The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, July 02, 1887, Image 4

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Educating Brave Boys* From Scharf’s Illustrated History of the Confederate Navy, published by W. H. Shepard & Co., of Atlanta, Ga., *e find a very interesting history of the Confederate Naval Academy. The school started July ft, 1863, under the super vision of Commander John M. Brooke, C. S. N., one of the most accomplished Bailors of his day, and he had an able staff. The staff remained almost intact until the school perished with the Confederacy. In the summer of 1864, Lieut. O. F. Johnson relieved Lieut. Hall as com mandant of midshipmen in order that the latter might devote more attention to the instruction of the classes, and in No vember, Lieut, B. P. Loyall relieved Lieut. Johnson. The only other change of importance was that later Com. James Henry Rochelle was ordered to the school as commandant of midshipmen and exec utive officer. As far as the exigencies of war would permit, the organization, studies and discipline of the school were modeled upon the curriculum of the U. S. Naval Academy. Cadets were ap pointed by members of Congress from their respective districts and by the President from the Confederacy at huge, and the school began work with fifty acting midshipmen. They were required to be not under fourteen nor over eight een years of age, and on the roll were represented many of the most distin guished families of the South. After passing a physical examination and an examination on such elepientary studies as reading, writing, spelling and the four principles of arithmetic, they became acting midshipmen and entered upon their studies, which comprised six de partments and twenty-two branches, Ttte’re were four annual courses and the '' midshipmen were arranged into four classes, each class pursuing one of these courses. The studies of the fourth class embraced practical seamanship, naval gunnery and artillery and infantry tac tics, algebra to equations of the first de gree, English grammar and descrip tive geography, those of the third class, practical seamanship, gunnery and artillery and military tactics, algebra, geometry, plane and spher ical trigonometry, physical geography, history and the French language; those those of the second class, seamanship and steam, gunnery and field artillery, astronomy, navigation, application of al gebra and trigonometry to mensuration of planes and solids, political science and French; those of the fijst class, seeman ship and naval tactics, gunnery, infantry tactics, navigation, surveying, French and Spanish. The Academic Board held examina tions in each June and December, and the December examination was attended by a board of visitors, commanders, who ascertained and decided upon the quali fications of the midshipmen for promo tion;* and as rapidly as the latter were deemed proficient they were ordered to ships, batteries, or other duty. The Patrick Henry was usually stationed near Drewry’s Bluff, the scene of desperate fighting, and by the time they were sent to distant service they were versed in the practice as well as the theory of war. If tire routine of a day was not broken by a summons to man the guns on shore, or do scouting, or take part in boat expedi tions, it was full of hard work on board. The morning gun was tired at seven o’clock, and at eight a breakfast of hard tack and a decoction of sweet potatoes or beans that masqueraded as coffee was served. Sick call, studies and recitations occupied the hours until two o’clock, and (ben came a dinner of salt junk, perhaps a mess of vegetables, and the inevitable corn-meal that became a staple article of diet when wheat flour climbed toward $1,200 per barrel in Confederate currency. School exercises and dress parade took up the remainder of the day ended with tattoo at 9:30, and taps at 10 o’clock. Near the close of the war, when it became necessary to have the boys on shore pretty much all the time to stand to the guns, they