The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, July 02, 1887, Image 3

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th! muni wim * SATURDAY, JULY 2~ 1887.’ Mr C W Perryman, of Macon is ii the city. Miss Emine DeL>motta, has returned from Washington* Opera Slippers at Batch’s 177 Con •less sheet, 50 cents and upward The Savannah Volunteer Gu rds brass band wil play at the Theatre next Wedoesdoy night tor the concert in aid of the Georgia Infirmary If our friends wish to to sustain the Tribune they must pay there subscrip tions at once Mr. H. W. Selby of New York has been spending several days in the city. Boston and Baltimore Corned beef at 11 Logan’s stalls 67 and 68 Mr. 11. J. N. King and master Willie Parker will leave for their home in Charleston, on the 3rd inst. Dress Goods 3i cents a yard at Basch 177 CoLgress street. Thieving vandals continue to rob the lots in the colored cemetery of valuable shrubbery. Let everybody hunt down the rascals. Straw Hats, 50 cents and upward worth double at Basch 177 Congress st The Married Ladies Independent Club will leave for Charleston this evening where they will spend the 4th of July. We wish them a pleas ant time. T. T. Harden, Esq., of this city is one of the proprietors of Hudson River House Cleaning Establish ment, No. 23 Central Avenue, Peekskill, N. Y. From a copy of a circular before us the firm is doing a large business. Pythagoras Lodge F. A. M. cel ebrated St. John's Day at the lodge room. A large number of friends were present and an interesting ad dress was delivered by Rev. Bro. S. H. Robertson. Ice cold milk shakes at '5 cents per glass can be had at A R Williams’ stand in the market. Young Graduates. The Alumnis’ Journal f>r June pub lishes the proceedings of the 19th anni versary at Hampton Inststute. Among the names of the graduates are Gussie L Combs, Bessie C Gwinn, and Edward E Desverney of Savannah. The J >ur nal says; Diplomvs were presented by Mr E B Monroe, President of the board of trustees, who gaye the young men and women a few words of encour agement and some wholesome advice to guide them in the life they are about to enter. Rev. A G Haygood and ex-Pies ident Hayes were present at the exer cises. Georgia Infirmary. We confidently hope our patrons and friends will not fail in attending them selves and urging upon their '’’•iends the importance of patronizing the con cert at the theatre op Wednesday night. There is no object more worthy of our money and our sympathy than this hos pital or asylum established through the Christian generosity of Mr Padellord for our pe >ple, There needs be no ar gument to establish the fact that much good has already been done; and with more devotion and sympathy from onr own people and aid from others of <>ur neighbors the Institution might become of much more efficiency and u-efulness. We owe it to ourselves and and our children Io aid in every laudable under taking that will minister to its increase usefulness. We therefore, hope the concert will be patronized by a crowded house. - _—— • - Exsusion*. Ptes'as ole. Workingmen enterprising Associa tion excursion to Mo. 3, S F & W Ry., Monday July 4. Ticket? 50 cents. Lone Star Circle Association excur sion to Rockyford No 6. Centra! Rail road, Monday July 4. Tickets 75c. Daisy Cutters Base Ball club ball at Odd Fellows hall, //arris street, Mon-1 day night July 4. Bryan and Young’s Cabinet Club grand jubilee at Odd Fellows hall, Duf fy street, Monday night July 4! Lauiel Hill Oochester String Band pic-oic Monday July 4. Bethel and Mount Moriah A M E churches excursion to Waycross Mon day July 11. Tickets 81. Longshoremen excursion to Beaufort Monday July 11, Tickets 75 cents. Festival in aid of Bt. John’s Baptist church, at Odd Fellows hall, Harris street Monday* night July 11. Lily of ’the Valley excursion to Bon aventure Monday July 11. Palmetto Aid and Social Club Ball at Wilson’s hall, Southville, Monday night July U. I U hen in need of anything in th<> atch and Jewelry line it will pav y u to call on Mr F W Gerb.r No H 4 Broughton street. He a'».> d >es tepair , mg in all its branches, and by giving his | personal attention to all repairs, he .cm guarantee sa:is action in every in !fiance. He has the finest facilities iu I the city for repairing watches, cluck*, jewelry, etc , and anyone favoring him with a call will not r< gret it. Read his advertisement in another column, # Death of Bishop Shorter A’ liespateh from Xenia, Ohio, ro Rev. M R Wilson, announces that Bi.hop James A Shorter of the A M E church died suddenly fr.