The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, December 17, 1887, Image 2

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ns smiui num kfblO 1 . ... , - PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY | THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO.. ST. JULIAN STREET, N. E. CORNER MARKET SQUARE. . i n..i —» Subscription Rates. On* Year fl 25 , M's Rix Mouth* 75 Three Month* 50 Remittance* muit be made by Postal Note Money Order, Registered Letter, or Express. J. H. DEVEAUX, Manager. Rkqktkbko a* kkoond-clash mittkk at TgtHAVANNAH POST OFFICE. SATURDAY DECEMBER 17, 1887 To-day if the 70th birthday of the great American Poet John G. Whittier. One thing at lea-t is quite certain. Thia Congress will not remove the tax from whiskey.—Cincinnati Enquirer. This statement alone should quiet the nerves of our prohibition friends. The Republican National Con ven tion will meet in Chicago, 111. June 19, 1888. The Albany Evening Journal fa vors the Hon. Chancey M. Depew, as the Republican candidate for president. The Republicans of this country Can nii| the cause of its friends in the South by harmonizing on their Candidates for President next year. January I. is the anniversary of Freedom s Dav. Shall it be cele br t»*d io an appropriate manner i the question. If so it i* about time to tn <ke all necessary arrangements. A Now Y->»k wom m Ilan f»n|d lo>r hush md •<> another wom »n for SSO - Why we know of uome hi)*- hc-l. i v their wives would sell for 75 cents a piece. It is said that St. Louis, Mo., is the boss city for divorces, but if Savannah continues as she has in the matter of separation between man and wife in the pa-d year, she will wear the belt of being the boss divorced citv of the Union. The Republicans should nominate some man for President next year that Roscoe Conkling will sunport, and he will be elected.—Van Wert, <Ohio) Rep >ound Logic, but wi’l it be heed ed? The opportunity for paying your taxes will cease at 2 p. tn , this (lav Therefore if the advice that forth« past 60 dm a that we have been given to our friends w>«a no' heeded you will ba disfranchised in the Hext election or pay a double tax. Atlanta has the smartest set of editor on the continent —Chicago Inter- Ocean. Our friends of the Inter Ocean is right. The Atlanta ‘boys” are a regular set of ambidexters, biv they are gcod fellows. There is a re action against Prohibi tion in Georgia, North Carolina. lowa, and other States, in s »me of which it exists to a greater or less extent by vir tue of local option, and in others under a general law. On the whole, the Pro hibitionists have lost grnind during the past year, -New York Tribune. I’he cause of the movement losing groun ’ in Georgia came from the fact that the leadees <.f prohibitin'- in this Ma’e have not trtated the colored brethren with that comm n respect that is dnn from man to man. P. T. Barnum Writes a Story The opening chapters of a spb-ndid story for the yotine, by (he famous showman P. T Barnum, appears this week in the columns of The New York Fatuity St<»ry Paper. The story des cribes the adventures of an American b-iy, whom Mr Barnnms’ calls My Plucky Boy Tom" and whom he sent to India in search of wild, fierce, ami rare animals to r-placed thos • destroyed bv the disastrous fin- »t B id.epoit last month. The reader is ibnlkd by the hair-breadth escapes of this dauntless American boy when capturing the fiercest and wildest animals ever seen in any traveling show. The New York Family Story Paper is for sale at all aewa-atands. Communicated. Savannah, Ga. Dec. 15, 1887. Editor Tribunt Dear bir—l thought that there could be no bette- time than now to, impress this idea home to th” minds I of our people t<» pay their poll lax here we have in our midst this sion of the A. M. E. Conference those ministers should be impressed through your paper to call upon their charges to pay their poll tax. it re a duty that has been too long neglected by ns as a people. We ought at some time rise up en masse and lift off ourselves the stigma cast upon us by the dominant race that we do not appreciate freedom for ourselves as education for our children from the little interest manifested by us. It is the