occupied huts in the Drewry’s Bluff batteries. Such a training nourished and strengthened their finest qualities, and it is not re markable that so many of them have since risen to positions of great honor and trust, and exemplified the virtues and worlhy ambitions of civil life. The eight longest rivers in the world, according to the calculations of Maj. Gen. A. von Tiblio, of Germany, arc as fol lows: Missouri-Mississippi, 4.191 miles; Nile, 4,020; Yang-tse-Kian, 3,158; Ama zon, 3,063; Yenesei-Scanga, 2,950; Amur, 2,950; Congo, Mackenzie, 2,868. The length of thfe Missouri-Mississippi is taken from the report of Messrs. Hum phreys and Abbott. Kloders estimates . rt at 3,658 miles. French physicians have discovered from study of the manner of death at the great fire in Paris that it never comes more painlessly than in the interior of a burning theatre. Many victims are fright ened to death and the blo< d rushes to the heart. Others die from asphyxia due to carbonic acid. A .11 altitude of Ailments. The ailme.ita which afflict tho kidneys and blaxi ter are so numerous, that inanely to name them would till a space far outrunning the limits of tips article. Suflice it tosay.that they are both Obst mate and dangerous. To tier prevention Hostetter’s Stoma h Bitte sis well aduited. The st luultie which it lends to the action of the kidneys when they are legartldc, serve to oounieract a tendency in the u to iape", Sirs’, into a sta eo< pernicious nutiv. iiy, an ta t rwa'tlsintooneoi pos-uve organic diset.-e. which Boon d s rots the.r .lei eat > iu •cg'.uiente, : oteon- the b nod an.l Climes death. A douolu put pose it .-<> ted b ths dtp ire t. Jt proiuo es ay-ib' iy the kidneys, and expels impurities Srem the b..A><i wh eh I are no nat ural c an I of ou le .except tboa* organs. Const ipa/.i- n,bil ou-n -a, rever and* rue, rh<u ma' .stn and .Ivqivps a, are also remedied by tiu» meditnue ni thorough actim uff "hii " The leprous distilment, whoss effect Holds such an enmity with blood of man. That, swift, as quicksilver, it con ses through i The natural gates and alleys of the body," and causer the skm to become ‘‘barked about, most lazar-like, with vile and loathsome crust." Such’are the effects of diseased and morbid b le, the only antidote for which is to cleanse and regulate the liver -an office ad i mirably performed by Pierce's Golden Medi* cal Discovery.” The dnmag- by forest, fires tn Northern Michigan in May. amounted to $7,000,000. For Rickets, Marasmus, and Wasting Dis orders of Children, Scott’s Emulsion of Col Liver Oil with Hypophosphites, is unequaled. The rapidity with which children gain flesh and strength upon it Is very wonderful. Read the follow ing: ‘‘l have used Scott’s Emulsion in cases of Rickets and Marasmus of long standing, and have been more than pleased with the results, as inevery case the improvement was marked." -J. M. Main. M. D-. New York. Gray hairs are honorable- They do not stay on a bald head. Dr. Pierce’s "Favorite Prescription” per fectly and permanently cures those diseases pecul ar to females, it is tonic and nervine, effectually allaying and curing those sicken ing sensations that affect the stomach and heart. through reflex action. The backache and "dragging-dow-n" sensations all disappear under the strengthening effects of this great restorative. By druggists. The warship Chicago has finished her "dock trials" anil has gon , to New York. Prickly Ash Bitters warms up and invig- ■ orates the stomach, improves and strengthens* the digestive organs, opens the pores, pro motes perspiration, and equalizes the circula tion. As a corrector of a disordered system there is nothing to equal it. Over $6,000,000 of Southern railway bonds have been subscribed for in New York. America’s Pride. True American men and women, by reason . of their strong constitutions, beautiful forms, rich complexions and characteristic energy, areenvied by all nations. It is the general use of Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic which brings about these