speed of twenty-live and one-half miles ] (per hour. Tho armament consists of two machine-guns, carried on if deck, and two bow-tubes for discharging ‘J’aWhitehcad torpedoes. 4 The development of torpedo-boats i? *4 Snow so rapidly progressing that any de ■Bacription becomes almost out of date dur ■Bing the writing. A vessel just completed , Bby the Messrs. Yarrow for the Japanese iHGoverninent is the largest that has been built. It is Ititi feet long, nineteen wide, is provided with twin «< rewr, ■HI to give greater facility in turning, and ■ maintains a speed of twenty -four miles ■ per hour. The engines are protected by I a steel deck one inch thick ; addi tion to two bow tubes for dis-charging ■ torpedoes dip < tlx ahead, two turn-tables 1 ■ are mounted on de. k, from which torpe ■ docs can be launched in any d< sired di ■ rec tion. Very similar in their construction, and IjSj no less famous for speed and manomvring B qualities, are the boats built by the B Messrs. 'L'hornycroft. In tilts country,the .Messrs. H< rre h >IT, B of Bristol, R. 1 , have built a number of B very f.wst boats, designed to be used with B torpedoes. One of these is the noted ■ itcam-yachl iMiktlo, which may well be B taken as a representative the American B type. Tho Stiletto is built of wood, with B iron braces; length, ninety-four feet; ■ width, eleven feet; draught of water, B four feet six inches, an<l has attained a B speed of twenty-five miles |Mir hour. 1 A very formidable torpedo vessel has ■ been built in recent years by that great est of living engineers, Captain John [A Ericsson. It has been appropriately B named the Destroyer. Once, at a critical moment in the histdry of our country, as I every American well knows, Captain B Ericsson camo to the rescue w ith a Mon- B itor. Sinqe then his genius, energy, B and mechanical skill have been devoted ■ to the problem of saving our great coast I cities from destruction in the event of g war with a foreign naval power. | The result of these years of study and I experimenting is the. Destroyer, armed | I with a torpedo-guu which discharges under the water a projectile carrying a I charge sufficient to .sink the largest iron clad afloat. Thesubmarim. gun ismounted ; in the bow of the vessel, near the keel, and | is thus m arly ten feet below the surface of the water. It consists of a cylinder of gun-metal, or steel, thirty feet long, ad ditionally streiwthcncd at the breech by broad steel rntyis. it. is load, d at the breech, the muzzle being encased by the vessel’s stem, and closed by a valve to exclude the water. This valve is opened by suitable levers just before the gun is i to be discharged, and closes automatic ally as the projectile leaves the muzzle. ; The projectile is a steel torpedo, twenty- i live feet long, sixteen inches in diameter, and carrying a charge of 300 pounds of gun-cotton. It has a range of 300 feet during the first three seconds of its flight. The form of the torpedo is cylindrical, with a conical point in which is placed the percussion-lock and firing-pin, and the explosion takes place upon impact.— Scriln ter' s Mtigazine. Thieves of All Nations. “The Criminal Court is a great high way of nations,” said Judge Anthony, while chatting to a friend in the court- i room waiting lor the Grand Jury to come in. “I have been over here five months this time, and in that, time we have tried representatives of every civilized nation on the globe. We have had professional thieves here from every principal city in this country ami Europe, England. Scot land, Ireland. France, Germany, Russia. Austria, Italy. Spain, Canada and all provinces, aud every .State in the I nion are represented at every term of court. ■ We had one ca.