The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, November 12, 1887, Image 2

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TIE SAViIUE TIIBUIE. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., ST- JULIAN STREET, N. E. CORNER MARKET SQUARE. Subscription Ratos. One Year H Six Mouths *•> Three Months 50 Remittances must be made by Postal Note, Money Order. Registered Letter, or Express. J. H. DEVEAUX, Manager. Registered as mkcond-ci.ass mattes at the Bavamkah Post Office. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12, 1887 Discretion io speech is more than eloquence. The speech of Gen. H. R. Jack son at Macon did the work. The Weekly Republican of New Orleans, La., is doing noble work for the party in that State. It will soon be in order for the political hustlers to hustle. The bovs are getting ready for “orders.’ —money orders. Hon. A. G. Thurman, “The no blest Roman of them all” did not fail to express his views on G» n. Jackson’s speech and in plain terms top. The Atlanta Defiance has “flopped” over on the side of prohibition and onr friends Burnett and Davis are advocating the “dry” cause with as much earnestness as they did the “wet.” Thß depositors of the late Freedmans Savings Bank resid ing in Macon, held a mee'ing recently and passed resolutions ask ing President Cleveland to devote a small part of his coming uussn-ze to the next Congress to ’heir relief- AT the recent ex ruination bv Gov. Gordon into the charges of cruelty and inhuman treatment of the poor unfortunate ‘onvicts. he says “that after catefullv ex imininir the numerous charges made he finds: First; That the evidence shows thnt the officers and members of the lease companies have personally inflicted n • cruelty upon the convicts; that the-e officers and members have in a right spirit and disposition desired and en deavored to protect the health of the convicts and to pr >vide for their neeessa ry shelter and the requisite food, cloth ing and medical attendance But the ev dence also shows that they have no exercised the personal supervision over the convicts at all the camps whi<h the law contemplates and requires. Second! The evidence shows that some of the agents and subordinates of the paid leased companies h ive been guilty ot cruelty consisting of excessive whipping, and some cases of unreasonable and exces sive labor. It is held that at least four cases of excessive whipping are clearly established by the evidence; and while the exact number of cases where convicts have been overworked cannot clearly be determined, the evidence s.Usfises the Ex cutive that r in some instances the subordinate agents of these companies have exacted labor of the convicts in excess ot what wa humane, reas mable and proper. Admitting ’but “the officers ami members of the lease companies ' have personally inflicted no cruelty upon the convicts.” And no one bad ever charged these gentleman thus. But continues the Governor “they have not exercised the personal su pervision over the convicts at all the camps that the laws require them to do.” If that is true and we believe there can be no doubt of it thenthev areas equally as gnibv ot these inhuman acts as the blood thirsty demon who commits them* In fact they are in the eyes of the public an accessory after the fact, and the plea that the Governor makes that they have not ‘ person ally inflicted cruelty upon the con victs does not relieve these gei tie men from the charges but n ake ♦ hem paiticeps criminis in the crime con mitted. We are pleased so far wit h the work of the Govern j nr and we be ieve he is honest in 1 his intent'* ds to reform the lielbsli and hu h ro is convict system of State, but an it be done by impos ! it'g a fine < f 2500 on the lessees as he has «on in these particular < nses or ’ ill t rep iir the injus ice already d i • to man.