The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, November 26, 1887, Image 2

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i the minis nism. fete 12= S- .2. ■. :■■-■ — ~.~ PUBLIHHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., ST. JULIAN STREET. N. K. CORNER MARKET BQUARBL Subscription Rates. One Year ~ 1125 Six Mouths 76 S Three Months 50 Remittances must be mad? by Postal Note, Money Order, Registered Letter, or Express. J. H. DEVEAU X, Manager. RK oreTKRKV AS SSOOWD-CLAHH MATTER AT ths Havawmah Post Office. Saturday November 26,1887 The colored men of Norfolk, Va. are erecting a large brick hotel. The Defiance editor ia ndfc cheering for Colonel Grady the “New South Man.” The next house of Congress, will tu-md Democrats: 168; Republicans 153; Independents, 4. The official Returns being all in, it is found that ’Foraker’s majority over Powell’s is 23.732. Hon. B. K. Bruce, lectured to a large wid enceon the Race Prob lem” at Winoni, Minn., on Tues day lost. Hon. O. J. H. Taylor who was appointed by President Cleveland a« Minister and Consul General to Liberia has tendered his resigna tion. The colored men of Sandersville, have organized a cooperative asso, ciation with a capital stock of |l()00, for the purpose of opening a grocery store. We offer our congratulations to Our friends ofthe Augusta Sentinel for the enlarged and improved ap pearance of that paper. Charleston, S. C.. has just closed her registration of voters and was found to stand thus: White 4921 Colored 4864 A majority f<.r the whites of 57 The election will soon take place for mayor and aldermen. Recruits for the Infantrv and Civilrv service of the United Stains are warted. Able bodied white or colored men who have a desire to lead a soldier’s life can be ac ommodated by applying at the re<rnifing headquarters, Charles ton. S. C. The Workingmen of Virginia have called a State Convention to meet in St .unton, January 2 W , Their object is to taka steps to es tablish a State Bu eau of Labor Statistics, to abolish tho convict’s contract system and to consider the public school system. The question whether Fulton County shall r main “dry” will be settled to-day, the election hav ing been ordered by the Ordinary. Up to ’he hour of our going to press bo h the prohibs and the antis are confident of victory. We are find that the issue is at an end, for oth sides have just commenced to “sling mud.” SUPPORT YOUR OWN PAPER. - The following good reasons are why our people should support a paper owned and controlled by men of their own race: Ist. —It shows a mark of intelligence, pride, and concentration of thought which may shape and guide us in the future and elevate our condition. 2nd. — Because the colored people are a dieparate race, associating with theni selyes and other papers as a rule, do not publish their social and domestic affairs. *3d.—Because when questions arise that divide us socially or politically from the white race, we have a paper to speak on our side of the ques’ion. * 4th.—Because >»e have the n*rve and manhood to stand up and advocate in our journals, all privileges f««r ur race tint are enjoyed by the white citi . 2e'>H of this country Because it ia the only means by which we can teach anti educate the minds of our people to become active an'd progressive and show t> lb world what we ate doing t ■ advance the inter eats of our *aee. A hundred other reasons t<s> numerous (,» mention, might be given whv w> should :ake a colored paper, and thousands o' color d p opl. complain shat they d > iot have tin, to read This is not so f r every tin* osn find a hu'f h<>ur in ev-ry ’w uny hours, no matter a hat his vocati m Mmiy be. The Globe of Wichita, Kan. says that R. B. Elliott is the only colored man in Congress and was elected on the Democratic ticket from Robert Small’s district* Brother Roberson is mistaken. An attepipt has been made to count in Col. Wm. Elliott (a white man) in place of Hon. Robert Smalls who was honestly elected