results. Advice to Mothers. Dr.Biggers’ Huckleberry Cordial should al ways be used forchildren teething. Itsoothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for the bowels. Try it. The world’s visible supply of cotton is 1,993,- 970 bales. Young men or middle-aged ones, suffering l¥om nervousdability and kindred weaknesses, should send 10 cents in stamps for illustrated book suggesting sure me ins of cure. Address, World’s Dispensary Medical Association, (563 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Many wish us good-morning that were the cause of our having a bad night. On lighters. Wives and Mothers. Send for Pamphlet on Female Diseases, free. ■ securely sealed. Dr. J. B. Marchisi, Utica. N.Y If a cough disturbs your sleep, take Piso’s Cure for Consumption and rest. well. Salt Rheum Is the most common of all skin diseases, and Is often exceedingly disagreeable. The skin becomes dry and hot, grows nd and rough, and often breaks Into painful cracks, while small watery pimpks appear in great nutnbi rs, discharging a thin, sticky fluid, causing intense itching. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has wonderful power over this disease, it purifies the blood and expels the humor, and the skin hials without a scar. “I had salt rheum over nearly my entire body. It is imporg ble to describe my sufferings. When Ibe gan to Case flood’s Sarsaparilla the disease began to subside, the watery pimp les, with their agoulz nj itch and pain, disapneared. and now 1 am cured ” - Lyman Allen, No. Ch cage, HI- Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared by C. I. HOOD A Co . Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar _ IT ISAPURELYVEGETABLE FPtPARATION SENNA-MANORAKE-BUCHU WWq/INOOTHEH EQUALLY EFFICIENT REMEDIES st a I It has stood the Test of Years, ■W in Curing all Diseases of the BLOOD, LIVER, BToM ach, kidneys,bow- I ELS, &c. It Purifies the Blood, Invigorates and ! * Cleanses the System. 1 1 BITTERS. dyspepsia.consti- CURES PATION, JAUNDICE, ALLDISEASES OFTHE ' SICKHEADACHE.BIL -1 [VFR I lOUSCOMPLAINTS.&c disappear at onco under KIDNE I S » its beneficial influence. STOMACH I Iti purely a Medicine I AND t as its cathartic proper- InniAfE’f C I lios forbids its use as a 1 LJU ¥¥ EJLSjI beverage. It is pleas q A ant to the taste, and as j «easiiy taken by child- 3 BY ren a9 adults. I ALLDRUCnSiS prickl y ash bitters co ' One Agent ( Merclianl. onlyl wanted m every town for Your "I'ansiH’s Punch” se. c:g»»s are getting lots of .riends Traveling men say In u» every dny ■ “Why they are better tlwn most Iflr. eigare.” Our has inure than eiouoled erne we common ed to well hem. P. &A. L. Willard, Rnisburgll, N. V. Address R. W. eV CO., Ohtcaeo. WEAK MEN, WEEK WOMEN, ’SlC'fcW Dr. BAIKIPS BbOOp GKANUIaKS art 1 wuirfr/outt. the hrmavion of the hour. Thounaudfi. i bat e used them and <me hut enthtiftfaßtk' over [ thetr woudt rtu! prbixirtiea. erntn , 5 boxes, ’ Os PnittKim or iy mail, poat«»g» prepaid. All tn ! valid! hould send iieeownt of * Kjuintum.*, t k l ., ' with order and wo /.'HI DO YOU GOOD. Address i Dr. WM. M. BAIKD. WaahinKton, N. J. LEA’S Springs, Granger Co.,E. Tenn. Superior natural Mineral Winers, Mountain and t'nve Seeuery. Convenient, healthy loc.uhiu. .select. Cheap board. Aeldreea >l. J. 1 ICG HEN, I'roprirloi. Anrrv nrEEO To Introduce them, we will BIG UrrtWa <Jiv- Away LOW S’’lf Operating W ishing Ms■•hln.-s. If you want I usyournnme. I’.O.and expressoffi e aton.-e. Thr* National Co.,’-17 eySt .N.Y. E3> ATr iM T Ol,t -‘tned. Send stamp for I EL ill I O Inventors’ Gui le. L Blau • .i.g, Pnient utwyer, Washington. 1). C jii i?ai By return mall. Full Description I aMUfflllS it Moody'* New Tailor Syatem of Vroot , t uniuir- MOODY A CO.. Cincinaati. 0 *■*» Soldiers and Heire. Send forcir- Mte.llblU’tO oulara No t*.< •mleaa siwoeHeful. rE. 11. <.1.t.”.