The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, November 05, 1887, Image 2

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si_uhh num. ,isheFe very satu rd ay , by’ /TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., ST. JULIAN STREET. A CORNER MARKET SQUARE. Subscription Rates. fear H ® Imithii y> . Months /......-a • ttance# uinst be made by Ponta! Note, iOrder, Registered Letter, or Express. I, DEVEAUX, Manager. Ctkred as Second-class mattf.k at [vanxah Post Office. pRDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1887. k R. W. White’s connec- .•J-MBiB , with the Tribune hav been severed,the Manager I. Deveaux, will collect all tys due for subscriptions advertisements. jm” Fortune in his ‘‘Weekly s’ still strikes for tiie Negro | the shoulder I vote at the next election you pay your poll tax’ The office bw open for payment of the ik anarchists will be hanged ’hieago Friday November 11. Supreme Court of the United Is having denied the writ of • applied for bv their counsel. efforts are being made be citizena of St. Louis, Mo., ve the National Republican \ention to meet in that city. |K New York Age is one of the bst, brainest and most plucky iders of equal rights before aw that the Negro has on this nent. Long may it live. nion there in strength, Let the col ,en of Georgia unite and make their manifest. —Georgia Baptist tSIBLE advice Bro. White. J is certainly the only way as a that we can accomplish any there ever w >s a time tha* the •d men of Georgia needed io Jin convention and consult on |rs of vital importance to them I people it is now. Keep ball in motion until the of calling the convention is dated into a fact. ». Venable a well known white manes Columbus, G,t meeting of the Sa vation Arjov d the following praver : **Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Send u» down a jug of rum, And we’ll get there all the same.” • cit'zens of the “city by the <ave had a gala time this week 'their trade processions, which immense numbers of visitors jir city, notwithstanding that Ibad Beit her Jeff Davis nor 'land to give eclat to the ion. :yor Hewitt, of New Yoik as after many years of expe ■»B a politician, come to the sion that the press must b*» ‘d. fie says that it is injurious ‘•healthful existen e of a free nment.” We are fearful that others like Mr. Hewitt will r in their places before a bold press. E election for State office's place in Ohio on Tiwlay. the ontlo.>k seems that Gov. <er will be re-elected bv a r majority than ever. Not tfanding the forensic ebupicnc. bv. Gordqn of this Stale and jvidence of Bishop Turner that |sed oir.Jhe ocea ion. iE colored militaiy of Nashvill« 1.. turned out on the oc lasion e visit, of President Cleveland at city and took their portion a line of parade in rear <>f the -3 militia companies when h I drunken officer rode up and them out. The commander h colored companies accepted insult «nd maryhed hi- com -1 back to the quarters where were dismi-sed. iboor*e Ohio will M-and by John Sher- The Republican (*r»y of this St ile sever more thorough * united >n any Ailiou that, that the preat Ohio *Ut< a huul t be Uie Republican candidate ‘resilient in 1888.--Ciuciniiaii Ti<n«* tear. vv '*■ . Through the ignorance of a judge of the Superior Court of the laws that he bad to administer, or the gross carelessness of the clerk of the court, Charlotte Jones a colored woman was made to serve a term of 12 months mere than she was originally sentenced for, or the Statutes of the State demanded for the offence committed. This is not the first case of this kind that has been brought to the public’s attention. A few months ago a similar case happened, and thus i these poor convicts not only pay rhe lull penalty of the laws made and provided for in such cases, but through gross carelessness at.d ig norance on the part of State officers suffer unjust and illegal impris onments. There seems to be no remedy for this evil until the damn able convicts system