-e the other day in which not one of the defendants or wit nesses, who were numerous enough, could speak a work of English. Not one of them was a citizen of this country, and I don't be lieve any one of th< in every intended t» be. The thieves particularly seem to find some charm about Chicago, or perhaps there is some peculiar temptation to do business here. Anyway, tliey seem to I come here from every where, and many of them leave bv the Joliet route.— Cnintao Mail. Where It Is Really fold. Bishop ( hit, the Arctic regions mission ary, now in Montreal, furnishes the fol lowing intert 1.1 statistics of tempera- * ture observed at Good Hope during the year- 1885 and 1 Sbtj; From October 1. 1885, to May 1, lss<;, the thermometer was I never above z?. r In February. 1880, it we it down to tilty-two degrees below, ami as low s- eighteen degrees on May ,1 of the samey ear, whileon October 24 preceding itwasdown to twenty-seven dvgn es. Fourteen years ago Bishop Chit lt the ice on the Great Slave Lake on I ■ July 8, and afterward found ice again on " the Mackenzie River, beyond the polar September 17.— Mvnirtal Mrs. Beelre, Ute Ball, and the Boys. Mrs. Beelre, an elderly New London fly, has been a good deal annoyed by i -vs who play foot Lail in the street be » her house. Sho htid trmd entreaties <t> I threats to no purpose, until the other day, when she had her innings. In the course of the game the boys .knocked the trail out of the bounds into the yard attached to Mrs. Beebe's resi dence, and before the spryest of the lot could scale the fence and recover the rubber sphere, Mrs. Beebe had captured it, and when a demand was made for its return she was deaf to all forms of en treaty. The boys made two or three in i tfectual attempts to soften .Mrs. Beebe’s great wrath for their previous bad con- 1 duct, but she was adamant and tho boys were in a quandary. After a while they held a mass meeting for deliberation on the best course to pursue, and finally decided to form a committee which was divided into subcommittees of two, whose duties should be in turn to make half hourly calls <mi Mrs. Beebe, and do maud the return of their foot-ball. They kept this up all day with little chance of suocess, apparently until late in the ' day, when it became a mere question of endurance which of the adverse parties should prevail. For brute strength the boys had the call, and at 8 o’clock Mrs. | Beebe surrendered and threw up the bull, to paraphrase a term in use in pugilistic circles. —JYew London Dny. Kai her Prompt. Smith “Justice is pretty prompt in ! Russia.” Jones- -“Very, indeed. ’’ “The nihilist who shot at the czar was ! hung the same day. That’s pretty quick > work.” “It’s not quick for Russia. The usual ' | Jan in Russia, is to hang the nihilist' months before he lias shot at, the czar, i Hanging him on the same day he at tempts to kill the czar, is reprehensible procrastination.” . I Seemingly Eradicated With repeated and p'cverful doses of quinine, chills and fever, in some one of its various 1 terms, springs into active i-x’slence gain, ottea without the slightest apyareut pnvto a- ! t on. To extinguish the smoideri g embers of I t ids obstinate and recondite malady, nole*s that to subdue it when it rages fiercely in the l inteiu, Ilos etter'-.Stomaon Bitte:s is ailsuf -1; ent. When every re>ouroe of the pbarm.t- Copoeia lias been exhausted against it in vain, the Bitters conquer it wi 1 remove every lin gering vestige of it. \ay, more, the Bitter will protect those bror ght wit bin the influence of theatmobpheric poi ■< nthat begets malaria disease, from Ha mtok-. Disorders of the stomach, liver arc! l> >wels, a: e among the com plaints t > b; nppre ie tied from f lie use of ns.- uema tainted water. I t ese are both cured ami p:evented by the Bitters. Uheumati.