-m heart disease on Friday morning, Ist instant. Bishop Shorter was about 72 years of age but was apparently in tho nmst excellent health This is the third Bishop of the A M E chu ch that have died this ye ar COLVIN DAFFIN Miss Sara Louise Baffin, one the most efficient, faithful and ex perienced teachers of this city, was married at the 15th street Presbyte rian church to Mr Edward J. Colvin. The bride looked extremely lovely in a brown satin meroilleux. On the completion of the ceremony the cou ple received congratulations from their many friends Miss Datfin has been teacher for nearly twenty-sev en years. She was one of the first colored teachers employed in Vir ginia under the auspices of the American Missionary Association. She has also taught in Wilmington, N C.. Knoxville, Tenn., Maryland and for the last seventeen years in the District of Columbia. She was the first to bring the schools up to their present high standard of punc tuality. The groom is said to be the first colored Serg’t Major of the late war—People’s Advocate, Washing ton, C. Dr. S. C. Parsons says the people keep a coming to he examined free of charge at his office and Drug Store, corner Liberty and Montgo mery streets for skin, blood, liver, lung and throat diseases, kidney complaint, female weaknesses, rheumatism, old sores, deformed limbs, sore eyes, fits, loss of man hood and all affections of the body. As his vast experience as a doctor obtained in different countries and hospitals enables him to detect disease where it would be over looked by others. As a Doctor for ladies he has no equal and can cure the worst cases of diseases of women. He also examines and treats the eye for all diseases and keeps a full line of spectacles, eye glasses, etc. It is the headquarters of r. S. C. Parsons medicines, electric support ers, electric belts, electric lung pro tectors, electric hosiery, belts, truss es, splints, crutches, ladies doily or toilet belts, suspensories. Shoulder braces, pile trusses, pile pipes, arti ficial limbs, and all surgical appli ances for deformities made to order, a full line of drugs, chemicals, herbs, roots and barks. MOTHERS Have you a sickly pnny little one in your flock? Does it worry and fret the entire day and cause you many sleepless nights? If so act ept our sympathy and advice, give it Alaska Blood Purifier (in small doses) and It will soon recover and develop into a perfectly healthy and engaged child Testimonial: I give it to my children, my house is never without a bottle Jacob I. Cones. Bavh , Ga Alaska Oil cures Rheumatic pains and neu ralgia In Chronic Rheumatism, Alaska Blood Puiifler must be used in connection Purifier $1 00, Oil 50 cents Cramp, croup, ahd colic are insta.tly cured by Alaska oil. Price 60 cents per bottle. No house should be without it. a : B. Purifier |I.OO per bottle. Sold by all druggists- Don’t, (because it is pleasant and agreeable to the taste) use Such large doses of Alaska Blood Purifier. All constitution are not alike ahd our medi cine must be taken in accordance Regular daily actions of the bowels are all we require, and then the best resn’ts will be obtained, In All Cases diminish the dose when the regu lar prescribed one acts too freely. Testimonial I builds up the enfeebled ana broken down constitution. Rev U. L, Houston, Savh, Ga At druggists JI 00 1 One single application of Alaska Oil, vil cure your lame back and side, or lameness in any part of the body. Price 50 cents Suffering wives, mothers, daughters and sis ters are you discouraged? Have you been unable to find any relief for your complaints, If so, enquire into the merits of the Alaska Blood Purifier. Try one bottle. Its vitalizing effects upon the system will bring you health, I happiness and Joy At Druggist 11 <xi One bottle of Alaska Blood Purifier has done me more good than all the medicine I have used for 10 rears. I recommend it to all. Mbs. Habersham, W Broad and Gwinnett streets. If yojr coms ache, Alaska OU will give you instant relief, will cure them in from 3 to 5 days. Price 50 cents at all druggists. Poor invalid, bed ridden sufferer you bava not tried Alaska Blood Purifier. Do so now, at once, before it is too late and useless your system is beyond redemption, you will soon be retored to perfect health and strength. Testi monial: I wuson the point of death, I sent to Waynesboro for my children 4o see them once again before the end but thauk God I heard I off Alaska and tried it and am perfectly res- I torad to health. F. Bell, Stewart street, Suvh. Ga. SPECIAL NOTICES. Contractor. Builder &c. The undersigned is prepir d to con tract for building and all kinds of car penter work generally, and respectfully solicits patronage from the public. William Alston, 44 Gwinnett street. Harrison Grans The Well-known Watch maker and Jeweler can be found ar his old stand corner President and Drayton streets, where he gives special attention to the repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jew elry. He assures good work and prompt attention, thereby soliciting the patronage of a uenerous public. F. C. LAMBERT. DENTIST. The insertion of Crowns on Roots obviating the wearing of a plate, [a specialty] done in the most perfect man ner. Teeth extracted without pain Consultation free. Patronage solicited. Cor. Houston and South Broad streets, Savannah, Ga Northern and Tennessee Beef, Mut ton and Veal of the best