of our State is amended, which is already looked upon by the civilized world as a disgrace to the fair name of our I State. i The National Colored Exposition to be held in Atlanta in November 1885 is exciting the efforts of all prominent colored citizens every where throughout this State, ex cept Savannah, and why is i ? The material to add wealth and iuflu nee to the cause is here, unless they desire to be behind in everything which is not a very creditable place to fill now adays. In Augusta a lew days ago a large and enthusiastic meeting was held and addressed by Director Gen. Philips, alter which resolutions were passed pledging th dr earnest and hearty siipp >rt to the cause. There is no doubt that the object is a good One mid will prove of incalculable bent lit to our people generally. Expositions like these are held by white citizens over the wlio’e country to show the world what advancement they have made in scierct*, m<chan ical, agi i< iillural and other industri al putsuils, and why not we? A race not loner emerged from slavery ■ml the sho.ving that can and will be made we know will be a cn d t able one. Interest your.elves friends, t all a meeting, <•< i respond with Director General I’nil ps and pill t lie ball in mo! ion. /’JA7CN 7.V T/l EAT Eh'S. There have been of I ate numerous panics in theaters caused from some foolish pe sou raising the cry of fire and the result has been the loss of human life. Ever since the great iheater fire in Paris a short time ago followed by the one in Berlin at which so many people were killed, the least commotion in a crowded house of amusement is liable to cause a panic Such panics were witnessed at the Ui-inu in New York, a theater in Chicago, and a i heater in Philadelphia during the centennial celebration. Loss of life wss only p-evented i»y the prest nee of in’lld of the actors and coolness of the attaches. Tin* peo ple who were injured all hint while Lying to e*cape from the galleries or through narrow ex'ts. The gelleries in the theaters nr< nearly all dangerous to bfe, and in many instances there it- o .lv <ne exit from the body of the hoii>e. Those who are d> b gated hy law to look after bn blings being ■ O'S'iuccd in the different cities should see to it that pines of amusements are so built that there will be proper escapes in time of fire or a panic. Bpe< inf a’lention should be paid to the galh fes. which me 10-da'’ I'otliinir better tlian d-aih-tr ps —Fiom Demorest Monthly for N vemb •»-. Foster Bros, Walkei Street. Practical Horse hoeing Wheelwrights and Black'Uiiib>, hiving ner-onil expe rience in the tf'de. \\ e nre prepari d t.> executo all work «ih disp itch and the best styb*. Give us m call, and sitistaction guaranteed. PHmted / RBr Agents to Sell history or ftyjl bW BLACK \j PHALANX ** ——mS ?* ••WJWfUm. TV frat «f it> x X, . u ‘ record th. e*« v t the ''X_ J a»'‘M ■ dunng th< w.r» Vi JBSxSV < > ’*•&. S.lNtary tQB . - ' < ’•• •od Kla«k». Big yr.Sw -■ *"•*• ’*^ ,n »• <•***• pr- •”* » »•*' lira rbwaew te "^*3®***.**,TvSKtSJSb *'•*• »•**•? twod for aircMlara / U i“ 4 UW *‘ Ur »’- ®» t dUfor <•»■ "X •*• l» <*««• ■<* ind»rw»«, m til A Menttcu paper- AMERICAM PUB'6 CO U- Hw< M. KM.MI. CuwU, LLMI* ** H Uw.B. No, 60. MADAME SMITH, lb ui SUr Mus Teller. Those who wish to consult her upon tM affairs of life, in person or by mail, will re in ember to call at No. 6 Price street, North east corner of McDonough. She has been practicing this business for fifty years. She reveals the deepest secrets; unveils the future; gives successful lottery numbers; brings separated married couples and lovers together; brings back absent friends and recreant lovers; and causes speedy and happy marriages, she has this gift from the Almighty. She is acknowledged by all to be the Queen and Star Fortune Teller without a Superior. PICTURE FRAMES. Ths cheajeslPhca lo get Tom And all sizes of Frames made to or der, is at ' A. HELLER. Masonic Temple, Whitaker Street <v, CTayasawii