-tn, con stipation and renal complaints veld to its action. 'l’he King of Siam iris conferred the highed honors on an American dentist. Delicate Childrcu. Nursing Mothers, Overworked Men. and for ail diseasei where tho tissues are waat.ngaw i. from tins inability to digest ordinary food, or f > o over work of tho brain or body, ail -u 'b should take Scott’s Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites. "I s-d the Emulsion • m a lady who was delicate, anti threatened with Bronchitis. Lt put her in such good 1> alth and tieah, that I must say it is the best. Emul sion I ever used.” L. I’- WADDF.IJ, M. D.. llsgh’s Mills. S. C. Queen Victoria lias offered tin- sum of $5,- 000,000 for the great. Cape diamond. Food makes Blood and Blood makes Beatify Improper dige-tiim of ?<><<i tie essiuilv pro. duces tied bio ><l. r> s;il:imj in a feeling <>f fnt;• ness in ihe stoiuac .acidity, iieattburn, wick headai h ■•, and other dyspeptic Simplon s. A closely ct n'ire i life ciiusos indigesilo , <-<>n- Btipation, bil ; >msne->s and Josh of appetite. I<> remove these trmbles there is no remedy equal to Pricltiy A«h Biters. It has been tried and proven to Ge a specific- All Men are not Bad, Neither are al) preparad remedies unreliable This s proven by the results follow ng the use Os Dr. Harter’s Iron Tonic for Dyspepsia,rheu r.s 1 ,m, scrofula, jaundice, torpid liver and y ip ral weakness. If you have tumor, (or tumor symptoms) Cancer (or cancer symptoms),Scrofula,Erysipe las, Salt-Kheum, Chronic weaknes-os,Nervous ness or other oomplaints—-Dr. Kilmer's Ek malk Rkmbdy will correct and cure. A Wonderful Machine mid Offer. To introduce t hem w ■ give a vay I.(W S df operating Wash rig Ma bines. No labor <r Washboard. Best in the world. If you scant one, write The National Co.. Dey St., N. Y. Daughters. Wives mid Hollier*. Send lei i‘.uophlet on Fein lie Di-eases, free, recurely seme<i. Dr .1. B. M irch si. I’tici. N.Y Relief is intti'd me, and n cure sure. Piso’s Remedy for rh. stl. . IT IS A PURELY VEGETABLE PREPARATION M SENNA-MANDRAKE-BUCHU $ jn<KD (ITNEP CttUAUXEmittliT REMEDIES ■tl It l‘ as s * 4he Test of Years, Curing all Diseases of the BLOOD.LIVER. 8T0M ?-ch > kidneys,bow , J ELS, &c. It Purifies the KX? ■ c c *** 11 K - ood i Invigorates and Li Cleanses tho System. | t dyspepsia, CoNSTl- Bl CURES |PATION, JAUNDICE, ■UILDISEASESOFTHE I SICKHEADACHE.BIL- Kl IJVFR 18 1? 118 COMPLAINTS,Ac G 8 disappear at once under 5 KI DNL 1; SJg Rs beneficial influence. M STOMACH 3 ms purely a Medicinal AND H as its cathartic proper lnnLLZr*r CllH ties its use as a if A-U ;‘M LLDJj beverage. It is pleas | L J Sx B ant to tna taste, and as rl a -t»v itl easily taken bv child- fl M nDirricrcr" 1— kT : £ 1 ,T4 s i“J’!x;H prickly ask bitters co ft.P RIC£IOOI LARK! r ~ ‘ hT.Loun»Hu4 Kansas CtTT VC to Soldiers »ii(i Heirs. Sendfurcir Ut:l4lVl>w rulers No fee unless suocessfol. ■ I’.. 11. Giuxm A CO., Washington, ». th fin 1 11U Ha b 11C ure d. Treat uen t eon ton trial. ’ ■ “ ■ U ™ Al,p X Lu.. Jnd. Mr. V. E. Hu h. Adr an. N. ¥.. -;:yc; "My | father was ret-j lame with rbe tuit -m. Now . after using St. Ja< obs Oil he is no lamer than I lam. He was cured." 1 rice fifty cents- The Woman', Christian Temperance Union | <>: H <inburg, N. Y., has adopted resolutions congratulating Mrs. Frances F<> som Cleve- ■ land for having drank cold water at a diplo ma', c dinner, and because "she has the | ! moral heroism to prove loyal to God, the < church and temperance." At Bieber, Lassan County, Cal . resides Mr. I Thomas P. Ford, who writes: "1 can truth- | luily say 1 have used -St. Jacobs Oil in my tarn- < ily for y eats, and find it a never failing reux- j edy for a l pa.nful complaints.’’ " he po me of New York City mused a "dry Sun |» » ” ny raid Ing 1 he rum - . tops; one saloon ! keeper dressed hisshop incrape and black : ribbons, and hung out i placksrd inscribed, 1 "Closed on Account of the Death of Liberty!" I I How I’hte You Are! I’ fie u-ntiv he exclamation of s>ns lady to A’lbther. The tact 1- not a pleasant one tc bav-meat om d, but the act may be a kindly one, for sets the tie addressed to thinking, appr-es her of the fact that she :s not in good health, aud leads her ’•> '•eok a reason therefor. Pallor is almost always attendant upon the flist stages of cons impt on. The system is en feebled. arid the bo <1 s iinjroverished. Dr. 1 f ierce’s "Golden Med cal Disnovery" will act as a tonic upon the svatero, will inrich the im- I poverished blood, ant restore loses 0 the •heek. Ba-w-ba I King Mike Kelly of the “Bostons” received.* SSOO watch from his admirers. “J Love Her Hetterthan Life.” Wei', then, why d m't you do something to bring back 'hs ro es o i»rr cheeks and the ; light to her eyes ? Don’t you see she is suffer ing from nervous debility, the resu t of female weakness? A bottle or Dr. Pierce s "Favorite ' Prescr pt 'on” will brighten those pale c heeks : and s-nd new life through that wasting form. If you love her. take heed. The <lf-ptnilent ■. rnsion hid will go to Con- i gress in October again in a new form. If yon hive catarrh, use the surest remedy— ■ Dr. Sage's. I —— —• Os 6,000.000 women in Brazil only .W.O<TO can i j read and write. Honiethlng New i And most important. Hallett & Co., Portland, ' I Maine, can furnish you work that you can do i a: ,rent profit and live nt home, where c you i are 1< cated. Either sex all ages. A-a 1 • i liar.<l, Westboro,Mass., wri esusthat he made I profit in a single day. Every worker can ! make from $6 to J 25 and upwards per day. AH ■ is new. Capital not required; ytiu are started J free, full particulars free, tend your ad- I dress at once. ' 11 ' " T » Biliousness ta more g'-aeral at this seasoa than any other. The bltber taste, offensive breath, coated tongue, sick headache, drowsiness, diasiness and loss of appetite make the victim miserable, an 1 disagreeable to others. Hood's Sarsaparilla combines the best antl bllions remedies of the vegetable kingdom, in sueh proportion as to derive their best medicinal effects f without lite least disturbance to the whole sy-tem. This preparation Is so well balanced in its effects that it brings about a healthy action of the entira human organism, restores the appetite, and over comes that tired feeling. Dyspepsia and Malaria "I had been sick for several years, being troubled i chiefly with dyspepsia and malaria. I had medical attendance, but only graw worse until one day in February my wife brought me a bottle of Hood’s , Sarsaparilla, which se-uns t>ha re entirely cured ma, , as I have not been tro:i'»!ed by any ailment since tag i Ing It."—John Ecskis!. ■'liiillcotbe, ilhlo. ; ■ 1 have taken not Qitd :• a bottle of Hood's Sarsa- I parilla and mint si) It is one of th" be-u medicines forgiving an appetite nut r-gti'a 1 tig the digestive organs that 1 ever heard of. It. did uie agreat deal of 1 I good. " Mas. X. A. Stanlev, Canastota, N. Y. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Boid by ait druggists. ?1; six for s’> '.’repars 1 only by C. 1. HOOP Jt CO.. Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass. JOO Doses Ono Dollar lEOMSAWABOEOTO-l Barfracb«, Weakness. ColJa In « k B 0 ‘ n ’ IM HA FQR PhstCß <5 l.adien’ Those dull | ~v a. tired litoksan 1 feelings] t V % <z./ jflrt'iwy spenk volumes’ This] . NA Reineily corrects all con] t.s ditions, restores vigor] ' 4vdr!s3Pv>wW rs and vitality :i:i i lirings ] built jotithlul blooms ' and beauty. ]>rugui^ts.