quality always on hand at H Logan’s stalls 67 and 68. City Market. # Blacksmith &o. John Powell, Thunderbolt road, near Toll Gate is doing all kinds of black-mithing, horseshoeing, wheel wrighting &c., at reasonable prices. Satisfaction is guanteed in every case' NOTIOE. The First Congregational Sunday school will hold their annual picnic at Montgomery on Tuesday July sth 1887 We cordially invites our friends to come and take part with us. Trains leave 9:30 and 2;30 o'clock. Tickets 35 cts., Children 25 cents. Stephen Johnson, Dealer in Poultry, Country Produce. Venison and Game, of all descriptions. .Stall No. 1; Northwest corner of the Market. Residence corner Duffy and Lincoln streets, .Savannah, Ga. FOR EXCURSIONS Barge Warsaw, towed by Steam Tug Wiapenny. Church and Sunday school Picnics solicited, being provided with awnings, benches, stools and other re quirements for the safety and comfort of passengers. Tybee Bell Buoy, War saw, Potter’s Grove and other pants selected by committees. Apply to Geo. F. Byrnes, office No. 6 Drayton street. BRANCH HOUSE, 150 Market Street, Next tj Academy of Music. Charles ton, S. C. First season will be opened July 1, 1887. First class Board and Accommodations at Reasonable Rates. P. M THORNE, Proprietor MONUMENTAL Corn Shller. The Safest, Surest, Quickest and best cure for Corns, Bunions And Warts, Shells off their further growth; stops all pain; gives no trouble; ensures com fort to the feet; makes walking easy. Don’t suffer any longer from these painful excrescences, but remove them with Corn Shelter. Price Only IS Cents. For Salo by all Druggists. ULMER’S LIVER CORRECTOR This vegetable preparation is int valuable for the restoration of tone and strength to the system. For Dyspepsia. Constipation and other ills, caused by a disordered liver, it cannot be excelled. Highest prizes awarded, and indorsed by eminer., medical men. Ask for Ulmer’s Liv er Corrector and take no other. SI.OO a bottle. Freight paid to any ad dress. B. F. ULMER. M. D Pharmacist, Savannah, Ga “TRIBUNE.” I have a great many broken set* and odd lots of Crockery’ and Glass Ware, which I am selling very low to dispose of them. Now is the time to get goods cheap. Icecream Churns cheaper than ever before. Water Coolers and everything else needed in a house at GEO. W. ALLEN’S 165 and 165 1-2 Broughton St- F. W. GERBER. Watchmaker & Jeweler -DKAI.KR IN- F F I I N /!% N E E E R N E g p r a A WLI v r 11 N N Solid Gold and Silver WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, and SPECTACLES. —FINE SILVERWARE,— KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, ETC., Repairing. I have the finest facilities in the city, to do repairing of Fine and com plicated Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. ALL WORK WARRANTED. E W GERBER. 114 Broughton St. Savannah, Ga. A’T’ THESE PRICES. Smoked Shoulder, 4,5, 6,7, and 8 cents. Smoked Hams, 5,6, 7, and 8 cents. Sugars, 5, sj, 6 and cents. Flour, bbl. 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00. Tobacco, ib 18, 20,25, 27£ and 30 cents. All other goods in proportion. Now is the time for cash cus tomers. M. J. DO Y LE, MARKET SQUARE COHEN’S BARGAIN BOISE. WE HAVE RECEIVED THIS DAY 10,000 PAIR SAMPLE Sh<s Os the Finest make, which wi| be sold at |!,50 per pair. COME EARLY TO A VOID THE RUSH. Cohen’s Bargain House. 3. W. CORNER BROUGHTON AND BARNARD. —" * \ji|» BUY THE LIGHT HUHIHH9 NEW HOME MACHIN] THE MOIST PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL MACHINE EVER INVENTED! All Modern Improvements, Such as Automatic Bobbin Winder. L<m I alleys. Selt Setting Huhb, Self-Threading Shuttle, Beautiful Attachments a line Wood Work. MACHINES ON INSTALMENTS AND EAS A. N'T M . THE NEW HOME S. M. CO., M. F, JOYCE. Agt, 31 Whitaker Street, Savannah, C The Place to Buy The Bes GOODS For the LEAST HOMEY! —IS AT— TEEPEE & CO.’S. | 192 and 195 Broughton Street. CALL AT OUR STORE I If you want Furniture, Mattings, Window Shades, Refrigerators, Bed Springs. Mattresssa, Cooking Htoves, or anything in the Housekeeping Line, It wiJJ pay you tosali oa ua before buying elsewhere. &OOd& COHStantly Arriving, 1 S S i S S R V 0 a 1 m and Brough tons troeUßetwaenJaffar-r ’ 1 ‘ Manoatgoaery. 20 CENTS W ill buy a Pound of A 11 Ropsted Coffee, SO CENTS I ill buy of A l Tea, 60 CENTS For a Peck of Whole i HABS. AM) WHITE II -h-At Viry Low PricJ For Fine Grades of Flour! will please you, Buy cl BRAND “SUPPEM fODA WATER, SODA WATER, SODA Wa! Our Fountain is now ill in full blast and for a Cl Refreshing Drink pay usl it. Don’t fail to visit us J in need of Groceries. Wel save vou money, STRAUSS BROS,! Formerly “.Red Greoj Store,’ near Solomon’s B Store, E. J. Craiil Practical Watchmaki AND JEWELER. Cor. Wheaton & Reynolds Stt Cash Paid For Old Gold Silver. SAVANNAH. G- George Eue Wheelwright, Bhic smith Ilorseshoer And general repairing pron ly attended to on the shor notice and at prices to defy c petition. Wheaton street n Bilbo’s canal. * » SAVANNAH, GEORG