The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, May 05, 1888, Image 4

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CONVINCING GUARANTEES. Which are Justified by a World-Wide Experience. TO THE PUBLIC: Having branch houses and laboratories in seven different quarters, and therefore having a world-wide experience, we. H. H. Warner & Co., justify ourselves in making the follow ing statements: First.— Fpr the past decade we have held that 93 per cent of diseases originate in the kidneys, which introduce uric acid into the system, a poison that is injurious to every or gan, attacking and destroying first the organs which are the weakest. We have also held that if Ihr kidneys arc kept in perfect health most of the ordinary ailments will be pre vented, or, it contracted, cured. Other Sractitioners have held that extreme kidney is incurable. We have proof to the contrary, however, in hundreds of thousands of cases in every section of the globe. I Second.—The kidneys being the sewers of the human system, it is impossible to keep the entire system in good working order unless these organs are doing their full duty. Most people do not believe their kidneys are out or order because they never give them any pain. It is a peculiarity of kidney diet ease, that it may long exist without the knowledge of the patient or of the practition er. It may lie suspected If there is any gradual departure from ordinary health, which departure increases as ago comes on. Third.— We do not cure every known disease from one bottle. This is an imposti bility. Fourth.— Warner’s Safe Remedies have been recognized by the doctors and the peo ple all over the globe as standards of the highest excellence. Fifth. — We make the following unqualified guarantees: Guarantee 1. —That Warner’s Safe Rem edies are pure and harmless. Guarkntee 2.—That thetestimonialsused by us are genuine, nnd so far as we know, absolutely true. We will forfeit <5,000 for proof to the contrary. Guarantee 3.—Warner's Safe Remedies have permanently cured many millions of people whom the doctors have pronounced incurable. Permanent cures are always con vincing proofs of merit. Sixth.— Ask your friends and neighbors what they think of Warner’s Safe Cure. KEV. S. I*. ARNOLD, Camden, Tenn., had fearful abaceaaea caused by Kidney disease. In 1878 and 1881, other running abscesses appeared. He was* fully cured in 1982 by Warner's Safe Cure and in 1889 reported himself sound and well, and he la over TU years, old. MRS. ANNIK JENNEBB-MILI.ER, editress of Dress, 253 Fifth avenue, New York, eight yea s ago wa- cured of nervous prostration, when the best New England physicians could do her no good. She cured herself with Warner Safe (Jure, and writes in 1887: “To-day I am a perfectly wed woman. It is the only medicine 1 ever take." L. B. PRICE, M. I)., a gentleman and physician of the highest standing of Hanover C. 11., Va., four years ago, after trying every other remedy for Bright’s disease, Including famous mineral wa ters, cured himrelf by Warner's Safe Cure, and March 24, 1888, wrote: "I have never had the slightest symptoms of my old and fearful trouble. HERMAN URBAN, of .Mac Neale Urban, safe makers, Cincinnati. 0,, who was broken down by excessive business cares. He was fully restored to health four years ago by Warner a Safe Cure and has since been in robusth :abh. DR. DIO LEWIS wrote: “If 1 fouixl myself af flicted with a serious kidney disorder 1 would use Warner s Safe Cure.” MRS. K. J. WOLF, Gettysburg, Pa.; S. C. Farring ton. Gotha, Fla.; J. M. Long, 43 Fast 2nd street, Cincinnati,!).; and the sister of J. W. Westlake, ML Vernon, 0., were cured of consumption Caused by kidney acid in the blood, ns over half the cases are, by Warner's Safe Cure. We could give many thousands of similar testimonials. Warner's Safe Cure does ex actly us represented. Seventh. — Warner’s Safe Remedies were put on the market in obedience to a vow made by H. Il Warner that, if the remedy now known as Warner's Sure Cure, restored him to health he would spread its merits be fore the entire world. In ten years the de m&nd has grown so that laboratories have been established in seven quarters of the globe. Warner’s Safe Cure is a scientific specific — it cures when all the doctors fail, thousands of the best physicians prescribe it regularly, its power over disease is perma nent and its reputation is of the most exalted character. Can you afford longer to ignore its extraordinary power? Now, in the spring of the year, a few bottles will tone you up and cure all those ill feelings which,unknown to you, are caused by the fatal kidney poison in the blood, which will surely end fatally, if not at once removed. Forth s no other specific is known. The gaikwar