| WaTSkeMlcw rj I'repan Ist bi-. Ki liners Dis-fl • C. -X <-,• tn s >«nv, Tcnghamton, N. Y.fl vs j, l.ettersof inpiirv answered, g 'Sfic X Giudoto HealthZSentFree). ] EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Graaf Medici! Work for Yeung and Men. KNOW THYSELF. JBw !|)I HI.IMIEII by the I’EABODY MEDI- L < AL INSTITt TE, No. 4 BnlUlnch St.. Jomoii, Muss. \OI. H. PARKER, M.D., Cotiswt < i’h' sleian More than one million ■ opies sold. It treats upon Nervous and Physical Debiltiy, Premature beeline Kxhanstid Vitality, Impaired vigor, and ltnpur of the Blood, and the untold nti-eries consc paent t i.-'rcon, Oou'a.ns 300 pages sul siautial eml <1 binding, full gilt. Warranted the best papular modi-a! treatise pul lished In tfio Eti ,aa language. I’rie-only.l l y mail, postpaid, and concealed in a plain wrapper. Jibuti atilt hiinplr/ree if you send now. Address at above. Au me 1A is paper. • WEAK MEN, WEAK WOMEN. 71 kVe”- 1 Dr. HAIKD’s BI.ODD t.KAM LEf are manvtoun, the skssatios of the hour. Thousands have used them and not one Lui Is enthusiastic or -r tm-lr wonderful prooertlra 2b cents : 5 boxes. JU. Os Druggists or ty mail, post -prepaid. All in vulnts should send v, count of case, symptoms, ete. with order and we wli DO YOV gUod Address Dr. WM. .11. BAIRD, M h shiny ton, N. J. BUSINESS •cJhhjLm hi th* (I-tintft. Stand for Circulars, I 1 "*itu»trHte<i ro«i< ■ lll’J ’ Address I fq'aliiHn i r a,?»• p.o **** ■ f ” 11 •KIG. Atiuntu. tin. Dassala... 1° s *“«« ««»p Urcultu ’ tfou u binj. I VlldlUlld mam. AWy, Washwgtoa t u Krom the Arthst who Took G. G. Hoffmaa'o Photograph. Hickory, M. C. I send you to-day half dozen photographs of G. G. Hoffman, of Couover, N. C., and I must say that yonr medicine has done wonders for Mr Hoffman. It seems like raising the dend to life; he looks fat and hearty now, and they tell me when he com menced your medicine be was nothing but skin and i bon« The sore on his breast is healed over, and , you esn see the one on the forehead Is healing up i from the top. I wish it bad been so that I coaid have taken it when he was at his worst, bat I could not leave my office, and be livee some distance from j here. Yours Respectfally, A. Mclxtosh. This man, G. G. Hoffman, has risen by the use of Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) to bis present won derfully Improved condition. In a short time bis boneless forehead will be fully he tle I, and he will stand a monument of humanity raised from the verge of death. Few persons ever recover from such a tow state, being on a dying bed from that fell destroyer, blood poison, with the bones of his foreliead rotted and taken out, fJ' 4 s:t inches, by the ’ doctors, and given out to die. From ekin and bones, wrecked by blood poison, to health aud ! sound flesh, is the work o' B. B. B. Not man y such desperate case? may be found, ! but when ihey are they should not despair of re covery, as B. B. B. will cure them. When this medicine can cure such extreme cases, ie it not reasonable that it will cure ail ca-see of blood poison of less violence, as it has done in ! thousands of instances 1 The Mayor and Doctors of Conover will verify rhe awful condition from which Mr. Hoffman was raised. B. B. Co. ONLY TRUB Htonic Will purify tha BLOOD regntsU the LIVER and KIDNEYS and P.MTOM th» HEALTH sndVIO OR of YOUTH Dyspopaia.Want vBCRMBjaA o( Appnritn, IndigMtton.lukck of Strrnc'h and Tired Feeing sb eolu:ely cured; Bonee. mas wKfiM&XVA. clua and term receive new for-®. Enlivene the mind nod r ipplies Brain Tower. r?' —SnSerina from complaint} I A EV. 3Sw C peculiar to their sei will And LeAKJMEiS* nDR HARTER'S IRON TONIC a safe and speedyenre. Gives a clear, bent, thy complexion. Frequent attempts nt connterrevt j ing only add to the popularity of the original. IM net experiment—get the ORIGINAL AND BEST, ( Os. HARTER'S LIVER PILLS L Cure Constipation. Liver Complaint and Sick ■ Headache. Sample Dosa and Dream Book! malted on receipt ot two cents in postage, y HE DR.HARTER MEDICINE COMPANY, St. Louis. Mo. Tho Grant Huraery cf PEReHEHOW HORSES. ljl 2’M Imported Brood Mares Os Choicest Families. k-' BGIE w Ages, both Sexes, ,N stock ' 300 to 400 I VIFOWTEn AN A (. ILLY I h-om Fra.nce.all recorded with extended ped.cuw. in If e Stud Books. The Pori'heinn only Trait j herd of Fraiv e a stud book thwt the upport and end<H*.’