duty of of every colored man to pay his poll tax that the cause of education Ikg for want of our support and it I has been very often said and very I truthfully too, that the tax paid hy the white race h id to help educate the colored people’s children. No.v friends we can not longer submit to that imputation when we know that the same is true. Let us as a peo pie fry and redeem ourselves. How cm we expect due recognition when we do not equally bear our part of the public debt. Let us come out from the lethargie state into which we have fallen; that man has no lion- r that will fold up his hinds and allow another to edn cate his children without doing what in his power lie’ toward it himself. There are thousands of dollars annually squandered that would build for our children homes, institutions of learning and manu factories and every otln-r appropri ate place that a civilized people ought to possess. We cannot allow the education of the masses »o be neglected, for upon tliai alone de pends not only- our own elevation, l»nt the perpetuation of the idea <»t 1 Republican form of governmeru which is best teamed in ’be. schools ■t America taught bv AtnericiUi- Mth true American ideas. Yorns truly, W 'I. Matthews CALL FORAOONVENTIOti. To the Colored Citizeiu of Georgia', The matter of having a consultation meet ing of the leading colored men of the State, has been under discussion for some time On the 24t h day of November, 1887, a number of gentlemen, met in the City of Macon, Ga, In discuss the advisability of making a call. Af ter fully considering the matter, it was unani mously decided to invite the lea ling color 1 men of Georgia, to meet. In the city of Macon on Wednesday morning January 25th. 1888, at to o'clock The chairman of that meeting, Rev. W. .1 White was appointed to prepare and Issue a eali for this meeting. it is not deemed necessary to enter into de tails in this call beyond stating that we believe the time has come when the colored men of Georgia should meet consult and agree upon some wise course of future action, for the pro motion of the race’s welfare. After more than 2 > years of freedom and Its benefits, with thou sands of our people greatly advanced from the degratlon of slavery days, the colored n.e.n ut Georgia find a predominating sentiment among their white feilow citizens, to keep them in a condition largely assimilating to their condition when held in bondage But as tiiedarkest cloud has Its silver lining, so the colored men of Georgia see some rays of hope in the fact that a large number of the best white people of the Stale are ready and willing to give them a fair chance in the race of life. The present Chain-Gang and Penctentiary System of Georgia is simply barbarous, and vet no past legislature lias removed this foul blot Every attempt at improvement has failed and as matter of fact, the helpless con victs of Hie State are being made tlie subject* of cruelty far beyond the limit authorized by the statutes,even in providing for tlx- enforce ment of the most rigid discipline. The educa tional facilities afforded by the state are totally Inadequate to the needs of the people ami yet tiie colored people are deprived ot a just share of the small amount provided for this purpose Under the influence of an unrelenting ami senseless prejudice, the legislature at its last session, lias connected with tiie continuance of the annual appropriation of Kight Thousand Dollars to the Atlanta University, conditions which amount to a virtual withdrawal of this money from that school This action was taken In the face of the fact that appropria tions to the white institutions of learning wen* larger this than in former heart. The colored men of Georgia owe it to themselves, and their children to organize and unite their strength with the good white people of tiie Suite for the removal of existing evils and the aectirement of more of the ben tils to which tlivit citizen ship entitles them- Thiscall is addressed to all classes of our people mid we trust the people will interest themselves in raising monep tons s’st their leaders to attend. Ministers of the uosnel. School Teachers. Professional Men. the Farmer, the Merchant, tiie Me. lianic. tiie