of Banda, of India, his wife and a numerous suite, since their return to Baroda, from the jubilee fes tivities at London, were expelled from their castes on account of contamination in London. They have lately performed the prescribed penance, which cost the gaikwar about SIO,OOO, and were re-ad mitted to their respective castes. —— - To preserve oranges, wrap them in antisep* tic paper and pack In fine saw-dust. Popular Education. We sympathize with the feeling which often leads citizens to boast that no child born In this country need grow up in ignorance, and yet it is a fact that many people who have learned to read and write have never taught themselves to think. A man who suffered from catarrh, consumption, bronchiti , scrof ula, or “liver complaint,” might read, till his eves dropped out, how these and mativ other diseases have been cured by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, but if he did not Lake the lesson to himself and test the \ i t ues of this great medicine, his time would be thrown away. There is a policeman or constable for every MM) inhabitants in Ireland. NERVES! NERVES!! What terrible visions this little word brings before the eyes of the nervous. Headache, Neuralgia. Indigestion, Sleeplessness. Nervous Prostration. All sure then: in the face. Yet all these nervous troubles can be cured by using (*(, Pained elery For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TONIC Also contains the best remedies for diseased con ditions of the Kidneys, Liver and Blood, which always accompany nerve troubles. It is a Nerve Tcnic, an Alterative, a Laxative, and a Diuretic. That is why it CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. \ <I.OO a Bottle. Send for full particulars. \ WELLS RICHARDSON & CO.. Proßuetors. \ BURLINGTON. VT. A Railway The great strike on the “ Q ” road re minds me of a romance. Tn one of the towns on the main lino lives a man who for years has been in tho employ of the corporation which is now having trouble. From apprentice boy in tho workshop he worked his way up until he became an engineer. One night ho was called up and sent out on an extra. He had not gone far on his run when something danced before the glare of his headlight, and as quickly did he reverse his engine. Leaving the pilot, he walked down the track and found a child neatly wrapped and wide awake. He took it back to the pilot, made a cot for it, and proceeded on his run. On his return the waif of the road was taken to his home, adopted, reared and educated. She became one of the beauties of the little town, and grew into womanhood. The engineer, although nearly thirty-five years older than the pretty-faced creature, loved her, and they were married. The other day when there were ru mors of a strike, the old engineer ap pealed to his child-wife for advice, and she begged him to remain with the company and not desert the road on which he found her and from which he rescued her. He consented, and there is one of the old engineers who is true to the throttle. T have this little story r rom a gentleman who lives in the town where the old engineer makes his home. —Chicago Mail. “Ah me!” sighod Potts.“l’m tired of living, 1 he world Is follow, ambitio .'s vain.” “Come now!” said his chum, “I know the symptoms; It’s all your liver—that’s very plain. “You need not suffer, for help is • asy; Pierce’s Pe.lets to tho place. ‘A friend to the bilious,’ 1 well might call them—- There’s nothing be ter; they suit your case.” Potts ceased his sighing and b >ught the “Pel lets.” No more he mourneth his hapless lot! His face is cheerful, his heart, is lightsome, His melancholy is qu.te forgot! Out of nearly 1,000 applications for license to sell liquor in Pittsburg, Pa., 218 got them. If Sutterers from Consumption, Scrofula, Bronchitis, and General Debility will try Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites, they will find immediate re lief and permanent benefit. The Medical Pro fession universally declare it a remedy of the greatest value and very palatable. Read: "I have used Scott’s Emulsion in several cases of Scrofula and Debility in Children. Results most gratifying. My little patientstake, it with pleasure.” W.A.Hulbebt, M.D., Salisbury,lll. Nothing .More Dangerous “Than a neglected cough,” is what Dr. J. F. Hammond, professor in the Electic Medical College, says, “and as a preventive remedy and a curative agent, I cheerfully recommend Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein.” M. Legrand, a wealthy Parisian cooper, who bought the Legion of Honor, was kicked out. Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy cures when every other so-called remedy fails. There were in the universities of Germany during last Winter, 26,945 students. Use Long’s Pearl Tooth Soap for cleansing your teeth. 