*er.iPnt of the French < tend for 120-page Catalosnie, lllustiatioEs hv i k *o SM Bonbcur. M. W. O UNH AM, Warne, DuPace Co., 'ilit-.oisi. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. N ■ y rhe best S-i Shoo in the world. Best material,stylish, ~/ aagGJg p i perfect fit;Congress. Button ■*/ ARV I or Laee;all styles toe.leiuafs >O/ « any g.» or s■> Slum. < -st. nothingto examine Clieisi , - h? oh at your dealer’s. I seud , yA- ' Information free how to obtain these c,'./jtx celebrated $3 Shoes / if your dealer does kwn C ,-oY ; & LJaEST »OUGLAS^"*SBiik»E*^SEWED •2.50 Shoe •quits $: Shoes advertised bv otbe: firms. Boys ah WP ar \v. 1„ Doueias' « ‘ Shoe. Be ware of froua. '.of 'irnuiiie iinlejs name and vrict are ttamped on o/each Shoe. •V. L. DOUGLAS, l.roekton, Maas. Dae Agent ( M-rcu'i- only) wanted it - y f ,„ ; «.L 0 ?< rla ’ r, ’ I '‘,‘ !pe 'onslirs Punch” ,< CTr . *' tla : Alldr< ”'* R - w - tanmi.i, co., <, J. P. STEVENS & BRO. JEWELERS. Atlanta, Ga. land for Catalogue. l « 1 art ;!,« -n.x,t Practical C'rsinMs Rdu. I (/‘f’jpt'ltP7 *< <<«*idniiiitli*. School ol Kna < Breast At la.£-"d /Z / Z for Circulir* A Specimen of PtmuKuship. CIR Ullua J ttiturt*. Seud for caUl<<ue. A. P “■ “ ® Stewart A Ov.. WfutoU&llbu. Aiuou, Ga. j SALE OF LOTS! East Sheffield Land Company, Beginning Thursday, 9th June, BBT, ON THE PROPKRTV ADJOINING S4IFF FIELD, ALA. The East Sheffield Land Co. own sbont 1,200 I aeres of land, laid off into lotn an 1 blocks and • which immediately adjoins the Sheffield prop- j ertv on the East, ’ 1 here are three Railroads on the property of 1 the East Sheffield Co., besides a Street Railroad ! running dummy engines, and extending frum j Sheffield to Tuscumbia, through Eaet Slieffield. Property admirably and conveniently located 1 and tna Company desire to sell cheap lots to ( actual residt nts, who will have su but baa h.-iues j in close and quick communication with Shef j field by street ear line. j Terms of sale, one-fourth cash, and balance in one, two and three years, at six per cent. ■ 0-NE-HALF the purchase price returned to id : buyers who improve the lots bought in twelve i months from date of sale, and onb-fuitbth re ! turned to those who improve in eighteen mouths from date of sale. j Donations of land made to Cbuiehes, Schools ■ and Manufacturing enterprises. For further information, Pamphlet and Map, write to EAST SHEFFIELD LAND CO-, SHEFFIELD, ALA. •r 1 I-- I ioi ’’r at The treatment, of many thousands of -uses J of those chronic weaknesses and distressing , ailments pttculiar to females, at the Invali'iA • Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast experience in nicely adapt- ■ ing and thoroughly testing remedies for Hie cure of woman’s peculiar maladies. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience. Thousands of testimo | nials, received from patients and from physi cians who have tested it in the mor- aggru i rated and obstinate cases which had buttled their skill, prove it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief ami sure of suffering women. It is not recommended asi 1 "cure-all," but as a most perfect Spccifi: for ; woman’s peculiar ailments. As a powerful, invigorating tonic, it imparts strength to the whole system, 1 and to the womb and its appendage in particular. For overworked, worn - out," i r * run-down," debilitated teachers, mtUmeii, I dressmakers, seamstresses, “shop-girls," house keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrlptioh is the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nervine, "Favorite Prescription” is une qualed and is invaluable in allaying an I sub duing nervous excitability, irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and ■ other distressing, nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and organic 1 disease of the womb. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety anl de i spondency. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful i physician, aud adapted to woman's I< li- ate organization. It is purely vegetable t its , composition and perfectly harmless tn :tl effects iu any condition of the system. For morning sickness, or nausea, from .whatever cause arising, weak stomach, indigestion, dys . pepsia and kindred symptoms, its use, iu iraall doses, will prove very beneficial. “Favorite Prescription” is a posi tive cure for the most complicated and ob stinate eases of leucorrhea, excessive flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, ‘‘female weakness," anteversion, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronic congestion, inflammation and ulceration of the womb, in flammation, pain and tenderness in o’-ariefl, accompanied with " internal heat." Ab a regulator and promoter of funa- I tionnl action, at that critical period of clianga from girlhood to womanhood, “Favorite Pre l scription” is a perfectlj’ safe remedial tgent I and can produce only good results. It. ij , equally efficacious and valuable in its effects I when taken for those disorders and derange ments incident to that later and most eritied ( period, known as " The Change of Life." “Favorite Prescription.” when taken in connection with the use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, and small : i.mtive doses of Dr. Pierce’s Purgative Pellets uittle Liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney ami Blalder • diseases. Their combined use also removes j blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and I scrofulous humors from the system. I “Favorite Prescription ”is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from the manu facturers, that it will give satisfaction :n every case, or money will be refunded. This guaran tee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many y *ars. Large bottles GOO doses) SI.OO, or six bottles for $5.00. For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of M omen (160 pages, paper-covered', send ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Radical AssociaUon, 663 Main SL. BITFFAIAh V Y- Jones A W. » Fa WPAYSthe FREIGHT Tan X\ a«on * rttl **’ * loa Su-el Be*riQ<«. “ r<yW T*r« B«aru and Beam Bvi Jwr F’err For !■ P''-’ :, . meutioß chi, paper ao4 c.l .Ire ■ JONH »F «i«6HASP9K k T w BINGHAMTON. N.Jji LEA’S Springs, Granger Co.,E. Tenn< i Superior natural Mmrral Waters, Mountain a.a»> Scent ry. i' nvenieut. healthy locat ion. Selec ’ I a: 1. X M. J. HI GHES. I’ropr ~-ROOT BE® ing. wh<>.P',oiTH* beverage. Bold by drugg>’»J? b f.-r<’. E HIRES, 48N. Del*. Ave., PtuuN. * MEXICAN WAR PENSIC Apply tc I . REGISTER, Atty, 324 S Fist i ’ ,/ delphij, P.,. 21 years experience. Oopie- ! i‘‘ v U’SSu day. Samples worth sl-j J :'",j Mi Denes nut under tue hor-e’s leer, «-*• „ W'kJ Bii.wsrwi’s Sxfkix Hhlis HoLBLK. li "O B A TF MTC Obtained. Send »t*rri' f 1 - /A S C. h-fi 8 Inventors’Guide. I* k B h -i. Patent i awyer, Washington. D. C Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh is tha A, Beet, Easiest to Use, and ! Sold by dmggists or sent by inoil. gg 50c. E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, la- »» j A. N. I