Artl zan. and the Wage-Worker, are Invited to at tend ' people who will not try to help them selves. cannot expect t.tilers to help them 1 .et us help ourselves and ask t iie laird to turn tiie hearts of ot hers to our help. |y AH those intend ng to go to the C tiv» ntion are requested to (forward their n im--s to me at once so that I ni.iv obtain red med fare. W. J WHITE Editor Ga Baptist Chairman W. H Young. Secret tv. ENDORSED AS FOLLOWS: Anthony Wilson, mem A, Henderson, Macon, tier house represents- Ga. fives for • amden Co A. o. Hill, Txigans- L. Crawford, memlier ville. Ga housi- of representa- s. V Pope. Waym-s --tlvesfor Me I iilosli boro. Gn county J \V. Searles, Jesup, Hon. P.O. Holt, Ma- tin con Ga Rev C. I Walker, Au- Hon Jeff lying, Macon, austa Ga G*. Rev J W Dunjee, John H Devenux, Ed- Augusta, Ga itor Savannah Tri- (<• v <» s Johueou, tiune 'uv >’• , Ga. S. W Easley, Jr. Editor Rev D Mcllorton. Au- Herald of Un i ted gusta. Ga. Cliurviies. Col A i< Johnson. R T Harvey, Editor Augusta, Ga Columbus Mesenger 'J W. Lyons, Augusta John W M» low. Edi- Ga tor Peopl ’s Choice T. M Dent, Augusta, J T Whi e. Business Ga Manager Pe op! e’ s a W. Wimberly, Au- Choice. gusta, Ga Rev C H. Brightharp,: H L Walker, Augus- Milledgeville, Ga. I ta.Ga Rev T E. Turner, Ma-P H Craig, Augusta con, Ga. G» Rev T M. Robinaon. Isaiali Blocker, Jr Au Macon, Ga i gusta, Ga. R. H. Hart, Macon,Ga. J C Greene, Augusta Rev. Thomas screen, Ga. Macon, Ga O L Cliutters, Augus- Walter P its, Mueon, ta. Ga Ga, J T Russell, Augusta. Rev. Jo) v Thomus. Ga Macon, tli. 'Robert Hatley, Augns- Rev Floy I Snelson,! ta.Ga. Mclntosh, G-i. 'David Lark, Augusto Ke» E. P. J <huMin, Ga. liawkltnvllie, Ga. Statb of Georgia, ] Camden County, j NOTICE THERE WILL BE sold at Sheriff’s Sale be * fore the Court House door of st. Marys, Ga . the First TUESDAYin February 18X8 the following property to wit: levied upon by s. C, Kelly, coroner of said county. Property known in st. Marys, Ga . as the property of Alexander Curtis, to satisfy the amount of one thousand three hundred and eighty dollars (11,880) claimed of him by John H. Russell, sherlf, bounded in st. Marys to wit: Lots No. 11 by Alexander church and margins, Nos 105 125,140,154, to river (including) No 11 to river (.east) on northeast corner of jot No 44, and running south on Ready street 218 feet to lot of John Richardson and Charles Hardee, and weston said lot 100 feet to lot of L A. Ru dolph, and north on said lot 218 feet to Deliing ham street thence east 100 feet on said street of place of beginning. Lot No. 24 bounded south by Bryan street, on north by premises of Fox A Burns, and further known as the Lipp man house and lot, tieing in tbe County of Camden, the same being known as the Griffin Bluff track of land containing 500 acres, the same being granted to George Brown. Febru ary 28, 1869, bounded as follows to wit: north by Clark A McMainr ra* land, east by W N. easy, south by St. Marys’river, west by Mayes land. S C. KELLY. Coroner Camden County, Georgia. THE M. W. GRAND LODGE A OF F. & A. M. FOR THE STATE: OF GEORGIA Savannah, GA ,Nov 21 1887 To The Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of all Lodges Under This Jurisdiction: BRETHREN: You are hereby summoned to attend the 34th Semi-Annual Communi cation of the Grand Lodge to be held in the City of Savannah, on TUESDAY December 27, 1887, at the Masonic Hail, corner Bay and Lincoln streets at 10 o’clock a. m. Blanks for making your returns are herewitd enclosed, which you will carefully fill out anh send to the Grand secretary as soon as possible after your election for officers, showing the names of tiie officers elected for the approach ing year You will also report to tiie Grand Secretary the number and names of the delegates who will attend the Communication, as soon a possible, not. later than December 15. (Efforts will be made to obtain reduced Railroad fare of which you will be duly advised). Important matters relative to the Union of tiie two Grand Lodges in this State will be considered, and other business of importance will be transacted By order, A K. DESVERNEY, J H. DVEAUX. Grand Master. Grand Secretary. TO MY FRC-NHS AMD FELLOW CITIZENS After 18 years