-n>N A- CO.. W limgion, D C. fIOIIIU Habit Cured. Trcutu.eute.nton trial i j Urlvtß JJj'MANßHKiHU>¥Co.,L»F»ycue,la<l EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Great Medical Work for Young and Middle-Aged Men. KNOW {kUSfiISHED by the PEABODY IHEDI ’ CAL INSTITITE, No. ABaltench St., oston, Maw. WM.II. PARKER, M.D., Consulting Physician. More than one million eooies sold. It treats upon Nervous and Physical Debility , Premature Decline, Exhausted Vitality, Impaired Vigor, and Impurities of the Blood, and the untold miseries consequent thereon. Contains 300 pages, substantial emboss- d binding, full gilt. Warranted the best popular medical treatise published in the English language. Price only *1 by mail, postpaid, and concealed in a plain wrapper. /Uuetrativ. tample free it you send now. Address as above. Name thi» paper. * MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike artificial nystem.. Any book learned in one reading. Recommended by Mark Twain, Richard Procter the Scientist. Hon. W. W. Astor, Judah P, Benjamin, Dr. Minor, etc. Class of 100 Columbia law students, two classes 200 each at Yaie, 300 University of Penn., 300 at Wellesley College, etc. Prospectus post free. PROF. LOISBTTE, 237 Fifth Ave. New York. RIMES’ X s th ®PR EiC HT jCr » Tob Wa«OB Scales, Iren Loverx, Steel Bearing*, BraM Tara Beam sod Betina Box for S6O. VTery lite Scale. For free pr><« ttaft I 1 "fem - menrloa thi« >aper and address r X. ¥ JONES OF IINGHAMTtM. w BINGHAMTON. N. T» ROOT REER of del cions, spark- 11W I UHbmbll ing, wholesome beverage. Sold by druggists ; mailed for 25c. C. E. HIRES, 48 N. Deia. Ave., Phtla., Pa. Morphine Habit Cured in IO W£wO 3 dayi* No pay till cured* “a HM CTI Dr. J. btepheus, Lebanon, Ohio. This represents a healthy life, Just such a life as they enjoy Throughout its various scenes. Who use the Smith’s Bile Beans. Smitli’a BILE BEANS purify tho blood, by acting r— — ———— directly and promptly on the Liver, Skin and Kid- The original Photograph, neyw. They consist of a vegetable combination khat Jo2 U in has no equal iu medical science. They cure Constipa- stanjps AUdress° tion, malaria, and Dyspepsia, and are a safeguard MILE BEANS, against all forms of fevers, chills and fever, gall stones, st. I.ouia, Mo. and Bright’s disease. Send 4 cents postage for a sani- pie package and test the TRUTH of what we say. Price, 25 cents per bottle, uluiled to any address, postpaid. DOSE ONE BEAN. Sold by druggists. «Ta V. SMXTUC db CO.. PROPRIETORS, ®T. XaOTJXSI, .’MO. LIVER, BLOOD AND LUNG DISEASES. Mrs. Mary A. McClurf, Columbus, Kans., i SVP3 lIIQFA2F writes: ‘‘l addressed you in November, 1884, LilLO UIOLAOL j n regard to my htialtn, being afflicted with lun liver disease, heart trouble, and female weak- ness. I was advised to use Dr. Pierce’s lUftURI F Golden Medical Discovery, Favorite Pre- HlAili I liuuuLL. scription and Pellets. I used one bottle ■■"""■“““H o £ t jj e ‘prescription, ’ five of the ‘Discov ery,’ and four of the ‘ Pleasant Purgative Pellets.’ My health be gan to improve under the use of your medicine, and my strength came back. My difficulties have all disappeared. 1 can work hard all day, or walk four or five miles a day, and stand it well; and when I began using the medicine I could scarcely walk across tho room, most of the time, and I did not think I could ever feel well again. I have a little baby girl eight months old. Although she is a little delicate in size and appearance, she is healthy. I give your reme dies all the credit for curing me, as I took no other treatment after beginning their use. lam very grateful for your kindness, and thank God and thunk you that I am as well as 1 am after years of suffering.” KMHonMH Mrs. I. V. Webber, of Yorkshire, Cattaraiiffiis Co., 9 mrn writes: “ 1 wish to say a few words in praise LiVER your ’Golden Medical Discovery ’ and ‘Pleasant Purgative Pellets.’ For five years previous to taking them I was a great sufferer; I had a uiolrol. gevere pain in my right side continually: was I’am now well and strong, thanks to your medicines." Chronic Diarrhea Cured.—D. Lazarhe, Esq., 97S and 277 Decatur Street, New Orleans, Da., writes: " I used three bottles of the ‘Golden Medical Discovery,’ and it has cured me of chronic diarrhea. My bowels are now regular.” Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which is the fountain of health, by using Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, and good digestion, a fair sk-n. buoyant spirits, and bodily health and vigor will be established. Golden Medical Discovery cures all humora. from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scrofula, or blood poison. Especially has it proven its efficacy in curing Salt-rheum or Tetter, Fever-sores, Hip-joint Disease, Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, Enlarged Glands, and Eating Ulcers. ■ Rev. F. Asbury Howell, Pastor of the M. E. ■ MDI&ESTIOH Church, of Silverton, N. J., says: "I was as- ’ v" fljeted with catarrh and indigestion. Boils and □OILS blotches began to arise on the surface of the wviLv, skin, and I experienced a tired feeling and fil OTRHFS dullness. I began the use of Dr. Pierce’s wluiuiiuv. Golden Medical Discovery as directed by him for such complaints, and in one week’s time T began to feel like a new man, and am now sound and well. Tlie ‘ Pleasant Purgative Pellets ’ are the best remedy for bilious or sick headache, or tightness about the chest, and bad taste in the mouth, that I have ever used. My wife could not walk across the floor when she began to take your ‘ Golden Medical Discovery.’ Now she can walk quite a little ways, and do some light work/’ ■I 1 Mrs. Ida M. Strong, of Ainfru'orth, Tnd., writes: nlP“«OINT “My little boy had been troubled with hip-joint * disease for two years. When he commenced the ÜBe ot y° ur ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ and UlulhuL. ‘ Pellets,’ he was confined to his bed, ana could not be moved without suffering grout pain. But now, thanks to your ‘ Discovery,’ he is able to be up all the time, CONSUMPTION, WEAK LUNGS, SPITTING OF BLOOD. £ld JmS «"»«• ■««**• WK* » promptly cure, a,. Cougte % JJtmg aliS 5, 3 “ 11 •“> '"■W O' 'hose redured Mow the usual standard ot beallb by Consumption.— Mrs. Edward Nmwton. of narroiamith, Ont,, writes: " You will ever be praised by me for the remarka ble cure iu my case. I was so reduced that my friends had all given me up, and I had also been given up by two doctors. I then went to the best doctor in these parts. He told me that medicine was only a punishment In my case, and would not undertake to fuiniiqgiimwiM— treat me. He said I might try Cod liver oil if 1 Pniru He ,iked « 88 that w:w the on *y thing that could possi- Ui(tn Ur b| y foive any curative power over consumption so far advanced. I tried the Cod liver oil as a last TD Dlt treatment, but I was so weak I could not keep it on my stomach. My husband, not feeling satisfied to give me up vet, though he had bought for me everything he saw advertised for my complaint, procured a quan tity of your ‘ Golden Medical Discovery.’ 1 took only four bottles, anu« to the surprise of everybody, am to-day doingr ray own work j entirely tree from that terrible couirh which harrassed me night and day. I have been afflicted with rheumatism for a number of years, and now feel so much better that I believe, with a con tinuation of your‘Gohlen Medical Discovery,’! will be restored to perfect health. I would say to those who are falling* a prev to that terrible disease consumption, do not do as I did, takeeviTV ttnng eisi* first; but take the‘Golden Medical Discovery' in the early stages of the and thereby save a great deal of suf lenug and be restored to health at once. Any person who is e’w in doubt, nwl but write me, inclosing a stamped, eelf ttdaresuxi envelope for reply, when the foregoing statement will bo fully substantiated by me.” r ” r f d :r T ':*'P, F Downs. Esq., of ffnrtna VaUeu, Jioc.'iiaN-l Co., N. I.(P. O.Box 28), writes: “The ’Golden Medi- (Jokleu Medical Discovery is Sold by Druggists. Price SI.OO per Bottle, or Six Bottles for $5.00. WORLD’S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Proprietors, No. 