from the 7th South Carolina District. Col. R. B. EHiott colored, died a few years ago in New Orleans, La. Rev. N. W. Waterman, pastor ofthe First African Baptist church at Thomasville, Ga. appeals to his friends to aid him in erecting a large and more suitable bouse of worship for his increasing congre gation. Rev. Waterman is an a bl and conscientious worker, and we wish him all the success necessary in his laudable efforts. Darien contemplates erecting a new jail to cot SIO,OOO. Would it not have been better if that $lO,- 000 were invested in their long needed and much desired railroad. A VACANT CLERKSHIP! A VOTE ON THE MARKET! WHO BIDS? WHO BIDS? WHO BIDS? Edito* A vacancy exists in the office of Clerk of the Superior Court in this county, and the political waters are again agitated. Ere the oim tnissioners have named an election day. two candidates, bo h estimable gentlemen, have announced them selves. Speculations are being made as to what element will support one candidate and what element will support the other, and when the varioiH white elements have been duly assigned, the question arises, how about the Nngro vote; of which there are nine hundred registered, and which if concentrated can con trol the election. Heretofore the Negro vote has been placed upon the market as a commercial commodity and knock ed to the highest bidder lor a paltry rum. a miserable pitton e. So far has this practice been carried that candidates in previous contests have boasted that “the Negro vote could be bought like sheep on elec tion dav” That assertion as hu miliating as it seems is nevertheless true. Men armed with the ballot, the highest privilege of an Ameri can citizen, the safeguard of his liberties, have stood around the polls and sold themselves like sheep. There are too serious questions which arise in this connection, and which are worthy of investigation. What interest h>s th * Negro in modern local elections? What in centive has he to vote beyond the pittance which he receives? The reply suggests itself. None what ever. He has no representation in. noranv of the honors or emoluments of < ffice. I have no doubt that if colored men had an incentive they would abandon the criminal prac tice of selling their votes and vole on principle, like other men. I have been induced to write this communica'ion, not that I am an aspirant for official preferment, bu’ because of a question which was propounded to me. to wit; “which of the two candidates will you Sup port?’’ To which I replied, “both candidates are such excellent gen tlemen that should 1 ■•onclude to vote it would be difficult to decide whom to support.” The Morning News says that the emoluments if the office amount to five thousand dollars per annum. Tbart is a vast amount of clerical work to be per formed. and of course a cleric >1 force must be employed to do the same. It either candidate has th'* forethought to rend the signs of the hmes, ai d the independence* to promise an official recognition ot the claims and meri’sof the colored voter, he ia my candidate, and I venture my reputation as a prophet that 'nine-tenth-' of the colored vote will go in the same direction. The Morning News in an ed t.'rial about two month- ago s id »li.*t the N**gro owned one thousand l.< us s lin Chatham county, and soon tie I wou’d become an imp iriant politi cal factor. The political aspirant who recogi izes thi- fact and admits bis claims will he the succvsgfnl politician of the future. , No. 60. MADAME SMITH, Thi ui Star tai Mw. Those who wish to consult her upon the affairs of life. In. person or by mall, will re member to call at No. 60 Price street, North east corner of McDonoughShe bas been practicing this business for fifty y e »J™- She reveals the deepest secrets; unveils the future; gives successful lottery numbers, brings separated married couples and lovers together; brings back absent friends and recreant lovers; and causes speedy and happy marriages. Hhe has this gift trom the Almighty. Hhe is acknowledged by al 1 t« J* the Quern and Star Foktvme Teller without a Superior. PICTURE FRAMES. At cliiptta li git fa And all sizes of Frames made to or der, is at A. HELLER. Masonic Temple, Whitaker Street MONUMENTAL Corn Sheller The Safest, Surest, Quickest and best cure for Corns, Bunions And Warts, Shells off their further growth; stops all pain; gives no trouble; en.