service as deputy clerk of the Superior Ccurt of your county —during which time I have tried hard to merit your friendship and consideration, I now come before you and respectfully ask your votes and your influence for Clerk of the < ’oiltl. Your Fellow-Citizen, JAMES k. F. CARR, J. J. G uei;ird, HAIR CUTTING AND ShAVING Saloon. RAZORS PUT IN ORDER AND FOR SALE. Hair Cutting a specialty, 180 Bryan north side near Jefferson street. SAVANNAH, GA. No, 60. MADAME SMITH, Ths uh Star Fobs Tslkr. Those who wish to consult tier upon ttw affairs of life, in person or by mail, will re in ember to call at No. (in Price street. North east corner of .McDonough she uas been practicing this business for fifty years. She reveals the deepest secrets; unveils the future; gives successful lottery numbers; brings separated married couples and lovers together; brings back absent friends and recieant lovers; and causes speedy ami happy marriages. She has this gift from the \lniighty. she is acknowledged by all to be the Quf.f.n and Star Fortune Teller without a Superior. M RS. VIH i; HI \ H) i. i; 1-, I>. THE ONLY FHI-T ( I.ASA 00L01ED dOIMG HOUSE AND REST? IRAN T. Corner M est Broad and President Streets. SAVANNAH, - - GA "■ *' ~ I -Xr-.-—r.-xxtrrrx«r GREASE BEST IN THE WORLD* Its Qualities are actually o’.t k boxea of any other brand t: mAiumalOiU. UTGKT THK GENI’INe! FOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY IJanted Ageuts to Sell [ I the HISTOBY of ATlll bl? BLACK 1 ' PHALANX. * k‘»"t to rworvt th.- th* JI •'* <■>■' ■? Ce. ar* ’ r 'X. rT A 1775, isli. \ ‘• •rv Cot® l '• n n. s t to *Bl*ek*. io; urufit*. y <.>■ Tfr- Afß.a rr|wri t.. ... .* -V, jg t 1' 9bu« c i'k-v to for a 4 ,| literal httt».«r|. •», •%? out J • •** "U” MmUtamro. *• aU PUB’S CO a***- n*.<i**aiL COHEN’S BARGAIN HOUSE. WE HAVE RECEIVED THIS DAY 10,000 PAIR SAMPLE Show Os the Finest make, which will be sold at $1.50 per pair. COME EARLY TO A VOID THE RUSH, Cohen’s Bargain House. 3. W. CORNER BROUGHTON AND BARNARD ST ESTABLISHED 1857 The Old Reliable House of JAMES HART & 3RD., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in nin uhii i iiwiik, ■J, TOSS, ups, ms W lUffl. At The Lowest Market Prices. 11 Jefferson and 186 St. Julian Srteet, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA h i. vt’Tn L ill 1 V J 111 R. B. REPPARD. M. ALBERTSON. YELLOW PINE LUMBER FOR SALE AT wholesale and retail, Planed or Rough. REPPARD a Co East Broad and Taylor streets, in 8 F & XV Ry. yard. Free of Deception* WE HAVE TAKEN HOLD OF THE FARMER GIRL, One of the very best of stoves and assure onr customersthev cannot 'e surpassed for ex eellence in baking, Economy of Fuel, ami itesi-tance to wearand Tear. It takes only a few seconds to prove this throughout. LOVELL &, LATTIMORE, savannah, ga. OVERCOATS. FINE LINE OE OVERCOATS, BIWSSSIITS! DHESS SLITS; THE FAMOUS JAEGER SYSTEM SANI TARY UNDERWEAR: Our Spu.oml Direct linporta’imi. OT SUH JACKETS, A M) BATHrNG GOWiMS, HOSIERY. UNDERWEAR. NECK* EAR. wr c ireful Attention to Everv Visitoi LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. OOH “ KIC 'ABOUT ’’ SUIT With Extra Pants and Polo Caps for Boy- A GREAT CATCH, 161 Congress St. B. H. Levy & Bro, Foster Bros, Practical Hoise heeing heei wright* and Blacksmiths Having given Our personal skill to the trade. we are prepared t > execute work in all its branches in the best style aud at he shortest notice. Walker street, Savannah, Ga.. J.E. HAMLET DEALER IN Beef. Veal and Mutton, Poultry, Sggs, VegeUblss «t Fruits ci ill his is Season. Also, Full Line of GROCERIES and FAMILY SUPPLIES, Cor. Habersham &< harlton Sts WJI. SCHEIIIING DEALER IN Fiae Family Groceries Liquors eIl Cor. Liberty mid Drayton Streets Savannah Ga. Pratt’s Astral Oh —Safest and best CHARLES BACKMAN, Corner Congress ABull Streets.’ (Second Floor.) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Telephone Call No. 100, answered da; might. Ex racting Teeth One >ch, extracting Tr’eth r.nd Artificial feeth a specialty, f in- quality of'l •th P wder and Tooth BruslosTor sale. jyiERMS CASH. BWPffv? 6 **%*■§> *- kww yak i ' i' ' ■' "v. ■'MkJ’T'f ML x 1 ■■ 4 •■tv - - j • 1' s -^>'' , e ; I -4»^***^** J S 3 'SSHuL ~ ' 2 ‘’CLIW'-AXi ’ TOBACCO.