The Savannah tribune. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1876-1960, June 16, 1888, Image 2

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| snnsAH nism RjSHEiri: HO.’<y7h Y jC TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., ST JULIAN STREET, IpS. CORNER MARKET SQUARE. p< Subscription Rates. .tfYear 11 25 LAloatbc 7o fSe Montna W pittances must be made by Postal Note W| Order, Registered Letter, or Express. oja. DEVEAUX, Manager. kSkterfd as Second-class matter at Post Office. jyfIDAY JUNE 16, 1888 next President, John Sher- 1— m ?r unity prevail, and success ape assured. eo Geo. W. Hastings, Adju* ai-Geueral of Pennsylvania will int the name of Hon. John “’’man in the National Convene j c! on Tuesday next. y. Iq ’r Republican National Con tyion will meet in Chicago on ‘ n lday morning next, and will to order at 10 o’clock. It o be late in the day before the vol opening preliminaries will K|concluded, they will no doubt Madjourn for the day. giving the u |d>» of the different candidates tfeient time to caucus over the strength of the men of choice. Wednesday will open , all hands “eager for the* fray.” >t Sherman, no doubt, will lead on g irst ballot, but will lack suffi ■ i votes necessary to a choice. o Silaine’s friends, it is hoped on jjiext ballot, will then flop over inae support of Sherman, which 5 cfgtb, when combined, will be uf ;ient to make a choice. If om igictione, thus stated, are correct il( |w or Morton will receive the I ‘nation for second place on the ,jt. And with such a ticket )fl c ed by a good, sound and well hissed platform with no aboit esjlank inserted there can be no ’t of the general result. Let 1 ’vidious step be taken, but let ■ interest and success of the > be the first and only thought ts J the delegates. The people ol itAntire country will watch the feedings closely, and as the wires 1 Wednesday morning will flash ‘'“news of who shall lead the old party to victory, interest sq>nthusiasm until then will be >r Jested on all sides. «. ■ ■ I REPUBLICAN PROBLEM. IC€ je coming presidential election keje a turning point in the histo ke the country, and its result will I for ,many years to come. XrfWty that is successful in this ion Will undoubtedly retain con- Prff the government for a long E j .If the Democracy are suc hjpl, it will give them four years ret.of power, during which they r %o strengthen their position be vert difficult to dis ’’ them. If the Republican will mean that the Dem ‘rdjc party has been tried and Hl Wanting, and need not apply net. If the Republicans lose this 'qou, it will be a long time be sijjiey can expect to win again, <“*have as good a chance of win ■n; as they have now. It is. .’“‘fore,of the utmost importance 'i*ie welfare of the party, and of s. ountry, which we hold to be that the Republicans utilize every pu&s.blc chance icccess in the contest on which jttre about entering. It is to ho pped the convention soon to hint Chicago will realize the i h>l nature of of the situation. 'J{he weight of responsibility de- ;d upon it. aad will shape its 1 with the sole purpose and to »'<■ ngle end of securing a Repub* ‘.•it victory in November. If Priis any other sentiment to be any other theory to be en irtf, any personal or factional iat'ls to be settled, any old debts Ridges to be paid off, let them indefinitely postponed or k * trily pitched out of the win- | > If the convention admits to I >roe rations any thing at war he plain conditions of su cess ieated by the existing situa utlnd by passing events, it will JMtbful to its duty to the R-- %an party and the country.