- poor convicts .who Ini' been unjustly made to I h rve. a < nvicts ter n longer than iuteud •’ 1 y law or justice requires. HOLD THE FORT. FORAKER SWEEPS OHIO BY INCREASED MAJORI TIES. GORDON DID THE WORK. NEW JERSEY, IOWA. NEBRASKA, RHODE ISLAND, PENNSYLVANIA OHIO, MASSACHUSETTS, COOKS COUNTY, ILL. GOES REPUBLICAN! St. Augustine, Fla, Elects a REPUBLICAN MAYOR! Democratic Majorities Reduced. REPUBLICAN GAINS IN MARY LAND AND VIRGINIA. New York Democratic By a Small Majority. At the election held on Tuesday the Republicans have carried the following States with increased ma jorities: Massachusetts 20,000, New Jersey 7000. Nebraska. 30,000 I’ensylvania. 35,000. lowa 17,000, Ohio, 27,000; legislature of New York. Republican by an increased majority. Rhode Island elEcts Ar nold. Republican for Congress over Bradlv democrat by a of 12 000. Cooks county, 111., Repub licans carries the county* for the first time for years which is signi ficant in itself. St. Augustine, Fla., dec's a Republican mayor; New Josey legis ature will elect a Re publican senator in place of Mc -I’hei son, democrat whose term ex pires 4th March, 1888. The Repub lic an have also tnatje gains in Vir ginia and Maryland legislatures 1 lie Democrats have carried Vir . gbiia and Maryland by reduce m jorilies and have elected their ti ket in New York State. The day’s work is indeed cause for re joicing by all lovers of liberty li'oughont the country, In rur next issue we promise our readers i more complete report of the elec ion. The Cleveland Gl"be is a full-fledged Democratic sheet. —People’s Choice, Macon, Ga. Did von ever! and Bro. Jones •dis liis paper a representative Negro .Journal. Pshaw! It is just ns much a duty to vote a« it is to pray; or look after the wants of the family in the home.—Chicago In ter-Ocean. And to perforin that important duty in this Statu vour taxes mud be paid. Opt. McGowan lias his office at the Courthouse open from 9 a. nr, to 2 p. m., to receive the same. The illegal and unjust treatment of the convicts the atb'nipt to cre ate a false sentiment or opinion in relation to the civil and political rights of the Negro by claiming they desire social equality the dis criminatin') made in traveling, mid forth- purpose of uniting them a a people desirous of asking and demanding their rights is another and very important reason th it a convention of colored men at this time would prove of incalculable benefit to our nee. MACON NOTES. The G< o gia Association met in tl e Congregational church in this c tv November 9 li. at 8 p. tn. Rev jS. E. L'tLrope of Slurwood. Tenn called the meeting to order and ’ led in the opening exercise- Rev. J. 11. IL Sei'g-tacke, of Savannah preached the opening sermon from I: John 2- 1 Rev. Georg i C. Rowe, of Charles ton, S. C.. closed the niee ,; ng after a brief address from Rev. Lathrope and Rev. Mr. Rowe. The delegates from the First Congregational church of Savannah are Rev. L. B. Maxwell, and Dea con C. J. Jordan. The delegates from 'lie Woodville j Congregational church are Rev. J. 11. H. S' i gstacke > n ' Deacon J. Loyd, who aie the guest, ol Mr. J. Myers. A blind co’ored ■.•en»'en < n. who is a good 'ins cian. is vivi g instru im ill 1* so hon the erg; D. M s. R v M vers has o' e of the mo bea iful flower gnid* m m the citv No, 60. MADAME SMITH. Tb ud Stir ta Taller. Those who wish to consult her upon the affairs of life, in person or by mail, will re nt ember to call at No. 60 Price atreet, North east corner of McDonough. She has been practicing this business for fifty years. She reveals the deepest secrets; unveils the future; gives successful lottery numbers; brings separated married couples and lovers together; brings back absent friends and recreant lovers; and causes speedy and happy marriages. She has this girt from the Almighty. She is acknowledged by all to be the Quebn and Stab Fortune Teller without a Superior. PICTURE FRAMES. Til ehupeit Ilu li pt ta PICTURES And all sizes of Frames made to or