25c. at, Druggists. If afflicted with -ore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp son’s Eyewater. Druggists sell at 25c. per bottle. HHoseAches <~- r down your Jimbs Mean RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA OR KINDRED ILLS. fit Cu V D 4 K □RU GBI STS ’ * & dealers: Co. BALTO..MD. Don’t buy until you jljfind out the new iff JI Improve- Save the Ik fhi Middleman’s ®|L Profits. for Catalogue J. P. STEVENS & BRO, 47 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. OThe imVERS' GUIDE is issued March and Sept., each year. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor. mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dunce, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY. and you can make a fair estimate of tho value of the BUYERS’ GUIDE, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. “ JONES - v!® OpAYStH FREIC.HT Ton U iiijoa scalrs« r ® n Su-c! Bearings. Brau '’ *■ w. Tare Benni and Beam Bon fur SQ O" Rverx the > a e. Eor free price list martioa ihi* purr and addieaa r ® ,OHtS 0F SINGHAMT9M, • BINGHAMTON. N. W. Aininimft l’»«fi-. St . lUiWM, ■_ ■HIMI fa M 1 MU.I um U 111 I■ Ku 11Wl fur X) "culeM can s»v< ono-half, or m»r», by’orduring of tho Uhicaao Scale Co. Lilt* otbor useful artiutes, at less than wholesale ones. Catalogue Kitt K. Agents and Diw'era supplied. Address 4 II H AGO SCALI. t <>.. Cliicngu, 111. pM ■ Live at hom« an.l male mere moaey e-orUia«foruath.a IhIBVi at anvthing rl»v ie tbe world lather ava t'oatly outfit ruxu. Termi ram. A.tdrvw, Tut a * Co., Aufiule, Maine. That Tired Feeling la experienced by alnwwt every on» at thli season, and many people resort to Hood’s Sarsaparilla to drive away the languor and exhaustion. The blood, laden with impurities which have been accumulating for months, moves sluggishly through (the veins, the mind falls to think quickly, and the body Is still slower to respond. Hood’s Sarsapar.lla Is just what is needed. It purifies, vitalizes, and enriches the blood, makes tho head clear, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling, tones the nervous sys tem, and imparts new strength and vigor to the whole Ixxly. Hood’s Sarsaparilla s proven to be so va tly superior to any other sarsa parilla, or blood purifier, that one hat well said: “Its heal h giving effects upon the blood and entire human .irganism are at much more positive than the temedles of a quarter of a century ago as the steam power of to-da? is In advance of the si w and labori ous drudgery of years ago.” Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. 81; six for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Loweil, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar $93 Sewing Machine Free! V¥e want ona perton in every village, town and township, fa keep in their homes a line of our ABT BAMPLEB; to thosa who will keep and simply show these samples to those who call, we will send, free, the very best Sewing Machine manufactured In the world, with all the attachments. This machine is mada after tbe SINGBB patants, which have espired. Before the patents run out, this style machine, with ths attachments, was sold for it now sells for SSO. Reader, it may seem to you tbe most WONDERFUL THING ON EARI H, but you can secure one of these machines ABSOLUTELY FREE, provided your application comts in first, from your locality, and if you will keep in your home and show to those who call, a set of our elegant and un equaled art samples. We do not ask yon to show these sam ples for more than two months, and then they become your own property. ’1 he art samples are sent to you ABSOLUTELY FREE of cost. How can we do all this?—easily enough I W e often get as much as $2,000 or $3,00U In trade from even a small place, after our art samples have remained where they could be seen for a month or two We need one person in each locality, all over the country, and take thia means of securing them at once. Those who write to us at once, will secure, FREE, the very best Sewing Machine manufactured, and the finest general assort ment of works of high art ever shown together in America. All particulars FREE by return mail. Write at once ; a postal card on which to write to urs will cost you but one cent, and after you know all, should you conclude to go uo further, why no harm ia done. Wonderful as it seems, you need no capital—all is free. Addressat once, TRUE A CO , AUGUSTA, Maine. Doyouwant Inspirator? zl 2 5! n k Zs I® J /s n 3 /z 0=13=5.3 J/ JrMT J9Y~n. • c = -=-2 - i Hi ? 