MONUMENTAL Corai Shelter The Safest, Surest, Qu ckest and best cure lor Corns. Bunions And Warts, Sheds off their further growth; stops all pain; givesnotrouble; ensures com fort io the feet; makes walking easy, Bon't suffer any l"iu»r from these painful excrescences, but remove them with Corn bheller. Price Only IE Cents. For Gale by all Druggists Free of Deception* WK HAVE TAKEN HOLD OF THE FARMER GIRL. One of the very bes ; of stove-* and assure onr customers they cannot ' e surpassed for ex eelletiee in baking, Economy of Fuel, and Kesi-tauee Io weartind Tear. Il takes only a few seconds to prove tliis throughout. LOVELL & LATTIMORE, t IVA NN AH, GA. FRAZER GREASE BEST IN THE WORLD. qualities are unsurpassed, actually oiitlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free Aom Animal Olis. IWGET THE GENUINE. VOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY Non hem and Tennessee Beef, Mut ton and Veal of the best quality always on hai d at 11 Logan’s stalls 67 and 68 City Market. # CHARLES BACKMAN, T p "' 3 Corner Congress A Bull Streets- (Second Floor.) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Telephone Call No. 100, answered da • ■might. Extracting Teeth One DcJa each, extiacting Tteih and Artificia Teeth a specialty. Fine quality of Tooth !’■ wder and To<>th Brushes for sale. TERMS CASH. Oh! George, Look at this style, Direct from the Clothing Palace. TO REDUCE SUMMER STOCK We are offering the greatest inducement in prices on Gents,' Youths' and Boys’ DIIESS SLITS! BLShESS SLITS! neckwear, underwear hosiery &c. ODD GARMENTS AND Broken Suits at any Price. 161 Congress St. B. ILevy&BrO; BUY THE LIGHT RUHHIHO NEW HOME MACHINE THE MOST PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL MACHINE EVER INVENTED! <> ■■■■■■ All Modern Improvements, Such as Automatic Bobbin Winder. Loom Pulleys, Self-Setting Hubb, Self-Threading Shuttle, Beautiful Attachments and Fine Wood Work. MACHINES ON INSTALMENTS AND EASY r a nr jmc .» NX’s? w . THE NEW HOME S. M. CO., A. J. PURSLEY, Agt. 31 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Ga. E S T A BLISHED 1857 The Old Reliable House of JAMES HART & BRO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in mu riiuii mii.nn Mil, m up. H 1 TOBACCO. At The Lowest Market Priees. 11 Jefferson and ISO St. Julian Srtect, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA wl 11 I o-- ' ''C R.B. REPPARD. M. ALBERTSON. YELLOW PINE LUMBER FOR SALE AT iv holesale and Retail, Plan ed or Rough. REPPARD & Co East Broad and Taylor streets, in S F & W Ry. yard OF EMINENT, progressive AND RISING, H BY-H IProf. J. D D. With a brilliant introduction by Bishop H. M. Turner, D.D., L.L.D. A Standard Work of Biography - ooxTxiaiaa Sketches of the Lives of over 175 or THE MOST EmiDeut QolsFed Os the United States, Africa, France, West Indies, etc. In Men of Mark are OVER 100 PORTRAITS ENGINES ginning Most economical and durable. Ci,eapes in the market, quality considered The CEL EBRATED FaRQUPAR s«w M'LLS and A B FARQUHAR, Pennsylvania Agricultural Vorks, York, Fa J.E. HAMLET DEALER IN Beef, VeaS and button, Mry, Eggs, Vegetables Hi Fruit: cf ali liini; In Season. A so, Full Line of GROCERIES and FAMILY SUPPLIES, ( or. Habersham &« harltonSts WM. SCHEIUING DEALER IN Pise Finiily Grcccries Liquors etc., Cor, Liberty mid Dray bin Stree ts Savannah Ga. Pratt’s Astral On—Safest and best. raEMaMBraHSSTKC' .C3®aEJ2TE33rzr:WW« r «”, KOWWIMWIW ■■i k W 1 raor. w. j. SIMMONS, d. d. Making a work superior to anything on the market. Being strictly non [ partisan and non-scctanan, it sells to a.l classes. It has over iioo pages, and is e’cgantly bound in one royal octavo volume/ PRICE OHLY $3.00. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. The work is sold only by subscrip tion, and there never w:xs such an excellent chance for active colored men and women to make money r. s ■•e now offer. Write us at once i r speciid terms. <■ etc. CwC. 21. -"1 cxl Z’i C-cr. cr'/v- r a?’u a