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, I*. “THE BLOOD W. L. DOUGLAS S H E■ Th '^oe , in?he S worid. ,SSß Finest Calf, perfect fit. and f warranted. Congress. Button 4/ Q F-l and Lace, all styles toe. As gyx. ® stylish and durable as tUSHt td Jk those costing S 3, or V> W. L. DOUGLAS /o 82.50 SHOE excels the $3 Shoes adver tised by other [Xm.. .i ara. Bovs all wear the W. L. DOUGLAS 82 SHOE. If your dealer does not keep them, send your name on portal to W, L DOUGLAS, Brockton, Maaa. ONLY TRU2 fi&IRON QTONIC Will purify the BLOOD regulata wn WB the LIVER and KIDNEYS and Rbbtor® the HEALTH andVIG OR of YOUTH Dyspepsia,Want of Appetite, Indigestion. Lack of Strength and Tired Feeling ab sohitely cured:, mua cles and nerves receive new force. Enlivens the mind and supplies Brain Power, g -- Suffering from complaints JL 8 ETC peculiar to their sex will find LAUIELO GdN, HARTER’S IRON TONIO a safe and speodycure. Giveaaclenr, heal, thy complexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeit ing only add to the popularity of the original. Do not experiment—get the Original and Best. / Dr. HARTER’S LIVER PILLS h ■ Cure Constipation. Liver Complaint and Slckß I Headache. Sample Dose and Dream BookM Imalled on receipt of two cents in postage, y THE DR.HARTER MEDICINE COMPANY, St. Loa is ■ Mo. Groai English Goui and Oiail S rillSi Rheumatic Remedy. Oval Box, 34; round, 14 i’llle. ■a a to Soldiers A Heirs. Send stamp l*AlldANt f,,r Circulars. COL. U BIXGL B Gllwlullw HAM. Att y. Washington. D. C. "■""“""•"T j lrs parmelia Brundage, of 161 Lock Street, fleofltport, N. Y. writes: “ 1 was troubled with b chilis, nervous and general debility, with frequent j|rnjj iTu | sore throat, and my mouth was badly cankered. wLOiLli I. | My liver was inactive;and I suffered much from dyspepsia. 1 am pleased to say that your ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ and ‘Pellets’ have cured me of all these ailments and I cannot say enough in their praise. I must also say a word in reference to your ‘Favorite Prescription,’ as it has proven itself a most excellent medicine for weak females. It has been used in my family with excellent results.” Dyspepsia.—James L. Colby, Esq., of Yucatan, Houston Co., Minn., writes: “Iwas troubled with indigestion, and would eat heartily and grow poor at the same time. I experienced heartburn, sour stomach, ana many other disagreeable symptoms common I, to that disorder. I commenced taking your luinnnnirrA ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ and ‘Pellets,’ and inW s ixtiß&lES I am now entirely free from the dyspepsia, and am, in fact, healthier than I have been for THE a?STEM ® ve y ear8 ‘ * weigh one hundred and eeventy iiiu vieivm. onp iul( j one-half pounds, and have done as much work the past summer as I have ever done in the same length of time in my life. I never took a medicine that seemed to tone up the muscles and invigorate the whole system equal to your ‘ Discovery ’ and ‘ Pellets.’ ” Dyspepsia.—Theresa A. Cass, of Springfield, Mo., writes: ‘‘l was troubled one year with liver complaint, dyspepsia, and sleeplessness, but your ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ cured me.”d drills and Fever.—Rev. H. E. Mosley, Montmorenci, S. C., writes: “ Last August 1 thought I would die with chills and fever. I took your ‘ Discovery ’ and it stopped them in a very short time.” IS THE LIFE.” and can walk with the help of crutches. He does not suffer any pain, and can eat and sleep as well as any one. It has only been about three months since he commenced using your medicine. I cannot And words with which to express my gratitude for the benefit he has received through you.” Skin Disease.