2 2 5 > Mianafi'W By return mall. Full Description k Moody'. New Tailor Sy.tem of Dre.. F labEs Cutting. MOODY & CO., Cincinnati, 0. <> I.D is worth SSOO per lb. Pettit’s Eye Salva is VX worth SI,OOO. bat is sold at 25c. a box by dealers. I kAfAf\ RH fyEMEDY | i Xm, i J a 1 If v i |l¥l ) a For a case of Catarrh in the Head which they cannot cure. CATARRH IN THE HEAD. SYMPTOMS OF TUT) DISEASE. -Dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from tho head into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid ;$ the eyes are weak; there is ringing in the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive mat ter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voice is changed and has a nasal twang”; the breath is offensive: smell and taste impaired; there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depres sion, a hacking cough and general debility. Only a few of the above-named symptoms are likely to be present in any one case. Thousands of eases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, result in consumption, and end in the grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive and dangerous, less understood, or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians. flnin.An J° u would remove an evil, strike at its Luinmun uENSE root - - A ‘ a the predisposing or real cause of w — catarrh is, in the majority of cases, some iRFATMFMT weakness, impurity, or otherwise faulty I ntHiiiiL.ill. condition of the system, in attempting to cure the disease our chief aim must be directed to the removal of that cause. The more we see of this odious disease, and wo treat successfully thousands of cases an nually at tho Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, the more do we realize the importance of combining with the use of a local, soothing and healing application, a thorough and persistent inter nal use of blood-cleansing and tonic medicines. j n cur j n g catarrh and all the various diseases with which it is so frequently complicated, as throat, bronchial, and lung diseases, weak stomach, ca- HFIIAMPF tarrhal deafness, weak or inflamed eyes, impure • 11-I.IHiSUL. blood, scrofulous and syphilitic taints, the wonder- 1 ", ful powers and virtues of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- ical Discovery cannot be too strongly extolled. It has a specific _Jsize of pellets. ‘ THE or ' ginal A- LIVEa PiLLS. PURELY VEGETABLE! PERFECTLY HARMLESS! V As a LIVED PILE, they are Incqiialed I > ■' AT.T.nST, CHEAPEST, EASIEST TO TA.ICE3. 1 / 7- I 1 Reware of Imitations, which contain Poisonous Minerals. Always ask for \\ Dr. Pierc’e’sPellets.which are little idle. \A Z y 7 or Anti-bilious Granules. ONE PELLET A DObt. /If T^-r°-„.. w .r si ck headache, TJr / ) IP. 25 Cents a Vial BiHons Headache. Dizrinosa, Con«H!»®*>ft ft /-7K / 70 vents a vial. ludißeMion. ttilioua Attack*, and all d rang - ' •*■*» ments of the stomach and bowels, are pror>H u.v BEING PI’RKI.Y VEOETABI.E, pi'e^e%’PeTl^'' o'f‘their ram edial Dr. Pierce’s Pellets ojH>rate without disturbance to mJthfunv e be B 2iid r, th t at R thSr < action ujwn tbe system is universal, not a the system, diet, or occupation. Put up in glass I,,r‘L1 ~r‘L- their iw ative influence. vials, hermetically sealed. Always trash and ralia- K IIUU * or tissue vacating • ...kobwsdiy MEDICAL ASSOCUTIUJI ble. As a geutle laxative, alterative, or active Manufactory! by WORLIFb DIM tNSAKt „ purgative, they give the moat perfect satisfaction. bUFFA.LX>,n. . Nearly everybody nea>is a good spring medicine like Hood’s Sarsapirilla to expel impurities which accumulate in the blood during the winter, keep up strength as warm weather comes on, c eate an ap petite and promote healthy digestion. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla aid you will be convinced of Its pecul iar merits. It Is the Ideal spring medicine—reliable, beneficial, pleasaat to :ake, and gives full value for the money. “I take Hood’s SarsaoariUa as a spring tonic, and I recommend it to all who have that mlsera de tired feeling. ’ C. Parmeijse, 349 Brllge street, Brooklyn, Make the Weak Strong “My appetite was poor, 1 could not sleep, had headache a great ileal, pains In my back, my bowels did not move regularly. Hood’s Sarsaparilla In a short time did m ■ so much g >od that I feel like a new man. My painsand aches ere relieve!, my appetite Improved. I say to others try Hood’s Sarsaparilla.” G. F. Jackson, Roxbury Station, Conn. I Sold by all druggists. 