der, is at A. HELLER. Masonic Temple, Whitaker Street ■■■■MmrnDßmMßßi MONUMENTAL Corn Shelter The Safest, Surest. Quickest and best cure for Corns, Buni ns And Warts, Shells off their furthar growth; slops all pain; gives no trouble; ensures com fort to the feet; makes walking easy. Don’t suffer any longer from these painful excrescences, but remove them with Corn Shelter. Price Only 15 Cents# ,For Sale by all Druggists. Free of Deception. WE HAVE TAKEN HOLD OF THE FARMER GIRL, One of t lie very bes- of stoves and assure onr customers they cannot ' e surpassed for ex cellence in baking, Economy of Fuel, and Resistance to wearaud Tear. It takes only a few seconds to prove this throughout. LOVELL & LATTIMORE, SAVANNAH, GA. FRAZER GREASE I BEST in the world. Iti wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually •utlasttng two boxes of any other brand. Free from Animal Oils. r»~GET THE GENUINE. VOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY Northern and Tennessee Beef, Mut ton and Veal of the best quality always on hand at H Logan’s stalls 67 and 68. City Market. * CHARLES BACKMAN, S WxSSw p Corner Congress <fc Bull Streets. (Second Floor.) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Telephone Call No. 100, answered da ; or night. Extracting Teeth One each, extracting Teeth and Artificial Teeth a specialty. Fine quality of Tooth Pv.wder and Tooth Brushes for sate. GFTERMS CASH. (Hi I George, Look at this style, Direct from the Clothing Palace. TO REDUCE SUMMER STOCK We are offering the greatest inducement in prices on Gents,’ Youths’ and Boys’ DRESS SLITS! BUSINESS SLITS! NECKWEAR, UNDERWEAR HOSIERY &C. ODD GARMENTS AND Broken Suits at any Price. 161 Congress St. B. H. Levy & Bro, COHEN’S BARGAIN HOUSE. WE HAVE RECEIVED THIS DAY 10,000 PAIR SAMLP EShoks Os the Finest make, which will be sold at $1.50 per pair. COME EARLY TO A VOID THE RUSH. Cohen’s Bargain House. S. W. CORNER BROUGHTON AND BtRNARD S TS ESTABLISHED 1857 The Old Reliable House of JAMES HART & BRO.. Wholesale and Retail Di alers in I’lioiif Finin' mem, MM!, m B]!!, K B !!!«!!, At The Loivest Market Prices. 11 Jefferson and 186 St. Julian Srteet, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA WMUwii Y fe -?■' II iiUhHvhl / w m Vii 'vi w ■ am-'/WA wWM KIU 1 IMI i R. B. REPPARD. M. ALBERTSON. YELLOW PINE LUMBER FOR SALE AT wholesale and Retail, Planed or Rough. REPPARD ft Co East Broad and Tayior streets, in S b A SV Ry. yard MEN'®- OF EMINENT, progressive AND RISING, —H-BY* — J. Sinjrifonp, D. D. "With a brilliant introduction by Bishop H. M. Turner, D.D., L.L.D. A Standard Work of 'Biography oorrxixixa Sketches of the Lives of over 175 OF THE MOST Eminent Colored Men Os the United States, Africa, France, West Indies, etc. In Men of Mark are OVER 100 PORTRAITS ENGINES ginhTng Most economical and durable. Cheapen in the market, quality conaidored The CEL EBRATED F- RQU *R SfW M LIS and ENCINES a»d STANDARD IMPLEMENTS GENERALLY. H tin lot catalogue A D FAFQUHAR. Pennsylvania Agricultural tyorks. York, Pa J.E. HAMLET —-DEALER IN Beef. Vea! and Poultry, Tstfn ui Fnits cf ill ki;.a a Sim Also, Full Lite of GHOCEKIES and FAMILY SUPPLIES, Cor. Habersham &Otarlton Sts WM. SCHEMING DEALER IN Fits Family Grocorios lip® tic.,. Cor. Liberty mid Dra> ton Stree t> Savannah Ga. Pratt’s Astral Op —Safe-t and Lest - r"K ■ W - R'^mEvS- -41 Km ' : fflnm B ■.gig r-KOF. W. J. SUMMONS. D. D. Making a work superior to anything on the market. Being strictly non-. I partisa n and non-sectanan, it sells to all clauses. It has over i too pages, and is elegantly bound in one royal octavo volume. PRICE OIUY $3.00. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. The is sold only by subscrip tion, a -I there never was such an excellent chance for active . dr,red men a‘id women to make t toney a* we now offer. Write us at once for special terms, circulars, etc. Geo. M. Re well & Co. GUV EL A ND, Q