- SSapulie Journal. ra due sn mar. TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE AT THE TABERNACLE CELEBRATE THE BAPTISTS’ CENTENNIAL. The big tabernacle was crowded on Sunday last. |Tlie exercises commenced at 11 o’clock. Rev. E. R. Carter, of Atlanta, addressed the congregation, bis subject being. “The Dignity and Qualifications of a Gospel Minister.” The minister said among other truths “the min ister ought to be educated, because his is the most difficult work to be done. His is the hardest book to understand.” Rev. T. M. Robin son, of Macon, spoka on the same subject in bis usual eloquent man ner. Rev. Alexander Harris, the old est Sunday School Superintendent in Savannah, called the Sunday School to order in the afternoon, and praise service was conducted by J. H. Brown, President State Sunday School Convention, afrer which a poem, “Through D”ath to Life.” was read by Ntoini G. Brown Addresses were delivered by Rev. Watson, of South Carolina, and Prof. James Ross, Principal of the East Broad Street School, and the exercise® defied by singing, “Mas ter the tempest is raging” by the congregation. MONDAY. Another great crowd assembled On Monday. Th« services com menced with an addr-ss by !’• v. Stephen D Raiser, Ins subject b - ing. “The Evils of liifeinpenuice.” Rev. M. B. McCrary followed on the subject. “Are we advancing as a denomination ?” He stated tha’ the Baptists have 26.060 churches. 16,596 ministers, and 2,296,327 members. Prof. H. L. Walker spoke on “Our Duty Toward th*® Baptist In stitutions of our country.” Kddres* es were also delivered by Rev. J W. Durijee on the “Duty of the Pastor to the Church,” and Prof. Isaiah Blocker on the “Duty of t‘'e Church to the Pastor.” Revs, J L. Dart and E. J. Fisher spoke ii iho evening. TUESDAY. After the religious services this dav, an old woman supposed to be about 117 years of age was intro duced on the stage. She was bap tized nearly 100 years ago. Her name is Mary Jackson ; she was horn on John M< Queen’s plantn tion on Bull’s Island, 8. C. The old woman created a profound im pression as she related in her fee ’de and tremulous voice little inci— den sos the early leaders ot the Baptists in Savannah an hundred v»nrs ago. Rev. Love had he ird of the existence of this old soul and had her brought to the city as a liv ing witness < f the organization of the First African Baptist Church and its early struggles. WEDNESDAY. Wednesday was the last dav of the Baptist Centennial Celebration. Tn th* morning. Rev. Henrv Ja-k son delivered himself on “The Pu rity and Work of the Church,” in which he took occasion to denounce all mc et societies in goner il, and the Ma-onic fraternity in particubr a* being antagonistic to the church Considering that a very large per centage oi the best ministers are embers < t some secret order or other, it is likely that Rev, Juekaou s ideas of purity in the church will not be materialized in the near fu ture. “Christian Baptism” was descant ed upon by Rev. Dr. J. H. Kilpat rick. of "White P ains, in a very in teresting manner. In the afternoon the doctor preached an able ser mon on “No Royal Road to Church Prosperity.” Resolutions of thanks to the citi zens of Savannah and the railroads were adopted. Rev. W. J. White, chairman of the Centennial Committee deliver ed an eloquent speech thanking the brethren for ron*i<lerations shown I him in his official capacity im<! p ‘i - sonally. He felt thankful to God for I the great success which attended the Centennial Cel b ation. The congregation snug “B’.est he the tie that hinds, ou- 10-arts in Cbris'iau love.” nnd took the part ing.hand with much rej .icing and -‘ the benediction pronounced by Rev. J. C. Bryan, president of the Bap tist Missionary Association, and the fact was freely remarked that the Baptist Century was commenced by a Bryan and ended by a Bryan. MHfff are those who read n in LY’-ais and then act; they will find hon ihlVUa Jorable employment that will not take them from their homes and families The profits are large and sure for every indus trious person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It is easy for any one to make |5 and upwards per day, who is willing to work Either kox, young or old;capital not needed; we start you. Everything new No special ability required; you, reader, can do it as well as any one Write to us at once for fnll particulars, which we mail free. Address .Stinson <fc Co.. Portland, Me, CEMMBEWKWBB3M—WMWZWABMNMEyNMiBIIBr'niENV'' H Nil—■ IT"" FRANKLIN F. JONKB 4T STALL HO. 31, IN THE MARKET, Announce® to hi« friendi and the public that be keeps on hand a fresh supply of the. best Beef, Veal and Mutton, also all kinds of game when in season, and will toe glad