81S six for 85- Prepared only i by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass. _IOO Doses One Dollar DR.KILMER’S OCEAN-WEEP W’s SYMPTOMS IND CONDITIONS Thl. Remedy Will Relieve and Cure. If Ymir heart thumps after sudden effort, skips II |UU[ beats or flutters, if you have heart disease, faint spells, fits or spasms, If Ynn II I U U around the heart, or have heart dropsy, If Ymi have Vertigo, dizzy attacks, ringing in II lUU ears, disposed to nervons prostration, appoplexy, shock or sudden death, If Ymi have Neuralgia, Numbness in arms or II I UU limbs, darting pains like Rheumatism, Ocean-Weed cures and prevents going to heart Prepared at Dl.pen.orv. “GUIDE TO HEALTH,” Sent Free. Binghamton, N. Y. onrrppisTs. PRU E SI.OO. Dili a Great English Gout and Diail S I lilSs Rheumatic Remedy. Oval Box, 34) round, 14 Pills. f Copyright, ISS7. j effect upon the lining mucous membranes of tbe nnsal and other air-passages, promoting the natural secretion of their follicles and glands, thereby’ softening the diseased and thickened membrane, and restoring it to its natural, thin, delicate, moist, healthy con dition. As a blood-purifier, it is unsurpassed. As those diseases which complicate catarrh are diseases of the lining mucous mem branes, or of the blood, it will readily be seen why this medicine is so well calculated to cure them. ruT**". 8 A 8 a ' oca l application for healing the diseased condi ! I] fill I tion in the head, Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy is beyond uubMi. 1 a jj conl p ar ison the best preparation ever invented. H nf’FHT ll* ’ 8 mild an< l pleasant to use, producing no smarting 8 MUurs I. g or pain, and containing no strong, irritating, or caus &.-.w.aiwwwwirdl tj c drug, or other poison. This Remedy is a power ful antiseptic, and speedily destroys all bad smell which accom panies so many cases of catarrh, thus affording great comfort to those who suffer from this disease. i'" n ""■•'"■““■“"j Tbe Golden Medical Discovery is the natural I rERMAHENT | “helpmate” of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. It | 1 g not only c ] eanses< purifies, regulates, and builds 8 PiIDCQ B U P system to a healthy standard, and con- Uunuu. I quers throat, bronchial, ana lung complications, fimnnwsnraicmKzi v,’hen any such exist, but, from its specific effects upon the lining membrane of the nasal passages, it aids materially in restoring the diseased, thickened, or ulcerated mem brane to a healthy condition, and thus eradicates the disease. When a cure is effected in this manner it is permanent. Both Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy are sold by druggists the w'orid over. Discovery SI.OO, six bottles for $5.00. Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy 50 cents; half-dozen bottles $2.50. A complete Treatise on Catarrh, giving valuable hints as to clothing, diet, and other matters of importance, will be mailed, post-paid to any address, on receipt of a 2-cent postage stamp. Address, World’s Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. WELLS’ nmsißLE Velvet Cream, A Magic Com plexion Beauti tier for Face, IgiSg Neck and Arms ® -** Bfiag Elegant for |Si. dressing and ' new whitening the fpfer'PWaE skin. Unrivaled for Theatre.Re- \ ceptions. Balls. 1 Parties,Ac. Un- SScL equalled delicate trans- ~~ ~ parent white ness, soft youthful effect and fine finish. Harm less, doesnot roughen, draw, wither, nor in any way injure the most delicate or sensitive skin. Superior to any Powder. Paste or Liquid for toning down red or flushed face. Effaces Tan, Pimples, Coarseness, Sal, lowbicm, all blemishes and imperfections. sl. bottles at Druggistsand Fancy Goods Dealers, S' c y w- nre s‘‘.' on receipt of price. E. S. Wells, Chemist, Jersey City. N. J.,U.S.A. “ROUGH ON NEURALGIA,” SLCO. Drug? “ROUGH ON RHEUMATISM,”SI.SO.Drug. ROUGH ON ASTHMA,” $1.56. Druggists. - “ROUGH ON MALARIA,” $1.50. Druggists, or prepaid by Ex, E, S. Wells, Jersey City ROUGHoxCORNSsSF A T R &.gg s |sc, ROUGHoxTOOTHACHESgISc MfellOl ORGANS. Highest Honors at all Great World's Exhibitions since 1837. 100 styles, fi22 to SOOO. For Cash, Easy Payments, or Rented. Catalogue, 40 pp., 4to, free. PIANOS, Mason & Hamlin do not hesitate to make the extraordin ary claim that their Pianos are superior to all others. This they attribute solely to the remarkable improvement introduced by them in 1882, now known as the “MASON & HAMLIN PIANO STRINGER.” Full particulars by mail. BOSTON. IM Tremont St. CHICAGO, 149 Wabash Avfi. NEW YORK, 46 East 14th St. (Union Square). I GURE FITS ! Wher. f wiy cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return again. I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPIL EPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to cure the wore* cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of roy infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office. H. G. HOOT. M. C.. 183 Pearl bt. New York. SB" to a dny. Samples worth $1.50, FREE Lines not under the horse’s feet. Write V Brewster Safety Rein Holder Co.. Holly, Mich. PAIdIYI’S Bn*dneMM College, Phila.. Pa., Situa tions furnished. Life Scholarships S4O. Write. A. N. U Eighteen, ’8&