— The “Democratand News," ATrnninir of CamlrridQe, Maryland, says: “Mrs. Eliza ItniliDLL Ann Poole, wife of Leonard Poole, of IFH- Im tfamsburg, Dorchester Co., Md., has been cured MiFLiuTION of a ba d ease of Eczema by using Dr. Pierce's , * Golden Medical Discovery. The disease ap- peared first in her feet, extended to the knees, covering the whole of the lower limbs from feet to knees, then attacked the elbows and became so severe as to prostrate her. After being treated by several physicians for a year or two she commenced the use of the medicine named above. She soon began to mend and is now well and hearty. Mrs. Poole thinks the medicine has saved her life and prolonged her days.” Mr. T. A. Ayres, of East New Market, Dorchester County, Md., vouches for the above facts. cal Discovery has cured my daughter of a very bad ulcer located on the thigh. After trying almost, everything without success, we procured three bottles of your ‘ Discovery, which healed it up perfectly.” Mr. Downs continues: Consumption and Heart Disease.— “l also wish to tnank you for the remarkable cure you have effected in my case. Ji Or t*. irce years I had suffered from that terri ble disease, consumption, and heart disease. Before consulting you I had wasted away io a skeleton: could not sleep uorrest, and nianj times wished to die to be out of my misery. I then consulted you, and you told me you bad ( ’f curing me, but it would take time 1 monthß treatment in all. The first two months I was 1,1,1 not perceive any favorable symptoms. II 1 ,,? »/ ”™ ni !’ n th I began to pick up in flesh and strength. I eanpot now recite how, st. p by step, the signs and realities of returning hwdr;i gradually but surely developed themselves, i o-aaj. ( tip the scales at one hundred and sixty, and am well and strong. p reliance in curing Mr. Downs’ terrible disease was the Goldin Medical Discovery.” "“CBSSSSKXHIXIsurai . _ , f: rrniun 1 Joseph F. McFarland, Esq.. Athens, JM.. uLlluikS 8 w rit*s: "My wife had frequent bleeding fro® i R b'ngs before she commenced using y (,u ; FROM LUMnR § ’ n Medical Discovery.’ She has not LJffi.-j. j hn<i a ,, y gince itg nse p or Bome six month® 6hv hati feeljug weU thllt the has discontinued it.” LECTURE ON Roogb on Rats. W Thia is what killed your poor fatheEShuDji AvNyid anything containing it throughout y o iff future useful (?) careers. We older heads object to its special ‘ ROUGH’NESS.’ DON T FOOL SM efforts with Insect powder, borax or. what not, used at random all the house to get rid of DtCTI EC Roaches. Water-bugs, DLIILIu ZlwflMfA For two or three nights sprinkle ff/aWNwanl "Rough on Rats" dry powder, in, about and down the sink, drain J v V pipe. First thing in the morning ” V wash it all away down the sink, drain pipe, whea' all the insects from garret to cellar will disap pear. The secret is in the fact that wherever in sects are in the house, they must DA 1 AIIFfi drink during the night. RvAuilCQ Clears out Rats, Mice, Bed-bugs, Flies, Beetle* "Rough on Rats " is sold all around the world, in every clime, is the most extensively advertised* and has the largest sale of any article of its kini on the face i f the globe. DESTROYS POTATO BUGS For Potato Bugs, Insects on Vines, etc., a table spoonful of the powder, well shaken, in a keg of water, and applied with sprinkling pot, spray syringe, or whisk broom. Keep it well stirred up. 15c., 25c. and SI Boxes. Agr. size. - BED BUCS, FLIES. Roaches, ante, water-bugs, moths, rats, mice, snarrows, jack rabbits, squirrels, gophers. 15c. J. P. STEVENS & BRO? JEWELERS. Atlanta, Ga. Send for Catalogue. BUSINESS Education a specialty at MOORE’S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, Itluntn, Ga. One of tba beat schools in the Country. Send tor Circulars. . Can get tue most Practical Business Edu- cation »t Cohlwrnif h’sScliool of Bus. // inc»s,3B>4S. Broad St. Atlanta,Ga. Send * ’or Circulars A Specimen ot Penmanship. Illuntrnted Book KS■ll 4* H 1111 7 Ifil Xsent FREE. Address ■ ■ii Jai llLl (MwUma.m. bock, p.o. A ft- M-U-t-i Box 466. Atlanta, Ga. (Th |pa rt ft Flat top No. 7 Cook Stove for IS 10.00 ’aEßft VW with fixtures. Send for catalogue. A.P, B VI Stewart * 00..6H WhiteballSt.. Atlanta, ■ Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. HI ■ Sold by druggists or sent by mail. 50c. E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa. H A. N. U Tw« nly-aix, ’ST.