to wait on his customers as usual with politeness and promptness. His prices are reasonable and satisfaction is guaranteed. Goods delivered if desired. DON’T FORGET. STALL NO. 31. advice to mothers- Are vou disturbed at night and broken of your rest by asick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? if so, send at, once and get a bottle of Mbs. Winslow’s Sooth ing sykup for Children Teething. Its value is Incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomacn and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums reduces inflammation, and gives tone and en ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslows Soothing Sykuf for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physcians in the United Statees, and is for sale ny all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. MARTIN W. SULTER -Dealer in- (Jhoice Groceries, Liquors < tc., Lias removed to his new store Cor. Price and Gordon Streets, Where he will be glad to see his old friends and the public generally. New stock of goods on hand, BIUURQ & POOL -—x arlors. NO. 78i DECATUR ST. DOWN STAIRS Fine cushioned tables of the mast • •ostly and improved make. Cigars nd Tobacco, Soda Water and M'»x- ■ e Beer. Give mb a trial, strangers welcomk MILES WORTHY, Prorietor. George Dieter Jr. -DEALER IN— Choice Groceries, Wines, Liquors & Segars, VV ATERS ROAD & BOLTON ST. A. H. COOPER. H. N WALTON. - Wi Sil4 i jPB ? ® W c v SS "■ Cooper & Walton, Custom Made Clothing a Specialty. A full line of Foreign and Dom r ’ s *ic Gnr. ’c a |. I ways on ha Cleaning and Repairing, Binding Scouring ue.oly oo liv . 197 Congress St., SaVaNNAH, GA. The Racket C 0 D —S TOR E. — UNDER HALL —BARNARD STREET- NET SPOT CASH AGAINST CREDIT. We buy and sell for cash and save you a cred it tax of 25 to 50 per cent. "QUICK SALES AND SMAIFpROFITS”. “ONE PRICE ONLY,” Come and examine our prices in the follow ing lines and see how much we will save in dollars. The old. young, white and colored ali share alike in securing these low casu figures l,ltY y 0 srAT 'o.Vaftr ’ H.*Ts c J ’ 8a0£ «. GLOt'Es O.v nARDWAB^c„ 4c . HEM’S fIRIISUIIG GOODS. MADAME SMITH, The aii SUt tans Tellsr. Those who wish to consult her upon the affairs of life, in person or by mail, will re in ember to call at Marga r e t Street, two doors west of West Broad street. She has been practicing this business for fifty years. She reveals the deepest secrets; unveils the future; gives successful ottery numbers, brings separated married couples and lovers together; brings back absent friends and recreant lovers; and causes speedy and happy marriages. She has tills gift from the Amlghty. She is acknowedged by a! to be the QvEkn and star Fortune Teller without a Superior. P. B. GIBSON, Dealer in fiist cl as- Family Groceries, — Tobacco, Cigars, Bacon, Flour, Sugar Coffe Tea, Lard, Butter, Cod Fish, Can Goods, Soap, Peas, Meal, Grits, Rice, Mackerel &c.. &c. &3r“And ask the patronage of all friends and will deliver all goods if requested by the purchaser. COR. SIMS & WEST BOUNDARYS TS. Savannah., G-a.. w’Plmi' LI ( W-- R. B. REPPARD. C. V. SNEDEKER, YELLOW PINE USIBEB FOR SALE AT wholesale and retail, Planed or Rough. REPPARD & Co East Broad and Taylor streets, in S F & W Ry. yard. iMMMHiiBiMr ni rn'ißa riiiiii i These Prices Smoked Shoulder,4, 5,6, 7 and 8 cents. Smoked Hams, 5, 6 7, and 8 cents. Sugars, 5, 51 6, and 61-2 cents. Flour, bbl, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00. Tobacco, lb. 18, 20, 25, 27 and 1-2 and 30 cents. All other goods in propor« tion Now is the time for cash customers M. J. DOYLE, CHAIMS BACKMAN, Corner Congress &Bull Strcats. Second Floor.) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Telephone Call No. 100, answered da; or night. Extracting Teeth One DcJa •ich. extiae’ing T<eth .nid Artificial Teeth a specialty. Fine quality of Tooth Powder and Tooth Brushes for sale. IyTERMS CASH. EXHAUSTED VITALITY THE SCIENCE OF LIFE, the great Medical Work of v'b.e aye on Manhood, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untolii miseries consequent thereon. 