-un s com fort to the feet; makes wdking easy. Don t suffer any longer from these pduful excrescences, but remove them wi'h Corn Shelter. Price Only 15 Cents. For Sale by all Druggists. nsmMMI1■HMHIM11H ________ Free of Deception* WK HAVE TAKEN HOLD OF THE FARMER GIRL. One of the very best of stoves and assure our customers they cannot ' e surpassed for ex cellence in baking, Economy of Fuel, and Resistance. to wearand Tear. It takes only a few seconds to prove this throughout LOVELL &, LATTIMORE, SAVANNAH, GA. FRAZER GREASE BEST IN THE WORLD. It» wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free from Animal Olis. irGET THE GENUINE. FOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY Norih«*rn and Tennessee Beet, Mul ton and Veal of the best quality always on hand at H Logan’s stalls 67 and 68 City Market. # CHARLES BACKMAN. Corner Congress dtßull Streets. (Second Floor.) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Telephone Call No. 100, answered da ; or night. Extracting Teeih One each, extracting Teeih and Artificial Teeth a specialty. Fine quality of Tooth Powder and Tooth Brushes lor sale. GT TERMS CASH. Oh! George, Look at this style, Direct from the Clothing Palace- TO REDUCE SUMMER STOCK We are offering the greatest inducement in prices on Gents,' Youths’ and Boys' DRESS SI ITS! BISIMSS SIITS! NECKWEAR. UNI'FRWFAR HOSIERY ODD GARMENTS AX D Broken Suits at any Pric*. 161 Congress St. B. H. Levy Orc COHEN’S BARGAIN HOUSE. WE DAVE RECEIVED THIS DAY 10,000 PAIR SAMLP EShom Os the Finest make, which Will be sold at $1.50 per pair. COME EARLY TO A VOID THE RUSH. Cohen’s Bargain House. 3. W. CORNER BROUGHTON AND BARNARD ST ESTABLISHED 1857 The Old Reliable House of JAMES HART & BRO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in inn Him fiinim, inis, ns. ups, us m wn. At The Lowest Market Prices. 11 Jefferson and 186 St. Julian Srteet, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA i .hr-' I i I 1 u a C hi l JU ;:.B. REPPARD. M. ALBERTSON. YELLOW PINE LUMBER FOR SALE AT wholesale and Retail, Planed or Rough. RFPPARD&Co Fast Broad and I ay’or streets, i« > * A vv I’v. sard MEN*- OF EMINENT, PROGRESSIVE AND RISING, —m-BY-m Vfof. W. J. D. D. With a brilliant introduction *»y Bishop H. M. Turner, D.D., LL.D. A Standard Work of Biography COMTAiam Sketches of the Lives of over 175 OF THE MOST Eminent Gclopgd Hen Os the United States. Africa, France, West Indies, etc. In Men of Mark are OVER 100 PORTRAITS Foster Bros, Practical Horse-hueing. Wheelwrights and Blacksmiths. Having given Our personal skill to the trade, we are prepared to execute work in all its branches in the best style and at the shortest notice. Walker street, Savannah, Ga.. J.E. HAMLET DEALER IN Beef. Veal and Mutton, Poultry, Eggs, TrgsUfet ui Fruits ts all toil in ta. Also, Full Line of GL’OUKKIKS and family supplies, Cor. Habersham &< harltoo Sts WM. SCHEIIIING DEALER IN Fin Family Mt: Liqucrs etc., Cor. Liberty and Drayton Street* Savannah, Ga. Pratt’s Astral Ol< —Safe.-t and best. ~*' " ; *''' a Li 1 1| IF-'JI 4Mb. ; 'fl : «K.' d FBOF. W. J. BIMMOHS. D. D. Making a work superior to anything on the market. Being strictly non partisan and non-sectarian, it sells to ail classes. It has over i too pages, and is elegantly bound in one royal octavo volume. PRICE ONLY $3.00. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. The work is sold only by subscrip tion, and there never was such an lY- client chance for active colo rd u and women to make mone . as we now offer. Write us at once or special tern s, circulars, etc. Geo. M. Rewell & C< CLEVELAND, a