3i*i pages Svo, 125' prese-ri; tl ns for all Cloth, full gilt, only »1.00, b; ■■ nail, sealed. Illustrative sample free to all young and middle-aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the Na tional Medical Association. Address P. O. box ISHS. Boston, Mass., or Dr. W, H. PARKER, grad uate of Harvard Medical College, 25 yours’ practice in Bceloc, who may becoasultod oonfldenUa'ly. Specialty, Dlmnwos of Mau. Office Mo, rt. , ■MaMMMMnMSMMaMaMMU' t*H> NRNNSea wonders <x>»t In tiieusande IIL'PUot torm-, oui uro surpittsed by.tlm mar- ' i ■■■! v * *' iuv.-ultOM Those who urc in ii<i i profitutde work tint cun G-done VI _ . Killld Ot . ,1..-.- ...11.l (lull- , h .. to il tt A- Co., Portland, Maine, and r«s ve frn t ill iuloriuaUou If* either wx ut ..... io i r-i tnnn »> t-'25 |*r uny und I hum ai d- where* •r t In-y ii .e. v»u nre slaru-d >n< . <piL. ..ot i< (Ulieii. isMAe l.ate iu»U< . ox«r ♦ I', u eiugie way at thia w vi 4 All auu- i W d. | F. C, Lambert, DENTIST. Cor. Houston snd South Broad Street. Special attention given to children’s teeth. Irregularities corrected. Visits made night or day. Teeth extracted with out pain; PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY. Whole or partial sets of beautiful ar tificial teeth, inserted on gold, platina, pure silver, or vulcanite rubber, warrant ed equal to any work done. Embody ing the most modern and scientific im provements; which for beauty, durabili” ty and moderate charges cannot be sur passed. Patronage respectfully solicited “ DR. sTcTPARSONS SaYS the people keep a com ing to be examined free of charge at his office and drug store, corner Liberty and Montgom ery streets for skin, blood, liver, lung and throat diseases, kidney complaint, female weakness, rheumatism, old sores; deformed sore e J’ es ’ rft- 8 ! loss of manhood and all affections of the body. As his vast experience as a doctor ebtained in different countries and hospitals enables nim to detect disease where it would be overlooked by others. Asa doctor for ladies he has no equal and cure the worst cases of diseasee of women. He alsojexamines and treats the eye for all diseases and keeps a full line of spectacles eye glasses, etc. It Is the headquarters of Dr S. C Parson s medicines, electric supporters,electric belts, electric lung protectors, electric hosiery, belts, trusses, splints, crutches; ladies’ doily or toilet bells, suspensories shoulder braces, pile trusses pile pipes, artificial limbs, and all sur gical appliances for deformities made to order, a full ine of drugs ehemicas, herbs, roots and barks A Fair Trial, mil ERE can be no excuse now upon the part ot my people for not trad ing with me, for I have removed to the corner of East Broad and Wheaton Stsl and keep on hand at all times, a full supply of choice Groceries, Liquers and Cigars. Come and see me if you only spend 5 cents. Y< urs, W. H. MATTHEWS. COAST LINE Rail Road. Cathedral Cemetery. Bonaven tube and Thunderbolt. SUNDAY SCH EDULE OUTWARD inward. LEAVE LEAVE I LEAVE SAVANNAH. BONEVENTUREI THUNDERBOLT. 5:00 A.M. 7:15 A M. 7:10 A. M. 9:35 “ 9;05 •’ 9:00 •’ 10:35 “ 10:05 “ 10:00 11:45 “ 11:05 “ . 11:00 “ 2:15 P.M 12:40 P.M. 12:35 P M. 3:01 “ 2:40 “ 2:35 “ 4:00 “ 3:st) “ 3:25 5:00 “ 4:30 ” 4:25 6:00 ” 5:30 “ 5:25 “ 6:30 ” 6:30 “ 6:25 ” R. E. COBB, Superintendent, IMiTilnT DEALER IN FINE FAMILY GROCERIES •> Wines, Liquors, CIGARS & TOBACCO. DRAYTON AND STATE STS. SAVANNAH, GA. PONGEE COATS —AND VESTS.— PONGEE HELMETS Flannel, Alpaca & Soils For Men and Boys, $4.75 Big Bargain for Boys THE KCKAB2UT SUITS With extra pants and hat for $4.75 leads the town. 2500 PAIRS £ FINE PANTS From $1,50 to §5 00. The biggest slaughter of this year. All fine stylish goods. We have too many and must —get rid of sonn llAilthS J.HKtiS AMI Al'HiiAS, We are the leaders and will please every customer. B. H. Levy & Bro, 161 Congress St. monumental Corn Slieller The Safest, Surest. Quickest and befd cure for Corns, Bunions And M arts, Shells off their further grouil.. stop® nil pain; gives no trouble; ei.»ui< 8 com fort to the Let; makes w-lking easy. Don’t cuff-r anv bngi r from these painful excrescences but remove iha® wi<h Corn Shelter Price Only 15 c«pts. For Salo toy ali Druggist* I. • i